Key inflation cause: Republican policy

Fauxi's Gain of Function bioweapon was not a "Republican Policy" you imbecilic

The Narcissistic insane Left never admits being wrong....regardless of how wrong they are and how much damage their mistakes cause.

Also remember CityGator is very likely compensated to agitate the conservative Right to keep the forum investment thriving.
(There's sometimes truth in jest)
It would require a very special kind of ignorant if he actually believed all the crap he/she posts.
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Only a complete fucking idiot would believe that horseshit. This is why you dems keep ruining our economy. You NEVER EVER recognize and take the blame for your disastrous policies.
Which part was incorrect? And don’t just say all and run away. I was specific in my points and supported with data.
Well, see, there's your problem. You don't know what you're talking about. Good news! We're here to help!

Loss of purchasing power is only a consequence of inflation.

Keep em coming. We'll get you there. Gradually if need be. Don't worry I'll give you all the credit for discovery.

That GDP which consists of over 100% debt that you invoked will come into the equation, btw. Don't worry, I didn't forget tha tyou invoked GDP.
Inflation in a nutshell involves too many dollars chasing
too few goods or services.The Fed and the Treasury are responsible.
That is why - The Maestro - Alan Greenspan was a Good 13th Fed
Chairman.His approach was to spend gobs of times analyzing Inventories.
Of major companies.Which make their profits by keeping a tight
reign on their Inventories.Greenspan was a master tactician of tinkering
around with Interest rates or Overnight Rate.Most often just 25 basis pts.
Hat does that mean. What policy did that?
Let's say each one of those 70 million children aborted averaged $50,000 a year and worked just 40 years. That is $2,000,000 dollars of value per individual added into the economy, and that does not include their having children and what the value of that is to the economy. The amount of prosperity you removed from the economy is astronomical. You did it to yourselves, and now you will reap the consequences of your stupidity.

Here is the base figure of the Economic Energy you removed from our Economy just in America over those 40 years providing that only if the 70 million aborted babies were all childless and had no offspring which contributed to the economy, proving that there is nothing more stupid on planet Earth than a Liberal. Y'all are suicidal.

If each of the 70 Million aborted children had just 1 child you would add another 140 Trillion to that number and so on and so on for each child the original aborted child had, and then do the same for their children's children.

And then we can't even get started on the M1 Multiplier which is the number of times the base amount gets circulated in the economy.

Class Dismissed.

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The Narcissistic insane Left never admits being wrong....regardless of how wrong they are and how much damage their mistakes cause.

Also remember CityGator is very likely compensated to agitate the conservative Right to keep the forum investment thriving.
It would require a very special kind of ignorant if he actually believed all the crap he/she posts.
Democrats aren’t perfect they are just less worse for the economy than republicans who say one thing and impose policies that do the exact opposite with the support of ignorant uniformed and uneducated followers.

And I am paid…in maga tears. My favorite currency. It’s widely available with low gas prices, low unemployment, and slowing inflation along with record paychecks.
Let's say each one of those 70 million children aborted averaged $50,000 a year and worked just 40 years. That is $2,000,000 dollars of value per individual added into the economy, and that does not include their having children and what the value of that is to the economy. The amount of prosperity you removed from the economy is astronomical. You did it to yourselves, and now you will reap the consequences of your stupidity.

Here is the base figure of the Economic Energy you removed from our Economy just in America over those 40 years providing that only if the 70 million aborted babies were all childless and had no offspring which contributed to the economy, proving that there is nothing more stupid on planet Earth than a Liberal. Y'all are suicidal.


I told you abortion rates are lower now than at anytime so that doesn’t explain the RECENT shortage of workers. Are you paid to make me look smart?
Which part was incorrect? And don’t just say all and run away. I was specific in my points and supported with data.
yeah right Barney.Specific and near delusional but also somewhat
comfortable.Like having a nice pad { bedroom } in yer Aunt Tilly's
basement to wile away the day with delusions like Biden did while
campaigning in bunker basement for most the Fall of 2020.

Democrats aren’t perfect they are just less worse for the economy than republicans who say one thing and impose policies that do the exact opposite with the support of ignorant uniformed and uneducated followers.

