keys to the kingdom

you have put secular humanism with those other two, that is your mistake too bad for you - you are blinded by a 4th century book of forgeries, comfort zone rather than the real deal.

You asked if it was an impeachable offense. It isn't, but it is what it is. You do not listen as I said it was politics, not religion. You are drunk, so we are done.
You asked if it was an impeachable offense. It isn't, but it is what it is. You do not listen as I said it was politics, not religion. You are drunk, so we are done.

1st century religion of antiquity is about triumph over evil not being a sinner it is you who is drunk, drugged on a forged religion that is a dark tunnel to no where.

secular humanism is a religion for its participant in accomplishing goals for the betterment of humanity, a triumph for good.
^ secular humanist
Which totally explains why Breezewood only attacks Christianity.

Socialism has always sought to subordinate the dominant religion of the land. Always.
secular humanism is a religion for its participant in accomplishing goals for the betterment of humanity, a triumph for good.
No! It's precisely NOT a religion. These are reasoned thoughts, using the best evidence available (hopefully).
No! It's precisely NOT a religion. These are reasoned thoughts, using the best evidence available (hopefully).

I agree with you ff, if reasoned they are in the realm of true religion the other poster bond said it was political, I have said all along the christian bible is a political document disguised as a religion - secular humanism is simply without the false messiah. non cultist fundamentalism, humanity for all.
Communism is naturalized humanism. Karl Marx.
your problem bing is being a cultist, christianity looking for reasons to find fault with who are not members of your group - the 1st century was about humanity, the prescription from the Almighty is all or non, you are the loser. communism for one is all encompassing for that it is a beginning.
secular humanism is a religion for its participant in accomplishing goals for the betterment of humanity, a triumph for good.
No! It's precisely NOT a religion. These are reasoned thoughts, using the best evidence available (hopefully).

Reasoned thoughts that lead to communism. Why is it that believers can use reasoning to figure this out, but you and the other atheists here cannot?

BreezeWood thinks its a religion, so he's on the far opposite end and may not ever be able to figure it out. Atheism is the religion. Secular humanism is the politics.

In the past, we figured out Darwinism lead to social Darwinism, Hitler, the Holocaust, genocide, and Planned Parenthood.

My reasoning is you the atheists believe in things without any evidence (despite claims to the contrary). It's their rebellious nature that makes them this way. They claim to use reasoning, but to me reasoning is part of using facts, reasoning, and historical truths to gain knowledge or be able to make a good, smart, decision. You guys claim reasoning, and that may be so, but it ends up being wrong. Maybe the facts and historical truths are not being used (?).
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Communism is naturalized humanism. Karl Marx.
your problem bing is being a cultist, christianity looking for reasons to find fault with who are not members of your group - the 1st century was about humanity, the prescription from the Almighty is all or non, you are the loser. communism for one is all encompassing for that it is a beginning.
communism for one is all encompassing for that it is a beginning?

And you believe I am the cultist?

I love how you tried to hide your secular humanism. That is priceless.
christianity looking for reasons to find fault with who are not members of your group -
No such thing, bub.

I don’t criticize anyone’s religion. You must be confusing me with secular humanists like yourself and hobelim. You guys are a real credit to the human race. Attacking Christians from the cover of darkness. Hiding your secular humanism from all. Beliefs not worth owning are shit beliefs.
Spoken words are not food for the mind?

Excellent question. Some words are food for the mind, some words are poison.

You must learn to differentiate between what is clean and unclean, true and false, right and wrong, life and death, according to the instruction given in Mosaic law.

Some trees bear fruit that is pleasing to the eye and good to eat. some trees wither, die, and bear no fruit.

The flesh of one creature is clean and good to eat, the flesh another creature is unclean and will defile and contaminate your mind,..

Some words will open your mind to understand the way of holiness, give you the knowledge and faith to do it, and so, in the doing, receive eternal life.

Some words will cause you to lose your mind for life, the first death, and then you will die the second death never to rise again...

You must learn to diligently stand guard over the sanctity of your own mind.

If you do you will never know what it is to die.

Remember what Jesus said when the disciples questioned his saying, "eat my flesh", ?

The Spirit alone gives life, the flesh is of no avail; the words that I have spoken to you are both spirit and life.
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secular humanism is a religion for its participant in accomplishing goals for the betterment of humanity, a triumph for good.
No! It's precisely NOT a religion. These are reasoned thoughts, using the best evidence available (hopefully).

Reasoned thoughts that lead to communism. Why is it that believers can use reasoning to figure this out, but you and the other atheists here cannot?

BreezeWood thinks its a religion, so he's on the far opposite end and may not ever be able to figure it out. Atheism is the religion. Secular humanism is the politics.

In the past, we figured out Darwinism lead to social Darwinism, Hitler, the Holocaust, genocide, and Planned Parenthood.

