keys to the kingdom

behold, gawds that dictate laws to prophets and eternal life being posited with no empirical basis! sounds christ cracker crazy, sycophant

Christians have evidence of eternal life through Jesus. He was the first human to achieve it. He had new flesh and bone, but no blood.

hobelim is still waiting.
Keys to the kingdom?

That was easy: WISDOM.

There is nothing hidden in the bible, there is only lack of wisdom to understand it.

I have reviewed the Hebrew writings and like others who are way over my knowledge and are recognized as erudite, I have found several "assumed" grammar errors which can be explained thanks to wisdom rather than by strict literal analysis of the paragraphs.

What people ignore is that the events were written in a way to keep them as "tradition". Doing so, in case the writings got lost, the "remembrance" of them will stay.

Also, the style of writing is fantastic. I was amazed about how "beautiful" are the biblical expressions in Hebrew. The translation received is practically "dry", without "grace", having yes, the correct translation from one language to another, but by some reason, has been performed by "experts in translating Hebrew to other languages" when for a task like this, wise people were the needed ones.

Same as well, in the New Testament, there are so many events and words which can't be understood by the majorities, however they are simple and easy to be comprehended by the ones who acquired wisdom.

Lets say, I heard a Pastor who following the same thought of the Jews at the death of Lazarus, he preached the "human side of Christ" when finally the reading says he cried because his friend. Actually Christ never cried because Lazarus, his crying was for a complete different motive. But wisdom is needed to find out the reason.

Another example of "messages" given at each miracle of Christ, is the case of the born blind man.

Everybody, including the same blind man who was cured, and the rest of people in those times and in our current era, everybody can see "solely" the miracle.

But, as I wrote two decades ago, and was published in a small and humble religious messianic magazine of Puerto Rico (I'm not Puerto Rican, just in case) the message "hidden" in that miracle is simple to understand.

First, in the chapters before the miracle, one can read that he empathizes "he is the sent one". One of the examples is in John 8:26

"I have much to say in judgment of you. But he who sent me is trustworthy, and what I have heard from him I tell the world."

Then, Christ saw a man blind from birth.

Here is where he demonstrates that the "Old Testament" and the "New Testament" are not two chapters apart by that one is the continuation of the another.

Jesus told that is "necessary" for everybody to understand that he is the sent one.

As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.

Jesus "imitated" the Father. He took dust from the ground and mixing it with his saliva he symbolically made "man" (Adam). And Jesus put "man" (Adam) in the eyes of the man blind from birth.

Doing so, Jesus gave the message saying all men are born blind from birth.

He continued

"Go," he told him, "wash in the Pool of Siloam" (this word means "Sent"). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing.

The message is clear, you wash yourself in the waters of the "sent one" and finally you will be able "to see".

Not before, but only after you wash yourself in that water.

Like this example, there are many writings in the whole bible which can be easily interpreted as long as you enjoy wisdom.

If there is a God, then surely God doesn't want his people to be ignorant but wise.

This is the key for understanding the bible. It is not reading it from beginning to end tens or hundreds of times. It is not "memorizing" the words and expressions found in it, but surely is thru wisdom.

The bible can be understood having the mind of a child. The "seven days" of creation can be easily explained and find no contradiction at all about the order when each event happened.

But it requires wisdom, not so intellect or high IQ... but wisdom.

Just in case, please don't ask me questions about biblical verses or their interpretation. I don't consider myself as the right person to answer them. However, I am glad to have found a place like this to share with others what I now.

easy? sure. but still you are wrong.

When Jesus said, "Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you can have no life in you." he was making a direct reference to kosher law.

The promise for compliance with the instruction given in the law is eternal life.

The flesh of Jesus is a metaphor for the words that form the body of his teaching.

the teaching of Christ is that words used in the law are figurative, the subjects hidden.

If you do not fulfill the law in the way that Jesus taught people to understand and do it, you cannot have the life promised for compliance to the law in you.

When Jesus healed the blind man, first he wrote something on the ground, put spit and mud in his eyes, covered his eyes with his hand, and then asked the man what he saw.

