keys to the kingdom

I think the best way to begin is by discovering the hidden meaning of the words and subjects in scripture not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.

I will assume that we already agree that the Bible is a collection of stories written and edited by many different unknown authors separated by thousands of years of time reflecting the many different contemporary conditions and concerns all of which is supposed to have happened on earth in this same reality.

I will also assume that you are already studied in traditional literary techniques and forms of expression and have a background in the sciences and a sober knowledge of what is possible and impossible.

All of this will serve as a good foundation on which to build upon, reality being the constant constraint on any possible interpretation..

How to perceive God necessarily must come later.

After seeing what is right and wrong and where judgment lies according to the deeper implications of scripture, an indeterminate period of time must occur for cleansing the mind from all formerly held beliefs opinions and judgments that were found to be in error. Then more time must be spent learning to master the previously unknown abilities of a purified mind. If you do this everywhere you look, you will see God.

To avoid babbling or talking about something you are not interested in or already know, tell me if you have any specific questions?

Are there any particular subjects in scripture or miracles of Jesus that you would like to have resolved with reality?
Meh, who cares.

What is really interesting is the fact that we are about to witness the collision of 3 black holes.

Yes, that will be extremely exciting. I'll give you that. But verily, lol, once it dawns on people that those who have usurped positions of authority over the masses based on what has been irrefutably proven to be a false claim to moral authority and that all civil laws and social customs are based on lies consequent to a superstitious and ignorant interpretation of what amount to ancient fairy tales resulting in a perverted view of right and wrong exposing our political and religious leaders as perverse idiots, if not insane, you won't have to look up into the sky to see something more entertaining than 3 back holes colliding.
Spoken like a true secular humanist whose attempt to deceive invalidates his point about deception.


you invalidated yourself long ago by having the audacity to try and pass off your irrational belief that God can be eaten just because you asked to eat him as something to be proud of.
Your opinion of me and my faith isn’t a secret.

You being a secular humanist is.

Time to fess up.
Im glad that we're in agreement on SSSSSSSSSomething, homey. Howbilly is on that forked tongue speaking in lofty metaphor to avoid the spine to state his beliefs on what he believes God is.

He wont say it with his chest like a real one, you should just give up my man.
What is really interesting is the fact that we are about to witness the collision of 3 black holes.

Having sex on a boat in San Francisco Bay while they're shooting fireworks is better. We already saw two giant black holes collide and become one large black hole. What more do you expect with three? I went to the penthouse of one of the towering condos in Pacific Heights and they had a telescope pointing out their window. I looked through it and they were looking at a nearby rooftop swimming pool. I think it was a celeb DJ bachelor living there at the time. They were using it for peeping tom.
As someone who is always open to learning about new ideas and concepts I am willing to admit to being intrigued enough to want to find out more about this. Please proceed with the lesson either in this thread or another or even via PMs if you prefer.

I think the best way to begin is by discovering the hidden meaning of the words and subjects in scripture not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.

I will assume that we already agree that the Bible is a collection of stories written and edited by many different unknown authors separated by thousands of years of time reflecting the many different contemporary conditions and concerns all of which is supposed to have happened on earth in this same reality.

I will also assume that you are already studied in traditional literary techniques and forms of expression and have a background in the sciences and a sober knowledge of what is possible and impossible.

All of this will serve as a good foundation on which to build upon, reality being the constant constraint on any possible interpretation..

How to perceive God necessarily must come later.

After seeing what is right and wrong and where judgment lies according to the deeper implications of scripture, an indeterminate period of time must occur for cleansing the mind from all formerly held beliefs opinions and judgments that were found to be in error. Then more time must be spent learning to master the previously unknown abilities of a purified mind. If you do this everywhere you look, you will see God.

To avoid babbling or talking about something you are not interested in or already know, tell me if you have any specific questions?

Are there any particular subjects in scripture or miracles of Jesus that you would like to have resolved with reality?
Meh, who cares.

What is really interesting is the fact that we are about to witness the collision of 3 black holes.

Yes, that will be extremely exciting. I'll give you that. But verily, lol, once it dawns on people that those who have usurped positions of authority over the masses based on what has been irrefutably proven to be a false claim to moral authority and that all civil laws and social customs are based on lies consequent to a superstitious and ignorant interpretation of what amount to ancient fairy tales resulting in a perverted view of right and wrong exposing our political and religious leaders as perverse idiots, if not insane, you won't have to look up into the sky to see something more entertaining than 3 back holes colliding.
Spoken like a true secular humanist whose attempt to deceive invalidates his point about deception.
Spoken like a true secular humanist whose attempt to deceive invalidates his point about deception.

secular humanist by definition is the antithesis of deception which makes the posting assailant the deceiver regardless the content they are objecting too.
As someone who is always open to learning about new ideas and concepts I am willing to admit to being intrigued enough to want to find out more about this. Please proceed with the lesson either in this thread or another or even via PMs if you prefer.

