keys to the kingdom

Your comments are total nonsense, but that's allowed? Only people making fun of your nonsense aren't allowed and therefore your god has ruled me dead? :cuckoo:

Do you really think that you are not acting like a jackass? lol... right..

God has not ruled you dead. Your brain was deliberately addled when you were just a supple little lad.

Now you are just road kill, like a skunk rotting in the sun in the middle of the road as people hold their noses, say damn that stank, and pass you by.

You prove it every day.
Oh, so this is just your personal opinion, not some religious dogma shpeel. Got it. But why are you so upset? With all the put-downs? You can't converse without them?

No, its not my opinion..and I'm not upset. I am just alerting you to the condition your condition is in whenever you degenerate into vulgarity.

Can't you converse without being a jackass? Don't you have any self respect?

Its just more proof, provided by you daily, that you died in the very day you first got down on your knees to take the flesh of a false mangod into your mouth when you were 12. Now there nothing wrong with acting like a 12 year old when you are 12 years old, but how old are you?

And the rotting skunk stuck to the asphalt comment was not a put down. It is an accurate analogy that illustrates your situation perfectly. Can't you see everybody holding their noses as they pass you by? No? Right, you are road kill.

If it wasn't true, when are you going to move from the place on the road that you have been stuck in for decades, grow up and start acting like a 13 year old?
When I have my bar mitzvah. :biggrin:

If it's not your opinion, where are you getting all this bullshit from?

lol....Where am I getting all this bullshit from? From you of course. For some mysterious reason you have been generously sharing the addled infantile garbage that fills your perverted mind every day.

Now you know. :biggrin:
No, where are you getting your nonsensical stories about god? Personal opinion or the Torah, ...?
This question has been answered a few times in this thread, but you can't go there so forget it. Worse is, that others if they are under your control can't go there either, and that will be booked against you. So try to release them. Hehe.
I can't go to heaven or hell? Why not?

It is like those Florida Miami billioner neighborhoods if you like. They are not on the map either, because if you don't already know which bridge to take to get there, then you don't belong there.
So not real, since you don't know where they are.
It is real, and I know where they are. You will also never get there. Hehehe.
So I won't go to heaven or hell? So where then?
So I won't go to heaven or hell? So where then?


... if there is no preference the accommodations are on the house.
As someone who is always open to learning about new ideas and concepts I am willing to admit to being intrigued enough to want to find out more about this. Please proceed with the lesson either in this thread or another or even via PMs if you prefer.

I think the best way to begin is by discovering the hidden meaning of the words and subjects in scripture not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.

I will assume that we already agree that the Bible is a collection of stories written and edited by many different unknown authors separated by thousands of years of time reflecting the many different contemporary conditions and concerns all of which is supposed to have happened on earth in this same reality.

I will also assume that you are already studied in traditional literary techniques and forms of expression and have a background in the sciences and a sober knowledge of what is possible and impossible.

All of this will serve as a good foundation on which to build upon, reality being the constant constraint on any possible interpretation..

How to perceive God necessarily must come later.

After seeing what is right and wrong and where judgment lies according to the deeper implications of scripture, an indeterminate period of time must occur for cleansing the mind from all formerly held beliefs opinions and judgments that were found to be in error. Then more time must be spent learning to master the previously unknown abilities of a purified mind. If you do this everywhere you look, you will see God.

To avoid babbling or talking about something you are not interested in or already know, tell me if you have any specific questions?

Are there any particular subjects in scripture or miracles of Jesus that you would like to have resolved with reality?
Yes, I have a question.

Please tell me how you see God everywhere you look.
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As someone who is always open to learning about new ideas and concepts I am willing to admit to being intrigued enough to want to find out more about this. Please proceed with the lesson either in this thread or another or even via PMs if you prefer.

I think the best way to begin is by discovering the hidden meaning of the words and subjects in scripture not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.

I will assume that we already agree that the Bible is a collection of stories written and edited by many different unknown authors separated by thousands of years of time reflecting the many different contemporary conditions and concerns all of which is supposed to have happened on earth in this same reality.