First the man 'saw' trees, but when Jesus told the man to take a harder look he saw, without using his eyes, men.

Obviously it was a healing of perception, not sight. Jesus was teaching the man how to understand the figurative language of the bible where trees often represent men.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again." Matthew 13:44

"I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name." Isaiah 45:3
cuz magic

Magic? lol... sure.

Presto chango alakazam!

Behold, a new heaven and a new earth.
behold, gawds that dictate laws to prophets and eternal life being posited with no empirical basis! sounds christ cracker crazy, sycophant

Of course it sounds christ cracker crazy. No one has ever seen or heard such a thing before..

Still it cannot be refuted or resisted. If you don't understand or can't apply the least amount of intelligence required to tie your shoes its because the dead know nothing.

You see, during the resurrection, everyone will awaken.

Some will rise to eternal life, some will awaken only to hear their doom.

Time was when many were aghast at you, my people, and so now many nations recoil at sight of him, and kings curl their lips in disgust. For they see what they had never been told and things unheard before fill their thoughts.
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Keys to the kingdom?

That was easy: WISDOM.

There is nothing hidden in the bible, there is only lack of wisdom to understand it.

I have reviewed the Hebrew writings and like others who are way over my knowledge and are recognized as erudite, I have found several "assumed" grammar errors which can be explained thanks to wisdom rather than by strict literal analysis of the paragraphs.

What people ignore is that the events were written in a way to keep them as "tradition". Doing so, in case the writings got lost, the "remembrance" of them will stay.

Also, the style of writing is fantastic. I was amazed about how "beautiful" are the biblical expressions in Hebrew. The translation received is practically "dry", without "grace", having yes, the correct translation from one language to another, but by some reason, has been performed by "experts in translating Hebrew to other languages" when for a task like this, wise people were the needed ones.

Same as well, in the New Testament, there are so many events and words which can't be understood by the majorities, however they are simple and easy to be comprehended by the ones who acquired wisdom.

Lets say, I heard a Pastor who following the same thought of the Jews at the death of Lazarus, he preached the "human side of Christ" when finally the reading says he cried because his friend. Actually Christ never cried because Lazarus, his crying was for a complete different motive. But wisdom is needed to find out the reason.

Another example of "messages" given at each miracle of Christ, is the case of the born blind man.

Everybody, including the same blind man who was cured, and the rest of people in those times and in our current era, everybody can see "solely" the miracle.

But, as I wrote two decades ago, and was published in a small and humble religious messianic magazine of Puerto Rico (I'm not Puerto Rican, just in case) the message "hidden" in that miracle is simple to understand.

First, in the chapters before the miracle, one can read that he empathizes "he is the sent one". One of the examples is in John 8:26

"I have much to say in judgment of you. But he who sent me is trustworthy, and what I have heard from him I tell the world."

Then, Christ saw a man blind from birth.

Here is where he demonstrates that the "Old Testament" and the "New Testament" are not two chapters apart by that one is the continuation of the another.

Jesus told that is "necessary" for everybody to understand that he is the sent one.

As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.

Jesus "imitated" the Father. He took dust from the ground and mixing it with his saliva he symbolically made "man" (Adam). And Jesus put "man" (Adam) in the eyes of the man blind from birth.

Doing so, Jesus gave the message saying all men are born blind from birth.

He continued

"Go," he told him, "wash in the Pool of Siloam" (this word means "Sent"). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing.

The message is clear, you wash yourself in the waters of the "sent one" and finally you will be able "to see".

Not before, but only after you wash yourself in that water.

Like this example, there are many writings in the whole bible which can be easily interpreted as long as you enjoy wisdom.

If there is a God, then surely God doesn't want his people to be ignorant but wise.

This is the key for understanding the bible. It is not reading it from beginning to end tens or hundreds of times. It is not "memorizing" the words and expressions found in it, but surely is thru wisdom.

The bible can be understood having the mind of a child. The "seven days" of creation can be easily explained and find no contradiction at all about the order when each event happened.

But it requires wisdom, not so intellect or high IQ... but wisdom.

