"Kill Drug Dealers And I'll Give You a Medal"

Obviously this is a man who loves his country and his people.
...or he is a bona fide grandstanding idiot. Obviously it never occurred to you or him that the drug dealers have guns that go bang as well. I can see a lot of dead civilians and drug lords ruling entire sections of an area with a iron grip.
The Japanese used to have the death penalty for drug dealing on the FIRST offence until drug use dropped to 1/10 of 1% of the population.

Private citizens will now have the advantage simply because drug dealers will not know who is out to kill them. At 63k a head people are bound to form hunting parties just to kill them. ONE kill every 3 months could feed 6 families.

Those f#ckers are going to die.
You are a retard. The Japanese have an enormous illegal drug market and always have.

Private citizens will be killed by the thousands as drug dealers rush to fill the vacancies left by any other drug dealers that get killed. The police will also protect them which is why the president also threatened law enforcement.

No they wont die. Drug dealers will always be around regardless if the drugs are legal or illegal.
You will notice moron we have the law as well. We just don't use it.

"Thirty-two countries, plus Gaza, impose the death penalty for drug smuggling, according to Harm Reduction International (HRI), a drug-focused NGO. All but four (America, Cuba, Sudan and South Sudan) are in Asia or the Middle East. But in most of these countries executions are extremely rare. Fourteen, including America and Cuba, have the death penalty on the books for drug traffickers but do not apply it in practice. Only in six countries—China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore—are drug offenders known to be routinely executed, according to HRI’s most recent analysis. (Indonesia will soon join this list, following its recent executions.) In Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, South Sudan and Syria the data are murky."

"United States drug laws are often considered harsh, but the penalties for carrying or trafficking drugs in other countries, particularly those in Central America, South America, and Southeast Asia, can be much more severe. Here are twenty countries in which you do not want to be caught carrying or selling drugs.

In Malaysia, those who sell drugs can be punished with death. Just for having drugs in your possession, you can be fined, jailed, or deported. Driving drunk is also punished harshly in Malaysia.

In China, if you are caught with drugs, you could be forced to attend drug rehab in a facility run by the government. Execution is the penalty for some drug crimes.

In Vietnam, drug crimes are taken very seriously. If you are arrested with more than 1.3 pounds ofheroin, you will automatically be executed.

Iran is not known to be tolerant of criminal offenses in general, and drug offenses are no different. The use of opium is a particular problem in Iran, in part because it is produced in neighboring Afghanistan. If you are caught with drugs in Iran, the best case scenario is a large fine and the worst-case scenario is the death penalty.

In Thailand, those trafficking narcotics may be put to death. Drug users are frequently sentenced to mandatory rehab.

Dubai is known to be very intolerant of drug abuse. Many prescription drugs that are legal in other parts of the world can get you put in jail in Dubai. It is typical for drug offenders to be sentenced to four years in prison and then be deported. Failing a drug test can be grounds for incarceration Dubai, even if you are not in possession of any drugs.

Saudi Arabia
The sale of drugs in Saudi Arabia almost always results in the death penalty. Saudi Arabia and judicial authorities are not inclined to make exceptions. Alcohol use is illegal in Saudi Arabia, and possession or use of alcohol or drugs can be punished by public flogging, fines, lengthy imprisonment, or death.

Singaporean police will assume that you are selling drugs if you are caught with relatively small amounts. If you are convicted of selling drugs, you will be sentenced to death.

In Cambodia, you can be sentenced to many years in prison or even life in prison for possessing drugs. Unlike many other South Asian countries, Cambodia does not mandate the death penalty for drug trafficking.

Indonesian drug laws are harsh. If you are caught with marijuana, you can get up to twenty years in jail. Other drugs carry jail terms of up to twelve years, and the sale of drugs is punishable by death.

If you’re caught with drugs in Laos, you could pay up to $35,000. If you are found with narcotics, you could spend ten years or more in prison.

North Korea
Foreigners rarely visit North Korea, but there are several tour groups that can help you visit the reclusive nation. Do not bring drugs into North Korea, because you could find yourself sentenced to an extremely lengthy stay in a prison camp. You will have no contact with your friends or family, and it may be very difficult for the United States government to intervene.

