Keystone is over

There go lots of jobs down the drain.

No that saved a lot of American jobs in the oil industry.

It also saved a lot of private land owned by Americans.

As for the jobs involved with that pipeline, the honest number of jobs it would have created was so small, people had to lie and inflate the number of jobs created.
Warren Buffett's railroads carry all the oil moved from Keystone.
You know. The Warren Buffett who contributes millions to the LIBs.
He's doing so well moving extremely dangerous railcar oil he made a net profit of 12% on his railroads last year.
Funny. Good old Warren wants NOTHING to do with XL.

And Obama made warren buffets dream come true
Actually, he didn't.

The Railways will ALWAYS be a major part of oil transport as long as we continue with our own oil boom up north with moving the oil East and West, and if xl is built, the Railways benefit in a huge way because the Railways will be hauling the construction materials, and be a MAJOR part of the overall construction.

Union Pacific Corp., based in Omaha, Nebraska, anticipated an increase in rail traffic with or without Keystone, Chief Executive Officer Jim Young said in an interview.

“We would have been involved with moving the pipe and a lot of the construction business in building it,” Young said. “On the other hand, if you don’t build any pipeline capacity, you’re going to be moving a lot of crude by train.”

Buffett’s Burlington Northern Among Pipeline Winners
In the short term, maybe. But not for the long haul.
Also, it's the LAND OWNERS that have been fighting XL, not the federal government.

This article below is from a month ago....

Nebraska Landowners Hold Keystone XL at Bay With Lawsuit

TransCanada is forced to drop its eminent domain claims to run the controversial tar sands pipeline through private lands.

Oct 1, 2015
Keystone XL opponents were cheered by the latest development in Nebraska. Credit: Elvert Barnes via Flickr

TransCanada, the company behind the Keystone XL pipeline, has pulled out of a lawsuit launched by Nebraska landowners who oppose the project. The move ensures another delay of seven to 12 months in the Nebraska review process as the company seeks a legally approved route through the state.

... TransCanada's decision has cheered anti-pipeline activists, who see it as another sign that that the tar sands oil pipeline is doomed, even though President Obama has not yet rejected or approved it.

"Everyone knows or expects the president to reject the project," said Jane Kleeb, director of Bold Nebraska, a grassroots group that has spent years fighting the pipeline that would run from Alberta to Nebraska.

While the Obama administration controls the pipeline's future, individual states are responsible for approving the Keystone's route within their borders. In Nebraska, resistance to the pipeline revolves around a small group of landowners who fear it will contaminate their water and land. They're particularly concerned about the section of the route that crosses the Ogallala aquifer—a vital water source—and the Sandhills, an ecologically vulnerable area in north-central Nebraska.

The lawsuit against TransCanada centered around a controversial law passed in 2012, which gives the governor's office the final say in routing pipelines. Then-governor Dave Heineman authorized the route the following year.

In January 2015, more than 100 landowners representing 81 properties along the Nebraska route sued TransCanada when the company began using eminent domain to obtain the rights to build Keystone on their land. The plaintiffs argued that TransCanada could not legally use eminent domain, because the state law that allowed the route was unconstitutionally circumventing the Nebraska Public Service Commission, the established authority on pipelines.

The next court hearing was scheduled for mid-October. Now that TransCanada has withdrawn from the case, the eminent domain claims against the landowners will be dropped.

Art Tanderup, a former teacher and landowner who was part of the lawsuit, said he was excited by the news. TransCanada "realized they're not going to win this thing" in court, he said.

TransCanada spokesman Mark Cooper said the company's decision was based on the need for more certainty and "what's going to get us the best opportunity to get this pipeline built."

Cooper said there is a timeline for the Public Service Commission (PSC) review, which is expected to take seven to 12 months. He said TransCanada has decided that review is a better alternative than a court battle that might reach the Nebraska Supreme Court, where there is no time limit, and where "we'd be further behind again if we were ultimately unsuccessful."

Pipeline activists have long preferred the PSC process. Kleeb said the agency review provides clear deadlines and opportunities for citizens to intervene. It also grants the PSC the power to alter the proposed route, she said.