Just in case, please don't ask me questions about biblical verses or their interpretation. I don't consider myself as the right person to answer them. However, I am glad to have found a place like this to share with others what I now.

easy? sure. but still you are wrong.

When Jesus said, "Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you can have no life in you." he was making a direct reference to kosher law.

The promise for compliance with the instruction given in the law is eternal life.

The flesh of Jesus is a metaphor for the words that form the body of his teaching.

the teaching of Christ is that words used in the law are figurative, the subjects hidden.

If you do not fulfill the law in the way that Jesus taught people to understand and do it, you cannot have the life promised for compliance to the law in you.

When Jesus healed the blind man, first he wrote something on the ground, put spit and mud in his eyes, covered his eyes with his hand, and then asked the man what he saw.

First the man 'saw' trees, but when Jesus told the man to take a harder look he saw, without using his eyes, men.

Obviously it was a healing of perception, not sight. Jesus was teaching the man how to understand the figurative language of the bible where trees often represent men.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again." Matthew 13:44

"I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name." Isaiah 45:3
cuz magic

Magic? lol... sure.

Presto chango alakazam!

Behold, a new heaven and a new earth.
behold, gawds that dictate laws to prophets and eternal life being posited with no empirical basis! sounds christ cracker crazy, sycophant

Of course it sounds christ cracker crazy. No one has ever seen or heard such a thing before..

Still it cannot be refuted or resisted. If you don't understand or can't apply the least amount of intelligence required to tie your shoes its because the dead know nothing.

You see, during the resurrection, everyone will awaken.

Some will rise to eternal life, some will awaken only to hear their doom.
That's magical woo-woo nonsense just like the christ cracker, forked tongue. The difference between you and an honest religious that they're not typically two-faced about their beliefs and they also don't require the forked-toungue double speak like you do...which you blame for fear of persecution; however, you're not persecuted and the excuse doesnt apply. You merely do it because you are the serpent.
easy? sure. but still you are wrong.

When Jesus said, "Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you can have no life in you." he was making a direct reference to kosher law.

The promise for compliance with the instruction given in the law is eternal life.

The flesh of Jesus is a metaphor for the words that form the body of his teaching.

the teaching of Christ is that words used in the law are figurative, the subjects hidden.

If you do not fulfill the law in the way that Jesus taught people to understand and do it, you cannot have the life promised for compliance to the law in you.

When Jesus healed the blind man, first he wrote something on the ground, put spit and mud in his eyes, covered his eyes with his hand, and then asked the man what he saw.

First the man 'saw' trees, but when Jesus told the man to take a harder look he saw, without using his eyes, men.

Obviously it was a healing of perception, not sight. Jesus was teaching the man how to understand the figurative language of the bible where trees often represent men.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again." Matthew 13:44

"I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name." Isaiah 45:3
cuz magic

Magic? lol... sure.

Presto chango alakazam!

Behold, a new heaven and a new earth.
behold, gawds that dictate laws to prophets and eternal life being posited with no empirical basis! sounds christ cracker crazy, sycophant

Of course it sounds christ cracker crazy. No one has ever seen or heard such a thing before..

Still it cannot be refuted or resisted. If you don't understand or can't apply the least amount of intelligence required to tie your shoes its because the dead know nothing.

You see, during the resurrection, everyone will awaken.

Some will rise to eternal life, some will awaken only to hear their doom.
That's magical woo-woo nonsense just like the christ cracker, forked tongue. The difference between you and an honest religious that they're not typically two-faced about their beliefs and they also don't require the forked-toungue double speak like you do...which you blame for fear of persecution; however, you're not persecuted and the excuse doesnt apply. You merely do it because you are the serpent.

Yeah, I am openly revealing things kept secret since the foundation of the world and you can't do a fucking thing about it.

cuz magic

Magic? lol... sure.

Presto chango alakazam!

Behold, a new heaven and a new earth.
behold, gawds that dictate laws to prophets and eternal life being posited with no empirical basis! sounds christ cracker crazy, sycophant

Of course it sounds christ cracker crazy. No one has ever seen or heard such a thing before..

Still it cannot be refuted or resisted. If you don't understand or can't apply the least amount of intelligence required to tie your shoes its because the dead know nothing.