The Philippines
In the Philippines, drug traffickers are sentenced to death. You may be presumed to be a drug trafficker if you have more than a third of an ounce of a drug in your possession.

Penalties for drug possession in Turkey include large fines and long prison sentences. Penalties for selling drugs can be even stricter.

Costa Rica
As in other South American countries, possession of drugs in Costa Rica can land you in jail for a lengthy stay.

If you get caught with drugs in Columbia, you will spend a long time in a very unpleasant prison. Police make several arrests a day at airports in Columbia, catching many foreign nationals."

The 20 Countries with the Harshest Drug Laws in the World

In 6 months, a years tops we COULD clean Chicago/Baltimore and St Louis.
Obviously you are retarded. We dont have a law that says private citizens can kill drug dealers.
I never said private citizens could here faggot. I said the law was on the books that ALLOWED the death penalty FOR drug dealing.
We could clean our streets and empty our prisons just by enforcing a law that ALREADY exists.
...or he is a bona fide grandstanding idiot. Obviously it never occurred to you or him that the drug dealers have guns that go bang as well. I can see a lot of dead civilians and drug lords ruling entire sections of an area with a iron grip.
The Japanese used to have the death penalty for drug dealing on the FIRST offence until drug use dropped to 1/10 of 1% of the population.

Private citizens will now have the advantage simply because drug dealers will not know who is out to kill them. At 63k a head people are bound to form hunting parties just to kill them. ONE kill every 3 months could feed 6 families.

Those f#ckers are going to die.
You are a retard. The Japanese have an enormous illegal drug market and always have.

Private citizens will be killed by the thousands as drug dealers rush to fill the vacancies left by any other drug dealers that get killed. The police will also protect them which is why the president also threatened law enforcement.

No they wont die. Drug dealers will always be around regardless if the drugs are legal or illegal.
You will notice moron we have the law as well. We just don't use it.

"Thirty-two countries, plus Gaza, impose the death penalty for drug smuggling, according to Harm Reduction International (HRI), a drug-focused NGO. All but four (America, Cuba, Sudan and South Sudan) are in Asia or the Middle East. But in most of these countries executions are extremely rare. Fourteen, including America and Cuba, have the death penalty on the books for drug traffickers but do not apply it in practice. Only in six countries—China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore—are drug offenders known to be routinely executed, according to HRI’s most recent analysis. (Indonesia will soon join this list, following its recent executions.) In Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, South Sudan and Syria the data are murky."

"United States drug laws are often considered harsh, but the penalties for carrying or trafficking drugs in other countries, particularly those in Central America, South America, and Southeast Asia, can be much more severe. Here are twenty countries in which you do not want to be caught carrying or selling drugs.

In Malaysia, those who sell drugs can be punished with death. Just for having drugs in your possession, you can be fined, jailed, or deported. Driving drunk is also punished harshly in Malaysia.

In China, if you are caught with drugs, you could be forced to attend drug rehab in a facility run by the government. Execution is the penalty for some drug crimes.

In Vietnam, drug crimes are taken very seriously. If you are arrested with more than 1.3 pounds ofheroin, you will automatically be executed.

Iran is not known to be tolerant of criminal offenses in general, and drug offenses are no different. The use of opium is a particular problem in Iran, in part because it is produced in neighboring Afghanistan. If you are caught with drugs in Iran, the best case scenario is a large fine and the worst-case scenario is the death penalty.

In Thailand, those trafficking narcotics may be put to death. Drug users are frequently sentenced to mandatory rehab.

Dubai is known to be very intolerant of drug abuse. Many prescription drugs that are legal in other parts of the world can get you put in jail in Dubai. It is typical for drug offenders to be sentenced to four years in prison and then be deported. Failing a drug test can be grounds for incarceration Dubai, even if you are not in possession of any drugs.

Saudi Arabia
The sale of drugs in Saudi Arabia almost always results in the death penalty. Saudi Arabia and judicial authorities are not inclined to make exceptions. Alcohol use is illegal in Saudi Arabia, and possession or use of alcohol or drugs can be punished by public flogging, fines, lengthy imprisonment, or death.

Singaporean police will assume that you are selling drugs if you are caught with relatively small amounts. If you are convicted of selling drugs, you will be sentenced to death.

