Khan Deletes Law Firm Website that Specialized in Muslim Immigration...

That's a far cry from saying terrorists are blameless. :dunno:

To Fix a problem, you have to first admit you have a problem. Standard stuff

I wasn't commenting on Islam, though. I was talking about save's comment that the Khan's "hold the terrorists blameless". If Mr. Khan doesn't want terrorism conflated with Islam that doesn't mean he feels terrorists are without blame.
so what religion are the terrorists in question?

I would guess some version of Islam. As a Muslim I imagine Mr. Khan doesn't want people to see Islam and terrorism as the same thing. To him, it may be that the terrorists are not real Muslims, just as I've seen people talk about certain Christians not being real Christians.
but it is who they are. I know Tim McVeigh was an american citizen. shame on his dead ass, thankfully. Doesn't mean I'm not going to call him an american terrorist. That's exactly what he was. He should denounce them as radicals. It's easy.

Whether someone is a Muslim is more open to opinion than if someone is a citizen of a particular country.

Don't get me wrong, I consider many of the terrorists committing their acts in today's world to be Islamic. Radicals, sure, but still Islamic radicals. However, I know that people have widely varying opinions on what constitutes belief in a given religion. Mr. Khan may honestly believe that the radicals are not actually Muslims because of the radical nature of their beliefs and actions. :dunno:
To Fix a problem, you have to first admit you have a problem. Standard stuff

I wasn't commenting on Islam, though. I was talking about save's comment that the Khan's "hold the terrorists blameless". If Mr. Khan doesn't want terrorism conflated with Islam that doesn't mean he feels terrorists are without blame.
so what religion are the terrorists in question?

I would guess some version of Islam. As a Muslim I imagine Mr. Khan doesn't want people to see Islam and terrorism as the same thing. To him, it may be that the terrorists are not real Muslims, just as I've seen people talk about certain Christians not being real Christians.
but it is who they are. I know Tim McVeigh was an american citizen. shame on his dead ass, thankfully. Doesn't mean I'm not going to call him an american terrorist. That's exactly what he was. He should denounce them as radicals. It's easy.

Whether someone is a Muslim is more open to opinion than if someone is a citizen of a particular country.

Don't get me wrong, I consider many of the terrorists committing their acts in today's world to be Islamic. Radicals, sure, but still Islamic radicals. However, I know that people have widely varying opinions on what constitutes belief in a given religion. Mr. Khan may honestly believe that the radicals are not actually Muslims because of the radical nature of their beliefs and actions. :dunno:

That's insane...that lime me saying the inquisition wasn't done by was...they were wrong...

You can't deny truth....especially if you want to fix it
Ahhh, but they have, haven't they. As disgusting as that woman is, the media gave her and her acolytes loads of free press for doing exactly the same thing.

Did they try to destroy her reputation? Associate her with radicals? Did they question her patriotism?

They absolutely tried to do that, yes. The problem is she IS a loon so they weren't able to hurt that which was already destroyed in the minds of reasonable people.

Did they associate her with radicals and question her patriotism - if so, where because I didn't see that.

She might be a loon, but she lost a child in a horrible way, serving our country's diplomatic mission - given that, she should be given some respect and empathy.

Absolutely. They were all saying how un-American she and her ilk were, and are. And yes, she was associated with every neo nazi group there was. I agree with you on the mom, but the father is IMO a political operative. Always has been ,and will always be. Like I said, the son was an exemplary American soldier by all accounts, and the people of the USA owe HIM a tremendous debt of gratitude. The same extends to his mother. The father though, he is a Sharia lawyer, and he is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Both huge strikes against him.

Do you have any links associating her with neo nazi's? I haven't seen any of that, and if so - it's a horrible thing to do to her.

There isn't any evidence to back up those claims about Khan. Khizr Khan Is a Muslim Brotherhood Agent?

That's what makes the smear campaign against him so disgusting and below the belt.

I agree that the smear campaign is disgusting. But face it. Every PART of this campaign, from both sides has been. Had the man not been a immigration lawyer I would have been totally on his side. But the second there is a secondary, monetary reason, it casts a pall on everything else he says. Snopes says he's not a Muslim Brotherhood guy, but they have been wrong on far more than one occasion so I will reserve judgment on that.
Trumpers are pathetic...but also quite stupid.