I think the best way to begin is by discovering the hidden meaning of the words and subjects in scripture not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.

I will assume that we already agree that the Bible is a collection of stories written and edited by many different unknown authors separated by thousands of years of time reflecting the many different contemporary conditions and concerns all of which is supposed to have happened on earth in this same reality.

I will also assume that you are already studied in traditional literary techniques and forms of expression and have a background in the sciences and a sober knowledge of what is possible and impossible.

All of this will serve as a good foundation on which to build upon, reality being the constant constraint on any possible interpretation..

How to perceive God necessarily must come later.

After seeing what is right and wrong and where judgment lies according to the deeper implications of scripture, an indeterminate period of time must occur for cleansing the mind from all formerly held beliefs opinions and judgments that were found to be in error. Then more time must be spent learning to master the previously unknown abilities of a purified mind. If you do this everywhere you look, you will see God.

To avoid babbling or talking about something you are not interested in or already know, tell me if you have any specific questions?

Are there any particular subjects in scripture or miracles of Jesus that you would like to have resolved with reality?
Meh, who cares.

What is really interesting is the fact that we are about to witness the collision of 3 black holes.

Yes, that will be extremely exciting. I'll give you that. But verily, lol, once it dawns on people that those who have usurped positions of authority over the masses based on what has been irrefutably proven to be a false claim to moral authority and that all civil laws and social customs are based on lies consequent to a superstitious and ignorant interpretation of what amount to ancient fairy tales resulting in a perverted view of right and wrong exposing our political and religious leaders as perverse idiots, if not insane, you won't have to look up into the sky to see something more entertaining than 3 back holes colliding.
Spoken like a true secular humanist whose attempt to deceive invalidates his point about deception.
Spoken like a true secular humanist whose attempt to deceive invalidates his point about deception.

secular humanist by definition is the antithesis of deception which makes the posting assailant the deceiver regardless the content they are objecting too.
That’s exactly what I would expect a secular humanist to say.
As someone who is always open to learning about new ideas and concepts I am willing to admit to being intrigued enough to want to find out more about this. Please proceed with the lesson either in this thread or another or even via PMs if you prefer.

I think the best way to begin is by discovering the hidden meaning of the words and subjects in scripture not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.

I will assume that we already agree that the Bible is a collection of stories written and edited by many different unknown authors separated by thousands of years of time reflecting the many different contemporary conditions and concerns all of which is supposed to have happened on earth in this same reality.

I will also assume that you are already studied in traditional literary techniques and forms of expression and have a background in the sciences and a sober knowledge of what is possible and impossible.

All of this will serve as a good foundation on which to build upon, reality being the constant constraint on any possible interpretation..

How to perceive God necessarily must come later.

After seeing what is right and wrong and where judgment lies according to the deeper implications of scripture, an indeterminate period of time must occur for cleansing the mind from all formerly held beliefs opinions and judgments that were found to be in error. Then more time must be spent learning to master the previously unknown abilities of a purified mind. If you do this everywhere you look, you will see God.

To avoid babbling or talking about something you are not interested in or already know, tell me if you have any specific questions?

Are there any particular subjects in scripture or miracles of Jesus that you would like to have resolved with reality?
Meh, who cares.

What is really interesting is the fact that we are about to witness the collision of 3 black holes.

Yes, that will be extremely exciting. I'll give you that. But verily, lol, once it dawns on people that those who have usurped positions of authority over the masses based on what has been irrefutably proven to be a false claim to moral authority and that all civil laws and social customs are based on lies consequent to a superstitious and ignorant interpretation of what amount to ancient fairy tales resulting in a perverted view of right and wrong exposing our political and religious leaders as perverse idiots, if not insane, you won't have to look up into the sky to see something more entertaining than 3 back holes colliding.
Spoken like a true secular humanist whose attempt to deceive invalidates his point about deception.


you invalidated yourself long ago by having the audacity to try and pass off your irrational belief that God can be eaten just because you asked to eat him as something to be proud of.
Spoken words are not food for the mind?
secular humanist by definition is the antithesis of deception which makes the posting assailant the deceiver regardless the content they are objecting too.

You are a tool. You keep saying the same crap over and over until you are exposed.
Meh, who cares.

What is really interesting is the fact that we are about to witness the collision of 3 black holes.

