Kick Manchin out?

Manchin is not goose-stepping and obeying the rules if tge '3rd Reich', is exercising the ability to think & make his own decisions...not desirable traits to be a Democrat.

Not unlike Liz Chaney or Justin Amash
I'm no expert on WV, but I've heard that he's about the only Democrat who could be elected there.

If that's true, the Dems may want to be careful. It could be worse.
I was there once, and I drove through another time. Take a different route now. Very pretty, but not my cup of tea.

Imo the dems problem was just that no one in the party sat AOC or Jaypal down and said "show me the votes." And Bernie too for that matter. It was more than ironic in him saying a minority shouldn't dictate to a majority. And the dems could have raised taxes to shore up soc sec and medicaid and even obamacare, and made child care more available and spend no more and had less inflationary effect. Manchin's not really their problem. And people aren't gonna vote for 3.50 gas, and I got that on Sunday with a .40 discount.
Sure push him into the GOP so the senate will be a lock to be controlled by republicans.....
I was there once, and I drove through another time. Take a different route now. Very pretty, but not my cup of tea.

Imo the dems problem was just that no one in the party sat AOC or Jaypal down and said "show me the votes." And Bernie too for that matter. It was more than ironic in him saying a minority shouldn't dictate to a majority. And the dems could have raised taxes to shore up soc sec and medicaid and even obamacare, and made child care more available and spend no more and had less inflationary effect. Manchin's not really their problem. And people aren't gonna vote for 3.50 gas, and I got that on Sunday with a .40 discount.
The Dems definitely have their own set of zealots, that's for sure.

And what is it about the parties -- when they lose for being too looney, they always convince themselves that they lost because they weren't looney ENOUGH.

The middle is wide open. But the left wing doesn't want to let the party go there.
It would be funny if they kicked him out and then a Supreme Court justice dies the next week.
Not even a thought for the people who voted for him to represent them. DemoKKKrats are truly fascist.
I think you got it wrong. Manchin doesn't give a thought to the people that voted for him. He has collected more money from the oil and gas industry than any other politician this cycle. He has also taken in massive donations from Republican billionaires. His claim of being worried about inflation is just him blowing smoke up the ass of his constituents. Refusing the much toned down version of the BBB act means increases subsidies for ACA insurance plan passed at the beginning of the Biden term will expire. 23,000 low income West Virginians will pay an average $125 a month more for health insurance. I mean that is close to three million dollars a month that he is going to suck away from the most vulnerable of his constituents. All to keep the high income surtax that is part of the BBB from taking effect. A 5% surtax on incomes in excess of ten million dollars a year, an additional 3% on incomes in excess of twenty-five million.

Those millionaires are who Manchin represents, not the people that voted for him, the people that have donated to his campaign. And those of you that are holding him up as a hero are mere useful idiots that those wealthy contributors depend upon.
I think you got it wrong. Manchin doesn't give a thought to the people that voted for him. He has collected more money from the oil and gas industry than any other politician this cycle. He has also taken in massive donations from Republican billionaires. His claim of being worried about inflation is just him blowing smoke up the ass of his constituents. Refusing the much toned down version of the BBB act means increases subsidies for ACA insurance plan passed at the beginning of the Biden term will expire. 23,000 low income West Virginians will pay an average $125 a month more for health insurance. I mean that is close to three million dollars a month that he is going to suck away from the most vulnerable of his constituents. All to keep the high income surtax that is part of the BBB from taking effect. A 5% surtax on incomes in excess of ten million dollars a year, an additional 3% on incomes in excess of twenty-five million.

Those millionaires are who Manchin represents, not the people that voted for him, the people that have donated to his campaign. And those of you that are holding him up as a hero are mere useful idiots that those wealthy contributors depend upon.

Manchin doesn't give a thought to the people that voted for him. He has collected more money from the oil and gas industry than any other politician this cycle.

OMG! An industry that provides vital resources supports him?
He needs some useless supporters, like the entertainment industry, eh?

All to keep the high income surtax that is part of the BBB from taking effect. A 5% surtax on incomes in excess of ten million dollars a year, an additional 3% on incomes in excess of twenty-five million.

Use the money raised by Trump's tax on the rich.

Oh, right, the Dems want to get rid of the SALT cap.
Manchin doesn't give a thought to the people that voted for him. He has collected more money from the oil and gas industry than any other politician this cycle.

OMG! An industry that provides vital resources supports him?
He needs some useless supporters, like the entertainment industry, eh?