In Cambodia, you can be sentenced to many years in prison or even life in prison for possessing drugs. Unlike many other South Asian countries, Cambodia does not mandate the death penalty for drug trafficking.

Indonesian drug laws are harsh. If you are caught with marijuana, you can get up to twenty years in jail. Other drugs carry jail terms of up to twelve years, and the sale of drugs is punishable by death.

If you’re caught with drugs in Laos, you could pay up to $35,000. If you are found with narcotics, you could spend ten years or more in prison.

North Korea
Foreigners rarely visit North Korea, but there are several tour groups that can help you visit the reclusive nation. Do not bring drugs into North Korea, because you could find yourself sentenced to an extremely lengthy stay in a prison camp. You will have no contact with your friends or family, and it may be very difficult for the United States government to intervene.

The Philippines
In the Philippines, drug traffickers are sentenced to death. You may be presumed to be a drug trafficker if you have more than a third of an ounce of a drug in your possession.

Penalties for drug possession in Turkey include large fines and long prison sentences. Penalties for selling drugs can be even stricter.

Costa Rica
As in other South American countries, possession of drugs in Costa Rica can land you in jail for a lengthy stay.

If you get caught with drugs in Columbia, you will spend a long time in a very unpleasant prison. Police make several arrests a day at airports in Columbia, catching many foreign nationals."

The 20 Countries with the Harshest Drug Laws in the World

In 6 months, a years tops we COULD clean Chicago/Baltimore and St Louis.
Obviously you are retarded. We dont have a law that says private citizens can kill drug dealers.
I never said private citizens could here faggot. I said the law was on the books that ALLOWED the death penalty FOR drug dealing.
We could clean our streets and empty our prisons just by enforcing a law that ALREADY exists.
Hey cave chimp. i never said there wasnt a law on the books that allowed the death penalty. Are you some kind of retard?
This is the kind of positive action that takes place when the voices of the people are acted on. No approval from the Useless Nations needed/required or even asked for. A leader, a real leader puts the power back into the hands of the people.

Shortly, very shortly hundreds if not thousands of drug dealers will be dead and used to feed the fish in Manilla Bay. Budget wise that is a cost cutter and recycle?
That is about as green as green gets.

"Duterte, who starts his six-year term on 30 June, repeated a plan to offer bounties to those who can turn in drug lords, dead or alive."

Sixty five thousand dollars {U.S.} per dead drug dealer. Chicago could be cleaned out in a week. This is how the war on drugs is truly won by killing the dealers. One simply process that could remove illegal drugs HERE by what maybe 90% in a year?

"The 71-year-old won the 9 May presidential election on a bold promise to end crime and corruption within six months. That vow resonated among crime-weary Filipinos, though police officials considered it campaign rhetoric that was impossible to accomplish."

Bold claim yes but no boast. He has already done that as a mayor in the most major city. Crime went down where he was mayor, WAY down.
Kill drug dealers and I'll give you a medal, says Philippines president


Yo, he needs to watch his back from the Commies!

The Japanese used to have the death penalty for drug dealing on the FIRST offence until drug use dropped to 1/10 of 1% of the population.

Private citizens will now have the advantage simply because drug dealers will not know who is out to kill them. At 63k a head people are bound to form hunting parties just to kill them. ONE kill every 3 months could feed 6 families.

Those f#ckers are going to die.
You are a retard. The Japanese have an enormous illegal drug market and always have.

Private citizens will be killed by the thousands as drug dealers rush to fill the vacancies left by any other drug dealers that get killed. The police will also protect them which is why the president also threatened law enforcement.

No they wont die. Drug dealers will always be around regardless if the drugs are legal or illegal.
You will notice moron we have the law as well. We just don't use it.

"Thirty-two countries, plus Gaza, impose the death penalty for drug smuggling, according to Harm Reduction International (HRI), a drug-focused NGO. All but four (America, Cuba, Sudan and South Sudan) are in Asia or the Middle East. But in most of these countries executions are extremely rare. Fourteen, including America and Cuba, have the death penalty on the books for drug traffickers but do not apply it in practice. Only in six countries—China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore—are drug offenders known to be routinely executed, according to HRI’s most recent analysis. (Indonesia will soon join this list, following its recent executions.) In Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, South Sudan and Syria the data are murky."

