Key inflation cause: Republican policy

I lay the blame of inflation on GW Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden, and 107th thru 116th US Congress. Sooner or later cheapening money through deficit spending is going to bite you in the ass.

You’re off topic. This is about the impacts on inflation.

The thread title specifically says ''Key Inflation Cause"

Though you've only actually attempted to discuss some effects of it, when asked to clarify your understanding of what inflation actually is.
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i thought you were being sarcastic.

And NO - I did not make it up. The degree to which government workers are exploiting the telework system is legendary around here. (I’m in DC.) You should see them in the summer - hogging all the chairs in the sun at the pool, reading their novels.

It’s necessary. I would have liked to see the money allocated for 87,000 IRS agents to go after the small business owners and middle class to be diverted to border protection. Instead, the leftists put in $800 million to SUPPORT the illegals by moving them into hotels and providing meals.
how do you know they are govt workers?...i worked 33 years for the govt and could not tell if someone by the pool reading a book was a govt worker....just curious...
There is such a thing as Demand Side Inflation and
Supply Side Inflation.
Unless it's too taxing in explaining how high prices
themselves destroy Demand.Which themselves result in
lower prices.
Are we currently in a Supply side Pull or a Demand side Pull ?
It finally started to end. It had to. The Fed knows it screwed up.

They'll never raise the rates to where they should be in a genuine free market environment.

They're raising them just enough to induce stagflation.

And what little they have raised them is too little, too late anyway.

Democrats aren’t perfect they are just less worse for the economy than republicans who say one thing and impose policies that do the exact opposite with the support of ignorant uniformed and uneducated followers.

And I am paid…in maga tears. My favorite currency. It’s widely available with low gas prices, low unemployment, and slowing inflation along with record paychecks.

Your first mistake is asserting that there are still two distinct "parties" with their distinct ideologies.
Fact of the matter is that the federal government has long assisted those entities preferred by the Corporate Cartel hegemony because it is the influence of large corporations and the deepest pockets that have the most influence over the nations direction. So the mainstream political parties are now essentially one...the Corporate Cartel Hegemony. NOT the way it was supposed to be but the way it is unfortunately.

The "Republicans" you speak of aren't really the Republicans indeed. Congress and basically all of the federal government now serves the Corporate Cartel first and foremost. You know this, of course, but for convenience may pretend not to. Or you are benefiting from the Cartel.

We have all seen substantial tax increases since Biden took office. Even though he campaigned on a promise of "No new taxes if you earn less than $400,000"....yet massive taxes have been levied and the IRS set to attack. There was essentially no internet tax until Biden. Now it's tentacles extend even to purchases overseas. I have never seen such an empowerment of taxation and the audacity to which it is being applied under Biden.
People generally thrive when left alone to create and prosper from their actions. The current government is greedy and wants to suck all prosperity from the People to endow itself (The top wealthy Corporate Cartel members) through massive taxation, regulation and restriction of rights.
As in ALL countries before, this never leads to the best place for the people of a nation in the long run if there is a nation with true freedom and less government interference to offer alternatives.

The policies you love and support so much may line your personal pockets for whatever reason you have aligned yourself, but for most Americans it is not so bright. Democrats (the Corporate Cartel Feral Government) are strangling Americans with taxes and inflation. How you see this as a good thing and boast of how much better Democrats are for society is stunning.

And for the record, the most extreme ignorant seem to vote Democrat.
Oddly, Greenspan came around to understanding the error of failed monetary policy after he retired.
Not so fast.The Greenspan years were a sort of boon.
It was Pols { like Chris Dodd and even Bill Clinton } who
demanded that Home Ownerships and Mortgages be
a priority at all cost.Where down payments on a house
mortgage and Income verification were done away with.
Absurdist new agenda for Mortgages.But Bush 43 did
receive kudos for acheiving the highest rate of Home Ownership
among Blacks in history.
But then The Secondary Mortgage Markets started going
under { particularly Fannie Mae }. Barney Frank was partly to
blame.Chris Dodd retired and former Clinton head Franklin Raines
managed to elude prison and skate off into the sunset with a
heady golden parachute.
The inflation of 2021/2022 is undoubtably the result of key Republican policy failures specific to the workforce and oil pricing. These two Republican pressures behind the worldwide supply availability are the three direct causes of inflation. Mic drop.

1. Labor shortage - 3.5M deficit in workers
  1. Declining immigration
  2. Covid deaths
  3. Early retirees due to safety
2. Gas prices
  1. Oil rig shut downs during Trump - over 600
  2. Negotiated reduction in OPEC - over 2M B/D
3. World wide supply shortage
  1. This is not the pubs fault as it’s affected every country.

