Khaled Masha'al "We reject today...and will reject in the future"

P F Tinmore, et al,

If this is all the defense you have, then it is indeed thin.

Are you still pimping that terrorist crap?

How long have you been a crap pushing pimp, mr tin?? At what age did
you take up the PIMP "profession"?-------
From Rocco's post.

In fact the International Community "urges all States to fulfil their obligations under international law and take effective and resolute measures for the speedy and final elimination of international terrorism (Measures to eliminate international terrorism (A/RES/46/51 9 December 1991).

Hamas does not operate outside of Palestine. How is that international?

Rocco posts gobs of irrelevance to smokescreen issues.

Any offensive action that a Palestinian takes that crosses the line between Gaza and Israel, crosses an internationally recognized boundary.

Any action that a Palestinian takes that crosses the line between Gaza and Egypt, crosses an international boundary.

Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States said:
Every State has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.

Every State likewise has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate international lines of demarcation, such as armistice lines, established by or pursuant to an international agreement to which it is a party or which it is otherwise bound to respect. Nothing in the foregoing shall be construed as prejudicing the positions of the parties concerned with regard to the status and effects of such lines under their special regimes or as affecting their temporary character.

SOURCE: A/RES/25/2625

Attempting to use twisted language to justify their actions is simply unconvincing. Remember that the International Community, recognizes Palestine as:

43/177. Question of Palestine said:
Recalling its resolution 3237 (XXIX) of 22 November 1974 on the observer status for the Palestine Liberation Organization and subsequent relevant resolutions,

1. Acknowledges the proclamation of the State of Palestine by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988;

2. Affirms the need to enable the Palestinian people to exercise their sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967;​

SOURCE: A/RES/43/177 15 December 1988

The State of Israel is not in Palestine. It is an Independent entity.

Most Respectfully,
The proposed ceasefire was to agree to the ceasefire then negotiate their demands forever.

We all can predict where that will go.

Solve the problem then have the ceasefire.

MOST of all, happy islamo Nazi pigs can predict what will happen without a
cease fire--------lots of dead babies in the gutter upon which islamo Nazi sluts
and islamo Nazi pimps can dance.-------no matter whose babies lie dead. Its
all the same to islamo Nazi pigs

Man are all Jews this nasty. All these kids death are on the Zionist. Here is hopeing Hamas hangs on , all this bloodshed for nothing would be horrible. Israel is causing more and more Americans to hate her, and become very disgusted of her murderous ways.

I just love how all those useful idiots root for a terror organization.

Most of you couldn't even point Israel on the map.
Any offensive action that a Palestinian takes that crosses the line between Gaza and Israel, crosses an internationally recognized boundary.

The only line between Gaza and Israel is the 1949 armistice line that is specifically not to be a political or territorial border.

It is a line that Israeli and Egyptian forces are not to cross.
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Are you still pimping that terrorist crap?

How long have you been a crap pushing pimp, mr tin?? At what age did
you take up the PIMP "profession"?-------
From Rocco's post.

In fact the International Community "urges all States to fulfil their obligations under international law and take effective and resolute measures for the speedy and final elimination of international terrorism (Measures to eliminate international terrorism (A/RES/46/51 9 December 1991).

Hamas does not operate outside of Palestine. How is that international?

Rocco posts gobs of irrelevance to smokescreen issues.

Bullshit! Rocco dismantles your 'logic' on a daily basis.

You should be thanking him instead of criticizing him for teaching you so much.
Any action that a Palestinian takes that crosses the line between Gaza and Egypt, crosses an international boundary.
Not so. The only line is the 1949 armistice line that is specifically not to be a political or territorial border. It is a line that Israeli and Egyptian forces are not to cross.
Egypt never heard about our honorable P F Tinmore's opinions, of course.
How long have you been a crap pushing pimp, mr tin?? At what age did
you take up the PIMP "profession"?-------
From Rocco's post.

In fact the International Community "urges all States to fulfil their obligations under international law and take effective and resolute measures for the speedy and final elimination of international terrorism (Measures to eliminate international terrorism (A/RES/46/51 9 December 1991).

Hamas does not operate outside of Palestine. How is that international?

Rocco posts gobs of irrelevance to smokescreen issues.

Bullshit! Rocco dismantles your 'logic' on a daily basis.

You should be thanking him instead of criticizing him for teaching you so much.

Leave mr tin alone-----he has a RELIGIOUS FAITH------his "god" created a country
called "Palestine" -----apparentely sometime in the early part of the 20th century
by the Gregorian calendar. The country his "god" created at that time-----
for him ---the beginning of time-----is ETERNAL

there are lots of "beliefs" in the world----never debate against
a FIXED DELUSION. No matter how untenable the delusion---
the person harboring the delusion never relinquishes it
Are you still pimping that terrorist crap?

How long have you been a crap pushing pimp, mr tin?? At what age did
you take up the PIMP "profession"?-------
From Rocco's post.

In fact the International Community "urges all States to fulfil their obligations under international law and take effective and resolute measures for the speedy and final elimination of international terrorism (Measures to eliminate international terrorism (A/RES/46/51 9 December 1991).

