keys to the kingdom

for it to be about the biblical flood it would have to be a myth as there were "no survivors" for record keeping save noah and his few followers


The Bible dates Noah's Flood occurred 2304 BC ± 11 years. .It is likely that Moses wrote about Noah's flood after it happened much later likely between 1440 and 1400 B.C according to scholars.

We have great flood stories around the world, but how come there aren't any evolution stories around the world? There aren't any written history about evolution. No stories of walking fish from the seas or returning to the seas. No stories of apes walking bipedal. No stories fitting the evolution timeline.

Are you going to tell me nobody sees evolution except for microevolution haha? We do not see anything evolve today except for variations within a species which backs up the Bible.
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for it to be about the biblical flood it would have to be a myth as there were "no survivors" for record keeping save noah and his few followers


The Bible dates Noah's Flood occurred 2304 BC ± 11 years. .It is likely that Moses wrote about Noah's flood after it happened much later likely between 1440 and 1400 B.C according to scholars.

We have great flood stories around the world, but how come there aren't any evolution stories around the world? There aren't any written history about evolution. No stories of walking fish from the seas or returning to the seas. No stories of apes walking bipedal. No stories fitting the evolution timeline.

Are you going to tell me nobody sees evolution except for microevolution haha? We do not see anything evolve today except for variations within a species which backs up the Bible.

There was no biblical flood. There is no evidence for such a fantastic tale.

There is overwhelming evidence for evolution. It is not in question among relevant thinkers. That you choose to ignore the evidence is typical for religious extremists.
We have great flood stories around the world, but how come there aren't any evolution stories around the world? There aren't any written history about evolution. No stories of walking fish from the seas or returning to the seas. No stories of apes walking bipedal. No stories fitting the evolution timeline.
1. Even micro-evolution takes place over time, over many generations. We tend to accept what is is also what was.
2. Written language is even more recent. If there ever were stories told around the campfires of ancients, they never (probably like millions of their stories) never made it into print.
1. Even micro-evolution takes place over time, over many generations. We tend to accept what is is also what was.
2. Written language is even more recent. If there ever were stories told around the campfires of ancients, they never (probably like millions of their stories) never made it into print.

Yes, but we actually see microevolution occurring. Real science backs up the Bible.

No one has ever witnessed evolution. The two macroevolution is humans from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs. Flying dragons back up what's in the Bible, but people lived with them at the same time.
1. Even micro-evolution takes place over time, over many generations. We tend to accept what is is also what was.
2. Written language is even more recent. If there ever were stories told around the campfires of ancients, they never (probably like millions of their stories) never made it into print.

Yes, but we actually see microevolution occurring. Real science backs up the Bible.

No one has ever witnessed evolution. The two macroevolution is humans from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs. Flying dragons back up what's in the Bible, but people lived with them at the same time.
What science "backs up" the bible?

Global floods? No.

Taking snakes? No.

A 6,000 year old planet? No.

Men living to be 900 year old? No.

What science "backs up" the bible?
1. Even micro-evolution takes place over time, over many generations. We tend to accept what is is also what was.
2. Written language is even more recent. If there ever were stories told around the campfires of ancients, they never (probably like millions of their stories) never made it into print.

Yes, but we actually see microevolution occurring. Real science backs up the Bible.

No one has ever witnessed evolution. The two macroevolution is humans from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs. Flying dragons back up what's in the Bible, but people lived with them at the same time.
What science "backs up" the bible?

Global floods? No.

Taking snakes? No.

A 6,000 year old planet? No.

Men living to be 900 year old? No.

What science "backs up" the bible?

I notice you have NOTHING to back up evolution. Thus, I am right and you are wrong once more.

Real science backs up the Bible.

Noah's Flood. Yes.

Satan talking through a serpent. Yes.

6,000 year old planet. Yes.

Humans living to 900+ years old. The longevity was different before the flood. Yes.

Nothing backs up evolution. You believe in fake science and lies. I've believed in evolution and then discovered it was a lie. Next, I compared the two differing arguments and decided that creation science and the Bible theory >>>>>>>> evolution theory.

