Keystone is over

Of course it's relevant and in direct response to your point.

Cheney had private heads of oil corporations secretly determining public policy in terms of energy. Part and parcel with that was the invasion of Iraq, which the PNAC, a group that Cheney and many folks in the Bush administration were a part of, overtly advocated for.

And as to what replaces Capitalism? Who knows?

It's probably something that looks like a blend of both capitalism and socialism in the short term.

But over the longer term it will be as "radical" as the eventual evolution of capitalism out of monarchies.

so you don't know how or just know it will happen...Ok, that's a safe position to don't have to support anything..just say "I think such and such will happen....." LMAO

for the fifth (or 6th) time
Regarding importing oil from the ME;

Where DO we import the most oil from?

Why do we import ANY oil?

Are we out of oil in america?....or is there a political "reason"?

Sorry, really?

The point wasn't to grab oil for America..

The point was to keep oil from American enemies and create scarcity in the world.

Which, worked out very nicely.

American oil companies made a bundle.

you guys are Pavlovian.... even when you don't know what you're talking about, in a pinch...blame bush for everything.

...oil is a commodity..the price rises and falls regardless of what our enemies one can micromanage the world oil supply..that's delusional..

The more one posses of a desired commodity, the better off one will be.

the more oil we produce here, the better for americans overall.
Now go ahead and tell me I'm wrong and "explain" how producing our own oil will be bad for the economy and importing oil is better....:popcorn:

We currently produce more than we import. The global supply is way up hence the low cost. Drilling operations are already slowing because of the price. Calling for more right now makes no sense.

the more one owns of a (finished) valuable commodity (not oil in the ground..oil reserves), the better one is in the long run.

Seriously? Who is going to invest significant cash into new drilling operations to not make any money off of it?


Here's an example of the cost involved in developing new wells.

With Shell’s Failure, U.S. Arctic Drilling Is Dead |
so you don't know how or just know it will happen...Ok, that's a safe position to don't have to support anything..just say "I think such and such will happen....." LMAO

for the fifth (or 6th) time
Regarding importing oil from the ME;

Where DO we import the most oil from?

Why do we import ANY oil?

Are we out of oil in america?....or is there a political "reason"?

Sorry, really?

The point wasn't to grab oil for America..

The point was to keep oil from American enemies and create scarcity in the world.

Which, worked out very nicely.

American oil companies made a bundle.

you guys are Pavlovian.... even when you don't know what you're talking about, in a pinch...blame bush for everything.

...oil is a commodity..the price rises and falls regardless of what our enemies one can micromanage the world oil supply..that's delusional..

The more one posses of a desired commodity, the better off one will be.

the more oil we produce here, the better for americans overall.
Now go ahead and tell me I'm wrong and "explain" how producing our own oil will be bad for the economy and importing oil is better....:popcorn:

We currently produce more than we import. The global supply is way up hence the low cost. Drilling operations are already slowing because of the price. Calling for more right now makes no sense.

the more one owns of a (finished) valuable commodity (not oil in the ground..oil reserves), the better one is in the long run.

Seriously? Who is going to invest millions into new drilling operations to not make any money off of it?


no one said anything extreme like that.
Sorry, really?

The point wasn't to grab oil for America..

The point was to keep oil from American enemies and create scarcity in the world.

Which, worked out very nicely.

American oil companies made a bundle.

you guys are Pavlovian.... even when you don't know what you're talking about, in a pinch...blame bush for everything.

...oil is a commodity..the price rises and falls regardless of what our enemies one can micromanage the world oil supply..that's delusional..

The more one posses of a desired commodity, the better off one will be.

the more oil we produce here, the better for americans overall.
Now go ahead and tell me I'm wrong and "explain" how producing our own oil will be bad for the economy and importing oil is better....:popcorn:

We currently produce more than we import. The global supply is way up hence the low cost. Drilling operations are already slowing because of the price. Calling for more right now makes no sense.

the more one owns of a (finished) valuable commodity (not oil in the ground..oil reserves), the better one is in the long run.

