Keystone is over

The funny part is that the typical liberal has no clue why they're supposed to hate the XL pipeline. We have pipelines all over the place, but liberals are told they need to worry about this exact one.

It's probably because the oil company behind this didn't spread enough bribery money to Congressmen or the President.

The point is, liberals are told what to do, and have no idea why.
there are several different reasons on why people do not support the xl portion of the keystone pipeline, and not all agree with all of them...

Eminent domain being used by our gvt to take US Citizens land away to give it to a foreign corporation for their own betterment of company profits. How is that using eminent domain for public use?

Another reason that some are upset is the using of clean drinking water to extract the oil sands, something like 3 to 4 barrels of drinking water to extract 1 barrel of oil sands

And other enviro groups are against the pipeline because it is bitumen.. dirty oil crude and refining it is dirtier or something of the sort,

Along with the path of the pipeline crossing key aquifers, that are critical to the bread basket of the nation and big Murphy's Law mishap leak, and the whole country can be hurt.

And others just want us to start thinking of the future and spending money and labor on cleaner, sustainable energy.

And others don't like the fact that a Canadian corporation will own this pipeline and as owners they can give priority to transporting Canadian oil and restrict American companies from using it, but if it were our own pipeline, Americans would have priority.
A No one is "taking" anyone's land away.
The landowner still owns the land where the pipeline is laid. The land owner is leasing the land and being well compensated.
B The bullshit lie that "clean drinking water" is being used to extract the oil is just that. A fucking lie! EVERY barrel of water being used is recycled and filtered and reused over and over and over and over.
C Yes to the point that bitumen is a 'dirtier' oil then say sweet crude from Oklahoma.
D As I have already explained the technology being used today literally guarantees even in the case of an earthquake breaking the pipeline in half there are safety valves installed to 100% isolate the rupture. Even then the barrier in place under 100% of the pipeline is designed to contain every ounce of oil within the ruptured section.
The valves are designed to function 100% independently from any electric grid etc. They are mechanical and shut themselves off if there is any drop in pressure detected.
E The agreement between Transcanada and the US is ironclad with regards to which party has the final say in what the pipeline is used for. The US Government maintains the final say.
Transcanada will not "own" the pipeline. Transcanada is willing to build it in return for being able to lease it to move Canadian oil to Texas. Period.
that's complete bull crap....and no reason for government to steal citizen's land that they want to keep!


so it is ok for the government to steal ones wealth for social programs

but it is not ok to steal with payment ones land to further infrastucture
Basically. Yes

It is OK to collect taxes and it is not OK to confiscate someone's property so that another person can make a profit off of it
The constitution says basically you are incorrect

You must be reading the wrong Constitution

You need to look for the one that begins...."We the People"

libtards and their basic misunderstanding of the founding documents -sad really

eminent domain is clearly spelled out in the 5th Amendment

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
The key word is "public use"

Taking property for the use of a foreign investor is not constitutional

Not sure at this point whether TransCanada has given up trying to build the pipeline because they're convinced Hillary will be the next president or...?

TransCanada requests a halt to Administration's review of Keystone XL
Lefty Coaster
Nov 02, 2015 at 05:42 PM PST

It's just an itty bitty part line.

That's what is so funny about all of this. Keystone has it all from Alberta to the Gulf. This is a joke.

Planet Earth wins.
Keystone XL Pipeline? stick a fork in it.

Kerry rejects Keystone XL pipeline, spelling certain death for project
Elise Labott
November 6, 2015

Washington (CNN)Secretary of State John Kerry is recommending the U.S. reject the Keystone XL pipeline, senior administration officials told CNN, concluding the controversial project is not in the country's national security interest.

Kerry will meet with President Barack Obama this morning, after which the President is expected to publicly speak about his top diplomat's decision.

Kerry's determination spells almost certain death for the massive project, a seven-year political fight that has pitted oil companies and Republicans against environmentalists and liberal activists.


First off the Keystone is built and has been delivering crude via the pipeline since 2014.

