Key Rice Un-Masking Evidence Seized By Obama 'Library', Sealed for 5 Years

The sad thing is that the criminal enterprise in the MSM doesn't give a damn when the focus is on democrats. You almost gotta laugh that not a single alleged investigative reporter in the MSM ever asked Bill Clinton's former NSA, Sandy Berger, what the hell he stole (and destroyed) from the National Archives and why he did it.

Also not true. Clinton did not "hide" anything and Obama did not "seal" anything.


You RWNJs just keep repeating the same lies.

Hillary hid alot....Comey and Lynch just refused to press any charges.

The sad thing is the far right can't show that unmasking as done by Rice etc was illegal. In fact, it was required.

  • Unmasking US citizens is not within the scope of her duties
  • Leaking unmasked names to the press is illegal
  • Spying on political opposition just to unearth dirt is an abuse of authority
Well, that is your opinion without evidence or commentary on the law.
Surprise, Surprise...More Obama Documents Sealed...More Obstruction...More Cover-Up

Judicial Watch: Susan Rice 'Unmasking' Documents Moved From NSC to Obama Library

"The National Security Council cannot hand over records relating to former National Security Adviser Susan Rice’s surveillance of Americans, because they have been moved to the Obama presidential library and may be sealed for as may as five years, conservative watchdog Judicial Watch announced Monday.

The NSC informed Judicial Watch in a letter dated May 23 that materials related to Rice’s requests to know the identities of Americans swept up in surveillance of foreign targets, including any Trump campaign or transition officials, have been moved to the library.

The NSC’s Director of Access Management John Powers said in the letter:

Documents from the Obama administration have been transferred to the Barack Obama Presidential Library. You may send your request to the Obama Library. However, you should be aware that under the Presidential Records Act, Presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office."

'Obama LIBRARY? That must be what he is calling his CLOSET in his new house in order to pull this scam of hiding incriminating evidence.

Obama is trying to cover up his administration's use of raw Intel to illegally unmask US citizens and to facilitate 'Felony Espionage' in an attempt to seditiously undermine / overthrow a newly elected President.

He's trying to keep his and Susan Rice's ass out of jail...
I love the smell of desperation in the morning! :laugh2:
Then you must watch CNN & BSNBC every morning huh
Surprise, Surprise...More Obama Documents Sealed...More Obstruction...More Cover-Up

Judicial Watch: Susan Rice 'Unmasking' Documents Moved From NSC to Obama Library

"The National Security Council cannot hand over records relating to former National Security Adviser Susan Rice’s surveillance of Americans, because they have been moved to the Obama presidential library and may be sealed for as may as five years, conservative watchdog Judicial Watch announced Monday.

The NSC informed Judicial Watch in a letter dated May 23 that materials related to Rice’s requests to know the identities of Americans swept up in surveillance of foreign targets, including any Trump campaign or transition officials, have been moved to the library.

The NSC’s Director of Access Management John Powers said in the letter:

Documents from the Obama administration have been transferred to the Barack Obama Presidential Library. You may send your request to the Obama Library. However, you should be aware that under the Presidential Records Act, Presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office."

'Obama LIBRARY? That must be what he is calling his CLOSET in his new house in order to pull this scam of hiding incriminating evidence.

Obama is trying to cover up his administration's use of raw Intel to illegally unmask US citizens and to facilitate 'Felony Espionage' in an attempt to seditiously undermine / overthrow a newly elected President.

He's trying to keep his and Susan Rice's ass out of jail...

LOL- how you liking your mass murdering President Snowflake now?
Oh boy, oh boy, who's going to jail now, again?????

Obama? Rice? Hillary? Lois (of course)? Anyone else?
Things have come full circle for the former Criminal And Chief...

Before he became President ... and before he hilariously promised to have 'the most transparent administration' evuh ... Barry sealed all of his personal records.

It seems only fitting that after he leaves office he seals records again, this time to keep himself and former Cabinet members out of jail.

Bwuhahahaha :p
The sad thing is the far right can't show that unmasking as done by Rice etc was illegal. In fact, it was required.

  • Unmasking US citizens is not within the scope of her duties
  • Leaking unmasked names to the press is illegal
  • Spying on political opposition just to unearth dirt is an abuse of authority
Well, that is your opinion without evidence or commentary on the law.
Your problem is you assume only the worst without a speck of evidence on Trump but turnaround and refuse to listen to all of the evidence that is well documented against the Obama Administration.
This is an easy one. Obama has no right to seal these documents. And sealing them in the way he did is Nixonian and he will be forced to give them up. I don't care what you all hear on TV Obama is a snake and he is in deep shit.
Screw that! Subpeona them!
Do you really think Mueller is going to do that? Mueller will sweep everything Rice and Lynch did under the rug. That's his function. Same job Comey had, to run interference for the corrupt Obama Clinton Crime Family.

Comey should have subpoened the DNC server. Did he do that?
Comey leaked everything except the fact the President was not under investigation.
Then he refused to Investigate The Leaks....because HE was THE LEAKER!
Comey then got his best friend appointed special prosecutor so they could continue to cover for the Obama Regime.

So which fake news blog do you represent
And here is yet another one of those guys I was referring to in my post.

So, does Putin pay you, or do you betray the USA for free?