You see, during the resurrection, everyone will awaken.

Some will rise to eternal life, some will awaken only to hear their doom.
That's magical woo-woo nonsense just like the christ cracker, forked tongue. The difference between you and an honest religious that they're not typically two-faced about their beliefs and they also don't require the forked-toungue double speak like you do...which you blame for fear of persecution; however, you're not persecuted and the excuse doesnt apply. You merely do it because you are the serpent.

Yeah, I am openly revealing things kept secret since the foundation of the world and you can't do a fucking thing about it.

No, you think you're saying things of further substance than a walt-disney movie or a behavioral psychology book merely because you say it in metaphorical prose. You're merely putting yourself on a pedestal, one you only imagine exists because you yourself are very gullible, and susceptible to said prose there...Moses.
“If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”

― W.C. Fields

= forked tongue hoe billy - an unkempt mind arguing over crackers obsessively on the internet and allegedly telling folks how to clean their minds :lol:
Thank you for your support. You just added more seasoning to the plate I have served at the table.

easy? sure. but still you are wrong.

When Jesus said, "Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you can have no life in you." he was making a direct reference to kosher law.

The promise for compliance with the instruction given in the law is eternal life.

The flesh of Jesus is a metaphor for the words that form the body of his teaching.

That was a very good point. The Law. (Me doing it "Tool Man" style: Yeah! the Law! ugh ugh ugh)

Well, wisdom comes from it.

Now, here is "the secret": You can obey the law at its maximum expression and at its minimum detail, and even so, your chances for acquiring wisdom are rare. And forget adding "faith", such won't give you wisdom as well.)

And I am not the appropriate person to tell you the method, at least by now.

the teaching of Christ is that words used in the law are figurative, the subjects hidden.

If you do not fulfill the law in the way that Jesus taught people to understand and do it, you cannot have the life promised for compliance to the law in you.

Hey, that was a good angle of view which goes in agreement with the path built since man was made.

I will add more, because this is good meal. Yes, Jesus was sent to death also by reasons other than saying he is the son of God and because he impressed the multitudes making miracles. Such, in reality, it was not enough to pinch the religious authorities pride.

When Jesus started to teach, and his teachings exposed them as being in error, that was the cause to trigger their anxiety to kill him. Their priesthood was at risk if their teachings were found away from the true doctrine.

You have no idea of how many miracles and events never happened the way your bible says they did occur. Wisdom helps you to understand what the scriptures say in reality.

When Jesus healed the blind man, first he wrote something on the ground, put spit and mud in his eyes, covered his eyes with his hand, and then asked the man what he saw.

First the man 'saw' trees, but when Jesus told the man to take a harder look he saw, without using his eyes, men.

Obviously it was a healing of perception, not sight. Jesus was teaching the man how to understand the figurative language of the bible where trees often represent men.

No idea where your story comes from, but in the passage mentioned by you, the perception of the man who received the sense of sight, in that paragraph one can notice the way we ourselves start to see the world when we just are born.

This was recorded when a man who lost his vision at 4 years old, 30 years later he recovered it thanks to instruments used in an experiment. First thing he saw was illumination and shadows. Second was motion of the shadows. Days later figures, but he wasn't able to distinguish a circle from the square. Later he was capable to see faces but can't recognize one from the other, and so forth.

In your story, it was practically obvious the man will take for trees the images he saw in front of him, and later, he recognized them as men. I don't think this "normal development" of perception thru the eye can be related to your representation of trees as men. I really doubt it.

You said that there was nothing hidden in the Bible. Take a harder look.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again." Matthew 13:44

Of course, it is hidden for the one who lacks of wisdom. The ones who reach wisdom, for some reason. will keep it for themselves. They can guide you providing the tools for reaching the same, but they won't tell you exactly the method. Jesus did the same, he told them what is the path to take, but he didn't point with his finger the direction of it. If you want to know it, then look for it, you'll find it..

"I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name." Isaiah 45:3

Of course, to the ones who reach wisdom.

But, why is not so "easy" for many to find what God offered like throwing out thousands of dollars thru the wisdom of a skyscraper?