Secondly the canuck crude is being delivered by rail. And last but not least it's getting the coast via rail to barges.

Now I've been a conservationist for many years concentrating on water issues and rail to barges to get to the coast is truly dangerous. But Obama and the Democrats need all those enviro whacko contributors.

That's all this is about. No one is stopping the oil.
So it seems we never needed it
If Republicans had just ignored it, Keystone would have run through the environmental wickets and been approved

But they chose to turn it into a political football and incited the rightwing media to use it as a means to attack the president. At that point it became a win or lose proposition and the Republicans lost

Not sure at this point whether TransCanada has given up trying to build the pipeline because they're convinced Hillary will be the next president or...?

TransCanada requests a halt to Administration's review of Keystone XL
Lefty Coaster
Nov 02, 2015 at 05:42 PM PST

It's just an itty bitty part line.

That's what is so funny about all of this. Keystone has it all from Alberta to the Gulf. This is a joke.

Planet Earth wins.
Keystone XL Pipeline? stick a fork in it.

Kerry rejects Keystone XL pipeline, spelling certain death for project
Elise Labott
November 6, 2015

Washington (CNN)Secretary of State John Kerry is recommending the U.S. reject the Keystone XL pipeline, senior administration officials told CNN, concluding the controversial project is not in the country's national security interest.

Kerry will meet with President Barack Obama this morning, after which the President is expected to publicly speak about his top diplomat's decision.

Kerry's determination spells almost certain death for the massive project, a seven-year political fight that has pitted oil companies and Republicans against environmentalists and liberal activists.


First off the Keystone is built and has been delivering crude via the pipeline since 2014.

Secondly the canuck crude is being delivered by rail. And last but not least it's getting the coast via rail to barges.

Now I've been a conservationist for many years concentrating on water issues and rail to barges to get to the coast is truly dangerous. But Obama and the Democrats need all those enviro whacko contributors.

That's all this is about. No one is stopping the oil.
So it seems we never needed it

Tell that to the unions that would have gotten jobs from it. Obama dumped on the unions that supported him twice.
so it is ok for the government to steal ones wealth for social programs

but it is not ok to steal with payment ones land to further infrastucture
Basically. Yes

It is OK to collect taxes and it is not OK to confiscate someone's property so that another person can make a profit off of it
The constitution says basically you are incorrect

You must be reading the wrong Constitution

You need to look for the one that begins...."We the People"

libtards and their basic misunderstanding of the founding documents -sad really

eminent domain is clearly spelled out in the 5th Amendment

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
The key word is "public use"

Taking property for the use of a foreign investor is not constitutional
No one is "taking" anyone's property.
A Canadian company, with the prior approval of the US Government is 'asking' landowners to lease a very small strip of their land. that's it.
If the landowner doesn't wish to lease a strip of their land the proposed pipeline moves. This has happened in a few instances. 99.99 of the landowners have signed lease agreements and look forward to their monthly cheques.
I like how you 'forgot' to add "without just compensation" although in this case as no one is 'taking' any land it's a moot point.
If Republicans had just ignored it, Keystone would have run through the environmental wickets and been approved

But they chose to turn it into a political football and incited the rightwing media to use it as a means to attack the president. At that point it became a win or lose proposition and the Republicans lost

Just the opposite is true. The opposition was the crazy envirowackos who are too stupid to realize that the aquafer is already crisscrossed with pipelines or that the safest way to move oil is by pipeline.

these are the same idiots who blocked a solar panel farm in California to "save" the habitat of a lizard.
Basically. Yes

It is OK to collect taxes and it is not OK to confiscate someone's property so that another person can make a profit off of it
The constitution says basically you are incorrect

You must be reading the wrong Constitution

You need to look for the one that begins...."We the People"

libtards and their basic misunderstanding of the founding documents -sad really

eminent domain is clearly spelled out in the 5th Amendment

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
The key word is "public use"

Taking property for the use of a foreign investor is not constitutional
No one is "taking" anyone's property.
A Canadian company, with the prior approval of the US Government is 'asking' landowners to lease a very small strip of their land. that's it.
If the landowner doesn't wish to lease a strip of their land the proposed pipeline moves. This has happened in a few instances. 99.99 of the landowners have signed lease agreements and look forward to their monthly cheques.
I like how you 'forgot' to add "without just compensation" although in this case as no one is 'taking' any land it's a moot point.

its not good to confuse liberals with facts, it makes their little heads implode.

