"Kill Drug Dealers And I'll Give You a Medal"

You're arguing fiction, screenplays to convince me that vigilante justice is acceptable? Alright, let's dumb it down and play in your ballpark:
Lol, no, the dramatic depiction was merely for illustration. Frontier justice was quite common on the frontier, and so vigilante justice is not an oxymoron, but is a close if not superior proximity to government justice.
No. Trial without jury, killing without trial, this is not justice. Taking the law into your own hands is not justice. Vigilantism is NOT justice.

It is revenge, it is arbitrary, it is uncivilized.
And without some court oversight, people can kill whomever and claim they were a drug dealer.
Lol, bullshit, maybe among liberals but not among honest folks.

Lmao!! Of course, only liberals are dishonest?

Of course it would not be honest folk. But it would certainly open things up for killing rivals, neighbors you didn't like, ect ect ect.

I didnt say only liberals are dishonest, but with the nature of atheism, and hypersecularism, the rate of honesty among liberals is low enough to not bother with the details.

Plenty of conservatives are dishonest.

Wow, wouldnt it be nice of honor and honesty were public standards of conduct once more?

OF course you Dems couldnt run Hillary for POTUS, but still......

"You dems"? lol If you are going to make stuff up, at least try to be clever about it. No, I am not a democrat.

As for this "honest folks" thing, you are advocating making it open season on drug dealers. If you kill one you get a bounty. And you expect only drug dealers will be murdered? You are not that naive.

Yes, it would be very nice to have honor and honesty again. I think the first step is to make it about issues and not the Dems v. Republicans over everything else.
"You dems"? lol If you are going to make stuff up, at least try to be clever about it. No, I am not a democrat.


Oh, wait, I'm sorry. :D

As for this "honest folks" thing, you are advocating making it open season on drug dealers. If you kill one you get a bounty. And you expect only drug dealers will be murdered? You are not that naive.

Usually Vigilance Committees acted as a body and they reviewed what facts that they had and they got guilty people. They did not fall for framed neighbors dirty tricks.

You have been watching too many BBC murder mysteries.

Yes, it would be very nice to have honor and honesty again. I think the first step is to make it about issues and not the Dems v. Republicans over everything else.

I agree. But getting from here to there is always the trick, isnt it?
"You dems"? lol If you are going to make stuff up, at least try to be clever about it. No, I am not a democrat.


Oh, wait, I'm sorry. :D

As for this "honest folks" thing, you are advocating making it open season on drug dealers. If you kill one you get a bounty. And you expect only drug dealers will be murdered? You are not that naive.

Usually Vigilance Committees acted as a body and they reviewed what facts that they had and they got guilty people. They did not fall for framed neighbors dirty tricks.

You have been watching too many BBC murder mysteries.

Yes, it would be very nice to have honor and honesty again. I think the first step is to make it about issues and not the Dems v. Republicans over everything else.

I agree. But getting from here to there is always the trick, isnt it?

Watching too many BBC murder mysteries? How many "Vigilante Committee" meetings are you claiming to have attended?

I can't fathom how anyone would think allowing civilans to perform summary executions on someone. That you think allowing executions without any sort of trial, is a good idea is beyond belief. And then you think there won't be people killing someone and claiming they were a drug dealer? Claiming it was a drug dealer just became a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card for murders.

And there is always another dealer waiting.
"You dems"? lol If you are going to make stuff up, at least try to be clever about it. No, I am not a democrat.


Oh, wait, I'm sorry. :D

As for this "honest folks" thing, you are advocating making it open season on drug dealers. If you kill one you get a bounty. And you expect only drug dealers will be murdered? You are not that naive.

Usually Vigilance Committees acted as a body and they reviewed what facts that they had and they got guilty people. They did not fall for framed neighbors dirty tricks.

You have been watching too many BBC murder mysteries.

Yes, it would be very nice to have honor and honesty again. I think the first step is to make it about issues and not the Dems v. Republicans over everything else.

I agree. But getting from here to there is always the trick, isnt it?

Watching too many BBC murder mysteries? How many "Vigilante Committee" meetings are you claiming to have attended?

That data is only given on a need to know basis, dude.

I can't fathom how anyone would think allowing civilans to perform summary executions on someone. That you think allowing executions without any sort of trial, is a good idea is beyond belief.

Well, I cant help what you find believable, but it worked while we settled our frontier regions and it can work again as governing bodies fail to enforce the laws again, dude.

