"Kill Drug Dealers And I'll Give You a Medal"

Thus ought to play well until someone storms a college campus killing people.
Lone gunmen tend to be the criminals. Good guys hunt in packs.
Chimps hunt in packs too.
You take 6 ghetto bunnies who have never HAD to hit anything in life and out them up against 6 target shooters or game hunters and the ghetto bunnies die.
Going up against Black guys is different from shooting rabbits. You would be dead before you could finish eating your banana.
You dont want that. You would be among the first to be ventilated.
I don't live in the inner city. The inner city. Its mainly ni99ers anyway.
I didnt think you lived in the inner city. You would have been just another dead cave chimp by now.
"As you can see there, the predominant group is white males age 40-60 who live in Maricopa County, which includes the big cities of Phoenix and Mesa. On the page you can see the total number of active permits for the whole state is 235,804 - divide that by the current population of the state, 6.7 million..."

Those are just the CC numbers. We OC as well and no longer require permits.
Not really interesting to me Opi. I was just saying you would be among the first dead cave chimps if they were to pass such a law here.
Doubt it. First off I comp shoot as a hobby. My gun, my rifle well we just know each other.
Doesnt matter what you doubt. I was just telling you the facts.
And without some court oversight, people can kill whomever and claim they were a drug dealer.
Lol, bullshit, maybe among liberals but not among honest folks.

Lmao!! Of course, only liberals are dishonest?

Of course it would not be honest folk. But it would certainly open things up for killing rivals, neighbors you didn't like, ect ect ect.
Thus ought to play well until someone storms a college campus killing people.
Lone gunmen tend to be the criminals. Good guys hunt in packs.

Doesnt matter, once people start killing white boys who do more drugs than anyone you'll reverse this opinion immediately
At 63k a head my favorite color is green.
And without some court oversight, people can kill whomever and claim they were a drug dealer.
Lol, bullshit, maybe among liberals but not among honest folks.

Lmao!! Of course, only liberals are dishonest?

Of course it would not be honest folk. But it would certainly open things up for killing rivals, neighbors you didn't like, ect ect ect.

I didnt say only liberals are dishonest, but with the nature of atheism, and hypersecularism, the rate of honesty among liberals is low enough to not bother with the details.

Plenty of conservatives are dishonest.

Wow, wouldnt it be nice of honor and honesty were public standards of conduct once more?

OF course you Dems couldnt run Hillary for POTUS, but still......
Do you want law and order so much that you would abandon law and order?

Vigilante justice is not Justice.
Right now we dont have ANY justice, so vigilante justice will fill in untill we can get a real President in office that respects the law, all of the law.
Do you want law and order so much that you would abandon law and order?

Vigilante justice is not Justice.
Right now we dont have ANY justice, so vigilante justice will fill in untill we can get a real President in office that respects the law, all of the law.
So we have to wait until 2020?

The term 'Vigilante Justice' is an oxymoron.

Have some folks become so cynical, so mis-trusting in our system of government that they think abandoning our civil ethics is the way to regain our civic ethics?
Do you want law and order so much that you would abandon law and order?

Vigilante justice is not Justice.
Right now we dont have ANY justice, so vigilante justice will fill in untill we can get a real President in office that respects the law, all of the law.
So we have to wait until 2020?

The term 'Vigilante Justice' is an oxymoron.

Have some folks become so cynical, so mis-trusting in our system of government that they think abandoning our civil ethics is the way to regain our civic ethics?
These clowns are just talking. If such a law ever was passed it wouldnt be too long before the vigilantes would be asking for protection from the police or legal system.
Do you want law and order so much that you would abandon law and order?

Vigilante justice is not Justice.
Right now we dont have ANY justice, so vigilante justice will fill in untill we can get a real President in office that respects the law, all of the law.
So we have to wait until 2020?

The term 'Vigilante Justice' is an oxymoron.

Have some folks become so cynical, so mis-trusting in our system of government that they think abandoning our civil ethics is the way to regain our civic ethics?
'Vigilante Justice' is not an oxymoron. On the frontier it was an understood way of living. If two catle thieves murdered a couple of young cowboys, you trailed them, shot them dead if they resisted, then politely strung them up if they surrendered.
A dramatized example for your viewing pleasure, starts at 22:34.

