Kickl said Austria needs "massive deportations"

I think mobbing should be forbidden, its forbidden in school and at the work place i dont see why it should not be forbidden here, we are real people behind the screen.

Again, you don't want to see it, you know what to do.

But you're thick skinned, so you don't put people on ignore.

But you're not thick skinned, because you complain about it too much
Again, you don't want to see it, you know what to do.

But you're thick skinned, so you don't put people on ignore.

But you're not thick skinned, because you complain about it too much
i dont even know what happens when i ignore him, i think it cannot stop him to bully me, just that i dont see it, for me it makes more sense that he doesnt do it at all, and i dont want to censor free speech, if he wants to say gypsies are thieves, he should say it, because he wants to say it, but what he does is different, he says it repeatedly always against me, in many threads, always and always again, that is mobbing and cannot be ignored, and has not much to do with free speech anymore or his opinion, he definitely chooses to pick on me
People from such parties in Austria would just keep deporting people until only the blond hair, blue eyed people were left.

They'd end up like the French revolution where they'd get deported themselves, or guillotined
as long as libs of your persuasion rule the EU there is little fear of deporting anyone

The same goes for the left in my country, which doesent even want to deport illegal aliens, much less naturalized citizens
i dont even know what happens when i ignore him, i think it cannot stop him to bully me, just that i dont see it, for me it makes more sense that he doesnt do it at all, and i dont want to censor free speech, if he wants to say gypsies are thieves, he should say it, because he wants to say it, but what he does is different, he says it repeatedly always against me, in many threads, always and always again, that is mobbing and cannot be ignored, and has not much to do with free speech anymore or his opinion, he definitely chooses to pick on me

When you ignore him, you just don't see his posts. He can see yours, he can reply to yours, but you can't see his unless you click the "Show ignored content".

Means you don't have to care about some idiotic redneck who gets kicks out of pissing people off.

The guy I blocked recently, I told him I blocked him. He then replied twice saying how much he didn't care that he got blocked. I've not see replies that long for a while. Kind of funny.
i dont even know what happens when i ignore him, i think it cannot stop him to bully me, just that i dont see it, for me it makes more sense that he doesnt do it at all, and i dont want to censor free speech, if he wants to say gypsies are thieves, he should say it, because he wants to say it, but what he does is different, he says it repeatedly always against me, in many threads, always and always again, that is mobbing and cannot be ignored, and has not much to do with free speech anymore or his opinion, he definitely chooses to pick on me
It doesn't matter, man. This place is great because of 'moderate' moderation. Yes, the 'dark' side of it is personal insults and name calling being allowed, but you have to get along with it, or use an ignore option, or just leave.

The worst thing that could happen with this board is it becoming any sort of a police state. Maybe you should just try another one? An Austrian one?
Mort is here to market his YouTube scam; get enough hits and the Channel will help you monetize your gig. His pity party is ridiculous on its face. His resentment and jealousy of white people is so obvious it's laughable.
You will be ok Mortimer. But why do you want to live there ?
because i live here since 1990 and the center of my life is here, i grew up here and im austrian citizen, it would be difficult for me to start a new life somewhere else. why a pakistani wants to live in london?

Do you speak Russian? Then it is not a big problem for you when all Austrians will be deported before they will try to become a member of the NATO,


A few days ago I went to the zoo
The sun was shining, my heart was so happy
I saw people standing in front of a cage
I went there to take a closer look
(There I went to take a closer look)

Do not feed was written on a big sign
And please don't tease it either, it's very wild
Adults and children looked stupid
And only one guard looked grim and very silent
(And only one guard looked grim and very silent)

I asked him, what is the name of this animal?
That's freedom, he said to me
It's so rare in the world now
That's why it's on display here for little money
(That's why it's on display here for little money)

I looked and I said, dear sir
I see nothing, the cage is empty
That's the gag, he said
You lock her up and she's gone in an instant
(You lock her up and she's gone in an instant)

Freedom is a marvellous animal
And some people are afraid of it
But behind bars it dies
For only in freedom can freedom be freedom.
For only in freedom can freedom be freedom.

Translated with (free version)
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And Mortimer - Kickl and his criminals will for sure deport you - part per part in different parcels. Your luck is it that you are as an Austrian not only a citizen of Austria - as long as Austria stays to be a member of the EU you are also a citizen of the EU.
because i live here since 1990 and the center of my life is here, i grew up here and im austrian citizen, it would be difficult for me to start a new life somewhere else. why a pakistani wants to live in london?

lol what life? You can sit on your ass and eat and screw around all day on the innernutz anywhere.
because i live here since 1990 and the center of my life is here, i grew up here and im austrian citizen, it would be difficult for me to start a new life somewhere else. why a pakistani wants to live in london?
Most moved there on british passports in the 60s. They were looking for a better life. Pakistan and India were both shitloles after centuries of british rule.
You first said im a serbian war criminal when i said i was too young be have fought in war you turned me into a "gypsy thieve", and it might be true that a segment of the gypsy population are thieves,

