keys to the kingdom

The story was written by nomadic tribes in the middle east to teach moral lessons to their children after a very real cosmic catastrophe.

There is no mention of kangaroos in the story because there are no kangaroos in the middle east.

Ta da!

now you know.
Oh, you mean that fictitious asteroid theory from 6000 years ago that hit in the Indian ocean. Sorry brah, I looked it up, it never happened.

Because you say so? LOL...

people from every continent around the world recorded over 200 stories about a mind boggling deluge in prehistory that lasted for weeks and almost destroyed civilization were making it up, even though they never heard about noah?

Ok... Not everyone is deep thinker...

Maybe you should find another hobby.
Then link to a real science site that confirms it. Otherwise it's just more of your fartsmoke. More like a wet fart even.

I would like to take a break to ask Taz something in private.....look away!

Hey, Taz. Tell me the truth...

Are you 12 years old?
Is that your way of saying that you have no link?

Then your concession is duly noted.
No, Taz, I seriously want to know..

If you are not 12 years old did you die when you were 12 years old?

Is that why you talk as if you haven't matured a day past confirmation?

Did someone force you on your knees? Did anyone entice you to do vile and degrading things for a cookie?
Oh, you mean that fictitious asteroid theory from 6000 years ago that hit in the Indian ocean. Sorry brah, I looked it up, it never happened.

Because you say so? LOL...

people from every continent around the world recorded over 200 stories about a mind boggling deluge in prehistory that lasted for weeks and almost destroyed civilization were making it up, even though they never heard about noah?

Ok... Not everyone is deep thinker...

Maybe you should find another hobby.
Then link to a real science site that confirms it. Otherwise it's just more of your fartsmoke. More like a wet fart even.

I would like to take a break to ask Taz something in private.....look away!

Hey, Taz. Tell me the truth...

Are you 12 years old?
Is that your way of saying that you have no link?

Then your concession is duly noted.
No, Taz, I seriously want to know..

If you are not 12 years old did you die when you were 12 years old?

Is that why you talk as if you haven't matured a day past confirmation?

Did someone force you on your knees? Did anyone entice you to do vile and degrading things for a cookie?
If you actually think that this event even happened and caused a flood 6000 years ago in the Middle East, why can't I find anything about it from a real science site? And no, your pedophilic fantasies or rememberances as a 12 year old aren't it. Did the rabbi say that for you to become a man, he had to cornhole you?
It is an actual place, by the way.
So where is it?
Not on the map, because then people like you would go there and desecrate it.
So where? You said it’s a real place.

Yes, it is real. And hell is real too. You should be concerned about the hell part more. Hell is where you go where the law makers put you. Since you are dedicated to them, several real places are of great importance to you.
So where are these places, if they're real, that is.
This question has been answered a few times in this thread, but you can't go there so forget it. Worse is, that others if they are under your control can't go there either, and that will be booked against you. So try to release them. Hehe.
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It exists. There are more things than what your five senses can measure.

He asked where it is.

If it could not be perceived how could anyone enter from within, where Jesus said it could be found.
Faith is the key to enter it. Without faith, all the other entities, which are not part of heaven, play soccer with your head.
Faith is the key to enter it. Without faith, all the other entities, which are not part of heaven, play soccer with your head.

faith is only a stepping stone ...

you are wrong, faith has to be proven for it to grant you admittance to the Everlasting - the world of the metaphysical is unlocked by the triumph of good - the apex of knowledge - you have to earn it.

Most people would think though that if something is about earning it, then it means that you need to put in work or more work. This is not earned by working though, so people will mostly not understand it.
Most people would think though that if something is about earning it, then it means that you need to put in work or more work. This is not earned by working though, so people will mostly not understand it.

then it means that you need to put in work or more work ... This is not earned by working though ...

what are you saying - you are obviously a christian, too bad -

choices and influences throughout life can ultimately free a spirit from its physical barrier by a pure completion to all that is required, a Sabbath ... before their physiology perishes.

This is not earned by working though ... so people will mostly not understand it.

you are an example -

that is the purpose, a full time job with or without obstacles, as being a christian is a major road block ... good luck.

No, nothing can free your spirit. It belongs to its creator. What your choices can achieve in life is to free your spirit from its creator. Then Satan is waiting for it ready with fork and knife, hehe. And I have heard of the importance of full time jobs. Guess what, they come from the creator too, that is until you reject Him and everything He sends your way. Hehe.
So where is it?
Not on the map, because then people like you would go there and desecrate it.
So where? You said it’s a real place.

