Khaled Masha'al "We reject today...and will reject in the future"

P F Tinmore, et al,

I'm not sure that rejecting HAMAS Blackmail offers for peace is the same as an "out'n'out rejection.

By the way don't rag on Hamas for rejecting the ceasefire. Israel rejected a ceasefire also.

Israel rejects ceasefire plan, source says as death toll nears 850

Israel rejects ceasefire plan, source says as death toll nears 850

I understand the Israelis agreed to a 12-hour “humanitarian” lull in fighting beginning Saturday morning.

Secretary of State John Kerry is simply messing the negotiation up to no end. If the US merely rewords the HAMAS demands, and then tries to put that across to the Israelis, it is, of course, going to be rejected. You simply don't reward terrorism by giving into the demands they make. That is foolish. And, you don't start a disarmament process and leave it half finished.

The US needs to step away from the process and let it resolve itself. Palestinians will not negotiate in good faith unless they are ready. And the HAMAS Government is not yet ready.

Most Respectfully,
yesterday I listened to Meshaal's speech with growing nausea------he smiled with confident
arrogance as gaza got bombed and his goons continued to launch bombs on Israel--
--thus INSURING that gaza would be bombed---
and simply ----and definitively refused a simple cease fire-------I hoped that a kassam would slam
into is depraved head
P F Tinmore, et al,

I'm not sure that rejecting HAMAS Blackmail offers for peace is the same as an "out'n'out rejection.

By the way don't rag on Hamas for rejecting the ceasefire. Israel rejected a ceasefire also.

Israel rejects ceasefire plan, source says as death toll nears 850

Israel rejects ceasefire plan, source says as death toll nears 850

I understand the Israelis agreed to a 12-hour “humanitarian” lull in fighting beginning Saturday morning.

Secretary of State John Kerry is simply messing the negotiation up to no end. If the US merely rewords the HAMAS demands, and then tries to put that across to the Israelis, it is, of course, going to be rejected. You simply don't reward terrorism by giving into the demands they make. That is foolish. And, you don't start a disarmament process and leave it half finished.

The US needs to step away from the process and let it resolve itself. Palestinians will not negotiate in good faith unless they are ready. And the HAMAS Government is not yet ready.

Most Respectfully,

I'm not sure that rejecting HAMAS Blackmail offers for peace is the same as an "out'n'out rejection.

Look at the recent history. Israel attacks Gaza in 2006, 2008, 2012, and 2014. And every time the assholes just want quiet without addressing the same old problems that keeps boiling up.

It is time to get serious about peace.
P F Tinmore, et al,

I'm not sure that rejecting HAMAS Blackmail offers for peace is the same as an "out'n'out rejection.

By the way don't rag on Hamas for rejecting the ceasefire. Israel rejected a ceasefire also.

Israel rejects ceasefire plan, source says as death toll nears 850

Israel rejects ceasefire plan, source says as death toll nears 850

I understand the Israelis agreed to a 12-hour “humanitarian” lull in fighting beginning Saturday morning.

Secretary of State John Kerry is simply messing the negotiation up to no end. If the US merely rewords the HAMAS demands, and then tries to put that across to the Israelis, it is, of course, going to be rejected. You simply don't reward terrorism by giving into the demands they make. That is foolish. And, you don't start a disarmament process and leave it half finished.

The US needs to step away from the process and let it resolve itself. Palestinians will not negotiate in good faith unless they are ready. And the HAMAS Government is not yet ready.

Most Respectfully,

I'm not sure that rejecting HAMAS Blackmail offers for peace is the same as an "out'n'out rejection.

Look at the recent history. Israel attacks Gaza in 2006, 2008, 2012, and 2014. And every time the assholes just want quiet without addressing the same old problems that keeps boiling up.

It is time to get serious about peace.

Don't you mean Hamas attacks Israel in 2006,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 and 14?
P F Tinmore, et al,

I'm not sure that rejecting HAMAS Blackmail offers for peace is the same as an "out'n'out rejection.