"United States drug laws are often considered harsh, but the penalties for carrying or trafficking drugs in other countries, particularly those in Central America, South America, and Southeast Asia, can be much more severe. Here are twenty countries in which you do not want to be caught carrying or selling drugs.

In Malaysia, those who sell drugs can be punished with death. Just for having drugs in your possession, you can be fined, jailed, or deported. Driving drunk is also punished harshly in Malaysia.

In China, if you are caught with drugs, you could be forced to attend drug rehab in a facility run by the government. Execution is the penalty for some drug crimes.

In Vietnam, drug crimes are taken very seriously. If you are arrested with more than 1.3 pounds ofheroin, you will automatically be executed.

Iran is not known to be tolerant of criminal offenses in general, and drug offenses are no different. The use of opium is a particular problem in Iran, in part because it is produced in neighboring Afghanistan. If you are caught with drugs in Iran, the best case scenario is a large fine and the worst-case scenario is the death penalty.

In Thailand, those trafficking narcotics may be put to death. Drug users are frequently sentenced to mandatory rehab.

Dubai is known to be very intolerant of drug abuse. Many prescription drugs that are legal in other parts of the world can get you put in jail in Dubai. It is typical for drug offenders to be sentenced to four years in prison and then be deported. Failing a drug test can be grounds for incarceration Dubai, even if you are not in possession of any drugs.

Saudi Arabia
The sale of drugs in Saudi Arabia almost always results in the death penalty. Saudi Arabia and judicial authorities are not inclined to make exceptions. Alcohol use is illegal in Saudi Arabia, and possession or use of alcohol or drugs can be punished by public flogging, fines, lengthy imprisonment, or death.

Singaporean police will assume that you are selling drugs if you are caught with relatively small amounts. If you are convicted of selling drugs, you will be sentenced to death.

In Cambodia, you can be sentenced to many years in prison or even life in prison for possessing drugs. Unlike many other South Asian countries, Cambodia does not mandate the death penalty for drug trafficking.

Indonesian drug laws are harsh. If you are caught with marijuana, you can get up to twenty years in jail. Other drugs carry jail terms of up to twelve years, and the sale of drugs is punishable by death.

If you’re caught with drugs in Laos, you could pay up to $35,000. If you are found with narcotics, you could spend ten years or more in prison.

North Korea
Foreigners rarely visit North Korea, but there are several tour groups that can help you visit the reclusive nation. Do not bring drugs into North Korea, because you could find yourself sentenced to an extremely lengthy stay in a prison camp. You will have no contact with your friends or family, and it may be very difficult for the United States government to intervene.

The Philippines
In the Philippines, drug traffickers are sentenced to death. You may be presumed to be a drug trafficker if you have more than a third of an ounce of a drug in your possession.

Penalties for drug possession in Turkey include large fines and long prison sentences. Penalties for selling drugs can be even stricter.

Costa Rica
As in other South American countries, possession of drugs in Costa Rica can land you in jail for a lengthy stay.

If you get caught with drugs in Columbia, you will spend a long time in a very unpleasant prison. Police make several arrests a day at airports in Columbia, catching many foreign nationals."

The 20 Countries with the Harshest Drug Laws in the World

In 6 months, a years tops we COULD clean Chicago/Baltimore and St Louis.
Obviously you are retarded. We dont have a law that says private citizens can kill drug dealers.
I never said private citizens could here faggot. I said the law was on the books that ALLOWED the death penalty FOR drug dealing.
We could clean our streets and empty our prisons just by enforcing a law that ALREADY exists.
Hey cave chimp. i never said there wasnt a law on the books that allowed the death penalty. Are you some kind of retard?
We need to expand that law here in America. Turn those inner cities into hunting grounds.
You are a retard. The Japanese have an enormous illegal drug market and always have.

Private citizens will be killed by the thousands as drug dealers rush to fill the vacancies left by any other drug dealers that get killed. The police will also protect them which is why the president also threatened law enforcement.

No they wont die. Drug dealers will always be around regardless if the drugs are legal or illegal.
You will notice moron we have the law as well. We just don't use it.