Bottom line. My brain >>>>>>>> Your brain.
No one has ever witnessed evolution. The two macroevolution is humans from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs. Flying dragons back up what's in the Bible, but people lived with them at the same time.
Please don't misunderstand evolution/natural selection. Evolution does not suggest humans evolved from monkeys--or birds from dinosaurs. There is a question, a hypothesis, that asks, "Could human beings and monkeys/apes have a common ancestor? That is much different from science watching monkeys and waiting for more monkeys/apes to evolve into a human being. That is highly unlikely and I do not know of any scientist who is even researching such a possibility.
for it to be about the biblical flood it would have to be a myth as there were "no survivors" for record keeping save noah and his few followers


The Bible dates Noah's Flood occurred 2304 BC ± 11 years. .It is likely that Moses wrote about Noah's flood after it happened much later likely between 1440 and 1400 B.C according to scholars.

We have great flood stories around the world, but how come there aren't any evolution stories around the world? There aren't any written history about evolution. No stories of walking fish from the seas or returning to the seas. No stories of apes walking bipedal. No stories fitting the evolution timeline.

Are you going to tell me nobody sees evolution except for microevolution haha? We do not see anything evolve today except for variations within a species which backs up the Bible.
We have great flood stories around the world, but how come there aren't any evolution stories around the world? There aren't any written history about evolution. No stories of walking fish from the seas or returning to the seas. No stories of apes walking bipedal. No stories fitting the evolution timeline.

wrong ...

The span of recorded history is roughly 5,000 years, beginning with Sumerian Cuneiform script; the oldest discovered form of coherent writing from the protoliterate period around the 30th century BC.

6,000 year old planet. Yes. ... We have great flood stories around the world, but how come there aren't any evolution stories around the world? ... The Bible dates Noah's Flood occurred 2304 BC ± 11 years.

according to your logic, recorded history should have stories beginning 6,000 yeas ago with accounts of adam and eve, where are those ...

for recorded evolution just chose a topic, transportation -


the concept of evolution is not just dinosaurs bond - it is a metaphysical phenomena that transgresses existing conditions into conceptual progressions ... not dead ends as some religions, their congregations insulated by fallacies, stagnating their true destiny never to be fulfilled.
No one has ever witnessed evolution. The two macroevolution is humans from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs. Flying dragons back up what's in the Bible, but people lived with them at the same time.
Please don't misunderstand evolution/natural selection. Evolution does not suggest humans evolved from monkeys--or birds from dinosaurs. There is a question, a hypothesis, that asks, "Could human beings and monkeys/apes have a common ancestor? That is much different from science watching monkeys and waiting for more monkeys/apes to evolve into a human being. That is highly unlikely and I do not know of any scientist who is even researching such a possibility.

>>Evolution does not suggest humans evolved from monkeys--or birds from dinosaurs. There is a question, a hypothesis, that asks, "Could human beings and monkeys/apes have a common ancestor? <<


Sure, it does. There is no common ancestor as there is no evidence of one. All we are sure of is variations within a species. This isn't S&T, so I won't post my evolution links. God did the creating and he created natural selection for it to take care of itself.

>>That is much different from science watching monkeys and waiting for more monkeys/apes to evolve into a human being. That is highly unlikely and I do not know of any scientist who is even researching such a possibility.<<

There is no one doing research on what is a common ancestor today because it would be pointless. If macroevolution happened like natural selection, then they would. Otherwise, it doesn't happen. There is no evidence for it.
wrong ...

Right. No stories of walking fish. No stories of apes walking bipedal. We have no past common ancestors living today. It didn't happen. If we had walking fish, they would be walking today in different forms via natural selection.

according to your logic, recorded history should have stories beginning 6,000 yeas ago with accounts of adam and eve, where are those ...

In the Bible.

for recorded evolution just chose a topic, transportation -

You are colossal nincompoop :laugh:. Evolution has to do with biology.