And then you think there won't be people killing someone and claiming they were a drug dealer? Claiming it was a drug dealer just became a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card for murders.

Yes, because the people leading up the Star Chamber wouldnt fall for that kind of stupid bullshit. They would have informants to verify or reject claims by assinine liberals wanting to kill their neighbors, goofus. Drug dealers always have records for petty crimes and usually for dealing also, etc.


And there is always another dealer waiting.

And there will always be another man with a rope waiting for them too, dude.
How to deal with the drug epidemic...

Drug addicts in jail cells and dealers' bodies littering the streets: 60,000 people turn themselves in to authorities in the Philippines after the president tells citizens to 'go ahead and kill' drug users
15 July 2016 - Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte, dubbed 'The Punisher', has waged a war on drugs throughout the country
* After winning elections in May this year he has urged citizens to kill suspected drug users and dealers
* Police have confirmed killing more than 110 drug suspects since the president came to power
* Communications Office Secretary Martin Andanar said 60,000 drug dependents have surrendered to authorities

Nearly 60,000 Filipino drug addicts have surrendered themselves to the government after President Rodrigo Duterte urged citizens to 'go ahead and kill' drug dealers and users. Mr Duterte, dubbed 'The Punisher', won elections in May and promised a law-and-order crackdown on drugs. 'These sons of w****s are destroying our children. I warn you, don't go into that, even if you're a policeman, because I will really kill you,' the president told an audience during a speech in the country's capital, Manila. Presidential Communications Office Secretary Martin Andanar said close to 60,000 drug dependents have surrendered to authorities since the administration began its intensified campaign against drugs.

Police have confirmed killing more than 110 drug suspects since the president came to power, while local news reports suggest that figure is around 200. At least 43,000 alleged drug traffickers have been 'neutralised' and 300kg of shabu, a highly addictive methamphetamine, has been confiscated, according to local reports. President Duterte has warned of widespread bloodshed as part of the government's war on drugs. He vowed on one occasion during the election campaign that 100,000 people would die, and so many bodies would be dumped in Manila Bay that the fish there would grow fat from feeding on them, according to the South China Morning Post. Duterte has also told police he would protect them from legal consequences if they killed drug dealers, the Post reported.

Last week, gruesome images showing slain drug dealers with 'I'm a pusher' signs covering their chests emerged. The grim scenes of alleged drug dealers found shot dead in Manila last week are growing increasingly common as police wage a bloody war on narcotics. The government's top lawyer called for police to kill more suspected drug criminals, as he defended president Duterte's brutal war on crime against mounting criticism. As the official death toll has mounted, and other bodies not confirmed killed by police have been found with placards declaring them drug traffickers, human rights lawyers have expressed deep concerns about the war on crime spiralling out of control.

In response to the criticism, Solicitor General Jose Calida held a press conference on Monday at national police headquarters to insist on the legality of the police killings and to encourage more deaths of people suspected of being involved in the drug trade. 'To me, that is not enough,' Calida said of the killings so far. 'How many drug addicts or pushers are there in the Philippines? Our villages are almost saturated (with drugs).' A lawyer and a former prosecutor, Duterte has urged law enforcers to kill those they believe are involved in the drug trade, as well as other criminals.

How to deal with the drug epidemic...

Drug addicts in jail cells and dealers' bodies littering the streets: 60,000 people turn themselves in to authorities in the Philippines after the president tells citizens to 'go ahead and kill' drug users
15 July 2016 - Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte, dubbed 'The Punisher', has waged a war on drugs throughout the country
* After winning elections in May this year he has urged citizens to kill suspected drug users and dealers
* Police have confirmed killing more than 110 drug suspects since the president came to power
* Communications Office Secretary Martin Andanar said 60,000 drug dependents have surrendered to authorities

Nearly 60,000 Filipino drug addicts have surrendered themselves to the government after President Rodrigo Duterte urged citizens to 'go ahead and kill' drug dealers and users. Mr Duterte, dubbed 'The Punisher', won elections in May and promised a law-and-order crackdown on drugs. 'These sons of w****s are destroying our children. I warn you, don't go into that, even if you're a policeman, because I will really kill you,' the president told an audience during a speech in the country's capital, Manila. Presidential Communications Office Secretary Martin Andanar said close to 60,000 drug dependents have surrendered to authorities since the administration began its intensified campaign against drugs.