Hamas does not operate outside of Palestine. How is that international?

Rocco posts gobs of irrelevance to smokescreen issues.

Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Iran, Russia, USA, Qatar .................
Khaled Masha'al "We reject today...and will reject in the future"

Yes, clearly Khaled is a reject.


Hamas doesn't even accept their own ceasefires.
P F Tinmore, et al,

The Armistice Line between Egypt and Israel has been dispensed since the 1979 Treaty, a decade before Palestine declared independence.

Any offensive action that a Palestinian takes that crosses the line between Gaza and Israel, crosses an internationally recognized boundary.

The only line between Gaza and Israel is the 1949 armistice line that is specifically not to be a political or territorial border.

It is a line that Israeli and Egyptian forces are not to cross.

The Treaty established an International Boundary.

Article II

The permanent boundary between Egypt and Israel is the recognized international boundary between Egypt and the former mandated territory of Palestine, as shown on the map at Annex II, without prejudice to the issue of the status of the Gaza Strip. The Parties recognize this boundary as inviolable. Each will respect the territorial integrity of the other, including their territorial waters and airspace.


Annex II: An Original Map From The 1979 Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty​

SOURCE: A/43/827 S/20278 18 November 1988

The confusion rests with the fact that the Palestinians have never made a treaty and have never attempted to make a treaty with the Israelis. Thus both the boundaries of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank are temporary in nature. They are "international lines of demarcation," (Armistice Lines) which are accorded the same respect as territorial lines under the Declaration of Principles.

This line of thought that Israel is somehow inside the boundaries of Palestine is absolutely false and misleading. If anything, it is the other way around. The provisional State of Palestine is inside the international boundaries establish by Treaty with Jordan and Egypt. However, Israel has recognized the Palestinian Declaration of Independence and the Armistice Lines within which the UN has acknowledged the State of Palestine.


The entire argument about "boundaries" is a core element (one of several) to the dispute between the Israelis and the Palestinians. It is used, like you have used it, to suggest it is a defense for terrorist act and incursions into Israel; patently false. Israel is a sovergenty and totally self-governing nation, able to stand on its own. This is a status that the Palestinians have not achieved; and arguably never attempted to achieve.


Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip said:

Prevention of Hostile Acts

1. Both sides shall take all measures necessary in order to prevent acts of terrorism, crime and hostilities directed against each other, against individuals falling under the other's authority and against their property, and shall take legal measures against offenders.

2. Specific provisions for the implementation of this Article are set out in Annex I.​

SOURCE: A/51/889 S/1997/357 5 May 1997

Interesting. It could be argued that Israel is taking "all measures necessary[/U] in order to prevent acts of terrorism, crime and hostilities directed against" Israel. Something the Palestinians agreed to in Oslo II.

Most Respectfully,
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RoccoR said:
This line of thought that Israel is somehow inside the boundaries of Palestine is absolutely false and misleading.

I hear that a lot but I have seen no evidence to back up the allegation that Israel has acquired any land.
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a question that has no answer in terms of "acquisition."

RoccoR said:
This line of thought that Israel is somehow inside the boundaries of Palestine is absolutely false and misleading.

I hear that a lot but I have seen no evidence to back up the allegation that Israel has acquired any land.

The Israeli people determine, through their right of self-determination, what territory they will declare for themselves, establish control over, protect, and govern as sovereign territory.

Every Palestinian knows where Israel is. They know when they've entered sovereign Israeli territory, and that is the ground truth, the real - tangible - evidence. It doesn't matter whether there is a piece of paper that says it or not. The true evidence is in the territorial control and self-governance.

You can quibble over lines on a map, history, ancient religious claims, or barriers; the fact is, a sovereign powers has control and exercises control over that piece of ground, that airspace, of that water. Some sovereignty enforces laws, serves and protects its citizenry, and promotes development for the people.

It should be noticed that Palestinians do not enjoy anything like the Israeli experience.

You want evidence? Take a walk in Palestine and you will see the difference.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a question that has no answer in terms of "acquisition."

RoccoR said:
This line of thought that Israel is somehow inside the boundaries of Palestine is absolutely false and misleading.

I hear that a lot but I have seen no evidence to back up the allegation that Israel has acquired any land.

The Israeli people determine, through their right of self-determination, what territory they will declare for themselves, establish control over, protect, and govern as sovereign territory.

Every Palestinian knows where Israel is. They know when they've entered sovereign Israeli territory, and that is the ground truth, the real - tangible - evidence. It doesn't matter whether there is a piece of paper that says it or not. The true evidence is in the territorial control and self-governance.

You can quibble over lines on a map, history, ancient religious claims, or barriers; the fact is, a sovereign powers has control and exercises control over that piece of ground, that airspace, of that water. Some sovereignty enforces laws, serves and protects its citizenry, and promotes development for the people.

It should be noticed that Palestinians do not enjoy anything like the Israeli experience.

You want evidence? Take a walk in Palestine and you will see the difference.

Most Respectfully,

You always duck or smokescreen my questions.