Don't you fools get it? The longer this Khan thing goes on the worse it is for your candidate?

You don't realize the yuuuuge conflict of interest that Khan had?
there was no conflict of interest

Of course there is. As an immigration lawyer he has a vested interest in keeping immigration legal for his clients. If there is an across the board ban, he's screwed.
Trumpers are pathetic...but also quite stupid.

Don't you fools get it? The longer this Khan thing goes on the worse it is for your candidate?

You don't realize the yuuuuge conflict of interest that Khan had?
there was no conflict of interest

Of course there is. As an immigration lawyer he has a vested interest in keeping immigration legal for his clients. If there is an across the board ban, he's screwed.
That's not a conflict of interest, that's just an interest.

and there will never be an across the board ban on immigration
Trumpers are pathetic...but also quite stupid.

Don't you fools get it? The longer this Khan thing goes on the worse it is for your candidate?

You don't realize the yuuuuge conflict of interest that Khan had?
there was no conflict of interest

Of course there is. As an immigration lawyer he has a vested interest in keeping immigration legal for his clients. If there is an across the board ban, he's screwed.
That's not a conflict of interest, that's just an interest.

and there will never be an across the board ban on immigration

Once upon a time there was. And yes, the second that money enters into the equation there is a conflict of interest.
Trumpers are pathetic...but also quite stupid.

Don't you fools get it? The longer this Khan thing goes on the worse it is for your candidate?

You don't realize the yuuuuge conflict of interest that Khan had?
there was no conflict of interest

Of course there is. As an immigration lawyer he has a vested interest in keeping immigration legal for his clients. If there is an across the board ban, he's screwed.
That's not a conflict of interest, that's just an interest.

and there will never be an across the board ban on immigration

Once upon a time there was. And yes, the second that money enters into the equation there is a conflict of interest.
we have had a complete and total ban on immigration in the united states? when? this is news to me.

and i don't think you understand what a conflict of interest is. khan wasn't trying to be a neutral arbiter between parties - he was voicing his political opinions. there was no conflict of interest. do you consider it a conflict of interest when the pentagon requests resources?
You don't realize the yuuuuge conflict of interest that Khan had?
there was no conflict of interest

Of course there is. As an immigration lawyer he has a vested interest in keeping immigration legal for his clients. If there is an across the board ban, he's screwed.
That's not a conflict of interest, that's just an interest.

and there will never be an across the board ban on immigration

Once upon a time there was. And yes, the second that money enters into the equation there is a conflict of interest.
we have had a complete and total ban on immigration in the united states? when? this is news to me.

and i don't think you understand what a conflict of interest is. khan wasn't trying to be a neutral arbiter between parties - he was voicing his political opinions. there was no conflict of interest. do you consider it a conflict of interest when the pentagon requests resources?

Take a look at the Johnson-Reed Act of 1924. It vastly limited immigration, and due to some of its language completely banned certain groups of people. The Japanese as an example of one group that was totally excluded from coming in.
You don't realize the yuuuuge conflict of interest that Khan had?
there was no conflict of interest

Of course there is. As an immigration lawyer he has a vested interest in keeping immigration legal for his clients. If there is an across the board ban, he's screwed.
That's not a conflict of interest, that's just an interest.

and there will never be an across the board ban on immigration

Once upon a time there was. And yes, the second that money enters into the equation there is a conflict of interest.
we have had a complete and total ban on immigration in the united states? when? this is news to me.

and i don't think you understand what a conflict of interest is. khan wasn't trying to be a neutral arbiter between parties - he was voicing his political opinions. there was no conflict of interest. do you consider it a conflict of interest when the pentagon requests resources?

President Carter banned Iranians from coming here during the hostage crisis. There's no special right conferred on people from other countries to come to our country.
Did they try to destroy her reputation? Associate her with radicals? Did they question her patriotism?

They absolutely tried to do that, yes. The problem is she IS a loon so they weren't able to hurt that which was already destroyed in the minds of reasonable people.

Did they associate her with radicals and question her patriotism - if so, where because I didn't see that.

She might be a loon, but she lost a child in a horrible way, serving our country's diplomatic mission - given that, she should be given some respect and empathy.