Yes, it is real. And hell is real too. You should be concerned about the hell part more. Hell is where you go where the law makers put you. Since you are dedicated to them, several real places are of great importance to you.
So where are these places, if they're real, that is.
This question has been answered a few times in this thread, but you can't go there so forget it. Worse is, that others if they are under your control can't go there either, and that will be booked against you. So try to release them. Hehe.
I can't go to heaven or hell? Why not?
Because you say so? LOL...

people from every continent around the world recorded over 200 stories about a mind boggling deluge in prehistory that lasted for weeks and almost destroyed civilization were making it up, even though they never heard about noah?

Ok... Not everyone is deep thinker...

Maybe you should find another hobby.
Then link to a real science site that confirms it. Otherwise it's just more of your fartsmoke. More like a wet fart even.

I would like to take a break to ask Taz something in private.....look away!

Hey, Taz. Tell me the truth...

Are you 12 years old?
Is that your way of saying that you have no link?

Then your concession is duly noted.
No, Taz, I seriously want to know..

If you are not 12 years old did you die when you were 12 years old?

Is that why you talk as if you haven't matured a day past confirmation?

Did someone force you on your knees? Did anyone entice you to do vile and degrading things for a cookie?
If you actually think that this event even happened and caused a flood 6000 years ago in the Middle East, why can't I find anything about it from a real science site? And no, your pedophilic fantasies or rememberances as a 12 year old aren't it. Did the rabbi say that for you to become a man, he had to cornhole you?

I was not referring to any pedophile fantasies. Thats your trip apparently, perv.

I was referring to you getting down on your knees to to worship a matzo made by human hands. You did this after you were taught the story of Adam and Eve, after you were forced to memorize the ten commandments, after being told that to defy the law of God and worship the work of human hands results in death and damnation when by their standards you had reached the age of consent.

The power of the death consequent to setting aside the divine commands is demonstrably real. Just like in the fairy tale, you died in the very day that you did it. But your life ain't no fairy tale.

Thats why you still act like you are an elementary schoolyard jackass getting his jollies by making puerile comments, as if you haven't matured one day since you went along with the bullshit decades ago because you were either too stupid to realize what was being done to your mind, or too paralyzed by fear to resist your soul being eaten by ghouls.

The only question you should have is, what you can do to get your soul back.

And then I'll tell you that if you want to return to the land of the living, all you have to do is eat my banana.

Then you get to take it any way you want..just remember, it is a test...try not to be perverted.
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Not on the map, because then people like you would go there and desecrate it.
So where? You said it’s a real place.

Yes, it is real. And hell is real too. You should be concerned about the hell part more. Hell is where you go where the law makers put you. Since you are dedicated to them, several real places are of great importance to you.
So where are these places, if they're real, that is.
This question has been answered a few times in this thread, but you can't go there so forget it. Worse is, that others if they are under your control can't go there either, and that will be booked against you. So try to release them. Hehe.
I can't go to heaven or hell? Why not?

It is like those Florida Miami billioner neighborhoods if you like. They are not on the map either, because if you don't already know which bridge to take to get there, then you don't belong there.
Then link to a real science site that confirms it. Otherwise it's just more of your fartsmoke. More like a wet fart even.

I would like to take a break to ask Taz something in private.....look away!

Hey, Taz. Tell me the truth...

Are you 12 years old?
Is that your way of saying that you have no link?

Then your concession is duly noted.
No, Taz, I seriously want to know..

If you are not 12 years old did you die when you were 12 years old?

Is that why you talk as if you haven't matured a day past confirmation?

Did someone force you on your knees? Did anyone entice you to do vile and degrading things for a cookie?
If you actually think that this event even happened and caused a flood 6000 years ago in the Middle East, why can't I find anything about it from a real science site? And no, your pedophilic fantasies or rememberances as a 12 year old aren't it. Did the rabbi say that for you to become a man, he had to cornhole you?

I was not referring to any pedophile fantasies. Thats your trip apparently, perv.

I was referring to you getting down on your knees to to worship a matzo made by human hands. You did this after you were taught the story of Adam and Eve, after you were forced to memorize the ten commandments, after being told that to defy the law of God and worship the work of human hands results in death and damnation when by their standards you had reached the age of consent.