"Thirty-two countries, plus Gaza, impose the death penalty for drug smuggling, according to Harm Reduction International (HRI), a drug-focused NGO. All but four (America, Cuba, Sudan and South Sudan) are in Asia or the Middle East. But in most of these countries executions are extremely rare. Fourteen, including America and Cuba, have the death penalty on the books for drug traffickers but do not apply it in practice. Only in six countries—China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore—are drug offenders known to be routinely executed, according to HRI’s most recent analysis. (Indonesia will soon join this list, following its recent executions.) In Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, South Sudan and Syria the data are murky."

"United States drug laws are often considered harsh, but the penalties for carrying or trafficking drugs in other countries, particularly those in Central America, South America, and Southeast Asia, can be much more severe. Here are twenty countries in which you do not want to be caught carrying or selling drugs.

In Malaysia, those who sell drugs can be punished with death. Just for having drugs in your possession, you can be fined, jailed, or deported. Driving drunk is also punished harshly in Malaysia.

In China, if you are caught with drugs, you could be forced to attend drug rehab in a facility run by the government. Execution is the penalty for some drug crimes.

In Vietnam, drug crimes are taken very seriously. If you are arrested with more than 1.3 pounds ofheroin, you will automatically be executed.

Iran is not known to be tolerant of criminal offenses in general, and drug offenses are no different. The use of opium is a particular problem in Iran, in part because it is produced in neighboring Afghanistan. If you are caught with drugs in Iran, the best case scenario is a large fine and the worst-case scenario is the death penalty.

In Thailand, those trafficking narcotics may be put to death. Drug users are frequently sentenced to mandatory rehab.

Dubai is known to be very intolerant of drug abuse. Many prescription drugs that are legal in other parts of the world can get you put in jail in Dubai. It is typical for drug offenders to be sentenced to four years in prison and then be deported. Failing a drug test can be grounds for incarceration Dubai, even if you are not in possession of any drugs.

Saudi Arabia
The sale of drugs in Saudi Arabia almost always results in the death penalty. Saudi Arabia and judicial authorities are not inclined to make exceptions. Alcohol use is illegal in Saudi Arabia, and possession or use of alcohol or drugs can be punished by public flogging, fines, lengthy imprisonment, or death.

Singaporean police will assume that you are selling drugs if you are caught with relatively small amounts. If you are convicted of selling drugs, you will be sentenced to death.

In Cambodia, you can be sentenced to many years in prison or even life in prison for possessing drugs. Unlike many other South Asian countries, Cambodia does not mandate the death penalty for drug trafficking.

Indonesian drug laws are harsh. If you are caught with marijuana, you can get up to twenty years in jail. Other drugs carry jail terms of up to twelve years, and the sale of drugs is punishable by death.

If you’re caught with drugs in Laos, you could pay up to $35,000. If you are found with narcotics, you could spend ten years or more in prison.

North Korea
Foreigners rarely visit North Korea, but there are several tour groups that can help you visit the reclusive nation. Do not bring drugs into North Korea, because you could find yourself sentenced to an extremely lengthy stay in a prison camp. You will have no contact with your friends or family, and it may be very difficult for the United States government to intervene.

The Philippines
In the Philippines, drug traffickers are sentenced to death. You may be presumed to be a drug trafficker if you have more than a third of an ounce of a drug in your possession.

Penalties for drug possession in Turkey include large fines and long prison sentences. Penalties for selling drugs can be even stricter.

Costa Rica
As in other South American countries, possession of drugs in Costa Rica can land you in jail for a lengthy stay.

If you get caught with drugs in Columbia, you will spend a long time in a very unpleasant prison. Police make several arrests a day at airports in Columbia, catching many foreign nationals."

The 20 Countries with the Harshest Drug Laws in the World

In 6 months, a years tops we COULD clean Chicago/Baltimore and St Louis.
Obviously you are retarded. We dont have a law that says private citizens can kill drug dealers.
I never said private citizens could here faggot. I said the law was on the books that ALLOWED the death penalty FOR drug dealing.
We could clean our streets and empty our prisons just by enforcing a law that ALREADY exists.
Hey cave chimp. i never said there wasnt a law on the books that allowed the death penalty. Are you some kind of retard?
We need to expand that law here in America. Turn those inner cities into hunting grounds.
You dont want that. You would be among the first to be ventilated.
You will notice moron we have the law as well. We just don't use it.

