Khan specializes in visa programs accused of selling U.S. citizenship

australian respect for Clinton


>>The store's owner reportedly was out of town, but the person watching over the business said she had no problem with the mural. Still, the Maribyrnong Council determined that it was offensive and demanded it removed.

In response, the artist again grabbed at controversy: he covered Clinton with a black burqa, exposing only her blue eyes. He seemingly tried to preempt the next round of criticism by writing a message next to the modified mural: “If this Muslim woman offends u, u r a bigot, racist, sexist Islamophobe.”<<
Update: Khizr Khan's Former Company Included in Wikileaks DNC ...
15 hours ago - That firm did Hillary Clinton's taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website, matters “firm ...
Mark Cuban: Clinton pays more in taxes than Trump makes | TheHill
The Hill
Jul 26, 2016 - Trump: If I were president, Humayun Khan. ... "I'd bet the 43mm in TAXES the Clinton'spaid is not only more taxes than @realDonaldTrump has ...
1 day ago - When you peel back the rotten Clinton onion, you usually find the scary ... the tax lawyer who filed income tax returns for Bill and Hillary Clinton ...
BOMBSHELL: Khizr Khan set up Hillary's email server ...
BOMBSHELL: Khizr Khan set up Hillary’s email server! « InvestmentWatchkhan-the-muzzie-set-up-hillarys-e...
7 hours ago - BOMBSHELL: Khizr Khan set up Hillary's email server! ... The firm he worked for handled Clinton's taxes and handled the patent for same email ...
It gets deeper and better every hour. Actually Khan was a suicide bomb the DNC was wearing and it didn't go off. Now we're getting all kinds of information from the suspect.

his speech was not simply a gold star family speaking against Trump's vetting of muslims but ties are tightly bound with the Clinton's and highly questionable actions if not corruption.

Sorry but a man like that should not beyond bounds just because his son was a hero. He did not speak of his son but spoke for Clinton and her lies/crimes to be president.

What she was involved in is far more than a stupid mistake over a private server, and now the long trail of others involved as well in her actions for decades.

Holy Jeezus!!!

It gets even better!

And juicer!

This stuff can only be something from a comedy movie!

[NEWS] Mrs. Khan....the plot thickens! you like being manipulated?

This was Barack Obama with Khizr Khan's wife in 2009. She was not in her Muslim garb. And if you think they accidentally ended up at the DNC convention, think again. Khan is a Dem CON man, and prop of the Left. He's Muslim Brotherhood affiliated, and a professor who teaches and practices Sharia. (see photo attached)

Update: Khizr Khan's Former Company Included in Wikileaks DNC ...
15 hours ago - That firm did Hillary Clinton's taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website, matters “firm ...
Mark Cuban: Clinton pays more in taxes than Trump makes | TheHill
The Hill
Jul 26, 2016 - Trump: If I were president, Humayun Khan. ... "I'd bet the 43mm in TAXES the Clinton'spaid is not only more taxes than @realDonaldTrump has ...
1 day ago - When you peel back the rotten Clinton onion, you usually find the scary ... the tax lawyer who filed income tax returns for Bill and Hillary Clinton ...
BOMBSHELL: Khizr Khan set up Hillary's email server ...
BOMBSHELL: Khizr Khan set up Hillary’s email server! « InvestmentWatchkhan-the-muzzie-set-up-hillarys-e...
7 hours ago - BOMBSHELL: Khizr Khan set up Hillary's email server! ... The firm he worked for handled Clinton's taxes and handled the patent for same email ...
It gets deeper and better every hour. Actually Khan was a suicide bomb the DNC was wearing and it didn't go off. Now we're getting all kinds of information from the suspect.

his speech was not simply a gold star family speaking against Trump's vetting of muslims but ties are tightly bound with the Clinton's and highly questionable actions if not corruption.

Sorry but a man like that should not beyond bounds just because his son was a hero. He did not speak of his son but spoke for Clinton and her lies/crimes to be president.