The explanation for transportation is God gave me a brain to use so we can have technological breakthroughs.
No one has ever witnessed evolution. The two macroevolution is humans from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs. Flying dragons back up what's in the Bible, but people lived with them at the same time.
Please don't misunderstand evolution/natural selection. Evolution does not suggest humans evolved from monkeys--or birds from dinosaurs. There is a question, a hypothesis, that asks, "Could human beings and monkeys/apes have a common ancestor? That is much different from science watching monkeys and waiting for more monkeys/apes to evolve into a human being. That is highly unlikely and I do not know of any scientist who is even researching such a possibility.

>>Evolution does not suggest humans evolved from monkeys--or birds from dinosaurs. There is a question, a hypothesis, that asks, "Could human beings and monkeys/apes have a common ancestor? <<


Sure, it does. There is no common ancestor as there is no evidence of one. All we are sure of is variations within a species. This isn't S&T, so I won't post my evolution links. God did the creating and he created natural selection for it to take care of itself.

>>That is much different from science watching monkeys and waiting for more monkeys/apes to evolve into a human being. That is highly unlikely and I do not know of any scientist who is even researching such a possibility.<<

There is no one doing research on what is a common ancestor today because it would be pointless. If macroevolution happened like natural selection, then they would. Otherwise, it doesn't happen. There is no evidence for it.

When you get your version of science from fundamentalist creation ministries, you will, of course, spew a lot of falsehoods.

Every discovery of an ancient hominid fossil expands our knowledge of man’s evolutionary past,

A new hominid species has been found in a cave in the Philippines | Science News

BTW, I did notice you have revised your cut and paste “humans from monkeys” slogan.

See? Even religious extremists can learn and, you know, evolve.
1. Even micro-evolution takes place over time, over many generations. We tend to accept what is is also what was.
2. Written language is even more recent. If there ever were stories told around the campfires of ancients, they never (probably like millions of their stories) never made it into print.

Yes, but we actually see microevolution occurring. Real science backs up the Bible.

No one has ever witnessed evolution. The two macroevolution is humans from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs. Flying dragons back up what's in the Bible, but people lived with them at the same time.
What science "backs up" the bible?

Global floods? No.

Taking snakes? No.

A 6,000 year old planet? No.

Men living to be 900 year old? No.

What science "backs up" the bible?

I notice you have NOTHING to back up evolution. Thus, I am right and you are wrong once more.

Real science backs up the Bible.

Noah's Flood. Yes.

Satan talking through a serpent. Yes.

6,000 year old planet. Yes.

Humans living to 900+ years old. The longevity was different before the flood. Yes.

Nothing backs up evolution. You believe in fake science and lies. I've believed in evolution and then discovered it was a lie. Next, I compared the two differing arguments and decided that creation science and the Bible theory >>>>>>>> evolution theory.

Bottom line. My brain >>>>>>>> Your brain.

Actually, I can point you toward any college or university in the country as a way to back up biological evolution.

I have no need to “believe in evolution” as the facts of evolution are not in question, other than falsely espoused by your fundamentalist creation ministries.

Religious extremists make themselves literally a laughingstock with their refusal to accept the obvious and their resolute grasp of fear, superstition and ignorance.
1. Even micro-evolution takes place over time, over many generations. We tend to accept what is is also what was.
2. Written language is even more recent. If there ever were stories told around the campfires of ancients, they never (probably like millions of their stories) never made it into print.

Yes, but we actually see microevolution occurring. Real science backs up the Bible.

No one has ever witnessed evolution. The two macroevolution is humans from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs. Flying dragons back up what's in the Bible, but people lived with them at the same time.
What science "backs up" the bible?

Global floods? No.

Taking snakes? No.

A 6,000 year old planet? No.

Men living to be 900 year old? No.

What science "backs up" the bible?

I notice you have NOTHING to back up evolution. Thus, I am right and you are wrong once more.

Real science backs up the Bible.

Noah's Flood. Yes.

Satan talking through a serpent. Yes.

6,000 year old planet. Yes.

Humans living to 900+ years old. The longevity was different before the flood. Yes.

Nothing backs up evolution. You believe in fake science and lies. I've believed in evolution and then discovered it was a lie. Next, I compared the two differing arguments and decided that creation science and the Bible theory >>>>>>>> evolution theory.

Bottom line. My brain >>>>>>>> Your brain.

Humans lived for 900 years just a mere 6,000 years ago?


