Kids Today: Spoiled or..... ?


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
Do you think the kids today are spoiled, or, do you think that it's just another generation that's different?

I see more kids basically doing what they want without parents restraining their children.
I see more kids and teens not saying "excuse me" or "I'm sorry" if they bump into you etc.
I see more decisions being made by parents based on what their kids think or feel instead of being parents.

Are kids any different today then they were 10, 20, 30 years ago?
They're spoiled but they are also never taught that there are limits or rules. These kids run their homes and rule over their parents more often than not from what I see. That would not be allowed in my home.
They're spoiled but they are also never taught that there are limits or rules. These kids run their homes and rule over their parents more often than not from what I see. That would not be allowed in my home.

Why do you think this is? That parents are like this in the current generation?
not the kids...lazy parents.....its easy to be a bad parent....being a good one takes time and energy...

i live in a part of the country where young people are polite and helpful....i told my son his whole young life that good manners will open doors when nothing else will...

a friend from ca always comments on how polite southern kids are....i point out to her that we beat the hell outta them if they are not
Still it goes back to the larger question - why?

Is selfishness and self-indulgence in the US weakening the citizens in the long run?
Personally, I don't think you have to either beat your kids into submission or be totally permissive.

The BEST form of discipline is RESTRICTION. Restriction from whatever it is your kids like most.
This again, however, goes to parental work and effort, which, parents don't want to deal with.

Restriction requires parental attention and follow through. Also, you have to deal with whining, crying screaming etc. Hitting your kid will quiet them, but, not without possible emotional consequence (causes emotional issues and hang ups) - but the issues from never disciplining are just as bad. threatening parents with social services etc....i have seen boys hit their mothers and the father not do a damn thing....the first and only time my son raised his hand.....i jerked the car off the road and jerked him up by his jacket and told feel froggy you fucking jump and i will kick your dumb ass...ah i was younger and stronger back then but he has respect for his elders and is still alive....

again being a good parent is hard.....i would show up at places he said he would be....sure it embarrassed the hell outta him but he knew i would do it...does that mean he was an angel....o hell no...i was good with being told by him that he hated me...i told him that was fine i was not his friend i was his mother...sure it broke my heart but fuck all if i would let him know that...
You need to call the kids bluff. If they want to call you in and be given over to social services, let's see how they feel about that....

Kids manipulate, you have to grow a set and call them on it.
Personally, I don't think you have to either beat your kids into submission or be totally permissive.

The BEST form of discipline is RESTRICTION. Restriction from whatever it is your kids like most.
This again, however, goes to parental work and effort, which, parents don't want to deal with.

Restriction requires parental attention and follow through. Also, you have to deal with whining, crying screaming etc. Hitting your kid will quiet them, but, not without possible emotional consequence (causes emotional issues and hang ups) - but the issues from never disciplining are just as bad.

and you have no kids.....

i never wanted to spank the kidlet...but try explaining electrical sockets and yes i had covers but they will learn to pry them off....smack on the bottom explained it a lot faster than talking it to death.....try being in a life threatening situation in the cold and the kidlet is continuing to kick his shoes off in the gonna talk to him or give him a quick smack on the bottom....

the last time i hit him....he was 15....6' 4" and lying to my face....i dont think he thought his mom would just punch him in the mouth but damn it ...dont lie to me...

i always told me son....dont lie to me...tell me the truth so i will know who to lie to
Still it goes back to the larger question - why?

Is selfishness and self-indulgence in the US weakening the citizens in the long run?
Being poor and doing without many necessities ain't to good for the motivation center either...
You need to call the kids bluff. If they want to call you in and be given over to social services, let's see how they feel about that....

Kids manipulate, you have to grow a set and call them on it.
No worse than a women....
You need to call the kids bluff. If they want to call you in and be given over to social services, let's see how they feel about that....

Kids manipulate, you have to grow a set and call them on it.
No worse than a women....

Not all women are like that. I know I'm not. I just want a home, food basics, TV, a computer and to be left alone unless there is something of substance to discuss or a place/event to go to. I don't expect my husband to read my mind. I have a mouth and I'm not afraid to say what I want (which is not much) - I don't talk a lot, and expect nothing.
the school fill their heads with this bullshit.....he did threaten to call social time...i told him to go for it....cause i would beat the hell outta him till they got there and then they would put him in foster program and i wasnt a good enough mother to get him back....he cried and told me that is what they told him to do in school...
and that fucking dare program....dont get me started
You need to call the kids bluff. If they want to call you in and be given over to social services, let's see how they feel about that....

Kids manipulate, you have to grow a set and call them on it.
No worse than a women....

Not all women are like that. I know I'm not. I just want a home, food basics, TV, a computer and to be left alone unless there is something of substance to discuss or a place/event to go to. I don't expect my husband to read my mind. I have a mouth and I'm not afraid to say what I want (which is not much) - I don't talk a lot, and expect nothing.
Many women/men want....Want a man to do his socio-economic sexually biased job and provide without question to a woman that refuses to even pick up after herself, men can be this whey also, but I'm not ghey...In my boat, you don't row, you don't stay in the boat...
the school fill their heads with this bullshit.....he did threaten to call social time...i told him to go for it....cause i would beat the hell outta him till they got there and then they would put him in foster program and i wasnt a good enough mother to get him back....he cried and told me that is what they told him to do in school...
and that fucking dare program....dont get me started
I constantly made sure my kids understood the propaganda political machine of the cops and teachers along with Dept of Family services..It's war out there and they want our kids....
Parents today want to be their kid's friend. They are too stupid to realize that the 'friendship' with kids needs to come when they are adults, long after the active parenting part is over. Parents today (no not all but damn an awful lot of them) think nothing of giving their kids a cell phone at 7 or 8 years old. They think nothing of letting them at 10 have full access to the internet on computers and phones, twitter accounts, facebook, etc and do little to no monitoring. They let the whole world into their children's brain and think nothing of it. Morons.

Cable tv comes with parental controls ... we used them (and still do, yeah I still block channels like mtv and the like) because too much of what's on is just plain shit. The neighbors were letting their boys play Call of Duty when the kids were 5 and 6 years old. My youngest is now 18, gave us a run for the money (still does but she has matured tons in the past year or so) was the one who screamed the 'I hate you' crap. My response? 'I'm not here to be liked, I'm here to parent you'. lol, that made her even madder.
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and they want our kids to snitch on got bad in high school...they attempted to bust my son....scared the hell outta him threatening him with calling me and having me take him in for a drug test....he fell for that shit...
that pissed me off as much as them threatening him...
ahh zoom....i did tell my hubby that day that my son started the i hate you crap....that if i died in my sleep to tell my son ..i knew he didnt hate me....but not to tell him for 3 days...mother's guilt

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