What she was involved in is far more than a stupid mistake over a private server, and now the long trail of others involved as well in her actions for decades.

Holy Jeezus!!!

It gets even better!

And juicer!

This stuff can only be something from a comedy movie!

[NEWS] Mrs. Khan....the plot thickens! you like being manipulated?

This was Barack Obama with Khizr Khan's wife in 2009. She was not in her Muslim garb. And if you think they accidentally ended up at the DNC convention, think again. Khan is a Dem CON man, and prop of the Left. He's Muslim Brotherhood affiliated, and a professor who teaches and practices Sharia. (see photo attached)

View attachment 84108


The whole Khan show stinks to high heaven!
Update: Khizr Khan's Former Company Included in Wikileaks DNC ...
15 hours ago - That firm did Hillary Clinton's taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website, matters “firm ...
Mark Cuban: Clinton pays more in taxes than Trump makes | TheHill
The Hill
Jul 26, 2016 - Trump: If I were president, Humayun Khan. ... "I'd bet the 43mm in TAXES the Clinton'spaid is not only more taxes than @realDonaldTrump has ...
1 day ago - When you peel back the rotten Clinton onion, you usually find the scary ... the tax lawyer who filed income tax returns for Bill and Hillary Clinton ...
BOMBSHELL: Khizr Khan set up Hillary's email server ...
BOMBSHELL: Khizr Khan set up Hillary’s email server! « InvestmentWatchkhan-the-muzzie-set-up-hillarys-e...
7 hours ago - BOMBSHELL: Khizr Khan set up Hillary's email server! ... The firm he worked for handled Clinton's taxes and handled the patent for same email ...
It gets deeper and better every hour. Actually Khan was a suicide bomb the DNC was wearing and it didn't go off. Now we're getting all kinds of information from the suspect.

his speech was not simply a gold star family speaking against Trump's vetting of muslims but ties are tightly bound with the Clinton's and highly questionable actions if not corruption.

Sorry but a man like that should not beyond bounds just because his son was a hero. He did not speak of his son but spoke for Clinton and her lies/crimes to be president.

What she was involved in is far more than a stupid mistake over a private server, and now the long trail of others involved as well in her actions for decades.

Holy Jeezus!!!

It gets even better!

And juicer!

This stuff can only be something from a comedy movie!

[NEWS] Mrs. Khan....the plot thickens! you like being manipulated?

This was Barack Obama with Khizr Khan's wife in 2009. She was not in her Muslim garb. And if you think they accidentally ended up at the DNC convention, think again. Khan is a Dem CON man, and prop of the Left. He's Muslim Brotherhood affiliated, and a professor who teaches and practices Sharia. (see photo attached)

View attachment 84108
Both scum Mr & Mrs Scum
Update: Khizr Khan's Former Company Included in Wikileaks DNC ...
15 hours ago - That firm did Hillary Clinton's taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website, matters “firm ...
Mark Cuban: Clinton pays more in taxes than Trump makes | TheHill
The Hill
Jul 26, 2016 - Trump: If I were president, Humayun Khan. ... "I'd bet the 43mm in TAXES the Clinton'spaid is not only more taxes than @realDonaldTrump has ...
1 day ago - When you peel back the rotten Clinton onion, you usually find the scary ... the tax lawyer who filed income tax returns for Bill and Hillary Clinton ...
BOMBSHELL: Khizr Khan set up Hillary's email server ...
BOMBSHELL: Khizr Khan set up Hillary’s email server! « InvestmentWatchkhan-the-muzzie-set-up-hillarys-e...
7 hours ago - BOMBSHELL: Khizr Khan set up Hillary's email server! ... The firm he worked for handled Clinton's taxes and handled the patent for same email ...
It gets deeper and better every hour. Actually Khan was a suicide bomb the DNC was wearing and it didn't go off. Now we're getting all kinds of information from the suspect.

his speech was not simply a gold star family speaking against Trump's vetting of muslims but ties are tightly bound with the Clinton's and highly questionable actions if not corruption.