My reasoning is you the atheists believe in things without any evidence (despite claims to the contrary). It's their rebellious nature that makes them this way. They claim to use reasoning, but to me reasoning is part of using facts, reasoning, and historical truths to gain knowledge or be able to make a good, smart, decision. You guys claim reasoning, and that may be so, but it ends up being wrong. Maybe the facts and historical truths are not being used (?).
Historical hysterical twoofs such a a flat earth, talking snakes, global floods that never happened, men living to be 900 years old, etc. are not reasoned, rational claims.

Such fears and superstitions do a disservice to humanity.
secular humanism is a religion for its participant in accomplishing goals for the betterment of humanity, a triumph for good.
No! It's precisely NOT a religion. These are reasoned thoughts, using the best evidence available (hopefully).

Reasoned thoughts that lead to communism. Why is it that believers can use reasoning to figure this out, but you and the other atheists here cannot?

BreezeWood thinks its a religion, so he's on the far opposite end and may not ever be able to figure it out. Atheism is the religion. Secular humanism is the politics.

In the past, we figured out Darwinism lead to social Darwinism, Hitler, the Holocaust, genocide, and Planned Parenthood.

My reasoning is you the atheists believe in things without any evidence (despite claims to the contrary). It's their rebellious nature that makes them this way. They claim to use reasoning, but to me reasoning is part of using facts, reasoning, and historical truths to gain knowledge or be able to make a good, smart, decision. You guys claim reasoning, and that may be so, but it ends up being wrong. Maybe the facts and historical truths are not being used (?).
Historical hysterical twoofs such a a flat earth, talking snakes, global floods that never happened, men living to be 900 years old, etc. are not reasoned, rational claims.

Such fears and superstitions do a disservice to humanity.

Yeah they have lost their minds.

A flat earth just meant that in the beginning all people were equal.

There were no stars in the sky, no rich or poor, no leaders, no followers, no rulers, no mountains looming above the human landscape, and no well heeled big wheel pigmen throwing the righteous into the valley of the shadow of death; no sadistic demons leading sheep to the slaughter.

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secular humanism is a religion for its participant in accomplishing goals for the betterment of humanity, a triumph for good.
No! It's precisely NOT a religion. These are reasoned thoughts, using the best evidence available (hopefully).

Reasoned thoughts that lead to communism. Why is it that believers can use reasoning to figure this out, but you and the other atheists here cannot?

BreezeWood thinks its a religion, so he's on the far opposite end and may not ever be able to figure it out. Atheism is the religion. Secular humanism is the politics.

In the past, we figured out Darwinism lead to social Darwinism, Hitler, the Holocaust, genocide, and Planned Parenthood.

My reasoning is you the atheists believe in things without any evidence (despite claims to the contrary). It's their rebellious nature that makes them this way. They claim to use reasoning, but to me reasoning is part of using facts, reasoning, and historical truths to gain knowledge or be able to make a good, smart, decision. You guys claim reasoning, and that may be so, but it ends up being wrong. Maybe the facts and historical truths are not being used (?).
Historical hysterical twoofs such a a flat earth, talking snakes, global floods that never happened, men living to be 900 years old, etc. are not reasoned, rational claims.

Such fears and superstitions do a disservice to humanity.

BTW, a talking snake is just a metaphor for a despicable human archetype, a deceptive person schooled in the magical arts, sorcery, what people now recognize as mind control. Methuselah lived 969 years. If you divide 969 by 12 you get almost 81 years, double the average lifespan of the time. They must have been using a lunar calendar counting every month as a year.

And there are hundreds of flood myths from every continent around the globe from places and people who never heard of Noah.

Do you really believe that all of our ancestors were superstitious idiots?

The moral teaching in these fantastical stories were expected to be understood by children who never heard of science.

Smarten up.
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secular humanism is a religion for its participant in accomplishing goals for the betterment of humanity, a triumph for good.
No! It's precisely NOT a religion. These are reasoned thoughts, using the best evidence available (hopefully).

Reasoned thoughts that lead to communism. Why is it that believers can use reasoning to figure this out, but you and the other atheists here cannot?

BreezeWood thinks its a religion, so he's on the far opposite end and may not ever be able to figure it out. Atheism is the religion. Secular humanism is the politics.

In the past, we figured out Darwinism lead to social Darwinism, Hitler, the Holocaust, genocide, and Planned Parenthood.

My reasoning is you the atheists believe in things without any evidence (despite claims to the contrary). It's their rebellious nature that makes them this way. They claim to use reasoning, but to me reasoning is part of using facts, reasoning, and historical truths to gain knowledge or be able to make a good, smart, decision. You guys claim reasoning, and that may be so, but it ends up being wrong. Maybe the facts and historical truths are not being used (?).
Historical hysterical twoofs such a a flat earth, talking snakes, global floods that never happened, men living to be 900 years old, etc. are not reasoned, rational claims.

Such fears and superstitions do a disservice to humanity.