Not sure at this point whether TransCanada has given up trying to build the pipeline because they're convinced Hillary will be the next president or...?

TransCanada requests a halt to Administration's review of Keystone XL
Lefty Coaster
Nov 02, 2015 at 05:42 PM PST

It's just an itty bitty part line.

That's what is so funny about all of this. Keystone has it all from Alberta to the Gulf. This is a joke.

Planet Earth wins.
Keystone XL Pipeline? stick a fork in it.

Kerry rejects Keystone XL pipeline, spelling certain death for project
Elise Labott
November 6, 2015

Washington (CNN)Secretary of State John Kerry is recommending the U.S. reject the Keystone XL pipeline, senior administration officials told CNN, concluding the controversial project is not in the country's national security interest.

Kerry will meet with President Barack Obama this morning, after which the President is expected to publicly speak about his top diplomat's decision.

Kerry's determination spells almost certain death for the massive project, a seven-year political fight that has pitted oil companies and Republicans against environmentalists and liberal activists.


First off the Keystone is built and has been delivering crude via the pipeline since 2014.

Secondly the canuck crude is being delivered by rail. And last but not least it's getting the coast via rail to barges.

Now I've been a conservationist for many years concentrating on water issues and rail to barges to get to the coast is truly dangerous. But Obama and the Democrats need all those enviro whacko contributors.

That's all this is about. No one is stopping the oil.
So it seems we never needed it

One of my favorite blue dogs disagrees with you. The XL's route would benefit the Bakkens.

Sep 19 2013
Heitkamp Calls on President to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline on Five Year Anniversary of Project Application
In a Letter to the President, Senator Outlines her recent Trip to the Canadian Oil Sands & How it Reinforced the Need for the Project
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On the five year anniversary of the application for the Keystone XL pipeline, U.S. Senator Heidi Heitkamp today called on President Obama to recognize the project is in the United States’ national interest and approve it.

In a letter to the President, Heitkamp explained how her trip last month to view development of the Canadian oil sands reinforced how crucial the pipeline is to the U.S. During the trip, she met with stakeholders in the extraction, production, and transportation industries, and discussed with Canadian officials their efforts to minimize the pipeline’s impact on the environment.

“It’s disappointing we’re at this point where five years later we still don’t have an answer on the Keystone XL pipeline,” said Senator Heitkamp. “Just last month, I visited the oil sands in Canada and it only reinforced how critical the Keystone XL pipeline would be to North Dakota and the U.S. To my knowledge, no senior members of the Administration have visited the oil sands. But, in order to make an informed decision about this project, such a trip is needed to see the technology firsthand, clarify many of the issues the Administration thinks it may have with the project, and fully realize the responsible impact it could have on the U.S.

“It’s in our economic, national security, and energy interests to approve this pipeline from our neighbor and ally as we continue to build an all-of-the-above energy strategy that could lead us toward North American energy independence. This project needs to be approved.”

Heitkamp Calls on President to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline on Five Year Anniversary of Project Application - Press Releases - United States Senator Heidi Heitkamp
so it is ok for the government to steal ones wealth for social programs

but it is not ok to steal with payment ones land to further infrastucture
Basically. Yes

It is OK to collect taxes and it is not OK to confiscate someone's property so that another person can make a profit off of it
The constitution says basically you are incorrect

You must be reading the wrong Constitution

You need to look for the one that begins...."We the People"

libtards and their basic misunderstanding of the founding documents -sad really

eminent domain is clearly spelled out in the 5th Amendment

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
The key word is "public use"

Taking property for the use of a foreign investor is not constitutional

The Nebraska Supreme Court would disagree with you. They overturned a lower courts ruling.

