Keystone is over

Most construction jobs are temporary. Does that make them any less important to the ones hired? A paycheck is what they are looking for.
How many permanent jobs was that?


I guess they'll have to look for another temporary job.

That is exactly what construction workers do. When the job is done, they go on to the next job.

We've got more than enough work for those construction workers.

Are you referring to construction jobs paid for with taxpayers money?

You are sharp as a tack. Yes, I'm talking about our crumbling infrastructure. :)
Planet Earth wins.
Keystone XL Pipeline? stick a fork in it.

Kerry rejects Keystone XL pipeline, spelling certain death for project
Elise Labott
November 6, 2015

Washington (CNN)Secretary of State John Kerry is recommending the U.S. reject the Keystone XL pipeline, senior administration officials told CNN, concluding the controversial project is not in the country's national security interest.

Kerry will meet with President Barack Obama this morning, after which the President is expected to publicly speak about his top diplomat's decision.

Kerry's determination spells almost certain death for the massive project, a seven-year political fight that has pitted oil companies and Republicans against environmentalists and liberal activists.


First off the Keystone is built and has been delivering crude via the pipeline since 2014.

Secondly the canuck crude is being delivered by rail. And last but not least it's getting the coast via rail to barges.

Now I've been a conservationist for many years concentrating on water issues and rail to barges to get to the coast is truly dangerous. But Obama and the Democrats need all those enviro whacko contributors.

That's all this is about. No one is stopping the oil.
So it seems we never needed it

Tell that to the unions that would have gotten jobs from it. Obama dumped on the unions that supported him twice.
Obama offered the unions hundreds of thousands of more infrastructure jobs that were blocked by Republicans

Republicans only cared about five thousand temporary Keystone jobs

If Republicans were willing to approve the other infrastructure project, I'm sure they could have gotten Keystone too

Bullshit. give us a list. you might also remember the difference between government funded infrastructure and privately funded infrastructure jobs. One requires the expenditure of tax revenue, the other does not and we are already 18 trillion in debt and borrowing 40% of what the govt is spending.

The private sector does not fund infrastructure ....but they sure as hell benefit from it
Never in my life have I seen more assholes in one place.

I agree. Only a first class asshole would rather the US and other countries buy oil from our sworn enemies in the middle east instead of from Canada. That way the radical jihadists get the money to use to kill Christians and Jews and commit acts of terror all over the world.

Of course the biggest asshole isn't on USMB.
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Most construction jobs are temporary. Does that make them any less important to the ones hired? A paycheck is what they are looking for.

I guess they'll have to look for another temporary job.

That is exactly what construction workers do. When the job is done, they go on to the next job.

We've got more than enough work for those construction workers.

Are you referring to construction jobs paid for with taxpayers money?

You are sharp as a tack. Yes, I'm talking about our crumbling infrastructure. :)

Keystone is infrastructure that doesn't cost the taxpayers a dime and creates a lot of jobs. The people getting the jobs pay taxes that can be used to fix our crumbling infrastructure. Do you understand that?
So it seems we never needed it

Tell that to the unions that would have gotten jobs from it. Obama dumped on the unions that supported him twice.
Obama offered the unions hundreds of thousands of more infrastructure jobs that were blocked by Republicans

Republicans only cared about five thousand temporary Keystone jobs

If Republicans were willing to approve the other infrastructure project, I'm sure they could have gotten Keystone too

Bullshit. give us a list. you might also remember the difference between government funded infrastructure and privately funded infrastructure jobs. One requires the expenditure of tax revenue, the other does not and we are already 18 trillion in debt and borrowing 40% of what the govt is spending.
What kind of infrastructure does not require government support?

support can be permits or funding. Permits are paid for by the private company building the project (Keystone pipeline) government funded projects are funded by taxpayers (interstate highways).
Grants of huge amounts of rights of way on private property are more than just permit fees. The government offers a judicial system that determines whether those grants of right away and eminent domain are valid and approved. The taxpayers bear the expense of operating the judicial system that makes those determinations, hence, without taxpayer support the rights of way for such a project as a pipeline is impossible. In this case, in particular, taxpayer publicly owned land is involved. The taxpayers actually have to cede real estate that could be used for other purposes to the private use and even ownership to a private corporation. The value of parcels of publicly owned properties is greatly devalued in exchange for profits for private individuals and businesses.
so it is ok for the government to steal ones wealth for social programs

but it is not ok to steal with payment ones land to further infrastucture
Basically. Yes

It is OK to collect taxes and it is not OK to confiscate someone's property so that another person can make a profit off of it
The constitution says basically you are incorrect

You must be reading the wrong Constitution

You need to look for the one that begins...."We the People"

libtards and their basic misunderstanding of the founding documents -sad really

eminent domain is clearly spelled out in the 5th Amendment

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
The key word is "public use"

Taking property for the use of a foreign investor is not constitutional

Yes, it is. Private property rights in this country ended ten years ago.
With a majority of American's wanting Keystone, Dims better hope that gas prices aren't back up over $3.00 a gallon as we enter Fall next year.
With a majority of American's wanting Keystone, Dims better hope that gas prices aren't back up over $3.00 a gallon as we enter Fall next year.