The power of the death consequent to setting aside the divine commands is demonstrably real. Just like in the fairy tale, you died in the very day that you did it. But your life ain't no fairy tale.

Thats why you still act like you are an elementary schoolyard jackass getting his jollies by making puerile comments, as if you haven't matured one day since you went along with the bullshit decades ago because you were either too stupid to realize what was being done to your mind, or too paralyzed by fear to resist your soul being eaten by ghouls.

The only question you should have is, what you can do to get your soul back.

And then I'll tell you that if you want to return to the land of the living, all you have to do is eat my banana.

Then you get to take it any way you want..just remember, it is a test...try not to be perverted.
I ate a matzo at church once, it stuck to the top of my mouth and didn't taste very good. I would have thought that Jesus would taste better.:biggrin:

As for the rest of it, it's pretty near incomprehensible, as you live in a messed up fantasy world. Why on earth would anyone follow what you say? :cuckoo:
So where? You said it’s a real place.

Yes, it is real. And hell is real too. You should be concerned about the hell part more. Hell is where you go where the law makers put you. Since you are dedicated to them, several real places are of great importance to you.
So where are these places, if they're real, that is.
This question has been answered a few times in this thread, but you can't go there so forget it. Worse is, that others if they are under your control can't go there either, and that will be booked against you. So try to release them. Hehe.
I can't go to heaven or hell? Why not?

It is like those Florida Miami billioner neighborhoods if you like. They are not on the map either, because if you don't already know which bridge to take to get there, then you don't belong there.
So not real, since you don't know where they are.
I would like to take a break to ask Taz something in private.....look away!

Hey, Taz. Tell me the truth...

Are you 12 years old?
Is that your way of saying that you have no link?

Then your concession is duly noted.
No, Taz, I seriously want to know..

If you are not 12 years old did you die when you were 12 years old?

Is that why you talk as if you haven't matured a day past confirmation?

Did someone force you on your knees? Did anyone entice you to do vile and degrading things for a cookie?
If you actually think that this event even happened and caused a flood 6000 years ago in the Middle East, why can't I find anything about it from a real science site? And no, your pedophilic fantasies or rememberances as a 12 year old aren't it. Did the rabbi say that for you to become a man, he had to cornhole you?

I was not referring to any pedophile fantasies. Thats your trip apparently, perv.

I was referring to you getting down on your knees to to worship a matzo made by human hands. You did this after you were taught the story of Adam and Eve, after you were forced to memorize the ten commandments, after being told that to defy the law of God and worship the work of human hands results in death and damnation when by their standards you had reached the age of consent.

The power of the death consequent to setting aside the divine commands is demonstrably real. Just like in the fairy tale, you died in the very day that you did it. But your life ain't no fairy tale.

Thats why you still act like you are an elementary schoolyard jackass getting his jollies by making puerile comments, as if you haven't matured one day since you went along with the bullshit decades ago because you were either too stupid to realize what was being done to your mind, or too paralyzed by fear to resist your soul being eaten by ghouls.

The only question you should have is, what you can do to get your soul back.

And then I'll tell you that if you want to return to the land of the living, all you have to do is eat my banana.

Then you get to take it any way you want..just remember, it is a test...try not to be perverted.
I ate a matzo at church once, it stuck to the top of my mouth and didn't taste very good. I would have thought that Jesus would taste better.:biggrin:

As for the rest of it, it's pretty near incomprehensible, as you live in a messed up fantasy world. Why on earth would anyone follow what you say? :cuckoo:

Ok.. You bowed down before a lifeless matzo made by human hands on your knees as if it was a god that could grant eternal life to anyone who ate it. Even after they clearly informed you that to worship the work of human hands was actually rebellion against God that resulted in death, hell, and damnation. Be opened and remember.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

You died in that very day.

If the rest of what I said was incomprehensible I'll tell you why.

You died in that very day.
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Keys to the kingdom? My bathroom doesn't have a key lock. My throne is open for anyone. Can't be any fairer than that.
Keys to the kingdom? My bathroom doesn't have a key lock. My throne is open for anyone. Can't be any fairer than that.

Scatology now? charming..

Just more evidence that you died alone, a very long time ago.

Thats why you still act like you are an elementary schoolyard jackass getting his jollies by making puerile comments, as if you haven't matured one day since confirmation.......

what a loser....