Sorry but a man like that should not beyond bounds just because his son was a hero. He did not speak of his son but spoke for Clinton and her lies/crimes to be president.

What she was involved in is far more than a stupid mistake over a private server, and now the long trail of others involved as well in her actions for decades.

Holy Jeezus!!!

It gets even better!

And juicer!

This stuff can only be something from a comedy movie!

[NEWS] Mrs. Khan....the plot thickens! you like being manipulated?

This was Barack Obama with Khizr Khan's wife in 2009. She was not in her Muslim garb. And if you think they accidentally ended up at the DNC convention, think again. Khan is a Dem CON man, and prop of the Left. He's Muslim Brotherhood affiliated, and a professor who teaches and practices Sharia. (see photo attached)

View attachment 84108
That's not Mrs. Khan, you idiot.
Update: Khizr Khan's Former Company Included in Wikileaks DNC ...
15 hours ago - That firm did Hillary Clinton's taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website, matters “firm ...
Mark Cuban: Clinton pays more in taxes than Trump makes | TheHill
The Hill
Jul 26, 2016 - Trump: If I were president, Humayun Khan. ... "I'd bet the 43mm in TAXES the Clinton'spaid is not only more taxes than @realDonaldTrump has ...
1 day ago - When you peel back the rotten Clinton onion, you usually find the scary ... the tax lawyer who filed income tax returns for Bill and Hillary Clinton ...
BOMBSHELL: Khizr Khan set up Hillary's email server ...
BOMBSHELL: Khizr Khan set up Hillary’s email server! « InvestmentWatchkhan-the-muzzie-set-up-hillarys-e...
7 hours ago - BOMBSHELL: Khizr Khan set up Hillary's email server! ... The firm he worked for handled Clinton's taxes and handled the patent for same email ...
It gets deeper and better every hour. Actually Khan was a suicide bomb the DNC was wearing and it didn't go off. Now we're getting all kinds of information from the suspect.

his speech was not simply a gold star family speaking against Trump's vetting of muslims but ties are tightly bound with the Clinton's and highly questionable actions if not corruption.

Sorry but a man like that should not beyond bounds just because his son was a hero. He did not speak of his son but spoke for Clinton and her lies/crimes to be president.

What she was involved in is far more than a stupid mistake over a private server, and now the long trail of others involved as well in her actions for decades.

Holy Jeezus!!!

It gets even better!

And juicer!

This stuff can only be something from a comedy movie!

[NEWS] Mrs. Khan....the plot thickens! you like being manipulated?

This was Barack Obama with Khizr Khan's wife in 2009. She was not in her Muslim garb. And if you think they accidentally ended up at the DNC convention, think again. Khan is a Dem CON man, and prop of the Left. He's Muslim Brotherhood affiliated, and a professor who teaches and practices Sharia. (see photo attached)

View attachment 84108
That's not Mrs. Khan, you idiot.
The rabid Trump supporters, instead of telling Trump to shut up and quit defaming a Gold Star family....come up with crap like this thread.

All the bullshit is not proven, but don't stop lying.....that's what Trump does, so he's your role model.

CLAIM: DNC speaker Khizr Khan, father of fallen Army Capt. Humayun Khan, is a Muslim Brotherhood operative.


WHAT'S TRUE: Khizr Khan is a Muslim-American.