Cult bedwetters like you are a dime a dozen. Why should anyone pay any special attention to your weeping?
This guy comes here day after day after day, with shit about the left and Obama....never does this maniac say a gotdamned thing about that clown in the fuckin white house, put his ass on ignore, he's a fuckin waste of time. The irony of all this, you'd think with his fuckin party dominating the country, he'd be happy...but no...unless they have something to whine about, these mindless whores would go insane!!
ROFLMAO my party dominating the country? Do you even pay attention to the news at all? Even without supposed control of none of the branches, the left is CLEARLY still in charge. If not why else would they not only hire a special prosecutor to try to find anything they can on Trump to impeach him but also allow Mueller to hire FOURTEEN of the most powerful attorneys the DEMOCRATS have in the nation to help in the process? Funny that even so, these top cats can't seem to find anything on him either. This while the left has committed a list of crimes they'll never be indicted for because they're above the law. But they can impeach a sitting president and send him to jail? So, whose in charge again?

But by all means remain in your utopian delusional existence spouting how great your party is while bashing Trump for doing something wrong that no one to date has been able to find.

Waaaaa, Mommy the bad person on the web said something I didn't like....waaaaaaaaa.
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Skelter, you are correct that small government conservatives have no chance to control the government.
Screw that! Subpeona them!
Do you really think Mueller is going to do that? Mueller will sweep everything Rice and Lynch did under the rug. That's his function. Same job Comey had, to run interference for the corrupt Obama Clinton Crime Family.

Comey should have subpoened the DNC server. Did he do that?
Comey leaked everything except the fact the President was not under investigation.
Then he refused to Investigate The Leaks....because HE was THE LEAKER!
Comey then got his best friend appointed special prosecutor so they could continue to cover for the Obama Regime.

So which fake news blog do you represent
Nothing he said was fake..all true to anyone paying attention. You on the other hand are just another liberal who is either a paid hack, an idiot, or just someone who knows nothing about current events and lives in a utopian dreamworld that doesn't exist.
WHERE exactly is the 'Obama Library'? Is that what he calls the magazine rack in his bathroom? :p
Anything sealed can be unsealed. Mueller has to request it, but as I said, I believe his function is the same as Comey's was.... to cover up The Crimes of The Clinton and Obama Cabal.
All of this talk about Trump being involved in a coverup and Obama is conducting yet another one right before our eyes in broad daylight.

To understand the play at stake here, and the larger scheme to keep the Obama political surveillance from the sunlight of discovery, it is important to remember the only factually known illegal activity surrounding the entire Russian Election Conspiracy is:

A.) the illegal leaking of intelligence reports (Comey et al), or the weaponization of intelligence for political motives; and
B.) the illegal unmasking of names within U.S. intelligence reports by Obama White House officials (Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes), again for political motives.


The latest jaw dropping maneuver by the former Obama White House crew specifically targets how to cover-up the latter issue.

A FOIA request from Judicial Watch to the Obama NSC seeking information about the unmasking activities of National Security Advisor Susan Rice and the National Security Council receives a response that all documentation has been moved to the Obama Library.

The reason: All presidential library material is NOT subject to public scrutiny until FIVE YEARS after the administration ends.

(Via Judicial Watch) The NSC will not fulfill an April 4 Judicial Watch request for records regarding information relating to people “who were identified pursuant to intelligence collection activities.”

The agency also informed Judicial Watch that it would not turn over communications with any Intelligence Community member or agency concerning the alleged Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election; the hacking of DNC computers; or the suspected communications between Russia and Trump campaign/transition officials. Specifically, the NSC told Judicial Watch:

“Documents from the Obama administration have been transferred to the Barack Obama Presidential Library. You may send your request to the Obama Library. However, you should be aware that under the Presidential Records Act, Presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office.” (link)

Calling it specifically what it is: this is nothing short of a strategy to hide discovery of the illegal political surveillance scheme carried out by the Obama intelligence community (Brennan, Clapper and Comey Inc.) during the 2016 presidential race.

In the matter of the first known illegal action, fired FBI Director James Comey is currently working his angles to hide his upper level FBI team’s involvement in the leaking of intelligence and FBI (counterintelligence) operations to the media. All of Comey’s current activity is clearly targeted toward accomplishing this goal.

In the matter of the second known illegal action, former Obama officials are clearly working to hide their use of the intelligence community to spy on political opposition. As we stated back in April the fingerprints of this action were clearly established.

Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice only needed to confirm one aspect of the intelligence unmasking story for all of the dots to connect. She made that confirmation within two minutes of her interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell.


Read more here......Stunning Coverup Maneuver – Obama NSC Move All Intelligence Unmasking Material To Obama Library To Avoid Sunlight…

Conservative Treehouse is fake news. Keep on sucking down the kook-aid! :2up:
conservative treehouse Archives |
Nothing says "WE WANT TO GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS" than the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION BLOCKING THE TESTIMONIES of WITNESSES the Judiciary Committee and Mueller wants to Interview.

So you can add that to the list of evasive maneuvers Obama and his cronies are engaging in.

Like I said, when you have to commit crimes to promote a false narrative to try to save a failing campaign for a corrupt candidate, the web you weave for others will be your own undoing.

The only people that will go to jail, if they can break through The Obama Firewall for crimes committed during The Campaign will be members of The Obama-Clinton Cabal.
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