Kid Rock will be registering voters at his shows

he is an awesome actor...he really nailed his role in "Joe Dirt"

actors do not make good politicians. neither do 'musicians' or snake oil salesmen.

i didn't vote for al franken. or reagan. or clint. or the guy from the love boat either.

you plan to continue making an ass of yourself as long I keep responding...

Not very smart of you.

But then, considering the source....

considering you started this fun fest, & trolled me.... i considered the source from the starting gun's first <pop> gome's... 'tis you who responds to me. you know it & i know it & as long as you entertain me, i'll keep you replying.




You started it with this asinine post:

even white trash should have the right to vote.

yep. they even have the Constitutional American right to vote just as much as any other American citizen, regardless of race, creed, gender, religion, lack of religion, or being white trash.

ye-haw! 'merica- FUCK YA!

so where's the problem, gome's? why does my opinion bother you? you opining away about me does nothing but make me giggle.
run outta tissue, little snowflake?
run outta tissue, little snowflake?

I don't need tissue, do you?


To wipe your keyboard of the crap you're putting out?

such anger tsk tsk. tweeking so early is really bad for you.


Finally gone over the wall?
he is an awesome actor...he really nailed his role in "Joe Dirt"

actors do not make good politicians. neither do 'musicians' or snake oil salesmen.

i didn't vote for al franken. or reagan. or clint. or the guy from the love boat either.

That's nice...

do you prefer him over the guy he beat?

you mean the guy who kept wanting to spend tax payer $ for a recount because he was a snowflake about losing? sure.

know why though? not because al franken is a 'liberal' or a (D) or whatever label you wanna use for him (no worries, i won't get offended like you).... because he got sessions to fess up that he's in deep enough w/ the roooskies.

in fact i give kudos to the actor ronny for wanting to reduce nukes & actually had a relationship w/ the top russian at the time. i didn't have to worry about him being a treasonous asswipe. speaking of which - K R's white trash fans voted for trump i am sure. & they had that right too.
even white trash should have the right to vote.

^^^ Racist Alert ^^^

lol- i am white, dummy. but that matters not anyway.... because like i said from the start... if they are US citizens, then they don't deserve any kind of jim crow laws imposed upon them.

I was aware you're white. But you're still a racist.

sure dummy. sure. gotta love them thar alternative facts.

Which alternative facts do you speak of? You're white and you're a racist. Nothing "alternative" about those facts. :ahole-1:
That's pretty vague. How is he planning on registering voters? Is he going to hire someone that knows the registration laws in each state?

Shame he's too partisan now or he could have partnered with an established organization like Rock the Vote.
even white trash should have the right to vote.

^^^ Racist Alert ^^^

lol- i am white, dummy. but that matters not anyway.... because like i said from the start... if they are US citizens, then they don't deserve any kind of jim crow laws imposed upon them.

I was aware you're white. But you're still a racist.

sure dummy. sure. gotta love them thar alternative facts.

Which alternative facts do you speak of? You're white and you're a racist. Nothing "alternative" about those facts. :ahole-1:

lol....m'k. if you say so. guess it's against you then 'eh?
oh my.... what a patriot. but those surrounding that still get the right to vote...

That's pretty vague. How is he planning on registering voters? Is he going to hire someone that knows the registration laws in each state?

Shame he's too partisan now or he could have partnered with an established organization like Rock the Vote.
There are voter registration drives at lots of concerts. Why would his be any different. It seems to me the partisanship lies with you.
News - Kid Rock

The more legally registered American citizens we have involved in the electoral process, the better....right?
Almost every concert I goto here in KC has voter registration drives.

Having said that I'm not sure how I feel about an influx of strung out druggies altering our local politics via their vote.
Yeah, Black Lives Matter really can't take the competition.
That's pretty vague. How is he planning on registering voters? Is he going to hire someone that knows the registration laws in each state?

Shame he's too partisan now or he could have partnered with an established organization like Rock the Vote.
There are voter registration drives at lots of concerts. Why would his be any different. It seems to me the partisanship lies with you.

None of those artists are talking about running for office. If they did, Rock the Vote would have to sever the relationship. Understand now?
I get registration forms from drives at concerts, fairs, farmers markets, outside grocery stores, etc. They all suck. People are in a hurry, they don't remember their information or worse still, they let the drive people fill it out and they just sign...without checking if it correct.

Online and automatic registration when you get you DL is the way to go.
That's pretty vague. How is he planning on registering voters? Is he going to hire someone that knows the registration laws in each state?

Shame he's too partisan now or he could have partnered with an established organization like Rock the Vote.
There are voter registration drives at lots of concerts. Why would his be any different. It seems to me the partisanship lies with you.

None of those artists are talking about running for office. If they did, Rock the Vote would have to sever the relationship. Understand now?
I understand perfectly well. You're entrenched in your partisan bs. You just said he should partner with Rock the Vote then said if he tried they would decline as he's taken a side.

Keep jumping through those hoops!
even white trash should have the right to vote.

^^^ Racist Alert ^^^

lol- i am white, dummy. but that matters not anyway.... because like i said from the start... if they are US citizens, then they don't deserve any kind of jim crow laws imposed upon them.
Your elitism is obvious, there would be no trump if there was no obama... elections have consequences… I think barry said that once. Lol
karma is a bitch
Well, the elites can keep their obamacare/single payer, prius', seatbelt and helmet laws, supposed polar bear saving regulations, frivolous and ignorant gun control laws, to themselves...
even white trash should have the right to vote.

^^^ Racist Alert ^^^

lol- i am white, dummy. but that matters not anyway.... because like i said from the start... if they are US citizens, then they don't deserve any kind of jim crow laws imposed upon them.
Your elitism is obvious, there would be no trump if there was no obama... elections have consequences… I think barry said that once. Lol
karma is a bitch

elitist you say? haaaaaaaa......... sure. how about sarcasm? you know.... sarcasm. hmmmmm ....trump does love the poorly educated.....


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