Mortimer - learn to think: This is not true. No one is a thieve - except he is a thieve. What's unfortunatelly true is it that under the current wave of anti-Semitism - which is as well a left wing and a right wing anti-Semitism - a wave of anti-Ziganism also grows. In the Holocaust not only Jews had been murdered - in the Holocaust many gypsies had been murdered too.

but generalising and stereotyping them as collective, and projecting onto me as individual is clearly provocative and racist, like saying many americans like war,

Again: Learn to think! Many US-Americans love war. The reason: The USA never lost a war. Many of them think war is a good way to solve problems. I guess most of them do not see that war is the problem. Who says so is no racist only because US-Americans call everyone else an anti-American who not shares their opinions. In case of the war of the USA against the Iraq for example existed a hot phase when practically all US-Americans had been war hungry - I met not one exception in those days. And did you ever try to discuss with US-Americans about weapons?

and then saying you are a war monger, because you are american.

Ever thought about the difference between "cause" and "correlation"?

if you dont get that, i think you are a idiot,

Everyone is an idiot. Or thinks any Austrian anything else?

you really think you did nothing wrong.

Austrian: "Wann da Herrgott net wui dann geht goa nix!"
Bavarian: "A bisserl wos geht imma".
public sayings
Austrian: "If the Lord God doesn't want it then nothing works!"
Bavarian: "A little bit is always possible."

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because i live here since 1990 and the center of my life is here, i grew up here and im austrian citizen, it would be difficult for me to start a new life somewhere else. why a pakistani wants to live in london?

The country "Pakistan" was made from the Brits. Pakistan is an artificial "product" made under the greatest stream of refugees and displaced persons the world had seen up to this absurde moment of history.

Die Unabhängigkeit Indiens ging einher mit der Teilung des Landes in die Indische Union und das muslimische Pakistan. Bei schweren Unruhen fanden ca. 1 Mio. Menschen den Tod, über 15 Mio. wurden zu Flüchtlingen. Gandhi empfand dies alles als eine persönliche Tragödie. Obwohl er mit all seiner Kraft versuchte, in den Zentren der schlimmsten Gewaltausbrüche, namentlich in Calcutta, Hass und Gewalt Einhalt zu gebieten, konnte er den Gang der Ereignisse nicht aufhalten. 32 Jahre Arbeit, so sein Resümee, "sind zu einem unrühmlichen Ende gekommen". Dieses Scheitern bezog Gandhi allerdings allein auf seine persönlichen Unzulänglichkeiten und nicht auf die ewig gültigen Prinzipien von Wahrheit und Gewaltfreiheit. Denn die Wahrheit währt immer und kann nie zerstört werden.

Aus dieser tiefen Überzeugung schöpfte Gandhi seine ganze Kraft und seinen geschichtlichen Optimismus. Geschichte ist für Gandhi nicht sinnlos. Sie hat ein letztes Ziel, auf das alles historische Geschehen ausgerichtet ist. Gandhi bezeichnet diesen Endzustand als ramarajya, die Herrschaft des Gottes Rama: die vollständige innere und äußere Unabhängigkeit des einzelnen und seiner Mitmenschen, also "die Verwirklichung des Reichs Gottes inwendig in euch und auf dieser Erde".

Source: An der Wahrheit festhalten


India's independence was accompanied by the division of the country into the Indian Union and Muslim Pakistan. Around 1 million people were killed in serious unrest and over 15 million became refugees. Gandhi saw all this as a personal tragedy. Although he tried with all his might to put a stop to hatred and violence in the centers of the worst outbreaks of violence, especially in Calcutta, he was unable to halt the course of events. 32 years of work, he concluded, "have come to an inglorious end". However, Gandhi attributed this failure solely to his personal shortcomings and not to the eternally valid principles of truth and non-violence. For truth endures forever and can never be destroyed.

Gandhi drew all his strength and his historical optimism from this deep conviction. For Gandhi, history is not meaningless. It has an ultimate goal towards which all historical events are directed. Gandhi described this final state as ramarajya, the reign of the god Rama: the complete inner and outer independence of the individual and his fellow human beings, i.e. "the realization of the kingdom of God within you and on this earth".

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Growing numbers of European people say that the refugees are being treated better than citizens. Their anger is aggravated by the toll of the war on the cost of living in the EU and the growing price of fuel and food.

The FPÖ is calling for a stop to immigration into the Austrian welfare state. Among other things, they advocate limiting basic services to benefits in kind, obliging refugees to do community service without pay, and introducing a special tax for integrated persons. They are also calling for restrictions on access to the labor market for foreign workers, including EU citizens.


Growing numbers of European people say that the refugees are being treated better than citizens. Their anger is aggravated by the toll of the war on the cost of living in the EU and the growing price of fuel and food.

The FPÖ is calling for a stop to immigration into the Austrian welfare state. Among other things, they advocate limiting basic services to benefits in kind, obliging refugees to do community service without pay, and introducing a special tax for integrated persons. They are also calling for restrictions on access to the labor market for foreign workers, including EU citizens.

They will change their tune when Russia attacks Austria and Austrians have to evacuate their wives and daughters.. They would quite appreciate help then,

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