Really, you’re scary.
wrong ...

Right. No stories of walking fish. No stories of apes walking bipedal. We have no past common ancestors living today. It didn't happen. If we had walking fish, they would be walking today in different forms via natural selection.

according to your logic, recorded history should have stories beginning 6,000 yeas ago with accounts of adam and eve, where are those ...

In the Bible.

for recorded evolution just chose a topic, transportation -

You are colossal nincompoop :laugh:. Evolution has to do with biology.

The explanation for transportation is God gave me a brain to use so we can have technological breakthroughs.
The explanation for transportation is God gave me a brain to use so we can have technological breakthroughs.

wrong ...


technology is not a physiological transfer of knowledge that is not possible but proof of the metaphysical transfer from one being to the next.

your brain is dead, christian the transition from one being into another as the above example is a metaphysical phenomena, spiritual in nature of a purity living beings are able to master. evolution as predicated through the Almighty, the religion of antiquity, can not evolve through sin - , as the very basis against life's extinction. good luck with your forged acceptance as a ticket to the Everlasting.

according to your logic, recorded history should have stories beginning 6,000 yeas ago with accounts of adam and eve, where are those ...

In the Bible.

where are your mommy and daddy buried, do you visit their tombstone ...

we are not discussing the historical accuracy or the lost wisdom of the collective past writings (all lost) of antiquity - but the distortions incorporated in a single publication generated over a century into a forgery of a true religion it serves to suppress for no other reason than base political objectives of the very people it is meant to admonish. bond.
wrong ...

Right. No stories of walking fish. No stories of apes walking bipedal. We have no past common ancestors living today. It didn't happen. If we had walking fish, they would be walking today in different forms via natural selection.

according to your logic, recorded history should have stories beginning 6,000 yeas ago with accounts of adam and eve, where are those ...

In the Bible.

for recorded evolution just chose a topic, transportation -

You are colossal nincompoop :laugh:. Evolution has to do with biology.

The explanation for transportation is God gave me a brain to use so we can have technological breakthroughs.
The explanation for transportation is God gave me a brain to use so we can have technological breakthroughs.

wrong ...

View attachment 288477

technology is not a physiological transfer of knowledge that is not possible but proof of the metaphysical transfer from one being to the next.

your brain is dead, christian the transition from one being into another as the above example is a metaphysical phenomena, spiritual in nature of a purity living beings are able to master. evolution as predicated through the Almighty, the religion of antiquity, can not evolve through sin - , as the very basis against life's extinction. good luck with your forged acceptance as a ticket to the Everlasting.

according to your logic, recorded history should have stories beginning 6,000 yeas ago with accounts of adam and eve, where are those ...

In the Bible.

where are your mommy and daddy buried, do you visit their tombstone ...

we are not discussing the historical accuracy or the lost wisdom of the collective past writings (all lost) of antiquity - but the distortions incorporated in a single publication generated over a century into a forgery of a true religion it serves to suppress for no other reason than base political objectives of the very people it is meant to admonish. bond.

I can see that you have come unhinged because I whipped you putrid butt in front of all these people :laugh:.
1. Even micro-evolution takes place over time, over many generations. We tend to accept what is is also what was.
2. Written language is even more recent. If there ever were stories told around the campfires of ancients, they never (probably like millions of their stories) never made it into print.

Yes, but we actually see microevolution occurring. Real science backs up the Bible.

No one has ever witnessed evolution. The two macroevolution is humans from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs. Flying dragons back up what's in the Bible, but people lived with them at the same time.
What science "backs up" the bible?

Global floods? No.

Taking snakes? No.

A 6,000 year old planet? No.

Men living to be 900 year old? No.

What science "backs up" the bible?

I notice you have NOTHING to back up evolution. Thus, I am right and you are wrong once more.

Real science backs up the Bible.

Noah's Flood. Yes.

Satan talking through a serpent. Yes.

6,000 year old planet. Yes.

Humans living to 900+ years old. The longevity was different before the flood. Yes.

Nothing backs up evolution. You believe in fake science and lies. I've believed in evolution and then discovered it was a lie. Next, I compared the two differing arguments and decided that creation science and the Bible theory >>>>>>>> evolution theory.