WHAT'S FALSE: No credible evidence supports the assertion that Khan is an operative of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Khizr Khan Is a Muslim Brotherhood Agent?
Update: Khizr Khan's Former Company Included in Wikileaks DNC ...
15 hours ago - That firm did Hillary Clinton's taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website, matters “firm ...
Mark Cuban: Clinton pays more in taxes than Trump makes | TheHill
The Hill
Jul 26, 2016 - Trump: If I were president, Humayun Khan. ... "I'd bet the 43mm in TAXES the Clinton'spaid is not only more taxes than @realDonaldTrump has ...
1 day ago - When you peel back the rotten Clinton onion, you usually find the scary ... the tax lawyer who filed income tax returns for Bill and Hillary Clinton ...
BOMBSHELL: Khizr Khan set up Hillary's email server ...
BOMBSHELL: Khizr Khan set up Hillary’s email server! « InvestmentWatchkhan-the-muzzie-set-up-hillarys-e...
7 hours ago - BOMBSHELL: Khizr Khan set up Hillary's email server! ... The firm he worked for handled Clinton's taxes and handled the patent for same email ...
It gets deeper and better every hour. Actually Khan was a suicide bomb the DNC was wearing and it didn't go off. Now we're getting all kinds of information from the suspect.

his speech was not simply a gold star family speaking against Trump's vetting of muslims but ties are tightly bound with the Clinton's and highly questionable actions if not corruption.

Sorry but a man like that should not beyond bounds just because his son was a hero. He did not speak of his son but spoke for Clinton and her lies/crimes to be president.

What she was involved in is far more than a stupid mistake over a private server, and now the long trail of others involved as well in her actions for decades.

Holy Jeezus!!!

It gets even better!

And juicer!

This stuff can only be something from a comedy movie!

[NEWS] Mrs. Khan....the plot thickens! you like being manipulated?

This was Barack Obama with Khizr Khan's wife in 2009. She was not in her Muslim garb. And if you think they accidentally ended up at the DNC convention, think again. Khan is a Dem CON man, and prop of the Left. He's Muslim Brotherhood affiliated, and a professor who teaches and practices Sharia. (see photo attached)

View attachment 84108
That's not Mrs. Khan, you idiot.
Said the pimply faced busboy who just made a fool of himself.
The rabid Trump supporters, instead of telling Trump to shut up and quit defaming a Gold Star family....come up with crap like this thread.

All the bullshit is not proven, but don't stop lying.....that's what Trump does, so he's your role model.

CLAIM: DNC speaker Khizr Khan, father of fallen Army Capt. Humayun Khan, is a Muslim Brotherhood operative.


WHAT'S TRUE: Khizr Khan is a Muslim-American.

WHAT'S FALSE: No credible evidence supports the assertion that Khan is an operative of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Khizr Khan Is a Muslim Brotherhood Agent?

Khan quoted Said Ramadan, Muslim Brotherhood agent

Khan is a promoter of Islamic Sharia Law. Khan is also co-founder of the Journal of Contemporary Issues in Muslim Law (Islamic Sharia).

Because his son died doing the right thing has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do about the father being corrupt, and part of the Clinton cabal! Benedict Arnold was once one of our great Patriots... Khan does NOT follow that tradition, he follows the traitors position!

The Washington Examiner ^ | August 1, 2016 | Paul Bedard
The father of a Muslim-American soldier killed in Iraq who is caught up in a war of words with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is an immigration lawyer who specializes in a highly controversial program accused of letting immigrants buy their way into the U.S. Khizr M. Khan's website notes that he works to help clients with the E-2 and EB-5 programs that let overseas investors buy into U.S. companies and also provides green cards for family members. It also said that he helps in the purchase of U.S. real estate and businesses. The website lists his ability to practice...

What laws did Mr. Kahn "supposedly" break/violate? Please be specific and provide "credible" sources that can be verified as factual.
Because his son died doing the right thing has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do about the father being corrupt, and part of the Clinton cabal! Benedict Arnold was once one of our great Patriots... Khan does NOT follow that tradition, he follows the traitors position!

The Washington Examiner ^ | August 1, 2016 | Paul Bedard
The father of a Muslim-American soldier killed in Iraq who is caught up in a war of words with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is an immigration lawyer who specializes in a highly controversial program accused of letting immigrants buy their way into the U.S. Khizr M. Khan's website notes that he works to help clients with the E-2 and EB-5 programs that let overseas investors buy into U.S. companies and also provides green cards for family members. It also said that he helps in the purchase of U.S. real estate and businesses. The website lists his ability to practice...