I will also assume that you are already studied in traditional literary techniques and forms of expression and have a background in the sciences and a sober knowledge of what is possible and impossible.

All of this will serve as a good foundation on which to build upon, reality being the constant constraint on any possible interpretation..

How to perceive God necessarily must come later.

After seeing what is right and wrong and where judgment lies according to the deeper implications of scripture, an indeterminate period of time must occur for cleansing the mind from all formerly held beliefs opinions and judgments that were found to be in error. Then more time must be spent learning to master the previously unknown abilities of a purified mind. If you do this everywhere you look, you will see God.

To avoid babbling or talking about something you are not interested in or already know, tell me if you have any specific questions?

Are there any particular subjects in scripture or miracles of Jesus that you would like to have resolved with reality?
Yes, I would like for you to resolve a parable with reality for me. Please resolve the parable of the Roman Centurion with reality for me.
As someone who is always open to learning about new ideas and concepts I am willing to admit to being intrigued enough to want to find out more about this. Please proceed with the lesson either in this thread or another or even via PMs if you prefer.

I think the best way to begin is by discovering the hidden meaning of the words and subjects in scripture not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.

I will assume that we already agree that the Bible is a collection of stories written and edited by many different unknown authors separated by thousands of years of time reflecting the many different contemporary conditions and concerns all of which is supposed to have happened on earth in this same reality.

I will also assume that you are already studied in traditional literary techniques and forms of expression and have a background in the sciences and a sober knowledge of what is possible and impossible.

All of this will serve as a good foundation on which to build upon, reality being the constant constraint on any possible interpretation..

How to perceive God necessarily must come later.

After seeing what is right and wrong and where judgment lies according to the deeper implications of scripture, an indeterminate period of time must occur for cleansing the mind from all formerly held beliefs opinions and judgments that were found to be in error. Then more time must be spent learning to master the previously unknown abilities of a purified mind. If you do this everywhere you look, you will see God.

To avoid babbling or talking about something you are not interested in or already know, tell me if you have any specific questions?

Are there any particular subjects in scripture or miracles of Jesus that you would like to have resolved with reality?
Yes, I would like for you to resolve a parable with reality for me. Please resolve the parable of the Roman Centurion with reality for me.


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As someone who is always open to learning about new ideas and concepts I am willing to admit to being intrigued enough to want to find out more about this. Please proceed with the lesson either in this thread or another or even via PMs if you prefer.

I think the best way to begin is by discovering the hidden meaning of the words and subjects in scripture not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.

I will assume that we already agree that the Bible is a collection of stories written and edited by many different unknown authors separated by thousands of years of time reflecting the many different contemporary conditions and concerns all of which is supposed to have happened on earth in this same reality.

I will also assume that you are already studied in traditional literary techniques and forms of expression and have a background in the sciences and a sober knowledge of what is possible and impossible.

All of this will serve as a good foundation on which to build upon, reality being the constant constraint on any possible interpretation..

How to perceive God necessarily must come later.

After seeing what is right and wrong and where judgment lies according to the deeper implications of scripture, an indeterminate period of time must occur for cleansing the mind from all formerly held beliefs opinions and judgments that were found to be in error. Then more time must be spent learning to master the previously unknown abilities of a purified mind. If you do this everywhere you look, you will see God.

To avoid babbling or talking about something you are not interested in or already know, tell me if you have any specific questions?

Are there any particular subjects in scripture or miracles of Jesus that you would like to have resolved with reality?
Yes, I would like for you to resolve a parable with reality for me. Please resolve the parable of the Roman Centurion with reality for me.


C’mon, you can do better than that.

Let’s hear your interpretation of the Roman Centurion.

You did say that you are able to see God everywhere, right?

So come on and tell me what the parable of the Roman Centurion means.
Are there any particular subjects in scripture or miracles of Jesus that you would like to have resolved with reality?

Why yes, yes there is. Can you explain the meaning of the account of the Centurion?
Are there any particular subjects in scripture or miracles of Jesus that you would like to have resolved with reality?

