Khan Deletes Law Firm Website that Specialized in Muslim Immigration...

Probably because he was getting threats and harrassment from you guys. It's not enough to criticize him, you have to employ a scortched earth policy and utterly destroy the poor man because your Messiah was critized.. Imagine if the left did that to Patricia Smith.

Khizr Khan Smeared As A Terrorist For Speaking Out Against Donald Trump
Why are you whining about a practice that Democrats employ at every opportunity. Remember Joe the Plumber? How about Paula Jones? Lucianne Goldberg?
They said.twrroism.has islam.....uh...utter bullshit

That's a far cry from saying terrorists are blameless. :dunno:

To Fix a problem, you have to first admit you have a problem. Standard stuff

I wasn't commenting on Islam, though. I was talking about save's comment that the Khan's "hold the terrorists blameless". If Mr. Khan doesn't want terrorism conflated with Islam that doesn't mean he feels terrorists are without blame.
so what religion are the terrorists in question?

I would guess some version of Islam. As a Muslim I imagine Mr. Khan doesn't want people to see Islam and terrorism as the same thing. To him, it may be that the terrorists are not real Muslims, just as I've seen people talk about certain Christians not being real Christians.

That's fine, but to fix it Muslims have to realize their religion is being used for that....and then start to fix it.....
In the 60s with the klan...people didn't deny whitey was the issue.....they didn't say....well theyre not white people...that's insane
When did either Mr. or Mrs. Khan say that terrorists are blameless?

They said.twrroism.has islam.....uh...utter bullshit

That's a far cry from saying terrorists are blameless. :dunno:

To Fix a problem, you have to first admit you have a problem. Standard stuff

I wasn't commenting on Islam, though. I was talking about save's comment that the Khan's "hold the terrorists blameless". If Mr. Khan doesn't want terrorism conflated with Islam that doesn't mean he feels terrorists are without blame.

True, but it does show he's either ignorant or hiding......they are listed ked whether he likes it or not

Fair enough. I don't begrudge you or anyone else their opinion of Mr. Khan's stance on Islam and terrorism.
Trumpers are pathetic...but also quite stupid.

Don't you fools get it? The longer this Khan thing goes on the worse it is for your candidate?

It continues only because scumbags like you are dragging it out as long as you can. We know you would like to drag it out until the election, but Khan is quickly devolving into a puddle of slime.
That's a far cry from saying terrorists are blameless. :dunno:

To Fix a problem, you have to first admit you have a problem. Standard stuff

I wasn't commenting on Islam, though. I was talking about save's comment that the Khan's "hold the terrorists blameless". If Mr. Khan doesn't want terrorism conflated with Islam that doesn't mean he feels terrorists are without blame.
so what religion are the terrorists in question?

I would guess some version of Islam. As a Muslim I imagine Mr. Khan doesn't want people to see Islam and terrorism as the same thing. To him, it may be that the terrorists are not real Muslims, just as I've seen people talk about certain Christians not being real Christians.

That's fine, but to fix it Muslims have to realize their religion is being used for that....and then start to fix it.....
In the 60s with the klan...people didn't deny whitey was the issue.....they didn't say....well theyre not white people...that's insane

Well, religion is a bit different than race. I think I get your point, though. I don't know what the solution(s) are to radical Islamic terrorism, but clearly it is a problem in today's world.
Probably because he was getting threats and harrassment from you guys. It's not enough to criticize him, you have to employ a scortched earth policy and utterly destroy the poor man because your Messiah was critized.. Imagine if the left did that to Patricia Smith.

Khizr Khan Smeared As A Terrorist For Speaking Out Against Donald Trump
Yes republicans have a proven history of trying to destroy the lives of parents of dead soldiers.
No they don't, asshole.
Khan took a gamble and lost.

He expressed what was in his heart. Like Pat Smith. Unlike Pat Smith - he was personally villified for it, his opponents implying an association with terrorists, scorched earth. All because Trump is too thin skinned to handle criticism with grace.
No, he's being attacked because he's a tool of Clinton and media propaganda. That's what happens when you offer to become a tool: you get attacked.
Probably because he was getting threats and harrassment from you guys. It's not enough to criticize him, you have to employ a scortched earth policy and utterly destroy the poor man because your Messiah was critized.. Imagine if the left did that to Patricia Smith.

