Keystone pipeline spills more than 350,000 gallons of oil in North Dakota

Oil is part of nature.
You are part of a propaganda operation.

I didn't say its a good thing to spill oil on the ground, but I'm making a simple point that is true. It's not propaganda that oil is part of nature. The earth produces it and sometimes spills it out itself. Oil can be cleaned up and the earth also knows how to break it back down again. If not for oil, the world would have been a much worse place today. oil made it obsolete to hunt whales for their oil... oil was cleaner than burning coal, and oil and natural gas was a better alternative to using all the trees for burning.
We've been exploiting this planet for decades. It's time to be responsible for a sustainable future.

I'm sure that sounds amusing to all you evangelical oil baron types, since the "Apocalypse is near anyway." smh

"Sustainable future" is a meme that environmentalists use to convince those with brains full of mush that human beings are an existential threat to the Earth. Those environmentalists who are political activists use "sustainable future" to promote their hate-America agenda.
We've been exploiting this planet for decades. It's time to be responsible for a sustainable future.

I'm sure that sounds amusing to all you evangelical oil baron types, since the "Apocalypse is near anyway." smh

"Sustainable future" is a meme that environmentalists use to convince those with brains full of mush that human beings are an existential threat to the Earth. Those environmentalists who are political activists use "sustainable future" to promote their hate-America agenda.
That has nothing to do with my point, or what I said.
I'm talking about survival past the nuclear war age....10 , 20,000 years from now.
Hundreds of thousands of years.
The assured continuation of life, can't happen without clean water.
Humans won't advance beyond oil. We're in love with mediocrity.
Sorry, Augustine, but oil is responsible for allowing my family to get to see Old Faithful, the beauty of Yellowstone Park, the Cockrell Butterfly Garden at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, a one-on-one experience having my heart jump up into my throat when a huge Snowy Owl thought my little car being driven slowly through a snowstorm after delivering my son to the University of Wyoming after Christmas one winter's night, on the way back home to Casper. The Owl thought my car was food, and he did not know that glass separated me, his prey, from himself when he swooped down and scared the pie outta me, even though I picked up on the details of his exquisite beauty, feather for feather, piercing eyes, and sheer pluck in his mind about having a meal that night, when, his claws that tapped on my front window, let him know this moving target wasn't what he expected, so he swooped up in time to save himself from disaster his mistake caused. It took a whole tank of gas to make the 320-mile round trip to deliver my son and get back home again the same day. I wouldn't change getting to see a predatory bird in his most glorious moment for the world of money, and oil got me there as well as out of there.

Oil gave me the springboard needed for seeing the beautiful places I've been to in this world, and it gives me a way to visit family and new friends in the retirement home we moved to 10 years ago.

Oil also got me to work and back to a wonderful business I own. Every one of us could write a book on where they went because of oil. Even people who say they want to remove oil from this nation use it to go to their day job in Congress. :laugh:
There's nothing wrong with making money, but denying that the fossil fuel industry in general is detrimental to a sustainable future on this planet is unrealistic. We chose profit over the environment and there will be a heavy price, we're already seeing.
---------------------------------------------- more importantly is that people need to heat houses and drive cars to go to works Angelo . It gets cold in the Upper Peninsula and all through out the USA Angelo .
We've been exploiting this planet for decades. It's time to be responsible for a sustainable future.

I'm sure that sounds amusing to all you evangelical oil baron types, since the "Apocalypse is near anyway." smh

Right, as long as man has been cutting down trees for fire and building, or hunting the earths animals for food,.... man has been exploiting the earth. Nothing has changed. If you got rid of the United States entirely, someone else would simply take our place, China, India or the growing continent of Africa. They will continue to use the earths resources to make their lives better.
Right, as long as man has been cutting down trees for fire and building, or hunting the earths animals for food,.... man has been exploiting the earth. Nothing has changed. If you got rid of the United States entirely, someone else would simply take our place, China, India or the growing continent of Africa. They will continue to use the earths resources to make their lives better.
That's exactly the kind of "us vs them" mentallity which will be our downfall.
Right, as long as man has been cutting down trees for fire and building, or hunting the earths animals for food,.... man has been exploiting the earth. Nothing has changed. If you got rid of the United States entirely, someone else would simply take our place, China, India or the growing continent of Africa. They will continue to use the earths resources to make their lives better.
That's exactly the kind of "us vs them" mentallity which will be our downfall.

Us vs them? that wasn't a point I was trying to make. Not sure where you get that sentiment from, I was simply saying life will go on and fossil fuels will continue to be used in the developing world.
We've been exploiting this planet for decades. It's time to be responsible for a sustainable future.

I'm sure that sounds amusing to all you evangelical oil baron types, since the "Apocalypse is near anyway." smh

"Sustainable future" is a meme that environmentalists use to convince those with brains full of mush that human beings are an existential threat to the Earth. Those environmentalists who are political activists use "sustainable future" to promote their hate-America agenda.

That has nothing to do with my point, or what I said.
I'm talking about survival past the nuclear war age....10 , 20,000 years from now.
Hundreds of thousands of years.
The assured continuation of life, can't happen without clean water.

You mentioned 'sustainable future' and I addressed that part of your post. I did not see in your post anything about a 'nuclear war age' and "10, 20,000 years from now" is not "hundreds of thousands of years." Perhaps you can clarify?