All to keep the high income surtax that is part of the BBB from taking effect. A 5% surtax on incomes in excess of ten million dollars a year, an additional 3% on incomes in excess of twenty-five million.

Use the money raised by Trump's tax on the rich.

Oh, right, the Dems want to get rid of the SALT cap.
A vital industry that continually seeks the ability to externalize their costs. And blow me away, show me you even know what externalizing costs means, and provide examples please.

And what fawking Trump tax on the rich? I mean I am really going to need to see some documentation for that because from where I sit, he hooked their asses up. But I will give you the SALT tax cap, as soon as you give me a cap on foreign taxes paid by corporations. Because from where I sit, it is the same thing.
I'm no expert on WV, but I've heard that he's about the only Democrat who could be elected there.

If that's true, the Dems may want to be careful. It could be worse.
Democrats aren't going to touch him... No time to be stupid...

Joe votes the way he has to because that is probably the only way he wins his seat... Joe is voting the way he wants, I am not always happy but I will be respectful of his choice...
A vital industry that continually seeks the ability to externalize their costs. And blow me away, show me you even know what externalizing costs means, and provide examples please.

And what fawking Trump tax on the rich? I mean I am really going to need to see some documentation for that because from where I sit, he hooked their asses up. But I will give you the SALT tax cap, as soon as you give me a cap on foreign taxes paid by corporations. Because from where I sit, it is the same thing.

A vital industry that continually seeks the ability to externalize their costs.

Yeah, CO2 is awful! You should definitely stop producing CO2.

And what fawking Trump tax on the rich?

The awful tax hike on the rich that the Dems have been non-stop whining about.

But I will give you the SALT tax cap

Give me?

as soon as you give me a cap on foreign taxes paid by corporations.

You want to tax our corporations for the taxes they pay to foreign countries? Why?

Because from where I sit, it is the same thing.

The Dems definitely have their own set of zealots, that's for sure.

And what is it about the parties -- when they lose for being too looney, they always convince themselves that they lost because they weren't looney ENOUGH.

The middle is wide open. But the left wing doesn't want to let the party go there.

You voted for the most extreme leftist administration in American history, so stop your whining, you little bitch.
A vital industry that continually seeks the ability to externalize their costs.

Yeah, CO2 is awful! You should definitely stop producing CO2.

And what fawking Trump tax on the rich?

The awful tax hike on the rich that the Dems have been non-stop whining about.

But I will give you the SALT tax cap

Give me?

as soon as you give me a cap on foreign taxes paid by corporations.

You want to tax our corporations for the taxes they pay to foreign countries? Why?

Because from where I sit, it is the same thing.

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Are you so uninformed that you believe the only problem with energy production is CO2? And I got it, you don't understand the concept of externalizing costs.

And despite your cute little picture it appears you are the dunce sitting in the corner. Go ahead, explain the difference in taxing corporations for the taxes they pay foreign nations and taxing individuals for the taxes they pay state and local governments.
Are you so uninformed that you believe the only problem with energy production is CO2? And I got it, you don't understand the concept of externalizing costs.

And despite your cute little picture it appears you are the dunce sitting in the corner. Go ahead, explain the difference in taxing corporations for the taxes they pay foreign nations and taxing individuals for the taxes they pay state and local governments.

Are you so uninformed that you believe the only problem with energy production is CO2? And I got it, you don't understand the concept of externalizing costs.

In the US, what are the other externalities I should worry about?

Go ahead, explain the difference in taxing corporations for the taxes they pay foreign nations and taxing individuals for the taxes they pay state and local governments.

We try not to double tax corporations. Bad for competition.

If you feel rich people get screwed by the SALT cap, you should whine some more.
Biden, Pelosi and Schumer are listening.
Nope, just a really big ego that is being stroked by both sides.

It could be argued he is the most powerful man in the country right now.

And he loves each and every minute of it. Prior to this he was just one more Senator from a tiny state that nobody really cared about (the state or the man). Now he is being sucked up to like he is Moses himself
Progs have no mandate. And Reich would kill senior citizens. Excepting himself.
Progs have no mandate. And Reich would kill senior citizens. Excepting himself.

He loves affordable housing. Just not in his neighborhood.

Robert Reich, a left-wing professor at the University of California Berkeley who served as labor secretary during the Clinton administration, is very concerned about income inequality. He urged Wall Street executives to “invest” in cities by funding low-income housing projects. He also praised a “promising initiative” to promote the construction of affordable housing units in San Francisco.

Reich is not so keen, however, on a proposal to tear down a dilapidated building in his Berkeley neighborhood and replace it with a 10-unit development that would include low-income housing.


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