I don't know if it was Keystone that caused it, but gas went up 10 cents a gallon in my area yesterday.
Tell that to the unions that would have gotten jobs from it. Obama dumped on the unions that supported him twice.
Obama offered the unions hundreds of thousands of more infrastructure jobs that were blocked by Republicans

Republicans only cared about five thousand temporary Keystone jobs

If Republicans were willing to approve the other infrastructure project, I'm sure they could have gotten Keystone too

Bullshit. give us a list. you might also remember the difference between government funded infrastructure and privately funded infrastructure jobs. One requires the expenditure of tax revenue, the other does not and we are already 18 trillion in debt and borrowing 40% of what the govt is spending.
What kind of infrastructure does not require government support?

support can be permits or funding. Permits are paid for by the private company building the project (Keystone pipeline) government funded projects are funded by taxpayers (interstate highways).
Grants of huge amounts of rights of way on private property are more than just permit fees. The government offers a judicial system that determines whether those grants of right away and eminent domain are valid and approved. The taxpayers bear the expense of operating the judicial system that makes those determinations, hence, without taxpayer support the rights of way for such a project as a pipeline is impossible. In this case, in particular, taxpayer publicly owned land is involved. The taxpayers actually have to cede real estate that could be used for other purposes to the private use and even ownership to a private corporation. The value of parcels of publicly owned properties is greatly devalued in exchange for profits for private individuals and businesses.
That's right. The publically owned land in Nebraska has potential for "other purposes" other than providing a home for fucking gophers. You're a fool!
Warren Buffett's railroads carry all the oil moved from Keystone.
You know. The Warren Buffett who contributes millions to the LIBs.
He's doing so well moving extremely dangerous railcar oil he made a net profit of 12% on his railroads last year.
Funny. Good old Warren wants NOTHING to do with XL.
Whats really so funny about this is Obama putting this decision off for years pretending he was actually giving it serious thought and consideration and needed all these studies when everyone knew he was never going to support it.
Obama offered the unions hundreds of thousands of more infrastructure jobs that were blocked by Republicans

Republicans only cared about five thousand temporary Keystone jobs

If Republicans were willing to approve the other infrastructure project, I'm sure they could have gotten Keystone too

Bullshit. give us a list. you might also remember the difference between government funded infrastructure and privately funded infrastructure jobs. One requires the expenditure of tax revenue, the other does not and we are already 18 trillion in debt and borrowing 40% of what the govt is spending.
What kind of infrastructure does not require government support?

support can be permits or funding. Permits are paid for by the private company building the project (Keystone pipeline) government funded projects are funded by taxpayers (interstate highways).
Grants of huge amounts of rights of way on private property are more than just permit fees. The government offers a judicial system that determines whether those grants of right away and eminent domain are valid and approved. The taxpayers bear the expense of operating the judicial system that makes those determinations, hence, without taxpayer support the rights of way for such a project as a pipeline is impossible. In this case, in particular, taxpayer publicly owned land is involved. The taxpayers actually have to cede real estate that could be used for other purposes to the private use and even ownership to a private corporation. The value of parcels of publicly owned properties is greatly devalued in exchange for profits for private individuals and businesses.
That's right. The publically owned land in Nebraska has potential for "other purposes" other than providing a home for fucking gophers. You're a fool!
People already live there you idiot. It is very beautiful country. This is not the mid 19th century, it is 2015 and technology allows us to live in these beautiful locations. There are small towns and road networks and everything the people who live there have a need for to live comfortable lives. The real estate is good for ranching as well as a prime hunting area. The fool is the dope that believes this land is vacant waste only used by gophers.
Warren Buffett's railroads carry all the oil moved from Keystone.
You know. The Warren Buffett who contributes millions to the LIBs.
He's doing so well moving extremely dangerous railcar oil he made a net profit of 12% on his railroads last year.
Funny. Good old Warren wants NOTHING to do with XL.

And Obama made warren buffets dream come true
With a majority of American's wanting Keystone, Dims better hope that gas prices aren't back up over $3.00 a gallon as we enter Fall next year.

Paid $1.75 for my Obamagas
Obamagas has dropped 75 cents since Keystone was vetoed
Poll: Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline

The 1,179-mile Canada-to-Texas pipeline is backed by 57% of the 1,011 Americans surveyed on Dec. 18-21. Just 28% oppose it, while 15% say they are unsure.

Poll: Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline -

Keystone pipeline has been built and was already approved and going strong..

Keystone xl is a new, pipeline leg crossing our border and with an undetermined safe route across our aquifers....

Were the people polled approving of the
Keystone pipeline?

Or this new leg, keystone xl?

The XL project was specifically designed to bring both Canadian crude and pick up oil from the Bakken fields.

I love this Senator. She knows how valuable the XL would be to her state.

Sep 19 2013
Heitkamp Calls on President to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline on Five Year Anniversary of Project Application
In a Letter to the President, Senator Outlines her recent Trip to the Canadian Oil Sands & How it Reinforced the Need for the Project
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On the five year anniversary of the application for the Keystone XL pipeline, U.S. Senator Heidi Heitkamp today called on President Obama to recognize the project is in the United States’ national interest and approve it.