Well, Jesus also compared the Kingdom of heaven as a woman (the church) who mixed the flour (God's doctrine} with leaven (gentile's doctrines) and the whole was "leavened".

In other words, the sane doctrine coming from God has been corrupted by the addition of several doctrines of men. This is the condition of most churches of the world. Even synagogues suffer of the same condition.. This is why they talk about love, others about faith, others about the Law, they talk, and talk, and talk. However, they can't understand the scriptures. The "treasures" are not for the majority of them, but only for a few ones.
Thank you for your support. You just added more seasoning to the plate I have served at the table.

easy? sure. but still you are wrong.

When Jesus said, "Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you can have no life in you." he was making a direct reference to kosher law.

The promise for compliance with the instruction given in the law is eternal life.

The flesh of Jesus is a metaphor for the words that form the body of his teaching.

That was a very good point. The Law. (Me doing it "Tool Man" style: Yeah! the Law! ugh ugh ugh)

Well, wisdom comes from it.

Now, here is "the secret": You can obey the law at its maximum expression and at its minimum detail, and even so, your chances for acquiring wisdom are rare. And forget adding "faith", such won't give you wisdom as well.)

And I am not the appropriate person to tell you the method, at least by now.

the teaching of Christ is that words used in the law are figurative, the subjects hidden.

If you do not fulfill the law in the way that Jesus taught people to understand and do it, you cannot have the life promised for compliance to the law in you.

Hey, that was a good angle of view which goes in agreement with the path built since man was made.

I will add more, because this is good meal. Yes, Jesus was sent to death also by reasons other than saying he is the son of God and because he impressed the multitudes making miracles. Such, in reality, it was not enough to pinch the religious authorities pride.

When Jesus started to teach, and his teachings exposed them as being in error, that was the cause to trigger their anxiety to kill him. Their priesthood was at risk if their teachings were found away from the true doctrine.

You have no idea of how many miracles and events never happened the way your bible says they did occur. Wisdom helps you to understand what the scriptures say in reality.

When Jesus healed the blind man, first he wrote something on the ground, put spit and mud in his eyes, covered his eyes with his hand, and then asked the man what he saw.

First the man 'saw' trees, but when Jesus told the man to take a harder look he saw, without using his eyes, men.

Obviously it was a healing of perception, not sight. Jesus was teaching the man how to understand the figurative language of the bible where trees often represent men.

No idea where your story comes from, but in the passage mentioned by you, the perception of the man who received the sense of sight, in that paragraph one can notice the way we ourselves start to see the world when we just are born.

This was recorded when a man who lost his vision at 4 years old, 30 years later he recovered it thanks to instruments used in an experiment. First thing he saw was illumination and shadows. Second was motion of the shadows. Days later figures, but he wasn't able to distinguish a circle from the square. Later he was capable to see faces but can't recognize one from the other, and so forth.

In your story, it was practically obvious the man will take for trees the images he saw in front of him, and later, he recognized them as men. I don't think this "normal development" of perception thru the eye can be related to your representation of trees as men. I really doubt it.

You said that there was nothing hidden in the Bible. Take a harder look.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again." Matthew 13:44

Of course, it is hidden for the one who lacks of wisdom. The ones who reach wisdom, for some reason. will keep it for themselves. They can guide you providing the tools for reaching the same, but they won't tell you exactly the method. Jesus did the same, he told them what is the path to take, but he didn't point with his finger the direction of it. If you want to know it, then look for it, you'll find it..

"I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name." Isaiah 45:3

Of course, to the ones who reach wisdom.

But, why is not so "easy" for many to find what God offered like throwing out thousands of dollars thru the wisdom of a skyscraper?

Well, Jesus also compared the Kingdom of heaven as a woman (the church) who mixed the flour (God's doctrine} with leaven (gentile's doctrines) and the whole was "leavened".