Yes, that will be extremely exciting. I'll give you that. But verily, lol, once it dawns on people that those who have usurped positions of authority over the masses based on what has been irrefutably proven to be a false claim to moral authority and that all civil laws and social customs are based on lies consequent to a superstitious and ignorant interpretation of what amount to ancient fairy tales resulting in a perverted view of right and wrong exposing our political and religious leaders as perverse idiots, if not insane, you won't have to look up into the sky to see something more entertaining than 3 back holes colliding.
Spoken like a true secular humanist whose attempt to deceive invalidates his point about deception.


you invalidated yourself long ago by having the audacity to try and pass off your irrational belief that God can be eaten just because you asked to eat him as something to be proud of.
Your opinion of me and my faith isn’t a secret.

You being a secular humanist is.

Time to fess up.
Im glad that we're in agreement on SSSSSSSSSomething, homey. Howbilly is on that forked tongue speaking in lofty metaphor to avoid the spine to state his beliefs on what he believes God is.

He wont say it with his chest like a real one, you should just give up my man.
Give up what? Exposing his deception?

I don’t think so.
Yes, that will be extremely exciting. I'll give you that. But verily, lol, once it dawns on people that those who have usurped positions of authority over the masses based on what has been irrefutably proven to be a false claim to moral authority and that all civil laws and social customs are based on lies consequent to a superstitious and ignorant interpretation of what amount to ancient fairy tales resulting in a perverted view of right and wrong exposing our political and religious leaders as perverse idiots, if not insane, you won't have to look up into the sky to see something more entertaining than 3 back holes colliding.
Spoken like a true secular humanist whose attempt to deceive invalidates his point about deception.


you invalidated yourself long ago by having the audacity to try and pass off your irrational belief that God can be eaten just because you asked to eat him as something to be proud of.
Your opinion of me and my faith isn’t a secret.

You being a secular humanist is.

Time to fess up.
Im glad that we're in agreement on SSSSSSSSSomething, homey. Howbilly is on that forked tongue speaking in lofty metaphor to avoid the spine to state his beliefs on what he believes God is.

He wont say it with his chest like a real one, you should just give up my man.
Give up what? Exposing his deception?

I don’t think so.
Trying to squeeze any honesty out of a fossilized lemon
Spoken like a true secular humanist whose attempt to deceive invalidates his point about deception.


you invalidated yourself long ago by having the audacity to try and pass off your irrational belief that God can be eaten just because you asked to eat him as something to be proud of.
Your opinion of me and my faith isn’t a secret.

You being a secular humanist is.

Time to fess up.
Im glad that we're in agreement on SSSSSSSSSomething, homey. Howbilly is on that forked tongue speaking in lofty metaphor to avoid the spine to state his beliefs on what he believes God is.

He wont say it with his chest like a real one, you should just give up my man.
Give up what? Exposing his deception?

I don’t think so.
Trying to squeeze any honesty out of a fossilized lemon
Not my objective though.
secular humanist by definition is the antithesis of deception which makes the posting assailant the deceiver regardless the content they are objecting too.

You are a tool. You keep saying the same crap over and over until you are exposed.
You are a tool. You keep saying the same crap over and over until you are exposed.

if what you object to is repeated what is the "until" suppose to be as though your objection is not directly in front of you as being not a secret from the beginning ...

secular humanist by definition is the antithesis of deception ...

for your information to not avoid exposure secular humanist is fully compatible with the religion of antiquity as being benign as everything else where the prescribed triumph would satisfy any objections for its application in real life situations.
I think the best way to begin is by discovering the hidden meaning of the words and subjects in scripture not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.

I will assume that we already agree that the Bible is a collection of stories written and edited by many different unknown authors separated by thousands of years of time reflecting the many different contemporary conditions and concerns all of which is supposed to have happened on earth in this same reality.

I will also assume that you are already studied in traditional literary techniques and forms of expression and have a background in the sciences and a sober knowledge of what is possible and impossible.

All of this will serve as a good foundation on which to build upon, reality being the constant constraint on any possible interpretation..

How to perceive God necessarily must come later.

After seeing what is right and wrong and where judgment lies according to the deeper implications of scripture, an indeterminate period of time must occur for cleansing the mind from all formerly held beliefs opinions and judgments that were found to be in error. Then more time must be spent learning to master the previously unknown abilities of a purified mind. If you do this everywhere you look, you will see God.

To avoid babbling or talking about something you are not interested in or already know, tell me if you have any specific questions?

Are there any particular subjects in scripture or miracles of Jesus that you would like to have resolved with reality?
Meh, who cares.

What is really interesting is the fact that we are about to witness the collision of 3 black holes.