I understand the Israelis agreed to a 12-hour “humanitarian” lull in fighting beginning Saturday morning.

Secretary of State John Kerry is simply messing the negotiation up to no end. If the US merely rewords the HAMAS demands, and then tries to put that across to the Israelis, it is, of course, going to be rejected. You simply don't reward terrorism by giving into the demands they make. That is foolish. And, you don't start a disarmament process and leave it half finished.

The US needs to step away from the process and let it resolve itself. Palestinians will not negotiate in good faith unless they are ready. And the HAMAS Government is not yet ready.

Most Respectfully,

I'm not sure that rejecting HAMAS Blackmail offers for peace is the same as an "out'n'out rejection.

Look at the recent history. Israel attacks Gaza in 2006, 2008, 2012, and 2014. And every time the assholes just want quiet without addressing the same old problems that keeps boiling up.

It is time to get serious about peace.

Don't you mean Hamas attacks Israel in 2006,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 and 14?

Don't you mean the blockade Israel put on Gaza. A blockade is an act of war against Gaza.
Look at the recent history. Israel attacks Gaza in 2006, 2008, 2012, and 2014. And every time the assholes just want quiet without addressing the same old problems that keeps boiling up.

It is time to get serious about peace.

Don't you mean Hamas attacks Israel in 2006,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 and 14?

Don't you mean the blockade Israel put on Gaza. A blockade is an act of war against Gaza.

The blockade is a legal act on a country that attacks another. Look it up.
Look at the recent history. Israel attacks Gaza in 2006, 2008, 2012, and 2014. And every time the assholes just want quiet without addressing the same old problems that keeps boiling up.

It is time to get serious about peace.

Don't you mean Hamas attacks Israel in 2006,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 and 14?

Don't you mean the blockade Israel put on Gaza. A blockade is an act of war against Gaza.

legal blockade to prevent weapons and dual purpose items from entering gaza so that hamas can keep waging war on Israel.
Don't you mean the blockade Israel put on Gaza. A blockade is an act of war against Gaza.

legal blockade to prevent weapons and dual purpose items from entering gaza so that hamas can keep waging war on Israel.

It is Israel's war. It can stop it any time it wants so stop whining about the rockets.

Hamas should not fire on or towards Israel. They should stop making demands as if they are the victors, but rather talk and negotiate step by step what is to happen towards peace.
legal blockade to prevent weapons and dual purpose items from entering gaza so that hamas can keep waging war on Israel.

It is Israel's war. It can stop it any time it wants so stop whining about the rockets.

Hamas should not fire on or towards Israel. They should stop making demands as if they are the victors, but rather talk and negotiate step by step what is to happen towards peace.

How can Hamas do that? Israel is to candy ass to talk to Hamas.
It is Israel's war. It can stop it any time it wants so stop whining about the rockets.

Hamas should not fire on or towards Israel. They should stop making demands as if they are the victors, but rather talk and negotiate step by step what is to happen towards peace.

How can Hamas do that? Israel is to candy ass to talk to Hamas.

Gaza truce efforts go up in smoke

Gaza City (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - The Islamist Hamas movement continued firing rockets at Israel Sunday, despite claims it had accepted a UN request for a 24-hour extension of a humanitarian truce in war-torn Gaza.

There's no talking to intransigent Islamic terrorists when they're hoping to kill you.

It's time to bring an unrelenting campaign of war to utterly decimate their ranks.

Cheer up, tinny. The actions of your misfit heroes, Hamas, will cause more death and destruction.
It is Israel's war. It can stop it any time it wants so stop whining about the rockets.

Hamas should not fire on or towards Israel. They should stop making demands as if they are the victors, but rather talk and negotiate step by step what is to happen towards peace.

How can Hamas do that? Israel is to candy ass to talk to Hamas.