What laws did Mr. Kahn "supposedly" break/violate? Please be specific and provide "credible" sources that can be verified as factual.
Fucking you Squaw Pussy, we ALL now know the prick is a political operative...why didn't you scumbags use him during the last THREE presidential Cycles as his son died 12 years ago? There's even a pic out here with the wife and the Manchurian muslim in 2008!
Because his son died doing the right thing has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do about the father being corrupt, and part of the Clinton cabal! Benedict Arnold was once one of our great Patriots... Khan does NOT follow that tradition, he follows the traitors position!

The Washington Examiner ^ | August 1, 2016 | Paul Bedard
The father of a Muslim-American soldier killed in Iraq who is caught up in a war of words with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is an immigration lawyer who specializes in a highly controversial program accused of letting immigrants buy their way into the U.S. Khizr M. Khan's website notes that he works to help clients with the E-2 and EB-5 programs that let overseas investors buy into U.S. companies and also provides green cards for family members. It also said that he helps in the purchase of U.S. real estate and businesses. The website lists his ability to practice...

What laws did Mr. Kahn "supposedly" break/violate? Please be specific and provide "credible" sources that can be verified as factual.
Fucking you Squaw Pussy, we ALL now know the prick is a political operative...why didn't you scumbags use him during the last THREE presidential Cycles as his son died 12 years ago? There's even a pic out here with the wife and the Manchurian muslim in 2008!
payperview told me that wasn't Miz Khan in the picture I posted. He knows her personally. Used to cut her grass and sneak her BLTs.
Because his son died doing the right thing has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do about the father being corrupt, and part of the Clinton cabal! Benedict Arnold was once one of our great Patriots... Khan does NOT follow that tradition, he follows the traitors position!

The Washington Examiner ^ | August 1, 2016 | Paul Bedard
The father of a Muslim-American soldier killed in Iraq who is caught up in a war of words with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is an immigration lawyer who specializes in a highly controversial program accused of letting immigrants buy their way into the U.S. Khizr M. Khan's website notes that he works to help clients with the E-2 and EB-5 programs that let overseas investors buy into U.S. companies and also provides green cards for family members. It also said that he helps in the purchase of U.S. real estate and businesses. The website lists his ability to practice...

What laws did Mr. Kahn "supposedly" break/violate? Please be specific and provide "credible" sources that can be verified as factual.
Fucking you Squaw Pussy, we ALL now know the prick is a political operative...why didn't you scumbags use him during the last THREE presidential Cycles as his son died 12 years ago? There's even a pic out here with the wife and the Manchurian muslim in 2008!
payperview told me that wasn't Miz Khan in the picture I posted. He knows her personally. Used to cut her grass and sneak her BLTs.
It was her twin sister!!!!
Because his son died doing the right thing has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do about the father being corrupt, and part of the Clinton cabal! Benedict Arnold was once one of our great Patriots... Khan does NOT follow that tradition, he follows the traitors position!

The Washington Examiner ^ | August 1, 2016 | Paul Bedard
The father of a Muslim-American soldier killed in Iraq who is caught up in a war of words with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is an immigration lawyer who specializes in a highly controversial program accused of letting immigrants buy their way into the U.S. Khizr M. Khan's website notes that he works to help clients with the E-2 and EB-5 programs that let overseas investors buy into U.S. companies and also provides green cards for family members. It also said that he helps in the purchase of U.S. real estate and businesses. The website lists his ability to practice...

What laws did Mr. Kahn "supposedly" break/violate? Please be specific and provide "credible" sources that can be verified as factual.
Fucking you Squaw Pussy, we ALL now know the prick is a political operative...why didn't you scumbags use him during the last THREE presidential Cycles as his son died 12 years ago? There's even a pic out here with the wife and the Manchurian muslim in 2008!
payperview told me that wasn't Miz Khan in the picture I posted. He knows her personally. Used to cut her grass and sneak her BLTs.