Yes, it is real. And hell is real too. You should be concerned about the hell part more. Hell is where you go where the law makers put you. Since you are dedicated to them, several real places are of great importance to you.
So where are these places, if they're real, that is.
This question has been answered a few times in this thread, but you can't go there so forget it. Worse is, that others if they are under your control can't go there either, and that will be booked against you. So try to release them. Hehe.
I can't go to heaven or hell? Why not?

It is like those Florida Miami billioner neighborhoods if you like. They are not on the map either, because if you don't already know which bridge to take to get there, then you don't belong there.
So not real, since you don't know where they are.
It is real, and I know where they are. You will also never get there. Hehehe.
Keys to the kingdom? My bathroom doesn't have a key lock. My throne is open for anyone. Can't be any fairer than that.

Scatology now? charming..

Just more evidence that you died alone, a very long time ago.

Thats why you still act like you are an elementary schoolyard jackass getting his jollies by making puerile comments, as if you haven't matured one day since confirmation.......

what a loser....

Your comments are total nonsense, but that's allowed? Only people making fun of your nonsense aren't allowed and therefore your god has ruled me dead? :cuckoo:
So where are these places, if they're real, that is.
This question has been answered a few times in this thread, but you can't go there so forget it. Worse is, that others if they are under your control can't go there either, and that will be booked against you. So try to release them. Hehe.
I can't go to heaven or hell? Why not?

It is like those Florida Miami billioner neighborhoods if you like. They are not on the map either, because if you don't already know which bridge to take to get there, then you don't belong there.
So not real, since you don't know where they are.
It is real, and I know where they are. You will also never get there. Hehehe.
So I won't go to heaven or hell? So where then?
Keys to the kingdom? My bathroom doesn't have a key lock. My throne is open for anyone. Can't be any fairer than that.

Scatology now? charming..

Just more evidence that you died alone, a very long time ago.

Thats why you still act like you are an elementary schoolyard jackass getting his jollies by making puerile comments, as if you haven't matured one day since confirmation.......

what a loser....

Your comments are total nonsense, but that's allowed? Only people making fun of your nonsense aren't allowed and therefore your god has ruled me dead? :cuckoo:

Do you really think that you are not acting like a jackass? lol... right..Do you think you're being cute? lol

God has not ruled you dead. Your brain was deliberately addled when you were just a supple little lad.

Now you are just road kill, like a skunk rotting in the sun in the middle of the road as people hold their noses, say damn that stank, and pass you by.

You prove it every day.
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Keys to the kingdom? My bathroom doesn't have a key lock. My throne is open for anyone. Can't be any fairer than that.

Scatology now? charming..

Just more evidence that you died alone, a very long time ago.

Thats why you still act like you are an elementary schoolyard jackass getting his jollies by making puerile comments, as if you haven't matured one day since confirmation.......

what a loser....

Your comments are total nonsense, but that's allowed? Only people making fun of your nonsense aren't allowed and therefore your god has ruled me dead? :cuckoo:

Do you really think that you are not acting like a jackass? lol... right..

God has not ruled you dead. Your brain was deliberately addled when you were just a supple little lad.

Now you are just road kill, like a skunk rotting in the sun in the middle of the road as people hold their noses, say damn that stank, and pass you by.

You prove it every day.
Oh, so this is just your personal opinion, not some religious dogma shpeel. Got it. But why are you so upset? With all the put-downs? You can't converse without them?
Keys to the kingdom? My bathroom doesn't have a key lock. My throne is open for anyone. Can't be any fairer than that.

Scatology now? charming..

Just more evidence that you died alone, a very long time ago.

Thats why you still act like you are an elementary schoolyard jackass getting his jollies by making puerile comments, as if you haven't matured one day since confirmation.......

what a loser....

Your comments are total nonsense, but that's allowed? Only people making fun of your nonsense aren't allowed and therefore your god has ruled me dead? :cuckoo:

Do you really think that you are not acting like a jackass? lol... right..

God has not ruled you dead. Your brain was deliberately addled when you were just a supple little lad.

Now you are just road kill, like a skunk rotting in the sun in the middle of the road as people hold their noses, say damn that stank, and pass you by.

You prove it every day.
Oh, so this is just your personal opinion, not some religious dogma shpeel. Got it. But why are you so upset? With all the put-downs? You can't converse without them?