Why yes, yes there is. Can you explain the meaning of the account of the Centurion?

So sorry ding about you getting so bent out of shape that you felt the need to drag up this six year old question asked to someone else but if you can't be honest enough about your deliberate defiance of the law of God that prohibits idolatry as you have consistently demonstrated you will never be honest about any less important subject. Don't you even have an inkling how desperate and pathetic you have become perpetuating a lie? Damn.

You lack substance in the fundamental disciplines of humility and honesty foundational to salvation. I have no interest in saving your soul. As I have said you have already provided overwhelming evidence of the consequence for setting aside the teaching in the law, death, by filling your mind, your only means of experiencing life, with superstitious gobbledygook about eating an imaginary three in one mangod, a Jesus that never existed, and receiving eternal life from a lifeless matzo made by human hands that can neither see, hear, speak or walk..

So fuck off. Vaffanculo a chi t’è morto.
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Are there any particular subjects in scripture or miracles of Jesus that you would like to have resolved with reality?

Why yes, yes there is. Can you explain the meaning of the account of the Centurion?

So sorry ding about you getting so bent out of shape that you felt the need to drag up this six year old question asked to someone else but if you can't be honest enough about your deliberate defiance of the law of God that prohibits idolatry as you have consistently demonstrated you will never be honest about any less important subject. Don't you even have an inkling how desperate and pathetic you have become perpetuating a lie? Damn.

You lack substance in the fundamental disciplines of humility and honesty foundational to salvation. I have no interest in saving your soul. As I have said you have already provided overwhelming evidence of the consequence for setting aside the teaching in the law, death, by filling your mind, your only means of experiencing life, with superstitious gobbledygook about eating an imaginary three in one mangod, a Jesus that never existed, and receiving eternal life from a lifeless matzo made by human hands that can neither see, hear, speak or walk..

So fuck off. Vaffanculo a chi t’è morto.
I am well aware of your opinion of me and my religious practices. It is literally all you discuss. So the only person triggered here is you.

You made a bold claim in the OP.

Can you back it up or not?

Can you explain the meaning of the account of the Centurion?
Okay, did I miss something?

What are the keys to the kingdom?

Knowing that there is hidden subjects and secret teaching not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used, a figurative language used by the prophets who spoke for God including Moses who gave the law from God as a light to the nations.

Jesus told people who were obsessive about conforming to the literal application of the law that unless they repent they will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

When Jesus revealed that the hidden subject in kosher law that actually reflected divine wisdom is about what you put into your head and was never about what you eat he led people to the sanctuary of God making the wrong way to conform to divine instruction according to the talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men, obsolete.

If Christians ever grasped the hidden subject of the bodily ascension of Christ they would stop teaching their children that Jesus floated up into the sky.
Okay, did I miss something?

What are the keys to the kingdom?

Knowing that there is hidden subjects and secret teaching not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used, a figurative language used by the prophets who spoke for God including Moses who gave the law from God as a light to the nations.

Jesus told people who were obsessive about conforming to the literal application of the law that unless they repent they will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

When Jesus revealed that the hidden subject in kosher law that actually reflected divine wisdom is about what you put into your head and was never about what you eat he led people to the sanctuary of God making the wrong way to conform to divine instruction according to the talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men, obsolete.
^ believes in sky fairy
Okay, did I miss something?

What are the keys to the kingdom?

Knowing that there is hidden subjects and secret teaching not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used, a figurative language used by the prophets who spoke for God including Moses who gave the law from God as a light to the nations.

Jesus told people who were obsessive about conforming to the literal application of the law that unless they repent they will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

When Jesus revealed that the hidden subject in kosher law that actually reflected divine wisdom is about what you put into your head and was never about what you eat he led people to the sanctuary of God making the wrong way to conform to divine instruction according to the talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men, obsolete.
^ believes in sky fairy

I believe that there is hidden teaching in scripture and have proven it.

You're a fucking idiot.