Not sure at this point whether TransCanada has given up trying to build the pipeline because they're convinced Hillary will be the next president or...?

TransCanada requests a halt to Administration's review of Keystone XL
Lefty Coaster
Nov 02, 2015 at 05:42 PM PST

It's just an itty bitty part line.

That's what is so funny about all of this. Keystone has it all from Alberta to the Gulf. This is a joke.

Planet Earth wins.
Keystone XL Pipeline? stick a fork in it.

Kerry rejects Keystone XL pipeline, spelling certain death for project
Elise Labott
November 6, 2015

Washington (CNN)Secretary of State John Kerry is recommending the U.S. reject the Keystone XL pipeline, senior administration officials told CNN, concluding the controversial project is not in the country's national security interest.

Kerry will meet with President Barack Obama this morning, after which the President is expected to publicly speak about his top diplomat's decision.

Kerry's determination spells almost certain death for the massive project, a seven-year political fight that has pitted oil companies and Republicans against environmentalists and liberal activists.


First off the Keystone is built and has been delivering crude via the pipeline since 2014.

Secondly the canuck crude is being delivered by rail. And last but not least it's getting the coast via rail to barges.

Now I've been a conservationist for many years concentrating on water issues and rail to barges to get to the coast is truly dangerous. But Obama and the Democrats need all those enviro whacko contributors.

That's all this is about. No one is stopping the oil.
So it seems we never needed it

Tell that to the unions that would have gotten jobs from it. Obama dumped on the unions that supported him twice.
Obama offered the unions hundreds of thousands of more infrastructure jobs that were blocked by Republicans

Republicans only cared about five thousand temporary Keystone jobs

If Republicans were willing to approve the other infrastructure project, I'm sure they could have gotten Keystone too
It's just an itty bitty part line.

That's what is so funny about all of this. Keystone has it all from Alberta to the Gulf. This is a joke.

Planet Earth wins.
Keystone XL Pipeline? stick a fork in it.

Kerry rejects Keystone XL pipeline, spelling certain death for project
Elise Labott
November 6, 2015

Washington (CNN)Secretary of State John Kerry is recommending the U.S. reject the Keystone XL pipeline, senior administration officials told CNN, concluding the controversial project is not in the country's national security interest.

Kerry will meet with President Barack Obama this morning, after which the President is expected to publicly speak about his top diplomat's decision.

Kerry's determination spells almost certain death for the massive project, a seven-year political fight that has pitted oil companies and Republicans against environmentalists and liberal activists.


First off the Keystone is built and has been delivering crude via the pipeline since 2014.

Secondly the canuck crude is being delivered by rail. And last but not least it's getting the coast via rail to barges.

Now I've been a conservationist for many years concentrating on water issues and rail to barges to get to the coast is truly dangerous. But Obama and the Democrats need all those enviro whacko contributors.

That's all this is about. No one is stopping the oil.
So it seems we never needed it

Tell that to the unions that would have gotten jobs from it. Obama dumped on the unions that supported him twice.
Obama offered the unions hundreds of thousands of more infrastructure jobs that were blocked by Republicans

Republicans only cared about five thousand temporary Keystone jobs

If Republicans were willing to approve the other infrastructure project, I'm sure they could have gotten Keystone too
Specific link please. I suspect as usual you're going to link to the FACT that Obama and Reid have always attempted to sneak in other bills with infrastructure bills.
Last edited:
It's just an itty bitty part line.

That's what is so funny about all of this. Keystone has it all from Alberta to the Gulf. This is a joke.

Planet Earth wins.
Keystone XL Pipeline? stick a fork in it.

Kerry rejects Keystone XL pipeline, spelling certain death for project
Elise Labott
November 6, 2015

Washington (CNN)Secretary of State John Kerry is recommending the U.S. reject the Keystone XL pipeline, senior administration officials told CNN, concluding the controversial project is not in the country's national security interest.

