Key inflation cause: Republican policy

i thought you were being sarcastic.

And NO - I did not make it up. The degree to which government workers are exploiting the telework system is legendary around here. (I’m in DC.) You should see them in the summer - hogging all the chairs in the sun at the pool, reading their novels.

It’s necessary. I would have liked to see the money allocated for 87,000 IRS agents to go after the small business owners and middle class to be diverted to border protection. Instead, the leftists put in $800 million to SUPPORT the illegals by moving them into hotels and providing meals.

Spending is needed, except for when you want to hit the other side over the head for it.

Thanks for supporting my argument.
Yeah, global inflation exploded right after Biden took office, because of Biden.


This is what I was talking about regarding Trumpsters. The Dunning-Kruger Effect in all its glory.
Restricted supply in an opening economy was the main driver world wide for sure. That was further driven by terrible Republican stewardship albeit to a lesser extent than the supply issue.
The inflation of 2021/2022 is undoubtably the result of key Republican policy failures specific to the workforce and oil pricing. These two Republican pressures behind the worldwide supply availability are the three direct causes of inflation. Mic drop.

1. Labor shortage - 3.5M deficit in workers
  1. Declining immigration
  2. Covid deaths
  3. Early retirees due to safety
2. Gas prices
  1. Oil rig shut downs during Trump - over 600
  2. Negotiated reduction in OPEC - over 2M B/D
3. World wide supply shortage
  1. This is not the pubs fault as it’s affected every country.

Irrefutable Data:

Their exit is causing a ripple effect. Between early retirees, “a surge in deaths,” and a decline in immigration, the American labor force is missing about 3.5 million people, Fed chair Jerome Powell said in late November. The excess retirements in particular “might now account for more than 2 million of the 3 ½ million shortfall in the labor force,” he said. Experts worry the shortfall could make it harder to tame inflation.

Oil rigs in use at the end of January:

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View attachment 743244
Real cutesy thar Barney Fife.Standard scumbagger logic.The same
kind of pathetic garbage used to drive the BLM narrative.
Which it turned out was used { Summer of Love } to take
out any Trump popularity and super ensure his loss in the
coming November Presidential Election.Where to further
add insult the RNC made a big deal at their August Convention
over that Summer of Love " violence ". And Deaths!.
Where the DNC at their August Comvention couldn't be
bothered to raise any mention of that - Summer of Love -
" violence ". I guess you expect that We the People just hold
our breath because that's how Trump managed to give us Oil
Independence and sales of such abroad.Or record Low Unemployment
of blacks and hispanics.It just happened.Like wishing upon a star.
Take yer godforsaken woke pile of vile pablum and have a
good hangover.
Real cutesy thar Barney Fife.Standard scumbagger logic.The same
kind of pathetic garbage used to drive the BLM narrative.
Which it turned out was used { Summer of Love } to take
out any Trump popularity and super ensure his loss in the
coming November Presidential Election.Where to further
add insult the RNC made a big deal at their August Convention
over that Summer of Love " violence ". And Deaths!.
Where the DNC at their August Comvention couldn't be
bothered to raise any mention of that - Summer of Love -
" violence ". I guess you expect that We the People just hold
our breath because that's how Trump managed to give us Oil
Independence and sales of such abroad.Or record Low Unemployment
of blacks and hispanics.It just happened.Like wishing upon a star.
Take yer godforsaken woke pile of vile pablum and have a
good hangover.
Nothing says copied and pasted nonsense like badly formatted text.
The inflation of 2021/2022 is undoubtably the result of key Republican policy failures specific to the workforce and oil pricing. These two Republican pressures behind the worldwide supply availability are the three direct causes of inflation. Mic drop.

1. Labor shortage - 3.5M deficit in workers
  1. Declining immigration
  2. Covid deaths
  3. Early retirees due to safety
2. Gas prices
  1. Oil rig shut downs during Trump - over 600
  2. Negotiated reduction in OPEC - over 2M B/D
3. World wide supply shortage
  1. This is not the pubs fault as it’s affected every country.

Irrefutable Data:

Their exit is causing a ripple effect. Between early retirees, “a surge in deaths,” and a decline in immigration, the American labor force is missing about 3.5 million people, Fed chair Jerome Powell said in late November. The excess retirements in particular “might now account for more than 2 million of the 3 ½ million shortfall in the labor force,” he said. Experts worry the shortfall could make it harder to tame inflation.

Oil rigs in use at the end of January:

View attachment 743240

View attachment 743244
1.) Labor Shortage is caused by lack of replacement population brought on by DemNazi Extermination of 70 Million Babies.
2.) Supply Chain Shortage is caused by The Great Reset and Biden and Friends trying to restrict the economy so they can impose The Great Reset.
3.) Inflation is caused by Idiot Joe not knowing how to do his job, and associated with points 1 & 2.
Labor Shortage is caused by lack of replacement population brought on by DemNazi Extermination of 70 Million Babies.
Supply Chain Shortage is caused by The Great Reset and Biden and Friends trying to restrict the economy so they can impose The Great Reset.
Inflation is caused by Idiot Joe not knowing how to do his job.
Abortions are way down near historic lows. Next idea?

Restricting the economy hasn’t impacted supply chains, opening them up has. That’s was temporary. The issue on supply is labor availability in other countries due to sickness and death.

For someone calling Joe an idiot you got a bunch backwards.
Abortions are way down near historic lows. Next idea?

Restricting the economy hasn’t impacted supply chains, opening them up has. That’s was temporary. The issue on supply is labor availability in other countries due to sickness and death.

