Kickl said Austria needs "massive deportations"

Werent 6 million jews german citizens in 1933? Not comparing Kickl to Hitler though, but it isnt black and white just because im citizen.
Jews live in Germany since the 14th century and integrate into the German society, feel German. Thus, they ain´t immigrants.
And if you are not involved in "multicultural conflicts", why do you fear deportation?
I am even half Spanish and don´t fear deportation by a possible AfD-Government.
Werent 6 million jews german citizens in 1933? Not comparing Kickl to Hitler though, but it isnt black and white just because im citizen.

Security freeloader Austria is a corrupted& fishy EU state. BUT THEY ARE NOT Nazis , IF YOU want to see the real Nazis move to Moscow empire ...


reported for constant forum mobbing, based on "race/ethnicity" and racial bullying. i wonder whether the moderation will take any action. did someone told you to stop it?

No, and they won't, since I said nothing that wasn't true. Gypsies do start turning their children into thieves very young, and you aren't being 'bullied'; your posts are clearly racist themselves and it's obvious you hang out on Stormfront a lot. You use the same language and posting points found over there, babbling about genes and 'Classify This' idiocy and other rubbish. My guess is you're no Gypsy at all, just some obese German playing one on the innernetz like that old white faggot posing as black people here under various personas like IM2, supaBad, and a couple or more others. Like them you have nothing useful to do ally day but whine.
No, and they won't, since I said nothing that wasn't true. Gypsies do start turning their children into thieves very young, and you aren't being 'bullied'; your posts are clearly racist themselves and it's obvious you hang out on Stormfront a lot. You use the same language and posting points found over there, babbling about genes and 'Classify This' idiocy and other rubbish. My guess is you're no Gypsy at all, just some obese German playing one on the innernetz like that old white faggot posing as black people here under various personas like IM2, supaBad, and a couple or more others. Like them you have nothing useful to do ally day but whine.

You first said im a serbian war criminal when i said i was too young be have fought in war you turned me into a "gypsy thieve", and it might be true that a segment of the gypsy population are thieves, but generalising and stereotyping them as collective, and projecting onto me as individual is clearly provocative and racist, like saying many americans like war, and then saying you are a war monger, because you are american. if you dont get that, i think you are a idiot, you really think you did nothing wrong.
No, and they won't, since I said nothing that wasn't true. Gypsies do start turning their children into thieves very young, and you aren't being 'bullied'; your posts are clearly racist themselves and it's obvious you hang out on Stormfront a lot. You use the same language and posting points found over there, babbling about genes and 'Classify This' idiocy and other rubbish. My guess is you're no Gypsy at all, just some obese German playing one on the innernetz like that old white faggot posing as black people here under various personas like IM2, supaBad, and a couple or more others. Like them you have nothing useful to do ally day but whine.

The moderation really sees nothing wrong with your constant bullying. You come into my threads, and insult me for being gypsy. Like that im a thieve. Or was as small kid.
The moderation really sees nothing wrong with your constant bullying. You come into my threads, and insult me for being gypsy. Like that im a thieve. Or was as small kid.

You literally start posts that invite that kind of thing. You invite people to not take you seriously. Then complain about it.
You literally start posts that invite that kind of thing. You invite people to not take you seriously. Then complain about it.
Seems like blaming the victim, like saying "but she wore too revealing clothes thats why she was raped". I never said "please insult me". I say correct things, and dont invite anyone to insult me and bully me. Also i never said anything alt-right, or said i vote alt-right or that im alt-right, im just not on board with the whole gender ideology, but most "browns, blacks, muslims, immigrants" arent, alt-right like kickl is more pro-lgbtqia+ then the average immigrant from africa or asia, i dont see how i have been alt-right but "then complained about alt-right". For me that makes no sense. I see you thumbed up the post, of this other guy who said that.
Seems like blaming the victim, like saying "but she wore too revealing clothes thats why she was raped". I never said "please insult me". I say correct things, and dont invite anyone to insult me and bully me. Also i never said anything alt-right, or said i vote alt-right or that im alt-right, im just not on board with the whole gender ideology, but most "browns, blacks, muslims, immigrants" arent, alt-right like kickl is more pro-lgbtqia+ then the average immigrant from africa or asia, i dont see how i have been alt-right but "then complained about alt-right". For me that makes no sense. I see you thumbed up the post, of this other guy who said that.