Kerry will meet with President Barack Obama this morning, after which the President is expected to publicly speak about his top diplomat's decision.

Kerry's determination spells almost certain death for the massive project, a seven-year political fight that has pitted oil companies and Republicans against environmentalists and liberal activists.


First off the Keystone is built and has been delivering crude via the pipeline since 2014.

Secondly the canuck crude is being delivered by rail. And last but not least it's getting the coast via rail to barges.

Now I've been a conservationist for many years concentrating on water issues and rail to barges to get to the coast is truly dangerous. But Obama and the Democrats need all those enviro whacko contributors.

That's all this is about. No one is stopping the oil.
So it seems we never needed it

Tell that to the unions that would have gotten jobs from it. Obama dumped on the unions that supported him twice.
Obama offered the unions hundreds of thousands of more infrastructure jobs that were blocked by Republicans

Republicans only cared about five thousand temporary Keystone jobs

If Republicans were willing to approve the other infrastructure project, I'm sure they could have gotten Keystone too

Bullshit. give us a list. you might also remember the difference between government funded infrastructure and privately funded infrastructure jobs. One requires the expenditure of tax revenue, the other does not and we are already 18 trillion in debt and borrowing 40% of what the govt is spending.
Planet Earth wins.
Keystone XL Pipeline? stick a fork in it.

Kerry rejects Keystone XL pipeline, spelling certain death for project
Elise Labott
November 6, 2015

Washington (CNN)Secretary of State John Kerry is recommending the U.S. reject the Keystone XL pipeline, senior administration officials told CNN, concluding the controversial project is not in the country's national security interest.

Kerry will meet with President Barack Obama this morning, after which the President is expected to publicly speak about his top diplomat's decision.

Kerry's determination spells almost certain death for the massive project, a seven-year political fight that has pitted oil companies and Republicans against environmentalists and liberal activists.


First off the Keystone is built and has been delivering crude via the pipeline since 2014.

Secondly the canuck crude is being delivered by rail. And last but not least it's getting the coast via rail to barges.

Now I've been a conservationist for many years concentrating on water issues and rail to barges to get to the coast is truly dangerous. But Obama and the Democrats need all those enviro whacko contributors.

That's all this is about. No one is stopping the oil.
So it seems we never needed it

Tell that to the unions that would have gotten jobs from it. Obama dumped on the unions that supported him twice.
Obama offered the unions hundreds of thousands of more infrastructure jobs that were blocked by Republicans

Republicans only cared about five thousand temporary Keystone jobs

If Republicans were willing to approve the other infrastructure project, I'm sure they could have gotten Keystone too
Specific link please. I suspect as usual you're going to link to the FACT that Obama and Reid have always attempted to sneak in other bills will any infrastructure bills.

Reid is a traitor. He should be in jail with hillary.
It's just an itty bitty part line.

That's what is so funny about all of this. Keystone has it all from Alberta to the Gulf. This is a joke.

Planet Earth wins.
Keystone XL Pipeline? stick a fork in it.

Kerry rejects Keystone XL pipeline, spelling certain death for project
Elise Labott
November 6, 2015

Washington (CNN)Secretary of State John Kerry is recommending the U.S. reject the Keystone XL pipeline, senior administration officials told CNN, concluding the controversial project is not in the country's national security interest.

Kerry will meet with President Barack Obama this morning, after which the President is expected to publicly speak about his top diplomat's decision.

Kerry's determination spells almost certain death for the massive project, a seven-year political fight that has pitted oil companies and Republicans against environmentalists and liberal activists.


First off the Keystone is built and has been delivering crude via the pipeline since 2014.

Secondly the canuck crude is being delivered by rail. And last but not least it's getting the coast via rail to barges.

Now I've been a conservationist for many years concentrating on water issues and rail to barges to get to the coast is truly dangerous. But Obama and the Democrats need all those enviro whacko contributors.