Yes, that will be extremely exciting. I'll give you that. But verily, lol, once it dawns on people that those who have usurped positions of authority over the masses based on what has been irrefutably proven to be a false claim to moral authority and that all civil laws and social customs are based on lies consequent to a superstitious and ignorant interpretation of what amount to ancient fairy tales resulting in a perverted view of right and wrong exposing our political and religious leaders as perverse idiots, if not insane, you won't have to look up into the sky to see something more entertaining than 3 back holes colliding.
Spoken like a true secular humanist whose attempt to deceive invalidates his point about deception.


you invalidated yourself long ago by having the audacity to try and pass off your irrational belief that God can be eaten just because you asked to eat him as something to be proud of.
Spoken words are not food for the mind?
Spoken words are not food for the mind?

if not, certainly for the spirit. expressed visions.
secular humanist by definition is the antithesis of deception which makes the posting assailant the deceiver regardless the content they are objecting too.

You are a tool. You keep saying the same crap over and over until you are exposed.
You are a tool. You keep saying the same crap over and over until you are exposed.

if what you object to is repeated what is the "until" suppose to be as though your objection is not directly in front of you as being not a secret from the beginning ...

secular humanist by definition is the antithesis of deception ...

for your information to not avoid exposure secular humanist is fully compatible with the religion of antiquity as being benign as everything else where the prescribed triumph would satisfy any objections for its application in real life situations.

You just repeated what you said in your previous post. You are a tool. I am right.
secular humanist by definition is the antithesis of deception which makes the posting assailant the deceiver regardless the content they are objecting too.

You are a tool. You keep saying the same crap over and over until you are exposed.
You are a tool. You keep saying the same crap over and over until you are exposed.

if what you object to is repeated what is the "until" suppose to be as though your objection is not directly in front of you as being not a secret from the beginning ...

secular humanist by definition is the antithesis of deception ...

for your information to not avoid exposure secular humanist is fully compatible with the religion of antiquity as being benign as everything else where the prescribed triumph would satisfy any objections for its application in real life situations.

You just repeated what you said in your previous post. You are a tool. I am right.
You just repeated what you said in your previous post. You are a tool. I am right.

sounds more like you are questioning yourself ... again.

is secular humanism an impeachable offense, hey bond by the way that guy you love so much is he going to make it to the next election. trump.

of course as already stated a truly religious person by the prescribed religion could easily attain the qualities of secular humanism, how about if they were a christian. no, on second thought whatever could a sinner ever accomplish. no ticket to the Everlasting for them.
is secular humanism an impeachable offense

I would think it was politics, not religion. It's another name for communism and fascism, something we do not like in our country.
I would think it was politics, not religion. It's another name for communism and fascism, something we do not like in our country.

you have put secular humanism with those other two, that is your mistake too bad for you - you are blinded by a 4th century book of forgeries, comfort zone rather than the real deal.
you have put secular humanism with those other two, that is your mistake too bad for you - you are blinded by a 4th century book of forgeries, comfort zone rather than the real deal.

You asked if it was an impeachable offense. It isn't, but it is what it is. You do not listen as I said it was politics, not religion. You are drunk, so we are done.
is secular humanism an impeachable offense

I would think it was politics, not religion. It's another name for communism and fascism, something we do not like in our country.
I would think it was politics, not religion. It's another name for communism and fascism, something we do not like in our country.

you have put secular humanism with those other two, that is your mistake too bad for you - you are blinded by a 4th century book of forgeries, comfort zone rather than the real deal.
Actually... your hatred of Christianity is blinding you from the real deal.

Isn’t it surprising that of all the world religions you believe that only Christianity is blinding people from the real deal?

What about Hinduism? Are Hindus blinded from the real deal?

What about Taoism? Are Taoists blinded from the real deal?

What about Islam? Are Islamists blinded from the real deal?

What about Judaism? Are Jews blinded from the real deal?

What about Mormons? Are Mormons blinded from the real deal?

What about Buddhism? Are Buddhist blinded from the real deal?

What about primal religions? Are primal religions blinded from the real deal?
you have put secular humanism with those other two, that is your mistake too bad for you - you are blinded by a 4th century book of forgeries, comfort zone rather than the real deal.

You asked if it was an impeachable offense. It isn't, but it is what it is. You do not listen as I said it was politics, not religion. You are drunk, so we are done.
You asked if it was an impeachable offense. It isn't, but it is what it is. You do not listen as I said it was politics, not religion. You are drunk, so we are done.

1st century religion of antiquity is about triumph over evil not being a sinner it is you who is drunk, drugged on a forged religion that is a dark tunnel to no where.

secular humanism is a religion for its participant in accomplishing goals for the betterment of humanity, a triumph for good.
secular humanism is a religion for its participant in accomplishing goals for the betterment of humanity, a triumph for good.
No! It's precisely NOT a religion. These are reasoned thoughts, using the best evidence available (hopefully).

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