And I am paid…in maga tears. My favorite currency. It’s widely available with low gas prices, low unemployment, and slowing inflation along with record paychecks.
Democrats are more scummy and obvious than the worst
loudmouthed Carny Barkers at some low income small town
side show attraction.
Becoming more obvious by the day.It's now almost written on the wind.
Inflation: a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.

No. Inflation is a surplus of currency and credit.

Price increases are only a songle consequence of this.

But let’s not argue semantics

These arent semantic. Thgese are fundamental truths.

we know what inflation is and we know it is supply side driven in this instance, not demand side driven.

Nice try. But that won't work.

You clearly do not know what inflation is, so I'm not gonna let you move forward to what are other consequences of inflation until you do.

I can school you on what that means if you want.

Okay. Do it!

Now here’s where you really missed. GDP consists of no debt. There is debt payments in GDP but the full debt has no impact on GDP. Government spending is in there of which a piece goes into debt. lol. We'll get there, though.

We have to teach you what inflation is first. You haven't even a rudimentary grasp on that basic fundamental truth yet.

But..I'll tell you what I'm not gonna do. I'm gonna play a broken record back and forth.

Let's start here.

Who told you that inflation was defined as price increase on goods and services?

Where did you learn that? Specifically, please.
Sigh, sometimes only a meme will do.

LOL....That is perfect! /thread
I told you abortion rates are lower now than at anytime so that doesn’t explain the RECENT shortage of workers. Are you paid to make me look smart?
That doesn't Matter dummy as the damage is already done, and continues even with lower rates to damage the economy. Your Abortion Cult Removed a Quadrillion Dollars of Economic Energy or more from our Economy, and you are sitting there wondering why Government has to Deficit Spend, why we have a National Debt and why there are not enough workers to replace an aging workforce.

You are Mentally and Spiritually Ignorant of the Consequences of your Policies and Agendas.
List 5 things Democrats have done that you disagree with.
1. School loan forgiveness - not that I’m opposed there are just better uses of that money
2. Poor marketing of their America first policy which is truly taking care of Americans in need first whereas the Republicans America first policy is geared to corporations and the rich.
3. Letting Christie run as a democrat in Florida
4. Not killing the filibuster in the senate
5. The opposition of Kavanaugh was executed poorly. Should have stuck with his likelihood to overturn Roe.
Inflation in a nutshell involves too many dollars chasing
too few goods or services.The Fed and the Treasury are responsible.
That is why - The Maestro - Alan Greenspan was a Good 13th Fed
Chairman.His approach was to spend gobs of times analyzing Inventories.
Of major companies.Which make their profits by keeping a tight
reign on their Inventories.Greenspan was a master tactician of tinkering
around with Interest rates or Overnight Rate.Most often just 25 basis pts.

Oddly, Greenspan came around to understanding the error of failed monetary policy after he retired.
Would that have been so terrible? All the government workers I know are at home, and NOT putting in a full day. They are at the gym, the movies, the grocery store, and even the golf course.

They wanted to get military money to defend this country against enemies, who are better positioned than ever due to Biden’s weakness.
how many govt workers do you know?...
yeah right Barney.Specific and near delusional but also somewhat
comfortable.Like having a nice pad { bedroom } in yer Aunt Tilly's
basement to wile away the day with delusions like Biden did while
campaigning in bunker basement for most the Fall of 2020.
You have nothing. I’m embarrassed for you.
That doesn't Matter dummy as the damage is already done, and continues even with lower rates to damage the economy. Your Abortion Cult Removed a Quadrillion Dollars of Economic Energy or more from our Economy, and you are sitting there wondering why Government has to Deficit Spend, why we have a National Debt and why there are not enough workers to replace an aging workforce.

You are Mentally and Spiritually Ignorant of the Consequences of your Policies and Agendas.
You’re off topic. This is about the impacts on inflation. You can’t show that lower abortion rates we are seeing is linked to anyone’s policy nor any specific inflation. I am embarrassed for you too.
We were starting to do good after the pandemic, then Biden takes over. Gas went from $2.51 yesterday, went by this morning $2.89.

On Trump's way out the door he was arguing along with Pelosi to give people $2000. I guess we were not doing so good.
I lay the blame of inflation on GW Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden, and 107th thru 116th US Congress. Sooner or later cheapening money through deficit spending is going to bite you in the ass.
Where is the cheap money?

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