That's all this is about. No one is stopping the oil.
So it seems we never needed it

Tell that to the unions that would have gotten jobs from it. Obama dumped on the unions that supported him twice.
Obama offered the unions hundreds of thousands of more infrastructure jobs that were blocked by Republicans

Republicans only cared about five thousand temporary Keystone jobs

If Republicans were willing to approve the other infrastructure project, I'm sure they could have gotten Keystone too

Construction jobs are by their nature temporary. And they pay very well.

Here's some stats on employment by Trans Canada. And note the contracts for equipment.

"Construction of the 487-mile crude oil pipeline involved more than 11 million hours of labor completed by 4,844 workers in the United States of America, more than 50 contracts with manufacturers and companies building the pipeline and equipment from across the U.S. It also includes the addition of 2.25 million barrels of new oil storage capacity at Cushing, Oklahoma.

"The workers who helped build this project are in addition to 8,969 men and women who constructed the initial Keystone Pipeline system, and we are waiting for approval of Keystone XL so we can employ more than 9,000 more Americans who are waiting to put their skills and experience to work," added Girling."

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland, Texas
Planet Earth wins.
Keystone XL Pipeline? stick a fork in it.

Kerry rejects Keystone XL pipeline, spelling certain death for project
Elise Labott
November 6, 2015

Washington (CNN)Secretary of State John Kerry is recommending the U.S. reject the Keystone XL pipeline, senior administration officials told CNN, concluding the controversial project is not in the country's national security interest.

Kerry will meet with President Barack Obama this morning, after which the President is expected to publicly speak about his top diplomat's decision.

Kerry's determination spells almost certain death for the massive project, a seven-year political fight that has pitted oil companies and Republicans against environmentalists and liberal activists.


First off the Keystone is built and has been delivering crude via the pipeline since 2014.

Secondly the canuck crude is being delivered by rail. And last but not least it's getting the coast via rail to barges.

Now I've been a conservationist for many years concentrating on water issues and rail to barges to get to the coast is truly dangerous. But Obama and the Democrats need all those enviro whacko contributors.

That's all this is about. No one is stopping the oil.
So it seems we never needed it

Tell that to the unions that would have gotten jobs from it. Obama dumped on the unions that supported him twice.
Obama offered the unions hundreds of thousands of more infrastructure jobs that were blocked by Republicans

Republicans only cared about five thousand temporary Keystone jobs

If Republicans were willing to approve the other infrastructure project, I'm sure they could have gotten Keystone too

Bullshit. give us a list. you might also remember the difference between government funded infrastructure and privately funded infrastructure jobs. One requires the expenditure of tax revenue, the other does not and we are already 18 trillion in debt and borrowing 40% of what the govt is spending.
What kind of infrastructure does not require government support?
First off the Keystone is built and has been delivering crude via the pipeline since 2014.

Secondly the canuck crude is being delivered by rail. And last but not least it's getting the coast via rail to barges.

Now I've been a conservationist for many years concentrating on water issues and rail to barges to get to the coast is truly dangerous. But Obama and the Democrats need all those enviro whacko contributors.

That's all this is about. No one is stopping the oil.
So it seems we never needed it

Tell that to the unions that would have gotten jobs from it. Obama dumped on the unions that supported him twice.
Obama offered the unions hundreds of thousands of more infrastructure jobs that were blocked by Republicans

Republicans only cared about five thousand temporary Keystone jobs

If Republicans were willing to approve the other infrastructure project, I'm sure they could have gotten Keystone too

Bullshit. give us a list. you might also remember the difference between government funded infrastructure and privately funded infrastructure jobs. One requires the expenditure of tax revenue, the other does not and we are already 18 trillion in debt and borrowing 40% of what the govt is spending.
What kind of infrastructure does not require government support?

support can be permits or funding. Permits are paid for by the private company building the project (Keystone pipeline) government funded projects are funded by taxpayers (interstate highways).

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