For someone calling Joe an idiot you got a bunch backwards.
Oh stop your spin. Replacement Population is the single biggest factor in any economy. Take 70 Million Workers, Taxpayers and Consumers out of the Economy in a single generation and you will pay the consequences. This is just the beginning. It will get worse as our population ages, and workers retire and there is no one to fill their shoes or man their positions.

You sow to the wind, you reap the whirlwind.
Not true. Inflation is the gradual loss of purchasing power, reflected in a broad rise in prices for goods and services.

Well, see, there's your problem. You don't know what you're talking about. Good news! We're here to help!

Loss of purchasing power is only a consequence of inflation.

Keep em coming. We'll get you there. Gradually if need be. Don't worry I'll give you all the credit for discovery.

That GDP which consists of over 100% debt that you invoked will come into the equation, btw. Don't worry, I didn't forget tha tyou invoked GDP.
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Sigh, sometimes only a meme will do.

Not much else in the shallow end.
I posted this back in 2019.

U.S. Inflation Picks Up in July as Core Prices Strengthen

Inflation was already on it's way up. We had been discussing rising rent, grocery prices and other costs.

A small number of us were noting that inflation was going to hit hard over what we were doing and here we are.
Hay try again palsy.It was Biden and Co. pure and simple.
Nothing more juvenile.You and your belligerently lackadaisical
Schnooks have No authority.Nothing to back up claims.
Trump had a record of fine acheivement.Name one thing
This Biden has improved upon to make life better for US.
Your attempting to use an Austan Goolsbee { Youngest Obama
cabinet member } Approach.The New Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
President in January.Who does know Economics but also
knows how to slither around and confound in order to keep
his bacon crispy.
Last edited:
Nothing says copied and pasted nonsense like badly formatted text.
I think the term is " copy and paste " not - copied and pasted -.
That would be yer infernal giveaway.
" badly formatted text " ... what on Earth or in some secluded
island paradise on the Moon is that supposed to mean.
Cite an example of such ... Mr. George Bernard Shaw.
The inflation of 2021/2022 is undoubtably the result of key Republican policy failures specific to the workforce and oil pricing. These two Republican pressures behind the worldwide supply availability are the three direct causes of inflation. Mic drop.

1. Labor shortage - 3.5M deficit in workers
  1. Declining immigration
  2. Covid deaths
  3. Early retirees due to safety
2. Gas prices
  1. Oil rig shut downs during Trump - over 600
  2. Negotiated reduction in OPEC - over 2M B/D
3. World wide supply shortage
  1. This is not the pubs fault as it’s affected every country.

Irrefutable Data:

Their exit is causing a ripple effect. Between early retirees, “a surge in deaths,” and a decline in immigration, the American labor force is missing about 3.5 million people, Fed chair Jerome Powell said in late November. The excess retirements in particular “might now account for more than 2 million of the 3 ½ million shortfall in the labor force,” he said. Experts worry the shortfall could make it harder to tame inflation.

Oil rigs in use at the end of January:

View attachment 743240

View attachment 743244

List 5 things Democrats have done that you disagree with.
Oh stop your spin. Replacement Population is the single biggest factor in any economy. Take 70 Million Workers, Taxpayers and Consumers out of the Economy in a single generation and you will pay the consequences. This is just the beginning. It will get worse as our population ages, and workers retire and there is no one to fill their shoes or man their positions.

You sow to the wind, you reap the whirlwind.
What does that mean. What policy did that?
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The inflation of 2021/2022 is undoubtably the result of key Republican policy failures specific to the workforce and oil pricing. These two Republican pressures behind the worldwide supply availability are the three direct causes of inflation. Mic drop.

1. Labor shortage - 3.5M deficit in workers
  1. Declining immigration
  2. Covid deaths
  3. Early retirees due to safety
2. Gas prices
  1. Oil rig shut downs during Trump - over 600
  2. Negotiated reduction in OPEC - over 2M B/D
3. World wide supply shortage
  1. This is not the pubs fault as it’s affected every country.

Irrefutable Data:

Their exit is causing a ripple effect. Between early retirees, “a surge in deaths,” and a decline in immigration, the American labor force is missing about 3.5 million people, Fed chair Jerome Powell said in late November. The excess retirements in particular “might now account for more than 2 million of the 3 ½ million shortfall in the labor force,” he said. Experts worry the shortfall could make it harder to tame inflation.

Oil rigs in use at the end of January:

View attachment 743240

View attachment 743244
Only a complete fucking idiot would believe that horseshit. This is why you dems keep ruining our economy. You NEVER EVER recognize and take the blame for your disastrous policies.
Limbaugh convinced the rubes that they're economic experts because dittos.

On no subject do they display the Dunning-Kruger Effect more vividly than economics & markets.

I love watching you use words like "rube", thinking that it will hurt someone's feelings.

Says a lot about you.

I disagree with your points.

Biden is simply continuing the downward spiral we have been on for years now because of bad policies from BOTH parties.
We were starting to do good after the pandemic, then Biden takes over. Gas went from $2.51 yesterday, went by this morning $2.89.
Well, see, there's your problem. You don't know what you're talking about. Good news! We're here to help!

Loss of purchasing power is only a consequence of inflation.

Keep em coming. We'll get you there. Gradually if need be. Don't worry I'll give you all the credit for discovery.

That GDP which consists of over 100% debt that you invoked will come into the equation, btw. Don't worry, I didn't forget tha tyou invoked GDP.
Nope. Inflation is the loss of purchasing power. Inflation: a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money. But let’s not argue semantics we know what inflation is and we know it is supply side driven in this instance, not demand side driven. I can school you on what that means if you want.

Now here’s where you really missed. GDP consists of no debt. There is debt payments in GDP but the full debt has no impact on GDP. Government spending is in there of which a piece goes into debt.

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