No. You're not a "victim" here.

You don't have to come on this forum. You don't have to start posts.

You complain about people hating Roma, and yet you write posts about the KKK, muscular arses, whether you look like a white person or a unicorn...

And if you do feel like a victim, why do you come on here?

You've started FORTY threads this month, and it's only the 17th.

Doesn't sound like a victim.
No. You're not a "victim" here.

You don't have to come on this forum. You don't have to start posts.

You complain about people hating Roma, and yet you write posts about the KKK, muscular arses, whether you look like a white person or a unicorn...

And if you do feel like a victim, why do you come on here?

You've started FORTY threads this month, and it's only the 17th.

Doesn't sound like a victim.

I have a thick skin and carry on, because i think it would be a pitty to remove me from a public space like this, the next would be to remove me from the neigbourhood pub, the public streets etc. it starts here that they want to remove me, i fight for my place, thats why i start threads, but yes some try to victimize me constantly, if you dont see that, im sorry for you, then you are biased, and not really "liberal" maybe you are a white middle class gay, and think you are liberal, but you are anti-roma racist, at least you see nothing wrong, with victimising a roma, probably a type of person who would look the other way, when he sees a dead roma child, like on the beaches of italy two years ago. where everyone looked the other way.
I have a thick skin and carry on, because i think it would be a pitty to remove me from a public space like this, the next would be to remove me from the neigbourhood pub, the public streets etc. it starts here that they want to remove me, i fight for my place, thats why i start threads, but yes some try to victimize me constantly, if you dont see that, im sorry for you, then you are biased, and not really "liberal" maybe you are a white middle class gay, and think you are liberal, but you are anti-roma racist, at least you see nothing wrong, with victimising a roma, probably a type of person who would look the other way, when he sees a dead roma child, like on the beaches of italy two years ago. where everyone looked the other way.

There you go. You have a thick skin. So stop complaining.

I wrote a post on this thread that dealt with the topic, you ignored it. I write a post about something nothing to do with the topic, you reply to it.

You accuse me of all kinds of things every so often, you seek this stuff out. You like it.

Maybe I'm a frog. Doesn't really matter.

You live and die by what you write, and you get kicks out of doing what you're doing. Great. I don't care. But don't complain about it. Don't like it, put the people on ignore.
There you go. You have a thick skin. So stop complaining.

I wrote a post on this thread that dealt with the topic, you ignored it. I write a post about something nothing to do with the topic, you reply to it.

You accuse me of all kinds of things every so often, you seek this stuff out. You like it.

Maybe I'm a frog. Doesn't really matter.

You live and die by what you write, and you get kicks out of doing what you're doing. Great. I don't care. But don't complain about it. Don't like it, put the people on ignore.
I think the moderation should do something, because on this forum, there are some rules, and every space has some rules, its like calling the police because someone attacks you and then they say, they wont do anything. That i have a thick skin doesnt mean its ok for duddley smith to do that, i often reported him but nothing happened. I think that is like policing say, someone can do with you whatever he wants and not protecting you, the moderation is like the police.
I think the moderation should do something, because on this forum, there are some rules, and every space has some rules, its like calling the police because someone attacks you and then they say, they wont do anything. That i have a thick skin doesnt mean its ok for duddley smith to do that, i often reported him but nothing happened. I think that is like policing say, someone can do with you whatever he wants and not protecting you, the moderation is like the police.

Again, self moderate. Use the ignore button if you have a problem with someone. I haven't put someone on ignore for at least 30 minutes. My ignore list is HUGE.

This forum is better than others because, for the most part, the moderators are good. Since Westwall stopped being one, and some other dude started censoring everything in the religious forum (and hasn't been seen since), it's been a good place.

It's good because people can say almost anything, and you can ignore it.

If you want a police state here, people will leave and then you can talk to yourself.
Again, self moderate. Use the ignore button if you have a problem with someone. I haven't put someone on ignore for at least 30 minutes. My ignore list is HUGE.

This forum is better than others because, for the most part, the moderators are good. Since Westwall stopped being one, and some other dude started censoring everything in the religious forum (and hasn't been seen since), it's been a good place.

It's good because people can say almost anything, and you can ignore it.

If you want a police state here, people will leave and then you can talk to yourself.
I think mobbing should be forbidden, its forbidden in school and at the work place i dont see why it should not be forbidden here, we are real people behind the screen.

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