Seriously? Who is going to invest millions into new drilling operations to not make any money off of it?


no one said anything extreme like that.

Yeah that's right. Run away from your claim that a Repub pres would drill more now that idea has been shown as ridiculous.
How dare anyone of you speak against our big oil overlords! They are looking out for our best interest !!!
With a majority of American's wanting Keystone, Dims better hope that gas prices aren't back up over $3.00 a gallon as we enter Fall next year.

"majority of Americans"?
Such is the power of the rightwing media.

According to polls in 2003, during the run-up to the American violation of Iraq sovereignty, support for the Iraq invasion was very close to identical to the support for KXL now - 52% to 56% range (depending on which poll). And-----and the political split was similar also, "More than nine out of ten Republicans supported the decision to go to war, as against only half of Democrats".

My point isn't to rehash the Iraq war but rather to point out how easily duped Republicans are by the rightwing echo Chamber's propaganda machine fueled by carbon based energy industry Super-PACs. My question for rightwingers/Republicans is; given your history of being so overwhelmingly wrong-so often, why would anyone choose to follow you back to 20th century energy decisions instead of choosing to march forward to a future of 21st century alternative energy(s)? luddites?

As gezzhoo pointed out, this country has over 2 million miles of pipelines to move carbon based/global climate change fuels - that's over 2 million miles of pipeline that is becoming increasingly obsolete for our energy needs.

According to a recent poll, self described Democrats are divided about the KXL Pipeline - about 49% of Democrats are in favor of building the pipeline.


Poll: Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline

The 1,179-mile Canada-to-Texas pipeline is backed by 57% of the 1,011 Americans surveyed on Dec. 18-21. Just 28% oppose it, while 15% say they are unsure.

Poll: Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline -
There has never been a better time for our nation to invest in infrastructure

Historically low interest rates and a large number of construction workers out of work
so true. Too bad the Repubs are against investment and are more interested in give-aways to the special interests & well-connected :(
Just think if we used the money lost in tax cuts for the wealthy on infrastructure.....or the money we spent on invasions
so you don't know how or just know it will happen...Ok, that's a safe position to don't have to support anything..just say "I think such and such will happen....." LMAO

for the fifth (or 6th) time
Regarding importing oil from the ME;

Where DO we import the most oil from?

Why do we import ANY oil?

Are we out of oil in america?....or is there a political "reason"?

Sorry, really?

The point wasn't to grab oil for America..

The point was to keep oil from American enemies and create scarcity in the world.

Which, worked out very nicely.

American oil companies made a bundle.

you guys are Pavlovian.... even when you don't know what you're talking about, in a pinch...blame bush for everything.

...oil is a commodity..the price rises and falls regardless of what our enemies one can micromanage the world oil supply..that's delusional..

The more one posses of a desired commodity, the better off one will be.

the more oil we produce here, the better for americans overall.
Now go ahead and tell me I'm wrong and "explain" how producing our own oil will be bad for the economy and importing oil is better....:popcorn:

We currently produce more than we import. The global supply is way up hence the low cost. Drilling operations are already slowing because of the price. Calling for more right now makes no sense.

the more one owns of a (finished) valuable commodity (not oil in the ground..oil reserves), the better one is in the long run.

Seriously? Who is going to invest significant cash into new drilling operations to not make any money off of it?


Here's an example of the cost involved in developing new wells.

With Shell’s Failure, U.S. Arctic Drilling Is Dead |

Oh geeze fucking louise.

Keystone is just a pipeline.

Damn you people are idiots. Keystone is a pipeline. You know big round things that go in the ground and transport oil.

Keystone does not drill for oil.

There has never been a better time for our nation to invest in infrastructure

Historically low interest rates and a large number of construction workers out of work
so true. Too bad the Repubs are against investment and are more interested in give-aways to the special interests & well-connected :(
Just think if we used the money lost in tax cuts for the wealthy on infrastructure.....or the money we spent on invasions

What the hell?