The fantastical stories about supernatural demonstrations of divine power were intentionally designed to divert morons like you from ever grasping that hidden teaching.

Still works like a charm.
Okay, did I miss something?

What are the keys to the kingdom?

Knowing that there is hidden subjects and secret teaching not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used, a figurative language used by the prophets who spoke for God including Moses who gave the law from God as a light to the nations.

Jesus told people who were obsessive about conforming to the literal application of the law that unless they repent they will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

When Jesus revealed that the hidden subject in kosher law that actually reflected divine wisdom is about what you put into your head and was never about what you eat he led people to the sanctuary of God making the wrong way to conform to divine instruction according to the talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men, obsolete.
^ believes in sky fairy

I believe that there is hidden teaching in scripture and have proven it.

You're a fucking idiot.
you believe the teaching is used by people who spoke for sky fairy including moses spoke for sky fAIRY

sorry, forked tongue - you cant have it 6 ways like the serpent wants
I believe that there is hidden teaching in scripture and have proven it.

there are no originals, what are you reading ... forgeries.

howabout there were no hidden meanings and that is why they were destroyed - by christians and other desert religion followers. why the spoken religion of antiquity persists to this day. despite their efforts.

the christian interpretive jesus never existed, you might agree with that anyway.
Okay, did I miss something?

What are the keys to the kingdom?

Knowing that there is hidden subjects and secret teaching not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used, a figurative language used by the prophets who spoke for God including Moses who gave the law from God as a light to the nations.

Jesus told people who were obsessive about conforming to the literal application of the law that unless they repent they will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

When Jesus revealed that the hidden subject in kosher law that actually reflected divine wisdom is about what you put into your head and was never about what you eat he led people to the sanctuary of God making the wrong way to conform to divine instruction according to the talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men, obsolete.
^ believes in sky fairy

I believe that there is hidden teaching in scripture and have proven it.

You're a fucking idiot.
you believe the teaching is used by people who spoke for sky fairy including moses spoke for sky fAIRY

sorry, forked tongue - you cant have it 6 ways like the serpent wants

lol.... God is a character in a book and is about as mysterious and imaginary as the Spirit of truth is mysterious and imaginary to scumbag liars assholes and hypocrites.
Okay, did I miss something?

What are the keys to the kingdom?

Knowing that there is hidden subjects and secret teaching not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used, a figurative language used by the prophets who spoke for God including Moses who gave the law from God as a light to the nations.

Jesus told people who were obsessive about conforming to the literal application of the law that unless they repent they will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

When Jesus revealed that the hidden subject in kosher law that actually reflected divine wisdom is about what you put into your head and was never about what you eat he led people to the sanctuary of God making the wrong way to conform to divine instruction according to the talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men, obsolete.
^ believes in sky fairy

I believe that there is hidden teaching in scripture and have proven it.

You're a fucking idiot.
you believe the teaching is used by people who spoke for sky fairy including moses spoke for sky fAIRY

sorry, forked tongue - you cant have it 6 ways like the serpent wants

lol.... God is a character in a book and is about as mysterious and imaginary as the Spirit of truth is mysterious and imaginary to scumbag liars assholes and hypocrites.
God is the sky daddy you believe in that invented your forked tongued decoder ring language that you think makes you suddenly realize things like "stealing is bad!"...but somehow doesn't teach you that getting into tit for tats obsessively on the internet over crackers is disturbed/OCD behavior of an unkempt mind.

"a figurative language used by the prophets who spoke for God including Moses who gave the law from God " - hoe billy

"hidden subject in kosher law that actually reflected divine wisdom" - hoe billy

Edification for hoe billy the forked tongue:

Definition: Divine: adjective, di·vin·er, di·vin·est.
of or relating to a god, especially the Supreme Being.

Definition: Actually: adverb
as an actual or existing fact; really.

You believe in sky dad, Billy. :thup: Sorry your forked tongue couldn't hide it as well as you'd wish, but you're just not very bright.
Knowing that there is hidden subjects and secret teaching not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used, a figurative language used by the prophets who spoke for God including Moses who gave the law from God as a light to the nations.