Khizr Khan Smeared As A Terrorist For Speaking Out Against Donald Trump
Yes republicans have a proven history of trying to destroy the lives of parents of dead soldiers.
No they don't, asshole.
Fuck them and fuck you.....Correll referring to Gold Star Families. Gold Star Families Demand Apology from Trump
Gold Star Families can suck my dick......buckeye45_73 Gold Star Families Demand Apology from Trump
Fuck every mother and every father that has a son or a daughter that serves..Tiny Dancer
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And let's not forget that you loons were ready to jump Cindy Sheehan.
Khan took a gamble and lost.

He expressed what was in his heart. Like Pat Smith. Unlike Pat Smith - he was personally villified for it, his opponents implying an association with terrorists, scorched earth. All because Trump is too thin skinned to handle criticism with grace.

He was self promoting, playing off his dead kid.

No. I disagree. He was making an important point - that Muslim Americans are AMERICANS, that they have given to this country and that a candidate like Trump thinks otherwise and feeds the flames with his anti-Muslim rhetoric. He had just as much right to respect as Patricia Smith.
Of course, Trump has never criticized Muslim Americans. However, most of them haven't done shit for this country. Many of them are sucking on the welfare tit. A few of them have massacred their fellow Americans. Hillary and the Dims tried to put Muslims above criticism, but that strategy has failed. It only opened their surrogate to scrutiny, and the picture it uncovers is not pretty.
They said.twrroism.has islam.....uh...utter bullshit

That's a far cry from saying terrorists are blameless. :dunno:

To Fix a problem, you have to first admit you have a problem. Standard stuff

I wasn't commenting on Islam, though. I was talking about save's comment that the Khan's "hold the terrorists blameless". If Mr. Khan doesn't want terrorism conflated with Islam that doesn't mean he feels terrorists are without blame.
so what religion are the terrorists in question?

I would guess some version of Islam. As a Muslim I imagine Mr. Khan doesn't want people to see Islam and terrorism as the same thing. To him, it may be that the terrorists are not real Muslims, just as I've seen people talk about certain Christians not being real Christians.
but it is who they are. I know Tim McVeigh was an american citizen. shame on his dead ass, thankfully. Doesn't mean I'm not going to call him an american terrorist. That's exactly what he was. He should denounce them as radicals. It's easy.
Probably because he was getting threats and harrassment from you guys. It's not enough to criticize him, you have to employ a scortched earth policy and utterly destroy the poor man because your Messiah was critized.. Imagine if the left did that to Patricia Smith.

Khizr Khan Smeared As A Terrorist For Speaking Out Against Donald Trump
Yes republicans have a proven history of trying to destroy the lives of parents of dead soldiers.
No they don't, asshole.
Fuck them and fuck you.....Correll referring to Gold Star Families. Gold Star Families Demand Apology from Trump
Gold Star Families can suck my dick......buckeye45_73 Gold Star Families Demand Apology from Trump
Fuck every mother and every father that has a son or a daughter that serves..Tiny Dancer
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And let's not forget that you loons were ready to jump Cindy Sheehan.

Posting on a message board doesn't equate to "destroying the lives of parents of dead soldiers." The rhetoric of these posters is over the top, but that's understandable in this environment.
Probably because he was getting threats and harrassment from you guys. It's not enough to criticize him, you have to employ a scortched earth policy and utterly destroy the poor man because your Messiah was critized.. Imagine if the left did that to Patricia Smith.

Khizr Khan Smeared As A Terrorist For Speaking Out Against Donald Trump
Yes republicans have a proven history of trying to destroy the lives of parents of dead soldiers.
No they don't, asshole.
you certainly do
Probably because he was getting threats and harrassment from you guys. It's not enough to criticize him, you have to employ a scortched earth policy and utterly destroy the poor man because your Messiah was critized.. Imagine if the left did that to Patricia Smith.

Khizr Khan Smeared As A Terrorist For Speaking Out Against Donald Trump

Ahhh, but they have, haven't they. As disgusting as that woman is, the media gave her and her acolytes loads of free press for doing exactly the same thing.