Nebraska Landowners Hold Keystone XL at Bay With Lawsuit
Liberals are constantly bitching that we need to build infrastructure, but then they pull this shit.

Don't ever listen to liberals, because they are lying every time they open their mouths.
The Right won't build infrastructure. The pipeline is not infrastructure, it transports Canadian oil for export to other countries. We need bridges, roads, high speed rail.
You say the Right won't build infrastructure, but you do not have a citation to back you up. That makes it look like you are a rabid partisan to pulls things out of his ass.

Also, high speed train is a colossal waste of money. I've got a car, so I don''t need it. Or I can take a plane, which travels twice as fast as high speed train.

I did a quick search on republicans voting against infrastructure bill and a lot of articles came up. I won't post one. I'll post the search. Just click the link below and choose your article. The republicans don't want to spend any money on infrastructure. That would mean they were serving the nation as a whole instead of just the 1%.

republicans vote against infrastructure bill - Bing

As for high speed rail. Your comment about it continues to show how selfish, conceited and self centered you are. If something isn't used by our or doesn't benefit you then you are against it. No matter that it benefits everyone including you.

Just because you don't want to use that high speed rail doesn't mean millions of Americans don't want to either.

America doesn't revolve around you and what you want. In fact, you mean nothing to those who make the decisions concerning our nation. They don't even know or care that you exist.

One last comment, just think of how many cars are off the road because of that high speed train. That means that traffic for you isn't as bad and you're not wasting your time sitting in traffic.
Just heard on TV.

It's fantastic news.

Finally a president who puts the people of our nation before money.

I will never understand why any American would support a foreign nation stealing land from Americans and taking jobs from American workers.

Bullshit that Trans Canada takes jobs away from American workers. And Unions are really really pissed at Obama for this dog and pony show.

Oh and by the way the Keystone is already built all the way to the Gulf. The XL was just another off shoot.

"Construction of the 487-mile crude oil pipeline involved more than 11 million hours of labor completed by 4,844 workers in the United States of America, more than 50 contracts with manufacturers and companies building the pipeline and equipment from across the U.S. It also includes the addition of 2.25 million barrels of new oil storage capacity at Cushing, Oklahoma.

"The workers who helped build this project are in addition to 8,969 men and women who constructed the initial Keystone Pipeline system, and we are waiting for approval of Keystone XL so we can employ more than 9,000 more Americans who are waiting to put their skills and experience to work," added Girling."

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland, Texas
Here's how the Union head feels about this bullshit political decision....

November 7, 2015
Union accuses Obama of throwing it under the bus on Keystone pipeline decision
By Rick Moran

One of the largest Democratic unions in the country, the Laborers' International Union of North America, angrily denounced President Obama's decision not to approve the Keystone XL pipeline, saying he took the side of "elitists" and was more concerned with "his legacy" than he was with working families.

Washington Free Beacon:

“President Obama today demonstrated that he cares more about kowtowing to green-collar elitists than he does about creating desperately needed, family-supporting, blue-collar jobs,”said Terry O’Sullivan, the union’s president, in a release following Obama’s Friday announcement.

Obama joined Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry at the White House to announce that the administration would not approve the long-awaited TransCanada pipeline. He said that the pipeline and fossil fuel development and transportation “would not serve the national interest of the United States,” while claiming that the State Department was ultimately responsible for the decision. He also downplayed the economic benefits of the multi-billion-dollar project.

“For years, the Keystone Pipeline has occupied what I, frankly, consider an overinflated role in our political discourse. It became a symbol too often used as a campaign cudgel by both parties rather than a serious policy matter,” Obama said. “The pipeline would not make a meaningful long-term contribution to our economy.”

O’Sullivan said that the White House’s approach to the approval process was one of “cowardly delay.” He disputed the contention that Keystone was environmentally harmful, citing a 2014 State Department report that found not approving the pipeline would increase emissions by up to 42 percent.

“Facts apparently mean as little to the president as the construction jobs he repeatedly derided as insignificant because they are ‘temporary.’ Ironically, the very temporary nature of the president’s own job seems to be fueling a legacy of doing permanent harm to middle- and working class families,” he said.

