Kfc Customer Ask For Bacon Only, Muslim Flies Into Verbal Profanity Laden Assault

How the fuck can you tell what's going on there? Or who or what he's responding to?

Or did you just asssssssssssssssssume the blogger didn't make it up?
I could be wrong, but I didn't see where she asked for bacon. I saw him screaming about her recording him. Either way, it was inappropriate behavior, and he should be fired.
From the comments section:
>>The contents of that particular fridge was not halal. So they marked it. Believe me, no one is more anti-halal foods than me. But I am more pro truth than I am anti halal. This event was:
1. something close to 10 years ago

2. In Australia at a halal KFC

3. When I first researched this, it turned up that the customer had been harassing that employee till he lost it then they edited out everything before he lost it. <<
Clearly there's nothing indicating anything to do with "bacon" here. And whatever the catalyst was was either not recorded or edited out.

But it's interesting who doesn't mind bending realities to create impressions.

For that matter -- where's any evidence that this is a "Muslim employee"?
That customer is such an asshole. How embarrassing for Australia.

How is the customer the asshole? The behavior of the employee was completely inappropriate.

If you walked into a kosher Burger King and demanded only bacon you'd be an asshole. Why is halal any different?

You can't see the build up to the employee's outburst in that video, but there is no excuse for somebody in any customer service job acting that way.
Where does anyone see anyone "demanding bacon"?

Sorry the title of the OP says he or she "ask for bacon only." I guess that's not a demand. It's definitely insulting as fuck if you're in a kosher or halal establishment.
Where does anyone see anyone "demanding bacon"?

Sorry the title of the OP says he or she "ask for bacon only." I guess that's not a demand. It's definitely insulting as fuck if you're in a kosher or halal establishment.

I know what the title says.

But where's the evidence?

And where's any evidence that this employee is Muslim? And where's any indication of what he's reacting to?

Ever see this floating around? You can take a film and make it say whatever you want. Doesn't make it factual.

I know what the title says.

But where's the evidence?

And where's any evidence that this employee is Muslim? And where's any indication of what he's reacting to?

What? I don't know maybe you should ask the OP.
Where does anyone see anyone "demanding bacon"?

Sorry the title of the OP says he or she "ask for bacon only." I guess that's not a demand. It's definitely insulting as fuck if you're in a kosher or halal establishment.
So it's "insulting" to simply ask for it ?

If a customer asked me for an Islamic meal, or a Kosher meal, I might not be able to accommodate them, but I sure the fuck wouldn't be insulted.

In fact, it's "insulting" to me if they are insulted.
So anyway, I'd like to know the whole story here, not sure what to believe. the employees behavior though is explosive and not appropriate for any establishment.
I did. First thing I did here. He ran away.
Maybe you should have asked the same question.

I was going off of your own information. If you walk into a kosher or halal restaurant and ask ONLY for bacon... then you're an asshole.

If you walked into burger king tomorrow and asked for bacon ONLY, then the staff would probably think you were really weird but would probably try to figure out a way to sell you bacon.

This person, according to yours and the OP's info, walked into a halal burger king and asked for ONLY bacon. We then get a video of a person, clearly after the original issue happened, flipping out about having their reaction recorded.

That customer, if my facts are right, is a huge asshole.
I did. First thing I did here. He ran away.
Maybe you should have asked the same question.

I was going off of your own information. If you walk into a kosher or halal restaurant and ask ONLY for bacon... then you're an asshole.

If you walked into burger king tomorrow and asked for bacon ONLY, then the staff would probably think you were really weird but would probably try to figure out a way to sell you bacon.

This person, according to yours and the OP's info, walked into a halal burger king and asked for ONLY bacon. We then get a video of a person, clearly after the original issue happened, flipping out about having their reaction recorded.

That customer, if my facts are right, is a huge asshole.

I have never held that anyone asked for bacon. I have in fact questioned that from the beginning of the thread, as I see no evidence that that's true.

Nor do I see any evidence that this meltdown had anything to do with bacon, nor do I hear him say anything to that effect.
Nor do I see any indication that this employee is Muslim.
Moreover the establishment is clearly not halal, as there's a sign on the refrigerator noting that its contents are "not halal". For all we know the entire bacon story is fabricated on the basis of that sign.

That was the first thing I noted here -- to question the assumptions of the OP. I believe that's why he abandoned his own thread; he didn't bother to take the time to vet his own source. It seems to happen a lot around here
Having watched the video, it isn't clear what exactly happened. It opened with him screaming while going nuts. He was also screaming at and looking at the video camera. He was not directing his rage at the lady in pink on the right. The person holding the video camera, which the man was directing his rage towards, was a man. Since the languages at play aren't familiar, I can't really tell what's going on here. All I see is a freak-out.

And trying to use this incident to insult all of Islam is stupid. I suspect you wouldn't like it if someone took a Christian's stupid actions and used it to attack all of Christianity.
Having watched the video, it isn't clear what exactly happened. It opened with him screaming while going nuts. He was also screaming at and looking at the video camera. He was not directing his rage at the lady in pink on the right. The person holding the video camera, which the man was directing his rage towards, was a man. Since the languages at play aren't familiar, I can't really tell what's going on here. All I see is a freak-out.

And trying to use this incident to insult all of Islam is stupid. I suspect you wouldn't like it if someone took a Christian's stupid actions and used it to attack all of Christianity.

Indeed, we don't even know if this guy practices a religion at all, let alone what it is.

It's stupefying to see the degree to which people will just swallow whatever suggestion is tossed at them.

"KFC Employee Freaks out after Hearing of Redskins' Latest Loss"
"KFC Employee Reacts to News of New USMB Format"
-- plug in anything you want.
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