No, its not my opinion..and I'm not upset. I am just alerting you to the condition your condition is in whenever you degenerate into vulgarity.

Can't you converse without being a jackass? Don't you have any self respect?

Its just more proof, provided by you daily, that you died in the very day you first got down on your knees to take the flesh of a false mangod into your mouth when you were 12. Now there nothing wrong with acting like a 12 year old when you are 12 years old, but how old are you?

And the rotting skunk stuck to the asphalt comment was not a put down. It is an accurate analogy that illustrates your situation perfectly. Can't you see everybody holding their noses as they pass you by? No? Right, you are road kill.

If it wasn't true, when are you going to move from the place on the road that you have been stuck in for decades, grow up and start acting like a 13 year old?
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Keys to the kingdom? My bathroom doesn't have a key lock. My throne is open for anyone. Can't be any fairer than that.

Scatology now? charming..

Just more evidence that you died alone, a very long time ago.

Thats why you still act like you are an elementary schoolyard jackass getting his jollies by making puerile comments, as if you haven't matured one day since confirmation.......

what a loser....

Your comments are total nonsense, but that's allowed? Only people making fun of your nonsense aren't allowed and therefore your god has ruled me dead? :cuckoo:

Do you really think that you are not acting like a jackass? lol... right..

God has not ruled you dead. Your brain was deliberately addled when you were just a supple little lad.

Now you are just road kill, like a skunk rotting in the sun in the middle of the road as people hold their noses, say damn that stank, and pass you by.

You prove it every day.
Oh, so this is just your personal opinion, not some religious dogma shpeel. Got it. But why are you so upset? With all the put-downs? You can't converse without them?

No, its not my opinion..and I'm not upset. I am just alerting you to the condition your condition is in whenever you degenerate into vulgarity.

Can't you converse without being a jackass? Don't you have any self respect?

Its just more proof, provided by you daily, that you died in the very day you first got down on your knees to take the flesh of a false mangod into your mouth when you were 12. Now there nothing wrong with acting like a 12 year old when you are 12 years old, but how old are you?

And the rotting skunk stuck to the asphalt comment was not a put down. It is an accurate analogy that illustrates your situation perfectly. Can't you see everybody holding their noses as they pass you by? No? Right, you are road kill.

If it wasn't true, when are you going to move from the place on the road that you have been stuck in for decades, grow up and start acting like a 13 year old?
When I have my bar mitzvah. :biggrin:

If it's not your opinion, where are you getting all this bullshit from?
Scatology now? charming..

Just more evidence that you died alone, a very long time ago.

Thats why you still act like you are an elementary schoolyard jackass getting his jollies by making puerile comments, as if you haven't matured one day since confirmation.......

what a loser....

Your comments are total nonsense, but that's allowed? Only people making fun of your nonsense aren't allowed and therefore your god has ruled me dead? :cuckoo:

Do you really think that you are not acting like a jackass? lol... right..

God has not ruled you dead. Your brain was deliberately addled when you were just a supple little lad.

Now you are just road kill, like a skunk rotting in the sun in the middle of the road as people hold their noses, say damn that stank, and pass you by.

You prove it every day.
Oh, so this is just your personal opinion, not some religious dogma shpeel. Got it. But why are you so upset? With all the put-downs? You can't converse without them?

No, its not my opinion..and I'm not upset. I am just alerting you to the condition your condition is in whenever you degenerate into vulgarity.

Can't you converse without being a jackass? Don't you have any self respect?

Its just more proof, provided by you daily, that you died in the very day you first got down on your knees to take the flesh of a false mangod into your mouth when you were 12. Now there nothing wrong with acting like a 12 year old when you are 12 years old, but how old are you?

And the rotting skunk stuck to the asphalt comment was not a put down. It is an accurate analogy that illustrates your situation perfectly. Can't you see everybody holding their noses as they pass you by? No? Right, you are road kill.

If it wasn't true, when are you going to move from the place on the road that you have been stuck in for decades, grow up and start acting like a 13 year old?
When I have my bar mitzvah. :biggrin:

If it's not your opinion, where are you getting all this bullshit from?

lol....Where am I getting all this bullshit from? From you of course. For some mysterious reason you have been generously sharing the addled infantile garbage that fills your perverted mind every day.

Now you know. :biggrin:

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