In other words, the sane doctrine coming from God has been corrupted by the addition of several doctrines of men. This is the condition of most churches of the world. Even synagogues suffer of the same condition.. This is why they talk about love, others about faith, others about the Law, they talk, and talk, and talk. However, they can't understand the scriptures. The "treasures" are not for the majority of them, but only for a few ones.
- the sane doctrine coming from God has been corrupted by the addition of several doctrines of men ... The "treasures" are not for the majority of them, but only for a few ones.

so, in a way how are you able to find them in the christian bible seems wisdom would preclude reading that book in the first place ... the treasures are for everyone and certainly not for only a few.
so, in a way how are you able to find them in the christian bible seems wisdom would preclude reading that book in the first place ... the treasures are for everyone and certainly not for only a few.

Not really.

It wasn't a Christian bible the one I used.

About what you just said, I will tell you this way.

In the biblical times, the tithe was to be used and given in different ways.

It wasn't like today, when followers make a check and give the entire amount of their tithe to the church. That is today.

In those times, the tithe was "collected" by the priest or Levite. He came to your house, knock the door, and will ask you for what you have. If you have chicken, then you already have some chicken "to go", and this Levite, with a family of wife and 5 children probably will take 5 chicken. Another day comes another Levite, and he will ask you the same.

From the tithe you also had "funds" or "food" to celebrate the Feasts of God. Yes, you were permitted to eat and share with others part of the tithe you spent in those feasts.

Lets return to Levites.

They came to your farm to collect what it correspond to them because is the tithe, and such belongs to God, not to you anymore.

Same as well, what God offers as treasures is right there, but you must go, knock the door and collect your part. (Metaphorically speaking, of course)

What about it?
so, in a way how are you able to find them in the christian bible seems wisdom would preclude reading that book in the first place ... the treasures are for everyone and certainly not for only a few.

Not really.

It wasn't a Christian bible the one I used.

About what you just said, I will tell you this way.

In the biblical times, the tithe was to be used and given in different ways.

It wasn't like today, when followers make a check and give the entire amount of their tithe to the church. That is today.

In those times, the tithe was "collected" by the priest or Levite. He came to your house, knock the door, and will ask you for what you have. If you have chicken, then you already have some chicken "to go", and this Levite, with a family of wife and 5 children probably will take 5 chicken. Another day comes another Levite, and he will ask you the same.

From the tithe you also had "funds" or "food" to celebrate the Feasts of God. Yes, you were permitted to eat and share with others part of the tithe you spent in those feasts.

Lets return to Levites.

They came to your farm to collect what it correspond to them because is the tithe, and such belongs to God, not to you anymore.

Same as well, what God offers as treasures is right there, but you must go, knock the door and collect your part. (Metaphorically speaking, of course)

What about it?
Same as well, what God offers as treasures is right there, but you must go, knock the door and collect your part. (Metaphorically speaking, of course)

What about it?

- what you are saying, "but you must go, knock the door and collect your part" is not christian ... more the original religion of antiquity. accomplishing for a purpose. is confusing.

It wasn't a Christian bible the one I used.

that's refreshing if not more confusing ...

Another example of "messages" given at each miracle of Christ ...

what about their messiah whichever you read what treasures could there be for them to find. hopeless sinners. theirs is less a reason to read than any others. as for them especially who wrote it. are they purposeful forgeries you believe that hide the treasures.
- what you are saying, "but you must go, knock the door and collect your part" is not christian ... more the original religion of antiquity. accomplishing for a purpose. is confusing.

I think you were in a hurry and forgot to read what is was between parenthesis: (Metaphorically speaking, of course)

what about their messiah whichever you read what treasures could there be for them to find. hopeless sinners. theirs is less a reason to read than any others. as for them especially who wrote it. are they purposeful forgeries you believe that hide the treasures.

OK. Lets see it this way.

What are the chances for you to have a treasure?

1)- Treasure falling from the sky?

2)- You looking for a treasure?

My guess, not necessarily a fact, is event #2, because will be more rare a treasure (gold, money, jewelry) falling from the sky than you going out looking for it.

Then, it will require action from your part.

Take it like a football game.

The stadium won't come to you. It's you the one who will prepare yourself for going and watch the game and have fun over there.


Perhaps the purpose of hiding the "treasures" is because those are not allowed to lazy dudes. Who knows.