Absolutely. They were all saying how un-American she and her ilk were, and are. And yes, she was associated with every neo nazi group there was. I agree with you on the mom, but the father is IMO a political operative. Always has been ,and will always be. Like I said, the son was an exemplary American soldier by all accounts, and the people of the USA owe HIM a tremendous debt of gratitude. The same extends to his mother. The father though, he is a Sharia lawyer, and he is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Both huge strikes against him.

Do you have any links associating her with neo nazi's? I haven't seen any of that, and if so - it's a horrible thing to do to her.

There isn't any evidence to back up those claims about Khan. Khizr Khan Is a Muslim Brotherhood Agent?

That's what makes the smear campaign against him so disgusting and below the belt.

I agree that the smear campaign is disgusting. But face it. Every PART of this campaign, from both sides has been. Had the man not been a immigration lawyer I would have been totally on his side. But the second there is a secondary, monetary reason, it casts a pall on everything else he says. Snopes says he's not a Muslim Brotherhood guy, but they have been wrong on far more than one occasion so I will reserve judgment on that.

I think he's an inherently decent man, who loves his adopted country, and is upset at the direction he thinks it could go. That's my read. He spoke eloquently and from the heart. He was by far the best speaker there.

Beyond that, I can only say: are these two candidates the BEST we can come up with? What does that say about us and the political system?
Scary huh?
Trumpers are pathetic...but also quite stupid.

Don't you fools get it? The longer this Khan thing goes on the worse it is for your candidate?

You don't realize the yuuuuge conflict of interest that Khan had?

There is no "conflict of interest" - this is a partisan convention - not a judicial appointment. Anyone there is going to have ties, be strong supporters, and have something to say that further's the objectives of the party. That applies to the speakers of BOTH conventions.
Probably because he was getting threats and harrassment from you guys. It's not enough to criticize him, you have to employ a scortched earth policy and utterly destroy the poor man because your Messiah was critized.. Imagine if the left did that to Patricia Smith.

Khizr Khan Smeared As A Terrorist For Speaking Out Against Donald Trump

Are you aware that this Muslim Brotherhood agent's son died in a war HILLARY SUPPORTED??? He's desecrating his own son's death (at the hands of fellow mud-slimes) to whore for Hillary!

What Muslim Brotherhood agent?
Trumpers are pathetic...but also quite stupid.

Don't you fools get it? The longer this Khan thing goes on the worse it is for your candidate?

You don't realize the yuuuuge conflict of interest that Khan had?

There is no "conflict of interest" - this is a partisan convention - not a judicial appointment. Anyone there is going to have ties, be strong supporters, and have something to say that further's the objectives of the party. That applies to the speakers of BOTH conventions.
Trumpers are pathetic...but also quite stupid.

Don't you fools get it? The longer this Khan thing goes on the worse it is for your candidate?

You don't realize the yuuuuge conflict of interest that Khan had?

There is no "conflict of interest" - this is a partisan convention - not a judicial appointment. Anyone there is going to have ties, be strong supporters, and have something to say that further's the objectives of the party. That applies to the speakers of BOTH conventions.

Your post did not even address what I said. Try again.
They absolutely tried to do that, yes. The problem is she IS a loon so they weren't able to hurt that which was already destroyed in the minds of reasonable people.

Did they associate her with radicals and question her patriotism - if so, where because I didn't see that.

She might be a loon, but she lost a child in a horrible way, serving our country's diplomatic mission - given that, she should be given some respect and empathy.

Absolutely. They were all saying how un-American she and her ilk were, and are. And yes, she was associated with every neo nazi group there was. I agree with you on the mom, but the father is IMO a political operative. Always has been ,and will always be. Like I said, the son was an exemplary American soldier by all accounts, and the people of the USA owe HIM a tremendous debt of gratitude. The same extends to his mother. The father though, he is a Sharia lawyer, and he is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Both huge strikes against him.

Do you have any links associating her with neo nazi's? I haven't seen any of that, and if so - it's a horrible thing to do to her.

There isn't any evidence to back up those claims about Khan. Khizr Khan Is a Muslim Brotherhood Agent?

That's what makes the smear campaign against him so disgusting and below the belt.

I agree that the smear campaign is disgusting. But face it. Every PART of this campaign, from both sides has been. Had the man not been a immigration lawyer I would have been totally on his side. But the second there is a secondary, monetary reason, it casts a pall on everything else he says. Snopes says he's not a Muslim Brotherhood guy, but they have been wrong on far more than one occasion so I will reserve judgment on that.