LIUNA represents about 500,000 workers in the construction industry, one of the sectors hardest hit by the 2008 economic collapse. Keystone, which was expected to create 42,000 construction jobs, has been awaiting approval for about seven years. O’Sullivan said that Obama’s attempt to minimize job gains demonstrated his “utter disdain” for blue-collar workers.

Blog: Union accuses Obama of throwing it under the bus on Keystone pipeline decision
Here's how the Union head feels about this bullshit political decision....

November 7, 2015
Union accuses Obama of throwing it under the bus on Keystone pipeline decision
By Rick Moran

One of the largest Democratic unions in the country, the Laborers' International Union of North America, angrily denounced President Obama's decision not to approve the Keystone XL pipeline, saying he took the side of "elitists" and was more concerned with "his legacy" than he was with working families.

Washington Free Beacon:

“President Obama today demonstrated that he cares more about kowtowing to green-collar elitists than he does about creating desperately needed, family-supporting, blue-collar jobs,”said Terry O’Sullivan, the union’s president, in a release following Obama’s Friday announcement.

Obama joined Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry at the White House to announce that the administration would not approve the long-awaited TransCanada pipeline. He said that the pipeline and fossil fuel development and transportation “would not serve the national interest of the United States,” while claiming that the State Department was ultimately responsible for the decision. He also downplayed the economic benefits of the multi-billion-dollar project.

“For years, the Keystone Pipeline has occupied what I, frankly, consider an overinflated role in our political discourse. It became a symbol too often used as a campaign cudgel by both parties rather than a serious policy matter,” Obama said. “The pipeline would not make a meaningful long-term contribution to our economy.”

O’Sullivan said that the White House’s approach to the approval process was one of “cowardly delay.” He disputed the contention that Keystone was environmentally harmful, citing a 2014 State Department report that found not approving the pipeline would increase emissions by up to 42 percent.

“Facts apparently mean as little to the president as the construction jobs he repeatedly derided as insignificant because they are ‘temporary.’ Ironically, the very temporary nature of the president’s own job seems to be fueling a legacy of doing permanent harm to middle- and working class families,” he said.

LIUNA represents about 500,000 workers in the construction industry, one of the sectors hardest hit by the 2008 economic collapse. Keystone, which was expected to create 42,000 construction jobs, has been awaiting approval for about seven years. O’Sullivan said that Obama’s attempt to minimize job gains demonstrated his “utter disdain” for blue-collar workers.

Blog: Union accuses Obama of throwing it under the bus on Keystone pipeline decision
transcanada HAD ALREADY backed down from the keystone xl lawsuit by Nebraska landowners on October 1st, 2015... and will certainly pursue it from a different angle...

Nebraska Landowners Hold Keystone XL at Bay With Lawsuit
TransCanada is forced to drop its eminent domain claims to run the controversial tar sands pipeline through private lands.

Nebraska Landowners Hold Keystone XL at Bay With Lawsuit
Here's how the Union head feels about this bullshit political decision....

November 7, 2015
Union accuses Obama of throwing it under the bus on Keystone pipeline decision
By Rick Moran

One of the largest Democratic unions in the country, the Laborers' International Union of North America, angrily denounced President Obama's decision not to approve the Keystone XL pipeline, saying he took the side of "elitists" and was more concerned with "his legacy" than he was with working families.

Washington Free Beacon:

“President Obama today demonstrated that he cares more about kowtowing to green-collar elitists than he does about creating desperately needed, family-supporting, blue-collar jobs,”said Terry O’Sullivan, the union’s president, in a release following Obama’s Friday announcement.

Obama joined Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry at the White House to announce that the administration would not approve the long-awaited TransCanada pipeline. He said that the pipeline and fossil fuel development and transportation “would not serve the national interest of the United States,” while claiming that the State Department was ultimately responsible for the decision. He also downplayed the economic benefits of the multi-billion-dollar project.