Did they try to destroy her reputation? Associate her with radicals? Did they question her patriotism?

They absolutely tried to do that, yes. The problem is she IS a loon so they weren't able to hurt that which was already destroyed in the minds of reasonable people.

Did they associate her with radicals and question her patriotism - if so, where because I didn't see that.

She might be a loon, but she lost a child in a horrible way, serving our country's diplomatic mission - given that, she should be given some respect and empathy.

Absolutely. They were all saying how un-American she and her ilk were, and are. And yes, she was associated with every neo nazi group there was. I agree with you on the mom, but the father is IMO a political operative. Always has been ,and will always be. Like I said, the son was an exemplary American soldier by all accounts, and the people of the USA owe HIM a tremendous debt of gratitude. The same extends to his mother. The father though, he is a Sharia lawyer, and he is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Both huge strikes against him.
Probably because he was getting threats and harrassment from you guys. It's not enough to criticize him, you have to employ a scortched earth policy and utterly destroy the poor man because your Messiah was critized.. Imagine if the left did that to Patricia Smith.

Khizr Khan Smeared As A Terrorist For Speaking Out Against Donald Trump

Ahhh, but they have, haven't they. As disgusting as that woman is, the media gave her and her acolytes loads of free press for doing exactly the same thing.

Did they try to destroy her reputation? Associate her with radicals? Did they question her patriotism?

They absolutely tried to do that, yes. The problem is she IS a loon so they weren't able to hurt that which was already destroyed in the minds of reasonable people.

Did they associate her with radicals and question her patriotism - if so, where because I didn't see that.

She might be a loon, but she lost a child in a horrible way, serving our country's diplomatic mission - given that, she should be given some respect and empathy.

Absolutely. They were all saying how un-American she and her ilk were, and are. And yes, she was associated with every neo nazi group there was. I agree with you on the mom, but the father is IMO a political operative. Always has been ,and will always be. Like I said, the son was an exemplary American soldier by all accounts, and the people of the USA owe HIM a tremendous debt of gratitude. The same extends to his mother. The father though, he is a Sharia lawyer, and he is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Both huge strikes against him.

Do you have any links associating her with neo nazi's? I haven't seen any of that, and if so - it's a horrible thing to do to her.

There isn't any evidence to back up those claims about Khan. Khizr Khan Is a Muslim Brotherhood Agent?

That's what makes the smear campaign against him so disgusting and below the belt.
Probably because he was getting threats and harrassment from you guys. It's not enough to criticize him, you have to employ a scortched earth policy and utterly destroy the poor man because your Messiah was critized.. Imagine if the left did that to Patricia Smith.

Khizr Khan Smeared As A Terrorist For Speaking Out Against Donald Trump

Are you aware that this Muslim Brotherhood agent's son died in a war HILLARY SUPPORTED??? He's desecrating his own son's death (at the hands of fellow mud-slimes) to whore for Hillary!
Probably because he was getting threats and harrassment from you guys. It's not enough to criticize him, you have to employ a scortched earth policy and utterly destroy the poor man because your Messiah was critized.. Imagine if the left did that to Patricia Smith.

Khizr Khan Smeared As A Terrorist For Speaking Out Against Donald Trump

Ahhh, but they have, haven't they. As disgusting as that woman is, the media gave her and her acolytes loads of free press for doing exactly the same thing.

Did they try to destroy her reputation? Associate her with radicals? Did they question her patriotism?

They absolutely tried to do that, yes. The problem is she IS a loon so they weren't able to hurt that which was already destroyed in the minds of reasonable people.

Did they associate her with radicals and question her patriotism - if so, where because I didn't see that.

She might be a loon, but she lost a child in a horrible way, serving our country's diplomatic mission - given that, she should be given some respect and empathy.

Absolutely. They were all saying how un-American she and her ilk were, and are. And yes, she was associated with every neo nazi group there was. I agree with you on the mom, but the father is IMO a political operative. Always has been ,and will always be. Like I said, the son was an exemplary American soldier by all accounts, and the people of the USA owe HIM a tremendous debt of gratitude. The same extends to his mother. The father though, he is a Sharia lawyer, and he is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Both huge strikes against him.
why do you spread lies? aren't you better than that?

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