Point is, if you want them, then take action and look for them.
That's magical woo-woo nonsense just like the christ cracker, forked tongue. The difference between you and an honest religious that they're not typically two-faced about their beliefs and they also don't require the forked-toungue double speak like you do...which you blame for fear of persecution; however, you're not persecuted and the excuse doesnt apply. You merely do it because you are the serpent.

It isn't magic. The evidence for creation and God is right in front of your nose. Really, the hocus pocus is on the evolution side as they have pulled the wool over your eyes with atheism and evolution.

It sounds like you're losing this argument :itsok: because you just went to ad hominem mode and @hoblim is wrong about how things happened.
Of course it sounds christ cracker crazy. No one has ever seen or heard such a thing before..

Still it cannot be refuted or resisted. If you don't understand or can't apply the least amount of intelligence required to tie your shoes its because the dead know nothing.

You see, during the resurrection, everyone will awaken.

Some will rise to eternal life, some will awaken only to hear their doom.

The Resurrection has already occurred. You can't deny history :laugh:.

And I don't think Israel is a third world country, but some people argue that it is. Is that why you don't think Christ came?

List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
That's magical woo-woo nonsense just like the christ cracker, forked tongue. The difference between you and an honest religious that they're not typically two-faced about their beliefs and they also don't require the forked-toungue double speak like you do...which you blame for fear of persecution; however, you're not persecuted and the excuse doesnt apply. You merely do it because you are the serpent.

It isn't magic. The evidence for creation and God is right in front of your nose. Really, the hocus pocus is on the evolution side as they have pulled the wool over your eyes with atheism and evolution.

It sounds like you're losing this argument :itsok: because you just went to ad hominem mode and @hoblim is wrong about how things happened.
Sorry, James - you do not pass go or collect $200 with your extreme outlier position that evolution is a hoax. It's not worth debating your types on the fact, it's probably indicative of a mental malfunction to even think to want to do so. It's tedious, it's boring, and to tell you the truth it's downright fucking childish to play this deny evolution game. Not worth it.
Sorry, James - you do not pass go or collect $200 with your extreme outlier position that evolution is a hoax. It's not worth debating your types on the fact, it's probably indicative of a mental malfunction to even think to want to do so. It's tedious, it's boring, and to tell you the truth it's downright fucking childish to play this deny evolution game. Not worth it.

Sure evolution is a hoax. All of Darwin thesis have been debunked. I can't help it if you are dumb enough to not recognize it as brainwashing. Some atheist scientist comes up with a theory backing evolution. The lib media repeats it until you believe it. Otherwise, the scientific method would back you up and everyone, including I, would believe you and change our minds. But like I said evolution is a hoax, so all you have is circumstantial evidence and brainwashing.
Sorry, James - you do not pass go or collect $200 with your extreme outlier position that evolution is a hoax. It's not worth debating your types on the fact, it's probably indicative of a mental malfunction to even think to want to do so. It's tedious, it's boring, and to tell you the truth it's downright fucking childish to play this deny evolution game. Not worth it.

Sure evolution is a hoax. All of Darwin thesis have been debunked. I can't help it if you are dumb enough to not recognize it as brainwashing. Some atheist scientist comes up with a theory backing evolution. The lib media repeats it until you believe it. Otherwise, the scientific method would back you up and everyone, including I, would believe you and change our minds. But like I said evolution is a hoax, so all you have is circumstantial evidence and brainwashing.
It's peer reviewed and settled as theory - you are a kook on the internet screaming otherwise. Non-factor.
Sorry, James - you do not pass go or collect $200 with your extreme outlier position that evolution is a hoax. It's not worth debating your types on the fact, it's probably indicative of a mental malfunction to even think to want to do so. It's tedious, it's boring, and to tell you the truth it's downright fucking childish to play this deny evolution game. Not worth it.