Bottom line. My brain >>>>>>>> Your brain.

Humans lived for 900 years just a mere 6,000 years ago?


Really, you’re scary.

Come now. 6000 >>>> 900 and was so until the global flood. Afterward, the max longevity for humans was changed to 120; the present ISN'T the key to the past. Another HUGE wrongness with evos. It fits the creation timeline and the creation timeline doesn't change. Truth doesn't change. OTOH, you keep changing your mistaken timeline in order to fit EVOLUTIONARY LIES. You are too easily pwn3d as you cannot figure out this simple concept.
1. Even micro-evolution takes place over time, over many generations. We tend to accept what is is also what was.
2. Written language is even more recent. If there ever were stories told around the campfires of ancients, they never (probably like millions of their stories) never made it into print.

Yes, but we actually see microevolution occurring. Real science backs up the Bible.

No one has ever witnessed evolution. The two macroevolution is humans from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs. Flying dragons back up what's in the Bible, but people lived with them at the same time.
What science "backs up" the bible?

Global floods? No.

Taking snakes? No.

A 6,000 year old planet? No.

Men living to be 900 year old? No.

What science "backs up" the bible?

I notice you have NOTHING to back up evolution. Thus, I am right and you are wrong once more.

Real science backs up the Bible.

Noah's Flood. Yes.

Satan talking through a serpent. Yes.

6,000 year old planet. Yes.

Humans living to 900+ years old. The longevity was different before the flood. Yes.

Nothing backs up evolution. You believe in fake science and lies. I've believed in evolution and then discovered it was a lie. Next, I compared the two differing arguments and decided that creation science and the Bible theory >>>>>>>> evolution theory.

Bottom line. My brain >>>>>>>> Your brain.

Humans lived for 900 years just a mere 6,000 years ago?


Really, you’re scary.

Come now. 6000 >>>> 900 and was so until the global flood. Afterward, the max longevity for humans was changed to 120; the present ISN'T the key to the past. Another HUGE wrongness with evos. It fits the creation timeline and the creation timeline doesn't change. Truth doesn't change. OTOH, you keep changing your mistaken timeline in order to fit EVOLUTIONARY LIES. You are too easily pwn3d as you cannot figure out this simple concept.
I see. So human lifespans were changed from 900 years to 120 years. Was that done by magic?

Shall I take this to mean that humans typically lived for 900 before Noah embarked on his pleasure cruise?

I see. So human lifespans were changed from 900 years to 120 years. Was that done by magic?

Shall I take this to mean that humans typically lived for 900 before Noah embarked on his pleasure cruise?


It's written in a history book -- the Bible.

As to why longevity was shortened after the flood, it could be due to more genetic code defects from entropy. Other theories have to do with gamma ray radiation as God punished the people who were Noah's descendants -- us.

You can read the science papers here. The Scientific Evidence for Biblical Longevity.pdf
Here is the evidence for a global flood in the fossil record. Most of the fossils in the record are marine animals. For example, we find fossils on top of Mt. Everest and the Himalayas. They found a whale fossil in the Himalayas and atheist scientists said it walked up there. LMAO.

The atheist/evolutionary scientists just ignore what contradicts the evolution timeline and what is found in the layers that contradict the evolution layer timeline. I think these scientists will be punished very severely after they die. If hell is organized into layers, then they will be at the bottom or near the bottom layer. They will be screaming much in the next life.

Global Flood Evidence in the Fossil Record - Christian Evidence
Here is the evidence for a global flood in the fossil record. Most of the fossils in the record are marine animals. For example, we find fossils on top of Mt. Everest and the Himalayas. They found a whale fossil in the Himalayas and atheist scientists said it walked up there. LMAO.

The atheist/evolutionary scientists just ignore what contradicts the evolution timeline and what is found in the layers that contradict the evolution layer timeline. I think these scientists will be punished very severely after they die. If hell is organized into layers, then they will be at the bottom or near the bottom layer. They will be screaming much in the next life.

Global Flood Evidence in the Fossil Record - Christian Evidence

That’s a joke, right?

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