You don't realize that right now attacking or "retaliating" against Israel wasn't a smart move?
Over 1000 dead Palestinians?
Hamas should not fire on or towards Israel. They should stop making demands as if they are the victors, but rather talk and negotiate step by step what is to happen towards peace.

How can Hamas do that? Israel is to candy ass to talk to Hamas.

You don't realize that right now attacking or "retaliating" against Israel wasn't a smart move?
Over 1000 dead Palestinians?

Tinny wants more dead Palis. That will help to placate his insensate Joooooo hatreds.
P F Tinmore, et al,

I'm not sure that "measures to prevent and combat terrorism" are actually "acts of war.

We resolve to undertake the following measures to prevent and combat terrorism, in particular by denying terrorists access to the means to carry out their attacks, to their targets and to the desired impact of their attacks (Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 8 September 2006 A/RES/60/288 The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy). In fact the International Community "urges all States to fulfil their obligations under international law and take effective and resolute measures for the speedy and final elimination of international terrorism (Measures to eliminate international terrorism (A/RES/46/51 9 December 1991).

It must be remembered that, as in Post #92, of the Israel fire's on UN Shelter killing 15 Discussion, not only the US, but the entire EU has determined that:

  • Indiscriminate firing of rockets into Israel by Hamas and militant groups in the Gaza Strip, directly harming civilians. These are criminal and unjustifiable acts.
  • All terrorist groups in Gaza must disarm. (Including, but not limited to)
    2. ‘Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade’.
    3. ‘Al-Aqsa e.V.’.
    9. ‘Hamas’, including ‘Hamas-Izz al-Din al-Qassem’.
    19. ‘Palestinian Islamic Jihad’ – ‘PIJ’.
    20. ‘Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine’ – ‘PFLP’.
    21. ‘Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command’ (a.k.a. ‘PFLP – General Command’).​
  • Condemns calls on the civilian population of Gaza to provide themselves as human shields

In that HAMAS is not likely to disarm of its own accord, practical actions must be taken to reasonably ensure peace and security that HAMAS threatens.

Don't you mean the blockade Israel put on Gaza. A blockade is an act of war against Gaza.

Quite frequently, we hear the pro-Palestinian Camp accuse Israel of this violation and that. It is recognized that this is a part of the Article 15 HAMAS Policy for information and media people, should take part in the operation of awakening (the masses); and the greater objective to knowingly finance, plan and incite terrorist acts. It is also a deviation from Security Council principles to "providing any form of support, active or passive, to entities or persons involved in terrorist acts, including by suppressing recruitment of members of terrorist groups and eliminating the supply of weapons to terrorists." (Also See: Resolution 1624 (2005) Adopted by the Security Council on 14 September 2005).

There is no question that the plight of the Palestinian has some legitimate grievances that need addressed. But, it is long past time for the People to hang-up the tools of terrorism, the ways of Jihad, and the methods of the Fedayeen, and approach the table as men, ready to enter into good faith negotiations under the Declaration of Principles adopted by the international community. It is time for the great struggle to end.

It is time for Israel to disarm the Gaza Strip and the terrorist entities that move to incite the endless cycle of the Palestinians to arm/re-arm, incite, instigate, and conduct terrorism, only to complain to the world that Israel unlawfully defends itself and it people in a disproportionate manner.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

I'm not sure that "measures to prevent and combat terrorism" are actually "acts of war.

Most Respectfully,

Are you still pimping that terrorist crap?

How long have you been a crap pushing pimp, mr tin?? At what age did
you take up the PIMP "profession"?-------
From Rocco's post.

In fact the International Community "urges all States to fulfil their obligations under international law and take effective and resolute measures for the speedy and final elimination of international terrorism (Measures to eliminate international terrorism (A/RES/46/51 9 December 1991).

Hamas does not operate outside of Palestine. How is that international?

Rocco posts gobs of irrelevance to smokescreen issues.

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