Are you implying that Israel does sit on Palestine land but it just doesn't matter because Israel has the guns?
The proposed ceasefire was to agree to the ceasefire then negotiate their demands forever.

We all can predict where that will go.

Solve the problem then have the ceasefire.

MOST of all, happy islamo Nazi pigs can predict what will happen without a
cease fire--------lots of dead babies in the gutter upon which islamo Nazi sluts
and islamo Nazi pimps can dance.-------no matter whose babies lie dead. Its
all the same to islamo Nazi pigs

Israel is causing more and more Americans to hate her...

Just the Nazi types among us and they already hate Israel for obvious reasons.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Other than what was recognized and acknowledged in 1988, there was no such thing as Palestinain Land prior to the declaration of independence.

P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a question that has no answer in terms of "acquisition."

I hear that a lot but I have seen no evidence to back up the allegation that Israel has acquired any land.

The Israeli people determine, through their right of self-determination, what territory they will declare for themselves, establish control over, protect, and govern as sovereign territory.

Every Palestinian knows where Israel is. They know when they've entered sovereign Israeli territory, and that is the ground truth, the real - tangible - evidence. It doesn't matter whether there is a piece of paper that says it or not. The true evidence is in the territorial control and self-governance.

You can quibble over lines on a map, history, ancient religious claims, or barriers; the fact is, a sovereign powers has control and exercises control over that piece of ground, that airspace, of that water. Some sovereignty enforces laws, serves and protects its citizenry, and promotes development for the people.

It should be noticed that Palestinians do not enjoy anything like the Israeli experience.

You want evidence? Take a walk in Palestine and you will see the difference.

Most Respectfully,

You always duck or smokescreen my questions.

Are you implying that Israel does sit on Palestine land but it just doesn't matter because Israel has the guns?

Israel, like everyone else, has the right to self-determination. It exercises that right in 1948, with the help of the UN.

The Arabs went a different direction, and attempted to prevent Israeli independence through the use of force. It failed.

The Arab Palestinian declared independence in 1988. The State of Palestine is formed by the Armistice Lines. It has no international boundaries and no treaties with any adjacent states. It is considered the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Israel is recognized as a state, and UN member nation, out of former mandated territory of Palestine. It has international boundaries by treaty with Egypt and Jordan; Armistice Lines with Lebanon and Syria.

Most Respectfully,
Hamas should not fire on or towards Israel. They should stop making demands as if they are the victors, but rather talk and negotiate step by step what is to happen towards peace.

How can Hamas do that? Israel is to candy ass to talk to Hamas.

Gaza truce efforts go up in smoke

Gaza City (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - The Islamist Hamas movement continued firing rockets at Israel Sunday, despite claims it had accepted a UN request for a 24-hour extension of a humanitarian truce in war-torn Gaza.

There's no talking to intransigent Islamic terrorists when they're hoping to kill you.

It's time to bring an unrelenting campaign of war to utterly decimate their ranks.

Cheer up, tinny. The actions of your misfit heroes, Hamas, will cause more death and destruction.

And that is, after all, what armchair warriors like TinHorn and Penelope are all about. They would gladly sacrifice millions of hapless Palestinians as long as they take a few Jews with 'em.
Penelope: "Here is hopeing Hamas hangs on , all this bloodshed for nothing would be horrible."
Translation: Penelope doesn't give a flying camel chip for the lives of the 1032 poor Palestinians but is concerned Hamas will quit after killing only 43 Israelis.
So what are we negotiating again?...

P F Tinmore, et al,

Other than what was recognized and acknowledged in 1988, there was no such thing as Palestinain Land prior to the declaration of independence.

P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a question that has no answer in terms of "acquisition."


The Israeli people determine, through their right of self-determination, what territory they will declare for themselves, establish control over, protect, and govern as sovereign territory.

Every Palestinian knows where Israel is. They know when they've entered sovereign Israeli territory, and that is the ground truth, the real - tangible - evidence. It doesn't matter whether there is a piece of paper that says it or not. The true evidence is in the territorial control and self-governance.

You can quibble over lines on a map, history, ancient religious claims, or barriers; the fact is, a sovereign powers has control and exercises control over that piece of ground, that airspace, of that water. Some sovereignty enforces laws, serves and protects its citizenry, and promotes development for the people.

It should be noticed that Palestinians do not enjoy anything like the Israeli experience.

You want evidence? Take a walk in Palestine and you will see the difference.

Most Respectfully,

You always duck or smokescreen my questions.

Are you implying that Israel does sit on Palestine land but it just doesn't matter because Israel has the guns?

Israel, like everyone else, has the right to self-determination. It exercises that right in 1948, with the help of the UN.

The Arabs went a different direction, and attempted to prevent Israeli independence through the use of force. It failed.

The Arab Palestinian declared independence in 1988. The State of Palestine is formed by the Armistice Lines. It has no international boundaries and no treaties with any adjacent states. It is considered the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Israel is recognized as a state, and UN member nation, out of former mandated territory of Palestine. It has international boundaries by treaty with Egypt and Jordan; Armistice Lines with Lebanon and Syria.

Most Respectfully,

Nice duck, and inaccurate too.

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