Jesus told people who were obsessive about conforming to the literal application of the law that unless they repent they will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

When Jesus revealed that the hidden subject in kosher law that actually reflected divine wisdom is about what you put into your head and was never about what you eat he led people to the sanctuary of God making the wrong way to conform to divine instruction according to the talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men, obsolete.
^ believes in sky fairy

I believe that there is hidden teaching in scripture and have proven it.

You're a fucking idiot.
you believe the teaching is used by people who spoke for sky fairy including moses spoke for sky fAIRY

sorry, forked tongue - you cant have it 6 ways like the serpent wants

lol.... God is a character in a book and is about as mysterious and imaginary as the Spirit of truth is mysterious and imaginary to scumbag liars assholes and hypocrites.
God is the sky daddy you believe in that invented your forked tongued decoder ring language that you think makes you suddenly realize things like "stealing is bad!"...but somehow doesn't teach you that getting into tit for tats obsessively on the internet over crackers is disturbed/OCD behavior of an unkempt mind.

"a figurative language used by the prophets who spoke for God including Moses who gave the law from God " - hoe billy

"hidden subject in kosher law that actually reflected divine wisdom" - hoe billy

Edification for hoe billy the forked tongue:

Definition: Divine: adjective, di·vin·er, di·vin·est.
of or relating to a god, especially the Supreme Being.

Definition: Actually: adverb
as an actual or existing fact; really.

You believe in sky dad, Billy. :thup: Sorry your forked tongue couldn't hide it as well as you'd wish, but you're just not very bright.

lol... what you deride as a sky daddy or wisdom from God verifiably reflects an understanding of the inner workings of the human mind superior to even modern inept attempts of the most intelligent human beings out there that try to explain and treat mental illness and provide clear and simple instructions about how to cure such maledictions without money, gurus, doctors, or pharmaceuticals, including your own sickness revealed by your vain and pathetic attempts to discredit the intelligent pertinent teachings hidden from your knuckle dragging ancestors in what amount to fairy tales, ..
^ believes in sky fairy

I believe that there is hidden teaching in scripture and have proven it.

You're a fucking idiot.
you believe the teaching is used by people who spoke for sky fairy including moses spoke for sky fAIRY

sorry, forked tongue - you cant have it 6 ways like the serpent wants

lol.... God is a character in a book and is about as mysterious and imaginary as the Spirit of truth is mysterious and imaginary to scumbag liars assholes and hypocrites.
God is the sky daddy you believe in that invented your forked tongued decoder ring language that you think makes you suddenly realize things like "stealing is bad!"...but somehow doesn't teach you that getting into tit for tats obsessively on the internet over crackers is disturbed/OCD behavior of an unkempt mind.

"a figurative language used by the prophets who spoke for God including Moses who gave the law from God " - hoe billy

"hidden subject in kosher law that actually reflected divine wisdom" - hoe billy

Edification for hoe billy the forked tongue:

Definition: Divine: adjective, di·vin·er, di·vin·est.
of or relating to a god, especially the Supreme Being.

Definition: Actually: adverb
as an actual or existing fact; really.

You believe in sky dad, Billy. :thup: Sorry your forked tongue couldn't hide it as well as you'd wish, but you're just not very bright.

lol... what you deride as a sky daddy or wisdom from God verifiably reflects an understanding of the inner workings of the human mind superior to even modern inept attempts of the most intelligent human beings out there that try to explain and treat mental illness and provide clear and simple instructions about how to cure such maledictions without money, gurus, doctors, or pharmaceuticals, including your own sickness revealed by your vain and pathetic attempts to discredit the teachings of what amount to fairy tales, ..
There, there charlatan...don't be butthurt when your sky daddy worship is exposed for what it is.

You say god is a character in a book, out one side of your 2-faces with forked tongues...
and out the other side proclaim things are wisdom from god. divine wisdom, and actual.

You believe in a fairy, raise your paw fork tongued serpent

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