“For years, the Keystone Pipeline has occupied what I, frankly, consider an overinflated role in our political discourse. It became a symbol too often used as a campaign cudgel by both parties rather than a serious policy matter,” Obama said. “The pipeline would not make a meaningful long-term contribution to our economy.”

O’Sullivan said that the White House’s approach to the approval process was one of “cowardly delay.” He disputed the contention that Keystone was environmentally harmful, citing a 2014 State Department report that found not approving the pipeline would increase emissions by up to 42 percent.

“Facts apparently mean as little to the president as the construction jobs he repeatedly derided as insignificant because they are ‘temporary.’ Ironically, the very temporary nature of the president’s own job seems to be fueling a legacy of doing permanent harm to middle- and working class families,” he said.

LIUNA represents about 500,000 workers in the construction industry, one of the sectors hardest hit by the 2008 economic collapse. Keystone, which was expected to create 42,000 construction jobs, has been awaiting approval for about seven years. O’Sullivan said that Obama’s attempt to minimize job gains demonstrated his “utter disdain” for blue-collar workers.

Blog: Union accuses Obama of throwing it under the bus on Keystone pipeline decision
transcanada HAD ALREADY backed down from the keystone xl lawsuit by Nebraska landowners on October 1st, 2015... and will certainly pursue it from a different angle...

Nebraska Landowners Hold Keystone XL at Bay With Lawsuit
TransCanada is forced to drop its eminent domain claims to run the controversial tar sands pipeline through private lands.

Nebraska Landowners Hold Keystone XL at Bay With Lawsuit

The Nebraska Supreme Court had already ruled in Trans Canada's favor once. They over turned a lower court ruling. TransCanada is now going to just go through the Public Service Commission.

BREAKING: Nebraska Supreme Court Ruling Upholds Keystone XL Pipeline Route
by Katie Valentine Jan 9, 2015 10:04am

The Nebraska Supreme Court reversed a lower court’s decision that nullified the controversial Keystone XL pipeline route through Nebraska Friday, meaning that Keystone XL once again has a legal route through Nebraska.

Four out of the seven judges on the Nebraska Supreme Court agreed with a district court’s February 2014 decision that Nebraska’s LB1161 law was unconstitutional, but according to Nebraska’s constitution, the court needed the agreement of a super majority — five out of the seven judges — to officially label the law as unconstitutional.

Nebraska’s LB1161 made it possible for pipeline companies, like TransCanada, to chose whether to submit their pipeline plans to the state Department of Environmental Quality, which would then bring the plans to Nebraska’s governor for final approval or rejection, or the state’s Public Service Commission, which had a stricter permitting process in place and didn’t depend on the governor for final approval.

BREAKING: Nebraska Supreme Court Ruling Upholds Keystone XL Pipeline Route
Liberals are constantly bitching that we need to build infrastructure, but then they pull this shit.

Don't ever listen to liberals, because they are lying every time they open their mouths.
The Right won't build infrastructure. The pipeline is not infrastructure, it transports Canadian oil for export to other countries. We need bridges, roads, high speed rail.
You say the Right won't build infrastructure, but you do not have a citation to back you up. That makes it look like you are a rabid partisan to pulls things out of his ass.

Also, high speed train is a colossal waste of money. I've got a car, so I don''t need it. Or I can take a plane, which travels twice as fast as high speed train.

I did a quick search on republicans voting against infrastructure bill and a lot of articles came up. I won't post one. I'll post the search. Just click the link below and choose your article. The republicans don't want to spend any money on infrastructure. That would mean they were serving the nation as a whole instead of just the 1%.

republicans vote against infrastructure bill - Bing

As for high speed rail. Your comment about it continues to show how selfish, conceited and self centered you are. If something isn't used by our or doesn't benefit you then you are against it. No matter that it benefits everyone including you.

Just because you don't want to use that high speed rail doesn't mean millions of Americans don't want to either.

America doesn't revolve around you and what you want. In fact, you mean nothing to those who make the decisions concerning our nation. They don't even know or care that you exist.

One last comment, just think of how many cars are off the road because of that high speed train. That means that traffic for you isn't as bad and you're not wasting your time sitting in traffic.