Trans Canada is paying for the whole shebang.
you guys are Pavlovian.... even when you don't know what you're talking about, in a pinch...blame bush for everything.

...oil is a commodity..the price rises and falls regardless of what our enemies one can micromanage the world oil supply..that's delusional..

The more one posses of a desired commodity, the better off one will be.

the more oil we produce here, the better for americans overall.
Now go ahead and tell me I'm wrong and "explain" how producing our own oil will be bad for the economy and importing oil is better....:popcorn:

We currently produce more than we import. The global supply is way up hence the low cost. Drilling operations are already slowing because of the price. Calling for more right now makes no sense.

the more one owns of a (finished) valuable commodity (not oil in the ground..oil reserves), the better one is in the long run.

Seriously? Who is going to invest millions into new drilling operations to not make any money off of it?


no one said anything extreme like that.

Yeah that's right. Run away from your claim that a Repub pres would drill more now that idea has been shown as ridiculous.

This post is monumentally mega stupid.
There has never been a better time for our nation to invest in infrastructure

Historically low interest rates and a large number of construction workers out of work
so true. Too bad the Repubs are against investment and are more interested in give-aways to the special interests & well-connected :(
Just think if we used the money lost in tax cuts for the wealthy on infrastructure.....or the money we spent on invasions

What the hell?

Trans Canada is paying for the whole shebang.
We don't care. The folks who were against the pipeline won the battle to stop it. Quit being such a sore loser. We turned our tar sands dirty oil deposits into a National Monument and filled it with hikers, bikers and other kinds of tourist. Maybe you will get to visit it someday. You do what you want with your real estate but quit trying to drag us into your destructive and greedy behavior.
How dare anyone of you speak against our big oil overlords! They are looking out for our best interest !!!
Well Timmy. Are you able to power your house at the moment?

Did Mommy and Daddy feed you tonight?

Did they do it with solar or wind?

I'm going to try to be nice here little Timmy. I've done primitive. I did it for a number of years in Ontario with my husband and I can tell you honestly pumping water by hand really really sucks.

Solar / wind doesn't cut it. Oh and sweet lord it gets really really cold when you can't make your fireplace and your stove heat it up. Some winters are just too cold.
There has never been a better time for our nation to invest in infrastructure

Historically low interest rates and a large number of construction workers out of work
so true. Too bad the Repubs are against investment and are more interested in give-aways to the special interests & well-connected :(
Just think if we used the money lost in tax cuts for the wealthy on infrastructure.....or the money we spent on invasions

What the hell?

Trans Canada is paying for the whole shebang.
We don't care. The folks who were against the pipeline won the battle to stop it. Quit being such a sore loser. We turned our tar sands dirty oil deposits into a National Monument and filled it with hikers, bikers and other kinds of tourist. Maybe you will get to visit it someday. You do what you want with your real estate but quit trying to drag us into your destructive and greedy behavior.

So rejoice in the fact that the Keystone has been pumping black gold to the Gulf since January 2014 and all your shit is a lie.

You stopped nothing.

There has never been a better time for our nation to invest in infrastructure

Historically low interest rates and a large number of construction workers out of work
so true. Too bad the Repubs are against investment and are more interested in give-aways to the special interests & well-connected :(
Just think if we used the money lost in tax cuts for the wealthy on infrastructure.....or the money we spent on invasions

What the hell?

Trans Canada is paying for the whole shebang.
We don't care. The folks who were against the pipeline won the battle to stop it. Quit being such a sore loser. We turned our tar sands dirty oil deposits into a National Monument and filled it with hikers, bikers and other kinds of tourist. Maybe you will get to visit it someday. You do what you want with your real estate but quit trying to drag us into your destructive and greedy behavior.