"Thirty-two countries, plus Gaza, impose the death penalty for drug smuggling, according to Harm Reduction International (HRI), a drug-focused NGO. All but four (America, Cuba, Sudan and South Sudan) are in Asia or the Middle East. But in most of these countries executions are extremely rare. Fourteen, including America and Cuba, have the death penalty on the books for drug traffickers but do not apply it in practice. Only in six countries—China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore—are drug offenders known to be routinely executed, according to HRI’s most recent analysis. (Indonesia will soon join this list, following its recent executions.) In Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, South Sudan and Syria the data are murky."

"United States drug laws are often considered harsh, but the penalties for carrying or trafficking drugs in other countries, particularly those in Central America, South America, and Southeast Asia, can be much more severe. Here are twenty countries in which you do not want to be caught carrying or selling drugs.

In Malaysia, those who sell drugs can be punished with death. Just for having drugs in your possession, you can be fined, jailed, or deported. Driving drunk is also punished harshly in Malaysia.

In China, if you are caught with drugs, you could be forced to attend drug rehab in a facility run by the government. Execution is the penalty for some drug crimes.

In Vietnam, drug crimes are taken very seriously. If you are arrested with more than 1.3 pounds ofheroin, you will automatically be executed.

Iran is not known to be tolerant of criminal offenses in general, and drug offenses are no different. The use of opium is a particular problem in Iran, in part because it is produced in neighboring Afghanistan. If you are caught with drugs in Iran, the best case scenario is a large fine and the worst-case scenario is the death penalty.

In Thailand, those trafficking narcotics may be put to death. Drug users are frequently sentenced to mandatory rehab.

Dubai is known to be very intolerant of drug abuse. Many prescription drugs that are legal in other parts of the world can get you put in jail in Dubai. It is typical for drug offenders to be sentenced to four years in prison and then be deported. Failing a drug test can be grounds for incarceration Dubai, even if you are not in possession of any drugs.

Saudi Arabia
The sale of drugs in Saudi Arabia almost always results in the death penalty. Saudi Arabia and judicial authorities are not inclined to make exceptions. Alcohol use is illegal in Saudi Arabia, and possession or use of alcohol or drugs can be punished by public flogging, fines, lengthy imprisonment, or death.

Singaporean police will assume that you are selling drugs if you are caught with relatively small amounts. If you are convicted of selling drugs, you will be sentenced to death.

In Cambodia, you can be sentenced to many years in prison or even life in prison for possessing drugs. Unlike many other South Asian countries, Cambodia does not mandate the death penalty for drug trafficking.

Indonesian drug laws are harsh. If you are caught with marijuana, you can get up to twenty years in jail. Other drugs carry jail terms of up to twelve years, and the sale of drugs is punishable by death.

If you’re caught with drugs in Laos, you could pay up to $35,000. If you are found with narcotics, you could spend ten years or more in prison.

North Korea
Foreigners rarely visit North Korea, but there are several tour groups that can help you visit the reclusive nation. Do not bring drugs into North Korea, because you could find yourself sentenced to an extremely lengthy stay in a prison camp. You will have no contact with your friends or family, and it may be very difficult for the United States government to intervene.

The Philippines
In the Philippines, drug traffickers are sentenced to death. You may be presumed to be a drug trafficker if you have more than a third of an ounce of a drug in your possession.

Penalties for drug possession in Turkey include large fines and long prison sentences. Penalties for selling drugs can be even stricter.

Costa Rica
As in other South American countries, possession of drugs in Costa Rica can land you in jail for a lengthy stay.

If you get caught with drugs in Columbia, you will spend a long time in a very unpleasant prison. Police make several arrests a day at airports in Columbia, catching many foreign nationals."