Bacon, bet that does go over well with husbands sharia views

Because his son died doing the right thing has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do about the father being corrupt, and part of the Clinton cabal! Benedict Arnold was once one of our great Patriots... Khan does NOT follow that tradition, he follows the traitors position!

The Washington Examiner ^ | August 1, 2016 | Paul Bedard
The father of a Muslim-American soldier killed in Iraq who is caught up in a war of words with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is an immigration lawyer who specializes in a highly controversial program accused of letting immigrants buy their way into the U.S. Khizr M. Khan's website notes that he works to help clients with the E-2 and EB-5 programs that let overseas investors buy into U.S. companies and also provides green cards for family members. It also said that he helps in the purchase of U.S. real estate and businesses. The website lists his ability to practice...

What laws did Mr. Kahn "supposedly" break/violate? Please be specific and provide "credible" sources that can be verified as factual.
Fucking you Squaw Pussy, we ALL now know the prick is a political operative...why didn't you scumbags use him during the last THREE presidential Cycles as his son died 12 years ago? There's even a pic out here with the wife and the Manchurian muslim in 2008!
payperview told me that wasn't Miz Khan in the picture I posted. He knows her personally. Used to cut her grass and sneak her BLTs.
Doubling down on your stupidity, I see.
Because his son died doing the right thing has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do about the father being corrupt, and part of the Clinton cabal! Benedict Arnold was once one of our great Patriots... Khan does NOT follow that tradition, he follows the traitors position!

The Washington Examiner ^ | August 1, 2016 | Paul Bedard
The father of a Muslim-American soldier killed in Iraq who is caught up in a war of words with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is an immigration lawyer who specializes in a highly controversial program accused of letting immigrants buy their way into the U.S. Khizr M. Khan's website notes that he works to help clients with the E-2 and EB-5 programs that let overseas investors buy into U.S. companies and also provides green cards for family members. It also said that he helps in the purchase of U.S. real estate and businesses. The website lists his ability to practice...

What laws did Mr. Kahn "supposedly" break/violate? Please be specific and provide "credible" sources that can be verified as factual.
Fucking you Squaw Pussy, we ALL now know the prick is a political operative...why didn't you scumbags use him during the last THREE presidential Cycles as his son died 12 years ago? There's even a pic out here with the wife and the Manchurian muslim in 2008!
payperview told me that wasn't Miz Khan in the picture I posted. He knows her personally. Used to cut her grass and sneak her BLTs.
Doubling down on your stupidity, I see.

Because his son died doing the right thing has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do about the father being corrupt, and part of the Clinton cabal! Benedict Arnold was once one of our great Patriots... Khan does NOT follow that tradition, he follows the traitors position!

The Washington Examiner ^ | August 1, 2016 | Paul Bedard
The father of a Muslim-American soldier killed in Iraq who is caught up in a war of words with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is an immigration lawyer who specializes in a highly controversial program accused of letting immigrants buy their way into the U.S. Khizr M. Khan's website notes that he works to help clients with the E-2 and EB-5 programs that let overseas investors buy into U.S. companies and also provides green cards for family members. It also said that he helps in the purchase of U.S. real estate and businesses. The website lists his ability to practice...

What laws did Mr. Kahn "supposedly" break/violate? Please be specific and provide "credible" sources that can be verified as factual.
Fucking you Squaw Pussy, we ALL now know the prick is a political operative...why didn't you scumbags use him during the last THREE presidential Cycles as his son died 12 years ago? There's even a pic out here with the wife and the Manchurian muslim in 2008!
payperview told me that wasn't Miz Khan in the picture I posted. He knows her personally. Used to cut her grass and sneak her BLTs.
Doubling down on your stupidity, I see.

Brilliant response from the idiot who got played by a RWNJ fake image and embarrassed the fuck out of himself.

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