Police have confirmed killing more than 110 drug suspects since the president came to power, while local news reports suggest that figure is around 200. At least 43,000 alleged drug traffickers have been 'neutralised' and 300kg of shabu, a highly addictive methamphetamine, has been confiscated, according to local reports. President Duterte has warned of widespread bloodshed as part of the government's war on drugs. He vowed on one occasion during the election campaign that 100,000 people would die, and so many bodies would be dumped in Manila Bay that the fish there would grow fat from feeding on them, according to the South China Morning Post. Duterte has also told police he would protect them from legal consequences if they killed drug dealers, the Post reported.

Last week, gruesome images showing slain drug dealers with 'I'm a pusher' signs covering their chests emerged. The grim scenes of alleged drug dealers found shot dead in Manila last week are growing increasingly common as police wage a bloody war on narcotics. The government's top lawyer called for police to kill more suspected drug criminals, as he defended president Duterte's brutal war on crime against mounting criticism. As the official death toll has mounted, and other bodies not confirmed killed by police have been found with placards declaring them drug traffickers, human rights lawyers have expressed deep concerns about the war on crime spiralling out of control.

In response to the criticism, Solicitor General Jose Calida held a press conference on Monday at national police headquarters to insist on the legality of the police killings and to encourage more deaths of people suspected of being involved in the drug trade. 'To me, that is not enough,' Calida said of the killings so far. 'How many drug addicts or pushers are there in the Philippines? Our villages are almost saturated (with drugs).' A lawyer and a former prosecutor, Duterte has urged law enforcers to kill those they believe are involved in the drug trade, as well as other criminals.


How many innocents die too? How many use this to settle personal scores?
Filipinos stand behind Duerte in anti-drug policy...

Filipinos seen backing Duterte despite rising drug killings
Aug 27,`16 -- On the day he was sworn into office, President Rodrigo Duterte went to a Manila slum and exhorted residents who knew any drug addicts to "go ahead and kill them yourself as getting their parents to do it would be too painful."
Two months later, nearly 2,000 suspected drug pushers and users lay dead as morgues continue to fill up. Faced with criticism of his actions by rights activists, international bodies and outspoken Filipinos, including the top judge, Duterte has stuck to his guns and threatened to declare martial law if the Supreme Court meddles in his work. According to a survey early last month, he has the support of nearly 91 percent of Filipinos. The independent poll was done during his first week in office, and no new surveys have come out since then. National police chief Ronald dela Rosa told a Senate hearing this week that police have recorded more than 1,900 dead, including 756 suspected drug dealers and users who were gunned down after they resisted arrest. More than 1,000 other deaths are under investigation, and some of them may not be drug-related, he said.

Jayeel Cornelio, a doctor of sociology and director of Ateneo de Manila University's Development Studies Program, said he suspects only a few of Duterte's supporters are disillusioned by the killings and his rhetoric because voters trust his campaign promise to crush drug criminals. They also find resonance in his cursing and no-holds-barred comments. Duterte's death threats against criminals, his promise to battle corruption, his anti-establishment rhetoric and gutter humor have enamored Filipinos living on the margins of society. He overwhelmingly won the election, mirroring public exasperation over the social ills he condemns. Economic Planning Secretary Ernesto Pernia has said the killings "may be a necessary evil in the pursuit of a greater good," a sentiment echoed by a deluge of comments by Duterte supporters in social media deriding his critics and defending the brutal war on drugs. "The killings are OK so there will be less criminals, drug pushers and drug addicts in our society," said Rex Alisoso, a 25-year-old cleaner in Manila. He said people have gotten used to the way Duterte talks and voted for him knowing his ways.

Kim Labasan, a Manila shopkeeper, said she does not like Duterte's constant swearing, his "stepping on too many toes," and his decision to allow late dictator Ferdinand Marcos to be buried in the Heroes' Cemetery. But she supports the anti-drug war despite the rising death toll because, she said, she has personally seen the effects of drugs. Addicts in her hometown north of Manila have ended up with "poisoned brains" and even robbed her family's home. "A battle of moralities is being waged right now by this administration - before, if you were a human rights advocate you are a hero of the country, now you are seen as someone who can destroy the country," Cornelio said. He said that Duterte fosters "penal populism" - identifying a particular enemy, a criminal, and then hunting him down to death. Because the results are visible, tangible and people feel it, "it becomes more important than many other things to the ordinary person."


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