The 20 Countries with the Harshest Drug Laws in the World

In 6 months, a years tops we COULD clean Chicago/Baltimore and St Louis.
Obviously you are retarded. We dont have a law that says private citizens can kill drug dealers.
I never said private citizens could here faggot. I said the law was on the books that ALLOWED the death penalty FOR drug dealing.
We could clean our streets and empty our prisons just by enforcing a law that ALREADY exists.
Hey cave chimp. i never said there wasnt a law on the books that allowed the death penalty. Are you some kind of retard?
We need to expand that law here in America. Turn those inner cities into hunting grounds.
You dont want that. You would be among the first to be ventilated.
I don't live in the inner city. The inner city. Its mainly ni99ers anyway.
Obviously you are retarded. We dont have a law that says private citizens can kill drug dealers.
I never said private citizens could here faggot. I said the law was on the books that ALLOWED the death penalty FOR drug dealing.
We could clean our streets and empty our prisons just by enforcing a law that ALREADY exists.
Hey cave chimp. i never said there wasnt a law on the books that allowed the death penalty. Are you some kind of retard?
We need to expand that law here in America. Turn those inner cities into hunting grounds.
You dont want that. You would be among the first to be ventilated.
I don't live in the inner city. The inner city. Its mainly ni99ers anyway.
I didnt think you lived in the inner city. You would have been just another dead cave chimp by now.
Where will people buy weed if the dealers are dead?
At the weed store, we have them here.
Lucky you. Marijuana laws are draconian here. Possession of any amount will land you jail for 180 days.

"Deputizing" civilians in that manner won't work either. They don't have the resources. Local law enforcement couldn't handle the cartels. It took the military to quiet the low grade civil war in northern Mexico.
Marijuana laws are draconian here.
well you live in Toad Hall,what do you expect?....
I never said private citizens could here faggot. I said the law was on the books that ALLOWED the death penalty FOR drug dealing.
We could clean our streets and empty our prisons just by enforcing a law that ALREADY exists.
Hey cave chimp. i never said there wasnt a law on the books that allowed the death penalty. Are you some kind of retard?
We need to expand that law here in America. Turn those inner cities into hunting grounds.
You dont want that. You would be among the first to be ventilated.
I don't live in the inner city. The inner city. Its mainly ni99ers anyway.
I didnt think you lived in the inner city. You would have been just another dead cave chimp by now.
"As you can see there, the predominant group is white males age 40-60 who live in Maricopa County, which includes the big cities of Phoenix and Mesa. On the page you can see the total number of active permits for the whole state is 235,804 - divide that by the current population of the state, 6.7 million..."

Those are just the CC numbers. We OC as well and no longer requires permits.
Last edited:
Hey cave chimp. i never said there wasnt a law on the books that allowed the death penalty. Are you some kind of retard?
We need to expand that law here in America. Turn those inner cities into hunting grounds.
You dont want that. You would be among the first to be ventilated.
I don't live in the inner city. The inner city. Its mainly ni99ers anyway.
I didnt think you lived in the inner city. You would have been just another dead cave chimp by now.
"As you can see there, the predominant group is white males age 40-60 who live in Maricopa County, which includes the big cities of Phoenix and Mesa. On the page you can see the total number of active permits for the whole state is 235,804 - divide that by the current population of the state, 6.7 million..."

Those are just the CC numbers. We OC as well and no longer require permits.
Not really interesting to me Opi. I was just saying you would be among the first dead cave chimps if they were to pass such a law here.
We need to expand that law here in America. Turn those inner cities into hunting grounds.
You dont want that. You would be among the first to be ventilated.
I don't live in the inner city. The inner city. Its mainly ni99ers anyway.
I didnt think you lived in the inner city. You would have been just another dead cave chimp by now.
"As you can see there, the predominant group is white males age 40-60 who live in Maricopa County, which includes the big cities of Phoenix and Mesa. On the page you can see the total number of active permits for the whole state is 235,804 - divide that by the current population of the state, 6.7 million..."

Those are just the CC numbers. We OC as well and no longer require permits.
Not really interesting to me Opi. I was just saying you would be among the first dead cave chimps if they were to pass such a law here.
Doubt it. First off I comp shoot as a hobby. My gun, my rifle well we just know each other.
It's kind of weird to here a terian talk about killing and imprisoning people for practicing capitalism and personal freedom.
Thus ought to play well until someone storms a college campus killing people.
Lone gunmen tend to be the criminals. Good guys hunt in packs.

Doesnt matter, once people start killing white boys who do more drugs than anyone you'll reverse this opinion immediately
At 63k a head my favorite color is green.

It would be awesome DF. We could make a TV show out of it. It would be like a cross between Bad Boys and Bone Collector.

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