Kid Rock will be registering voters at his shows

lol... you sound a little snowflakey there, buttercup. did i hit a cranked up nerve?

No, but I obviously did.

Don't like being called white trash?

Then don't use it to describe others

uh-huh. you were the one who jumped & replied to me gomez. put down the pipe & turn off the crappy white trash K R muzak.
uh-huh. you were the one who jumped & replied to me gomez. put down the pipe & turn off the crappy white trash K R muzak.

Little girl(?), all I did was point out you're no better than those you were attacking.

and you've gone out of your way to prove it.

noooo....see, when someone replies to me di-rectly like.... i tend to answer back. you replied to me. i replied back. you replied again to me. i replied again back to you. if you didn't post to me at all, this little b/f would never be out on the interwebs.

see how that works?

see how that works?


you plan to continue making an ass of yourself as long I keep responding...

Not very smart of you.

But then, considering the source....

considering you started this fun fest, & trolled me.... i considered the source from the starting gun's first <pop> gome's... 'tis you who responds to me. you know it & i know it & as long as you entertain me, i'll keep you replying.


No, but I obviously did.

Don't like being called white trash?

Then don't use it to describe others

uh-huh. you were the one who jumped & replied to me gomez. put down the pipe & turn off the crappy white trash K R muzak.
uh-huh. you were the one who jumped & replied to me gomez. put down the pipe & turn off the crappy white trash K R muzak.

Little girl(?), all I did was point out you're no better than those you were attacking.

and you've gone out of your way to prove it.

noooo....see, when someone replies to me di-rectly like.... i tend to answer back. you replied to me. i replied back. you replied again to me. i replied again back to you. if you didn't post to me at all, this little b/f would never be out on the interwebs.

see how that works?

see how that works?


you plan to continue making an ass of yourself as long I keep responding...

Not very smart of you.

But then, considering the source....

considering you started this fun fest, & trolled me.... i considered the source from the starting gun's first <pop> gome's... 'tis you who responds to me. you know it & i know it & as long as you entertain me, i'll keep you replying.




You started it with this asinine post:

even white trash should have the right to vote.
He is liberals worst nightmare
Celebrity conservative with a youthful base of support
Good for him. The more people that join in on the electoral process the better.
Now the lib media will create a fake news story about all the " head....felons" that he registered and libs will lap it up as it is their cornerstone favorite-an attack on a successful, conservative white male
uh-huh. you were the one who jumped & replied to me gomez. put down the pipe & turn off the crappy white trash K R muzak.
uh-huh. you were the one who jumped & replied to me gomez. put down the pipe & turn off the crappy white trash K R muzak.

Little girl(?), all I did was point out you're no better than those you were attacking.

and you've gone out of your way to prove it.

noooo....see, when someone replies to me di-rectly like.... i tend to answer back. you replied to me. i replied back. you replied again to me. i replied again back to you. if you didn't post to me at all, this little b/f would never be out on the interwebs.

see how that works?

see how that works?


you plan to continue making an ass of yourself as long I keep responding...

Not very smart of you.

But then, considering the source....

considering you started this fun fest, & trolled me.... i considered the source from the starting gun's first <pop> gome's... 'tis you who responds to me. you know it & i know it & as long as you entertain me, i'll keep you replying.




You started it with this asinine post:

even white trash should have the right to vote.

yep. they even have the Constitutional American right to vote just as much as any other American citizen, regardless of race, creed, gender, religion, lack of religion, or being white trash.

ye-haw! 'merica- FUCK YA!

so where's the problem, gome's? why does my opinion bother you? you opining away about me does nothing but make me giggle.
run outta tissue, little snowflake?
It will be interesting to watch this rock singers popularity declines among his demographic base.
Little girl(?), all I did was point out you're no better than those you were attacking.

and you've gone out of your way to prove it.

noooo....see, when someone replies to me di-rectly like.... i tend to answer back. you replied to me. i replied back. you replied again to me. i replied again back to you. if you didn't post to me at all, this little b/f would never be out on the interwebs.

see how that works?

see how that works?


you plan to continue making an ass of yourself as long I keep responding...

Not very smart of you.

But then, considering the source....

considering you started this fun fest, & trolled me.... i considered the source from the starting gun's first <pop> gome's... 'tis you who responds to me. you know it & i know it & as long as you entertain me, i'll keep you replying.




You started it with this asinine post:

even white trash should have the right to vote.

yep. they even have the Constitutional American right to vote just as much as any other American citizen, regardless of race, creed, gender, religion, lack of religion, or being white trash.

ye-haw! 'merica- FUCK YA!

so where's the problem, gome's? why does my opinion bother you? you opining away about me does nothing but make me giggle.
run outta tissue, little snowflake?
run outta tissue, little snowflake?

I don't need tissue, do you?


To wipe your keyboard of the crap you're putting out?
noooo....see, when someone replies to me di-rectly like.... i tend to answer back. you replied to me. i replied back. you replied again to me. i replied again back to you. if you didn't post to me at all, this little b/f would never be out on the interwebs.

see how that works?

see how that works?


you plan to continue making an ass of yourself as long I keep responding...

Not very smart of you.

But then, considering the source....

considering you started this fun fest, & trolled me.... i considered the source from the starting gun's first <pop> gome's... 'tis you who responds to me. you know it & i know it & as long as you entertain me, i'll keep you replying.




You started it with this asinine post:

even white trash should have the right to vote.

yep. they even have the Constitutional American right to vote just as much as any other American citizen, regardless of race, creed, gender, religion, lack of religion, or being white trash.

ye-haw! 'merica- FUCK YA!

so where's the problem, gome's? why does my opinion bother you? you opining away about me does nothing but make me giggle.
run outta tissue, little snowflake?
run outta tissue, little snowflake?

I don't need tissue, do you?


To wipe your keyboard of the crap you're putting out?

such anger tsk tsk. tweeking so early is really bad for you.

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