I think he's an inherently decent man, who loves his adopted country, and is upset at the direction he thinks it could go. That's my read. He spoke eloquently and from the heart. He was by far the best speaker there.

Beyond that, I can only say: are these two candidates the BEST we can come up with? What does that say about us and the political system?
Scary huh?

I agree with you on that. And no. These candidates are among the WORST we could get. hilary is the corporate slave, who will do whatever her corporate masters want her to do and if it harms Americans she doesn't care, and trump is blithering buffoon.
Trumpers are pathetic...but also quite stupid.

Don't you fools get it? The longer this Khan thing goes on the worse it is for your candidate?

You don't realize the yuuuuge conflict of interest that Khan had?
there was no conflict of interest

If Trump shuts down immigration from certain terrorist Muslim countries, Mr. Khan loses his ass!
no, he doesn't - and even if he would that's not a conflict of interest.
Did they associate her with radicals and question her patriotism - if so, where because I didn't see that.

She might be a loon, but she lost a child in a horrible way, serving our country's diplomatic mission - given that, she should be given some respect and empathy.

Absolutely. They were all saying how un-American she and her ilk were, and are. And yes, she was associated with every neo nazi group there was. I agree with you on the mom, but the father is IMO a political operative. Always has been ,and will always be. Like I said, the son was an exemplary American soldier by all accounts, and the people of the USA owe HIM a tremendous debt of gratitude. The same extends to his mother. The father though, he is a Sharia lawyer, and he is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Both huge strikes against him.

Do you have any links associating her with neo nazi's? I haven't seen any of that, and if so - it's a horrible thing to do to her.

There isn't any evidence to back up those claims about Khan. Khizr Khan Is a Muslim Brotherhood Agent?

That's what makes the smear campaign against him so disgusting and below the belt.

I agree that the smear campaign is disgusting. But face it. Every PART of this campaign, from both sides has been. Had the man not been a immigration lawyer I would have been totally on his side. But the second there is a secondary, monetary reason, it casts a pall on everything else he says. Snopes says he's not a Muslim Brotherhood guy, but they have been wrong on far more than one occasion so I will reserve judgment on that.

I think he's an inherently decent man, who loves his adopted country, and is upset at the direction he thinks it could go. That's my read. He spoke eloquently and from the heart. He was by far the best speaker there.

Beyond that, I can only say: are these two candidates the BEST we can come up with? What does that say about us and the political system?
Scary huh?

I agree with you on that. And no. These candidates are among the WORST we could get. hilary is the corporate slave, who will do whatever her corporate masters want her to do and if it harms Americans she doesn't care, and trump is blithering buffoon.

Pretty unbelievable that is what our choices are....
Absolutely. They were all saying how un-American she and her ilk were, and are. And yes, she was associated with every neo nazi group there was. I agree with you on the mom, but the father is IMO a political operative. Always has been ,and will always be. Like I said, the son was an exemplary American soldier by all accounts, and the people of the USA owe HIM a tremendous debt of gratitude. The same extends to his mother. The father though, he is a Sharia lawyer, and he is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Both huge strikes against him.

Do you have any links associating her with neo nazi's? I haven't seen any of that, and if so - it's a horrible thing to do to her.

There isn't any evidence to back up those claims about Khan. Khizr Khan Is a Muslim Brotherhood Agent?

That's what makes the smear campaign against him so disgusting and below the belt.

I agree that the smear campaign is disgusting. But face it. Every PART of this campaign, from both sides has been. Had the man not been a immigration lawyer I would have been totally on his side. But the second there is a secondary, monetary reason, it casts a pall on everything else he says. Snopes says he's not a Muslim Brotherhood guy, but they have been wrong on far more than one occasion so I will reserve judgment on that.

I think he's an inherently decent man, who loves his adopted country, and is upset at the direction he thinks it could go. That's my read. He spoke eloquently and from the heart. He was by far the best speaker there.

Beyond that, I can only say: are these two candidates the BEST we can come up with? What does that say about us and the political system?
Scary huh?

I agree with you on that. And no. These candidates are among the WORST we could get. hilary is the corporate slave, who will do whatever her corporate masters want her to do and if it harms Americans she doesn't care, and trump is blithering buffoon.

Pretty unbelievable that is what our choices are....

You can always ask Obama to stay for a third term!


joking :laugh:

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