Upon what do you base your assumption that there will be no clean water 10s or even 100s of thousand years from now? On what do you base your assumption that life as we know it will be the same and will even NEED water? After all, we could lose a lot of water and life with just one huge asteroid strike. Perhaps we better use this planet's resources to be able to move off of it before our 'shooting gallery' Universe takes aim and completely obliterates the Earth.
We've been exploiting this planet for decades. It's time to be responsible for a sustainable future.

I'm sure that sounds amusing to all you evangelical oil baron types, since the "Apocalypse is near anyway." smh

"Sustainable future" is a meme that environmentalists use to convince those with brains full of mush that human beings are an existential threat to the Earth. Those environmentalists who are political activists use "sustainable future" to promote their hate-America agenda.

That has nothing to do with my point, or what I said.
I'm talking about survival past the nuclear war age....10 , 20,000 years from now.
Hundreds of thousands of years.
The assured continuation of life, can't happen without clean water.

You mentioned 'sustainable future' and I addressed that part of your post. I did not see in your post anything about a 'nuclear war age' and "10, 20,000 years from now" is not "hundreds of thousands of years." Perhaps you can clarify?

Upon what do you base your assumption that there will be no clean water 10s or even 100s of thousand years from now? On what do you base your assumption that life as we know it will be the same and will even NEED water? After all, we could lose a lot of water and life with just one huge asteroid strike. Perhaps we better use this planet's resources to be able to move off of it before our 'shooting gallery' Universe takes aim and completely obliterates the Earth.
---------------------------------- and it is a shooting Gallery . Anyway its Space Force , Mars and Space Colonization time and the TRUMP is already working on it Leo -------------- PING !!
We've been exploiting this planet for decades. It's time to be responsible for a sustainable future.

I'm sure that sounds amusing to all you evangelical oil baron types, since the "Apocalypse is near anyway." smh

"Sustainable future" is a meme that environmentalists use to convince those with brains full of mush that human beings are an existential threat to the Earth. Those environmentalists who are political activists use "sustainable future" to promote their hate-America agenda.

That has nothing to do with my point, or what I said.
I'm talking about survival past the nuclear war age....10 , 20,000 years from now.
Hundreds of thousands of years.
The assured continuation of life, can't happen without clean water.

You mentioned 'sustainable future' and I addressed that part of your post. I did not see in your post anything about a 'nuclear war age' and "10, 20,000 years from now" is not "hundreds of thousands of years." Perhaps you can clarify?

Upon what do you base your assumption that there will be no clean water 10s or even 100s of thousand years from now? On what do you base your assumption that life as we know it will be the same and will even NEED water? After all, we could lose a lot of water and life with just one huge asteroid strike. Perhaps we better use this planet's resources to be able to move off of it before our 'shooting gallery' Universe takes aim and completely obliterates the Earth.
---------------------------------- and it is a shooting Gallery . Anyway its Space Force , Mars and Space Colonization time and the TRUMP is already working on it Leo -------------- PING !!
That's another point I've been making for years, that we should be saving the plutonium for space travel.
And speaking of space force, why aren't we ready for an asteroid ? We have the technology to deflect an approaching asteroid. ( just like in the movies) But we're too busy competing with China and Russia over who can destroy the planet faster.
gotta keep on guard and better than enemies Angelo .
No. We were warned about Nazi-like individuals who would control us from within.
I believe Ike called it the military industrial congressional complex.
gotta keep on guard and better than enemies Angelo .
No. We were warned about Nazi-like individuals who would control us from within.
I believe Ike called it the military industrial congressional complex.
-------------------------------------------- 'ike' is dead and gone a ling time ago . Common sense says that enemies must be beaten like a Drum if in USA Opinion that beating is needed Angelo ,
gotta keep on guard and better than enemies Angelo .
No. We were warned about Nazi-like individuals who would control us from within.
I believe Ike called it the military industrial congressional complex.
-------------------------------------------- 'ike' is dead and gone a ling time ago . Common sense says that enemies must be beaten like a Drum if in USA Opinion that beating is needed Angelo ,

Ike's warning is more relevant now than ever.
4 or 5 Hydro-vac trucks and about 30 hours will clean that spill up. This is a nominal spill and because it is crude oil it is mostly water (68% on average). This will be a very minimal impact on the region and quickly dealt with. With the ground currently frozen in the area it will not seep into it and all they have to do is suck it up...

The OP has very few cognitive thinking skills on this one..
4 or 5 Hydro-vac trucks and about 30 hours will clean that spill up. This is a nominal spill and because it is crude oil it is mostly water (68% on average). This will be a very minimal impact on the region and quickly dealt with. With the ground currently frozen in the area it will not seep into it and all they have to do is suck it up...

The OP has very few cognitive thinking skills on this one..
Kiss my fat pecker, OJ.
Your ignorance of how the industry works and the protections they have built into the system to prevent a catastrophic failure from happening is very telling... Your feelings are wrong as is your hyperbole.
Your ignorance of how the industry works and the protections they have built into the system to prevent a catastrophic failure from happening is very telling... Your feelings are wrong as is your hyperbole.
You mean like the pigs that don't squeal ?

How does a pipeline fail? The company who owns it is obviously inept and bad.
Unkown factors..

Geologic shifts and sedimentation stress the pipes. They crack and they must be fixed just like any pipe line system.

You are aware that even your cities water distribution systems have a leak flow, ALL OF THE TIME! Most cities have about a 10% loss rate due to leaking pipes.

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