Sure evolution is a hoax. All of Darwin thesis have been debunked. I can't help it if you are dumb enough to not recognize it as brainwashing. Some atheist scientist comes up with a theory backing evolution. The lib media repeats it until you believe it. Otherwise, the scientific method would back you up and everyone, including I, would believe you and change our minds. But like I said evolution is a hoax, so all you have is circumstantial evidence and brainwashing.
It's peer reviewed and settled as theory - you are a kook on the internet screaming otherwise. Non-factor.

Haha, you are a joke. And you're telling me to not pass go and collect $200? What a hypocrite! You have no link and the secular and atheist scientists have removed the creation scientists from participating in their peer reviews. It's biased science based on false ToE and evolutionary thinking and history. The arguments should be creation vs evolution and we do that on message boards today. That's where scientific arguments are being waged today. The stupid atheist scientists have removed their competition because they know they are wrong.
Sorry, James - you do not pass go or collect $200 with your extreme outlier position that evolution is a hoax. It's not worth debating your types on the fact, it's probably indicative of a mental malfunction to even think to want to do so. It's tedious, it's boring, and to tell you the truth it's downright fucking childish to play this deny evolution game. Not worth it.

Sure evolution is a hoax. All of Darwin thesis have been debunked. I can't help it if you are dumb enough to not recognize it as brainwashing. Some atheist scientist comes up with a theory backing evolution. The lib media repeats it until you believe it. Otherwise, the scientific method would back you up and everyone, including I, would believe you and change our minds. But like I said evolution is a hoax, so all you have is circumstantial evidence and brainwashing.
It's peer reviewed and settled as theory - you are a kook on the internet screaming otherwise. Non-factor.

Haha, you are a joke. And you're telling me to not pass go and collect $200? What a hypocrite! You have no link and the secular and atheist scientists have removed the creation scientists from participating in their peer reviews. It's biased science based on false ToE and evolutionary thinking and history. The arguments should be creation vs evolution and we do that on message boards today. That's where scientific arguments are being waged today. The stupid atheist scientists have removed their competition because they know they are wrong.
I don't care about you or your crackpot theories, I simply really don't. I see that it's an issue that triggers you, you melt all over the boards about evolution. Calm the fuck down, un-obsess yourself and believe whatever the fuck you wanna believe.
Sorry, James - you do not pass go or collect $200 with your extreme outlier position that evolution is a hoax. It's not worth debating your types on the fact, it's probably indicative of a mental malfunction to even think to want to do so. It's tedious, it's boring, and to tell you the truth it's downright fucking childish to play this deny evolution game. Not worth it.

I guess I'm interrupting a discussion here but the theory of evolution is just a good for nothing theory, like relativity.

See? those theories were invented centuries ago, and today, with modern technology and better knowledge, those old theories are found to be not only in error but obsolete for what the new discoveries are showing about the universe and about life on earth.

You are defending a theory which is holding you to grow up intellectually.

Believing in the theory of evolution it does desensitize you. You better review that theory, and you will find its numerous flaws.
- what you are saying, "but you must go, knock the door and collect your part" is not christian ... more the original religion of antiquity. accomplishing for a purpose. is confusing.

I think you were in a hurry and forgot to read what is was between parenthesis: (Metaphorically speaking, of course)

what about their messiah whichever you read what treasures could there be for them to find. hopeless sinners. theirs is less a reason to read than any others. as for them especially who wrote it. are they purposeful forgeries you believe that hide the treasures.

OK. Lets see it this way.

What are the chances for you to have a treasure?

1)- Treasure falling from the sky?

2)- You looking for a treasure?

My guess, not necessarily a fact, is event #2, because will be more rare a treasure (gold, money, jewelry) falling from the sky than you going out looking for it.

Then, it will require action from your part.

Take it like a football game.

The stadium won't come to you. It's you the one who will prepare yourself for going and watch the game and have fun over there.


Perhaps the purpose of hiding the "treasures" is because those are not allowed to lazy dudes. Who knows.

Point is, if you want them, then take action and look for them.
Perhaps the purpose of hiding the "treasures" is ...

having not read the book first being discussed how would you know - anything ... the century they took to write the christian bible might encourage anyone to take pause for finding anything original in that book or that is not either forged or buried (obliterated) per the whim of the authors. perhaps {sic} your wisdom was simply not to read it.

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