BTW, a talking snake is just a metaphor for a despicable human archetype, a deceptive person schooled in the magical arts, sorcery, what people now recognize as mind control. Methuselah lived 969 years. If you divide 969 by 12 you get almost 81 years, double the average lifespan of the time. They must have been using a lunar calendar counting every month as a year.

And there are hundreds of flood myths from every continent around the globe from places and people who never heard of Noah.

Do you really believe that all of our ancestors were superstitious idiots?

The moral teaching in these fantastical stories were expected to be understood by children who never heard of science.

Smarten up.
Kids understand it, I think it's you that sorta misses it...forked tongue.
secular humanism is a religion for its participant in accomplishing goals for the betterment of humanity, a triumph for good.
No! It's precisely NOT a religion. These are reasoned thoughts, using the best evidence available (hopefully).

Reasoned thoughts that lead to communism. Why is it that believers can use reasoning to figure this out, but you and the other atheists here cannot?

BreezeWood thinks its a religion, so he's on the far opposite end and may not ever be able to figure it out. Atheism is the religion. Secular humanism is the politics.

In the past, we figured out Darwinism lead to social Darwinism, Hitler, the Holocaust, genocide, and Planned Parenthood.

My reasoning is you the atheists believe in things without any evidence (despite claims to the contrary). It's their rebellious nature that makes them this way. They claim to use reasoning, but to me reasoning is part of using facts, reasoning, and historical truths to gain knowledge or be able to make a good, smart, decision. You guys claim reasoning, and that may be so, but it ends up being wrong. Maybe the facts and historical truths are not being used (?).
Historical hysterical twoofs such a a flat earth, talking snakes, global floods that never happened, men living to be 900 years old, etc. are not reasoned, rational claims.

Such fears and superstitions do a disservice to humanity.

BTW, a talking snake is just a metaphor for a despicable human archetype, a deceptive person schooled in the magical arts, sorcery, what people now recognize as mind control. Methuselah lived 969 years. If you divide 969 by 12 you get almost 81 years, double the average lifespan of the time. They must have been using a lunar calendar counting every month as a year.

And there are hundreds of flood myths from every continent around the globe from places and people who never heard of Noah.

Do you really believe that all of our ancestors were superstitious idiots?

The moral teaching in these fantastical stories were expected to be understood by children who never heard of science.

Smarten up.

Your claim to what is, and what is not metaphor is an argument for you to have with other religionists. Who decides? Ar we to proceed with nothng in the bible is factual or is it a pick and choose exercise?

Why divide 969 by 12?

Are you suggesting there was a literal Methuselah? Why not a metaphor for that tale?

Yes, flood tales are common. That's not surprising following the end of the last ice age.

Why use the bible for lessons in moral teachings? Have you read the OT?
secular humanism is a religion for its participant in accomplishing goals for the betterment of humanity, a triumph for good.
No! It's precisely NOT a religion. These are reasoned thoughts, using the best evidence available (hopefully).

Reasoned thoughts that lead to communism. Why is it that believers can use reasoning to figure this out, but you and the other atheists here cannot?

BreezeWood thinks its a religion, so he's on the far opposite end and may not ever be able to figure it out. Atheism is the religion. Secular humanism is the politics.

In the past, we figured out Darwinism lead to social Darwinism, Hitler, the Holocaust, genocide, and Planned Parenthood.

My reasoning is you the atheists believe in things without any evidence (despite claims to the contrary). It's their rebellious nature that makes them this way. They claim to use reasoning, but to me reasoning is part of using facts, reasoning, and historical truths to gain knowledge or be able to make a good, smart, decision. You guys claim reasoning, and that may be so, but it ends up being wrong. Maybe the facts and historical truths are not being used (?).
Historical hysterical twoofs such a a flat earth, talking snakes, global floods that never happened, men living to be 900 years old, etc. are not reasoned, rational claims.

Such fears and superstitions do a disservice to humanity.

BTW, a talking snake is just a metaphor for a despicable human archetype, a deceptive person schooled in the magical arts, sorcery, what people now recognize as mind control. Methuselah lived 969 years. If you divide 969 by 12 you get almost 81 years, double the average lifespan of the time. They must have been using a lunar calendar counting every month as a year.

And there are hundreds of flood myths from every continent around the globe from places and people who never heard of Noah.

Do you really believe that all of our ancestors were superstitious idiots?

The moral teaching in these fantastical stories were expected to be understood by children who never heard of science.

Smarten up.
And there are hundreds of flood myths from every continent around the globe from places and people who never heard of Noah.

for it to be about the biblical flood it would have to be a myth as there were "no survivors" for record keeping save noah and his few followers - obviously another flawed story made up by the desert nomads and 4th century revisionists. obscuring the true religion of antiquity.
obscuring the true religion of antiquity.
Which was what exactly? Can you at least name a people or a place?
Which was what exactly? Can you at least name a people or a place?

noah - the triumph of good vs evil. the religion of antiquity as prescribed by the Almighty. not faith but accomplishment required for admission to the Everlasting. sinner.

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