In a letter to the President, Heitkamp explained how her trip last month to view development of the Canadian oil sands reinforced how crucial the pipeline is to the U.S. During the trip, she met with stakeholders in the extraction, production, and transportation industries, and discussed with Canadian officials their efforts to minimize the pipeline’s impact on the environment.

“It’s disappointing we’re at this point where five years later we still don’t have an answer on the Keystone XL pipeline,” said Senator Heitkamp. “Just last month, I visited the oil sands in Canada and it only reinforced how critical the Keystone XL pipeline would be to North Dakota and the U.S.

To my knowledge, no senior members of the Administration have visited the oil sands. But, in order to make an informed decision about this project, such a trip is needed to see the technology firsthand, clarify many of the issues the Administration thinks it may have with the project, and fully realize the responsible impact it could have on the U.S.

“It’s in our economic, national security, and energy interests to approve this pipeline from our neighbor and ally as we continue to build an all-of-the-above energy strategy that could lead us toward North American energy independence. This project needs to be approved.”
Heitkamp Calls on President to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline on Five Year Anniversary of Project Application - Press Releases - United States Senator Heidi Heitkamp
Poll: Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline

The 1,179-mile Canada-to-Texas pipeline is backed by 57% of the 1,011 Americans surveyed on Dec. 18-21. Just 28% oppose it, while 15% say they are unsure.

Poll: Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline -

Keystone pipeline has been built and was already approved and going strong..

Keystone xl is a new, pipeline leg crossing our border and with an undetermined safe route across our aquifers....

Were the people polled approving of the
Keystone pipeline?

Or this new leg, keystone xl?

The XL project was specifically designed to bring both Canadian crude and pick up oil from the Bakken fields.

I love this Senator. She knows how valuable the XL would be to her state.

Sep 19 2013
Heitkamp Calls on President to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline on Five Year Anniversary of Project Application
In a Letter to the President, Senator Outlines her recent Trip to the Canadian Oil Sands & How it Reinforced the Need for the Project
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On the five year anniversary of the application for the Keystone XL pipeline, U.S. Senator Heidi Heitkamp today called on President Obama to recognize the project is in the United States’ national interest and approve it.

In a letter to the President, Heitkamp explained how her trip last month to view development of the Canadian oil sands reinforced how crucial the pipeline is to the U.S. During the trip, she met with stakeholders in the extraction, production, and transportation industries, and discussed with Canadian officials their efforts to minimize the pipeline’s impact on the environment.

“It’s disappointing we’re at this point where five years later we still don’t have an answer on the Keystone XL pipeline,” said Senator Heitkamp. “Just last month, I visited the oil sands in Canada and it only reinforced how critical the Keystone XL pipeline would be to North Dakota and the U.S.

To my knowledge, no senior members of the Administration have visited the oil sands. But, in order to make an informed decision about this project, such a trip is needed to see the technology firsthand, clarify many of the issues the Administration thinks it may have with the project, and fully realize the responsible impact it could have on the U.S.

“It’s in our economic, national security, and energy interests to approve this pipeline from our neighbor and ally as we continue to build an all-of-the-above energy strategy that could lead us toward North American energy independence. This project needs to be approved.”
Heitkamp Calls on President to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline on Five Year Anniversary of Project Application - Press Releases - United States Senator Heidi Heitkamp
the Bakken only plans to transport about 10% if even that, of their oil through the pipeline to the Gulf if it is built and 90% of their oil will continue to be transported by rail and other means.

I have read that they like the ability to ship it to refineries in the west, or ship it to refineries in the east, depending on who will give them the best price and depending on East or West coast needs.

So the xl to the gulf, does not matter to the Bakken oil producers, much if anything, at all? And that would make sense, since shipping to the closest refineries seems more logical and sensible, no?
Just heard on TV.

It's fantastic news.

Finally a president who puts the people of our nation before money.

I will never understand why any American would support a foreign nation stealing land from Americans and taking jobs from American workers.
Warren Buffett's railroads carry all the oil moved from Keystone.
You know. The Warren Buffett who contributes millions to the LIBs.
He's doing so well moving extremely dangerous railcar oil he made a net profit of 12% on his railroads last year.
Funny. Good old Warren wants NOTHING to do with XL.

And Obama made warren buffets dream come true
Actually, he didn't.

The Railways will ALWAYS be a major part of oil transport as long as we continue with our own oil boom up north with moving the oil East and West, and if xl is built, the Railways benefit in a huge way because the Railways will be hauling the construction materials, and be a MAJOR part of the overall construction.

Union Pacific Corp., based in Omaha, Nebraska, anticipated an increase in rail traffic with or without Keystone, Chief Executive Officer Jim Young said in an interview.

“We would have been involved with moving the pipe and a lot of the construction business in building it,” Young said. “On the other hand, if you don’t build any pipeline capacity, you’re going to be moving a lot of crude by train.”

Buffett’s Burlington Northern Among Pipeline Winners

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