There has never been a better time for our nation to invest in infrastructure

Historically low interest rates and a large number of construction workers out of work
With a majority of American's wanting Keystone, Dims better hope that gas prices aren't back up over $3.00 a gallon as we enter Fall next year.

"majority of Americans"?
Such is the power of the rightwing media.

According to polls in 2003, during the run-up to the American violation of Iraq sovereignty, support for the Iraq invasion was very close to identical to the support for KXL now - 52% to 56% range (depending on which poll). And-----and the political split was similar also, "More than nine out of ten Republicans supported the decision to go to war, as against only half of Democrats".

My point isn't to rehash the Iraq war but rather to point out how easily duped Republicans are by the rightwing echo Chamber's propaganda machine fueled by carbon based energy industry Super-PACs. My question for rightwingers/Republicans is; given your history of being so overwhelmingly wrong-so often, why would anyone choose to follow you back to 20th century energy decisions instead of choosing to march forward to a future of 21st century alternative energy(s)? luddites?

As gezzhoo pointed out, this country has over 2 million miles of pipelines to move carbon based/global climate change fuels - that's over 2 million miles of pipeline that is becoming increasingly obsolete for our energy needs.

According to a recent poll, self described Democrats are divided about the KXL Pipeline - about 49% of Democrats are in favor of building the pipeline.

I personally am against Keystone xl as it presently was being proposed, and stick by the Landowners, who do not want their land taken via eminent domain, and with those who have major concerns with this leg crossing the aquifer in the one area that has not been crossed already with a gazillion other pipelines.

There are already pipelines crossing the US border from the oil sands area in Alberta, in North Dakota....

If they, Canada or rather TransCanada, now want to double the pipeline output, why not just run a second pipeline, right next to the first keystone pipeline crossing our border is already, where they have already taken citizens lands through eminent domain...

instead of adding this new route, right across the very important Aquifer, new farm land, and natural reserve land in Nebraska, where the citizens of Nebraska won't need to give up what they don't want to give up, their own land ?

(I am perturbed about taking these people's land through eminent domain for a foreign corporation.)

And if memory serves, every single conservative on this board at the time of Kelo vs New London CT, was AGAINST this the SC.

SO WHY HAVE YOU ALL reversed your stance on eminent domain now??? Isn't that hypocritical????

As far as oil sands producing/refining with more detrimental gunk in to the atmosphere/air than other lighter crude, this is true and I can understand the Environmentalist's view of not just giving these oil sands our blessing by supporting their pollution by allowing ANOTHER pipeline to transport even more of this dirty oil to refineries
in the USA.

BUT, these oil sands will be sold and refined regardless of the pipeline...maybe at a slightly lower rate, but there is no way in heaven or hell, this oil sand industry will stop with their mining until every grain of sand is depleted of it's oil....

so reality says....oil sand oil is with us, until it is gone...

Then I ask, what exactly would these enviro groups really be stopping??? I'm all ears, if someone wants to explain it to me!!!

I also am not keen on this oil sand/diluted bitumen being transported via railway (or by truck tanker) pollutes in the transportation, and is dangerous if in an accident.

I do acknowledge that Rail companies have been purchasing the upgraded tanker cars that are suppose to be maybe my view will be changed on this?

The other thing that bothers me, isthe WHOLE PURPOSE of moving this dirty crude down to the Gulf, is so that it can easily go on to tankers after it is refined, to other foreign countries....

Since it is a pipeline that Americans are taking the risk on, as far as oil leaks and breaks, and in giving up their own land for.....

should we be taking in ALL of this refined oil/gasoline and truly get off the middle eastern oil teat, ONCE AND FOR ALL??? Instead of just claiming we need to do such, actually do such?

yes it's dirty oil, but it is going to be used anyway, and the advantage of getting off of middle eastern oil and the wars surrounding the region be worth it? Canada IS OUR ALLY.

So many questions, with no real answers from anyone in power.... only rhetoric....
There has never been a better time for our nation to invest in infrastructure

Historically low interest rates and a large number of construction workers out of work
so true. Too bad the Repubs are against investment and are more interested in give-aways to the special interests & well-connected :(

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