Irrefutable Data:

Their exit is causing a ripple effect. Between early retirees, “a surge in deaths,” and a decline in immigration, the American labor force is missing about 3.5 million people, Fed chair Jerome Powell said in late November. The excess retirements in particular “might now account for more than 2 million of the 3 ½ million shortfall in the labor force,” he said. Experts worry the shortfall could make it harder to tame inflation.

Oil rigs in use at the end of January:

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You must be getting dizzy from all that spinning. Why can't you get over the fact that Biden won the election and has been president for two years now? Why are you an election denier?
Yes, paying people not to work. Not a good idea.
The number of people on EBT is approaching 45 million.....Maybe more by now as I only had 2021 figures to go by. That and it seems it has been totally disconnected from the unemployment rate or job availability.

The landslide started during the Halfrican's eight-year reign of misery (21 million were on it when he took office) and has only gotten worse.
The thread title specifically says ''Key Inflation Cause"

Though you've only actually attempted to discuss some effects of it, when asked to clarify your understanding of what inflation actually is.
We all agree that inflation is rising prices that reduce purchasing power. No one. No one on the planet defines inflation as money supply increases. That is an actual contributor. You are totally backwards. Feel free to clear it up.
how do you know they are govt workers?...i worked 33 years for the govt and could not tell if someone by the pool reading a book was a govt worker....just curious...
They’re people I know, at my own community pool. They all work for the government - and even laugh about it.
Your first mistake is asserting that there are still two distinct "parties" with their distinct ideologies.
Fact of the matter is that the federal government has long assisted those entities preferred by the Corporate Cartel hegemony because it is the influence of large corporations and the deepest pockets that have the most influence over the nations direction. So the mainstream political parties are now essentially one...the Corporate Cartel Hegemony. NOT the way it was supposed to be but the way it is unfortunately.

The "Republicans" you speak of aren't really the Republicans indeed. Congress and basically all of the federal government now serves the Corporate Cartel first and foremost. You know this, of course, but for convenience may pretend not to. Or you are benefiting from the Cartel.

We have all seen substantial tax increases since Biden took office. Even though he campaigned on a promise of "No new taxes if you earn less than $400,000"....yet massive taxes have been levied and the IRS set to attack. There was essentially no internet tax until Biden. Now it's tentacles extend even to purchases overseas. I have never seen such an empowerment of taxation and the audacity to which it is being applied under Biden.
People generally thrive when left alone to create and prosper from their actions. The current government is greedy and wants to suck all prosperity from the People to endow itself (The top wealthy Corporate Cartel members) through massive taxation, regulation and restriction of rights.
As in ALL countries before, this never leads to the best place for the people of a nation in the long run if there is a nation with true freedom and less government interference to offer alternatives.

The policies you love and support so much may line your personal pockets for whatever reason you have aligned yourself, but for most Americans it is not so bright. Democrats (the Corporate Cartel Feral Government) are strangling Americans with taxes and inflation. How you see this as a good thing and boast of how much better Democrats are for society is stunning.

And for the record, the most extreme ignorant seem to vote Democrat.
Telling a Democrat they are " ignorant " is like whistling for
Flipper to come over to the rowboat while listening for advice
as to how to make sure that rowboat over yonder with the
obvious wealthy White Professionals don't get a bite.
And then expecting Flipper to raise up out the water
and go backwards real quick-like as if to say ...
Yassums Boss
The inflation of 2021/2022 is undoubtably the result of key Republican policy failures specific to the workforce and oil pricing. These two Republican pressures behind the worldwide supply availability are the three direct causes of inflation. Mic drop.

1. Labor shortage - 3.5M deficit in workers
  1. Declining immigration
  2. Covid deaths
  3. Early retirees due to safety
2. Gas prices
  1. Oil rig shut downs during Trump - over 600
  2. Negotiated reduction in OPEC - over 2M B/D
3. World wide supply shortage
  1. This is not the pubs fault as it’s affected every country.

Irrefutable Data:

Their exit is causing a ripple effect. Between early retirees, “a surge in deaths,” and a decline in immigration, the American labor force is missing about 3.5 million people, Fed chair Jerome Powell said in late November. The excess retirements in particular “might now account for more than 2 million of the 3 ½ million shortfall in the labor force,” he said. Experts worry the shortfall could make it harder to tame inflation.

Oil rigs in use at the end of January:

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View attachment 743244
You littler Moon Bat inbred retards blamed all of The Worthless Negro"s failures on somebody else so now you are blaming Potatohead's failures on somebody else. Just the type of confusion and dishonesty we always get out of you dipshits.

You little assholes live in a world of lies and denial.

This dumbass Potatohead had a 46 year record of always being wrong on everything. Even the Worthless Negro said to never underestimate the ability of him to fuck things up. Now that he stole the election and is doing exactly that the Worthless Negro said would happen you deranged Moon bats are trying (poorly) to put the blame elsewhere.

Grow up Moon Bat. You are embarrassing yourself.

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