Explain the Alberta Clipper and Southern Lights then. Explain how the White House had not a worry about Enbridge's projects. And by the way my dad had me crawl thru Washington and I know it lovingly quite well.
There has never been a better time for our nation to invest in infrastructure

Historically low interest rates and a large number of construction workers out of work
so true. Too bad the Repubs are against investment and are more interested in give-aways to the special interests & well-connected :(
Just think if we used the money lost in tax cuts for the wealthy on infrastructure.....or the money we spent on invasions

What the hell?

Trans Canada is paying for the whole shebang.
We don't care. The folks who were against the pipeline won the battle to stop it. Quit being such a sore loser. We turned our tar sands dirty oil deposits into a National Monument and filled it with hikers, bikers and other kinds of tourist. Maybe you will get to visit it someday. You do what you want with your real estate but quit trying to drag us into your destructive and greedy behavior.

So rejoice in the fact that the Keystone has been pumping black gold to the Gulf since January 2014 and all your shit is a lie.

No lies silly girl. Some of our tar sands are still available, but the best parts are protected in National Monuments, Parks and Forest. The latest fight over your pipeline dream was about protecting the Ogallala Aquifer. The is the battle that was won.

Here is some data on what you accused me of lying about.
so true. Too bad the Repubs are against investment and are more interested in give-aways to the special interests & well-connected :(
Just think if we used the money lost in tax cuts for the wealthy on infrastructure.....or the money we spent on invasions

What the hell?

Trans Canada is paying for the whole shebang.
We don't care. The folks who were against the pipeline won the battle to stop it. Quit being such a sore loser. We turned our tar sands dirty oil deposits into a National Monument and filled it with hikers, bikers and other kinds of tourist. Maybe you will get to visit it someday. You do what you want with your real estate but quit trying to drag us into your destructive and greedy behavior.

So rejoice in the fact that the Keystone has been pumping black gold to the Gulf since January 2014 and all your shit is a lie.

No lies silly girl. Some of our tar sands are still available, but the best parts are protected in National Monuments, Parks and Forest. The latest fight over your pipeline dream was about protecting the Ogallala Aquifer. The is the battle that was won.

Here is some data on what you accused me of lying about.

I've been a conservationist specializing in water since Grassy Narrows. Don't even dream to fuck with me. Working right now to punish those who want to put up Bi Pole. I'm the real deal kid.

Not only do I have them on the ropes over wetlands but Bi Pole will obliterate a mega important monarch breeding ground. And yes. I do this shit. Just not on this board.

Look the way it is. Pipelines. Pick your poison. I just pick pipelines over rail and barge. You get a barge sinking in the mighty Mississippi you got a world of hurt. You get another Lac Meganatic and people burning to death?

Fuck that noise.
so true. Too bad the Repubs are against investment and are more interested in give-aways to the special interests & well-connected :(
Just think if we used the money lost in tax cuts for the wealthy on infrastructure.....or the money we spent on invasions

What the hell?

Trans Canada is paying for the whole shebang.
We don't care. The folks who were against the pipeline won the battle to stop it. Quit being such a sore loser. We turned our tar sands dirty oil deposits into a National Monument and filled it with hikers, bikers and other kinds of tourist. Maybe you will get to visit it someday. You do what you want with your real estate but quit trying to drag us into your destructive and greedy behavior.

So rejoice in the fact that the Keystone has been pumping black gold to the Gulf since January 2014 and all your shit is a lie.

No lies silly girl. Some of our tar sands are still available, but the best parts are protected in National Monuments, Parks and Forest. The latest fight over your pipeline dream was about protecting the Ogallala Aquifer. The is the battle that was won.

Here is some data on what you accused me of lying about.

Oh and get back to me when you remove all these pipelines.


Don't hand me bullshit and don't tell me no lies baby!

There has never been a better time for our nation to invest in infrastructure

Historically low interest rates and a large number of construction workers out of work
so true. Too bad the Repubs are against investment and are more interested in give-aways to the special interests & well-connected :(
Just think if we used the money lost in tax cuts for the wealthy on infrastructure.....or the money we spent on invasions

What the hell?

Trans Canada is paying for the whole shebang.

What the hell?

Does that have to do with what I posted?

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