Do you want law and order so much that you would abandon law and order?

Vigilante justice is not Justice.
Right now we dont have ANY justice, so vigilante justice will fill in untill we can get a real President in office that respects the law, all of the law.
So we have to wait until 2020?

The term 'Vigilante Justice' is an oxymoron.

Have some folks become so cynical, so mis-trusting in our system of government that they think abandoning our civil ethics is the way to regain our civic ethics?
King George said something along that line and look where it got him.
Do you want law and order so much that you would abandon law and order?

Vigilante justice is not Justice.
Right now we dont have ANY justice, so vigilante justice will fill in untill we can get a real President in office that respects the law, all of the law.
So we have to wait until 2020?

The term 'Vigilante Justice' is an oxymoron.

Have some folks become so cynical, so mis-trusting in our system of government that they think abandoning our civil ethics is the way to regain our civic ethics?
'Vigilante Justice' is not an oxymoron. On the frontier it was an understood way of living. If two catle thieves murdered a couple of young cowboys, you trailed them, shot them dead if they resisted, then politely strung them up if they surrendered.
A dramatized example for your viewing pleasure, starts at 22:34.

You're arguing fiction, screenplays to convince me that vigilante justice is acceptable? Alright, let's dumb it down and play in your ballpark:

Do you want law and order so much that you would abandon law and order?

Vigilante justice is not Justice.
Right now we dont have ANY justice, so vigilante justice will fill in untill we can get a real President in office that respects the law, all of the law.
So we have to wait until 2020?

The term 'Vigilante Justice' is an oxymoron.

Have some folks become so cynical, so mis-trusting in our system of government that they think abandoning our civil ethics is the way to regain our civic ethics?
King George said something along that line and look where it got him.
You need to attend some history classes. This is not an argument.
Do you want law and order so much that you would abandon law and order?

Vigilante justice is not Justice.
Right now we dont have ANY justice, so vigilante justice will fill in untill we can get a real President in office that respects the law, all of the law.
So we have to wait until 2020?

The term 'Vigilante Justice' is an oxymoron.

Have some folks become so cynical, so mis-trusting in our system of government that they think abandoning our civil ethics is the way to regain our civic ethics?
King George said something along that line and look where it got him.
You need to attend some history classes. This is not an argument.
Well, apparently it is an argument, lol.
You're arguing fiction, screenplays to convince me that vigilante justice is acceptable? Alright, let's dumb it down and play in your ballpark:
Lol, no, the dramatic depiction was merely for illustration. Frontier justice was quite common on the frontier, and so vigilante justice is not an oxymoron, but is a close if not superior proximity to government justice.
This is the kind of positive action that takes place when the voices of the people are acted on. No approval from the Useless Nations needed/required or even asked for. A leader, a real leader puts the power back into the hands of the people.

Shortly, very shortly hundreds if not thousands of drug dealers will be dead and used to feed the fish in Manilla Bay. Budget wise that is a cost cutter and recycle?
That is about as green as green gets.

"Duterte, who starts his six-year term on 30 June, repeated a plan to offer bounties to those who can turn in drug lords, dead or alive."

Sixty five thousand dollars {U.S.} per dead drug dealer. Chicago could be cleaned out in a week. This is how the war on drugs is truly won by killing the dealers. One simply process that could remove illegal drugs HERE by what maybe 90% in a year?

"The 71-year-old won the 9 May presidential election on a bold promise to end crime and corruption within six months. That vow resonated among crime-weary Filipinos, though police officials considered it campaign rhetoric that was impossible to accomplish."

Bold claim yes but no boast. He has already done that as a mayor in the most major city. Crime went down where he was mayor, WAY down.
Kill drug dealers and I'll give you a medal, says Philippines president

Hell yeah! That's what we need here!
I have known three good people who died from drugs, and a couple of families that were destroyed by that shit.

We need to legalize the consumption of the drugs so these people can get help when they finally realize that they need it, and publish legal criteria for selling this stuff with a doctors prescription. The commonly prescribed opioids sold today and prescribed legally are 8 times more likely to cause addiction.

So we tax and inspect the legal distribution of this shit and then arrest and hang from an oak tree anyone dealing without a license.

Problem shortly solved thereafter.

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