Kill Muslims with bullets dipped in pigs blood

That is fucking AWESOME! Just telling those desert ni**ers that we are doing this (whether or not we actually do it) will strike fear in their hearts. It is genius! We ought to start a rumer, spread by intelligence contacts, that we are going to water board them with boiling pig blood!
Is it possible that this might offend American Muslim servicemen ?
Fuck 'em. The Founders never conceived of the idea that the First Amendment would be utilized by a bunch of swarthy Muslims.
That Trump is a hateful bigot is settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

What's sad and troubling, of course, is that a third of republicans and conservatives buy into that hate and bigotry, and advocate codifying it.
What's sad and troubling is how many people on here want the same thing. Want to kill others motivated by hatred.
No. Want to deter jihadis from their global blood lust against the infidel (you included).
Detering jihadi's is a worthwhile goal. What Trump is dooing doesn't deter them it feeds the hatred that motivates their actions. Then it's hatred without end on both sides.
Ya know, this is the liberal lefty response to any and every possible response to Islamic terrorism and intolerance. Whether it's words or action, it's always the same. We will UPSET them. We mustn't UPSET them. Well, EVERYTHING freaking upsets them and sets them off on their blood lusting rampages. It's time to quit treating them like evil children and get freaking real. If the idea of Pigified bullets stops even one of the innumerable terror organisations from their wanton slaughter fests, then you should thank Trump.
Trump says kill and the RW masses say yes.

You have a problem with killing those that would separate your head from your body in a New York minute...after they raped you of course? You do realize you're just as much an infidel to them as we are, right?
I have a problem with killing, period.

It is the most grave act.
If someone was coming at you to kill you with a machete you might think again. If not, RIP.
Yes, but no one is coming after Trump with a machete.
They are coming after infidels globally. I guess Trump is more altruistic than some.
That is fucking AWESOME! Just telling those desert ni**ers that we are doing this (whether or not we actually do it) will strike fear in their hearts. It is genius! We ought to start a rumer, spread by intelligence contacts, that we are going to water board them with boiling pig blood!
Is it possible that this might offend American Muslim servicemen ?
You think you can reason with these people? A fool's errand if ever there was. Luckily they are in the minority, which they will soon learn and to my great satisfaction.
Well I must be naive. I thought that this was such an extreme example of lunacy that everybody could agree. Obviously not.
Welcome to the modern day America friend. It is truly a wonder to behold. :popcorn:
Dude, "Tehon" sounds awfully close to "Tehran".
The only effect such a strategy that Trump has will be to recruit more terrorists and make ordinary Americans into hateful people.
Fug off loon, I'm still rolling over your stupid statement Jesus only came for the Jews. You truly are a mental midget
See the thread in Religion on that. The Jew you call Lord never had anything to do with your kind. You should pray to Paul instead.

For those curious:

During his days of preaching, Jesus of Nazareth addressed only Jews, “the lost sheep of Israel” (Matthew 10:5; 15:24). His disciples were expressly instructed not to approach gentiles or Samaritans (Matthew 10:5). On the few occasions that Jesus ventured beyond the boundaries of his homeland, he never proclaimed his gospel to pagans, nor did his disciples do so during his lifetime. The mission of the 11 apostles to “all the nations” (Matthew 28:19) is a “post-Resurrection” idea. It appears to be of Pauline inspiration and is nowhere else found in the Gospels (apart from the spurious longer ending of Mark [Mark 16:15], which is missing from all the older manuscriptsa). Jesus’ own perspective was exclusively Jewish; he was concerned only with Jews.
From Jewish to Gentile | The BAS Library
Off topic.
I think it's right on topic to question people who are manipulated by Trump.
No. PMH telling Sassy repeatedly that Jesus should be irrelevant to Christians IS COMPLETELY OFF TOPIC.
Telling Christians who hate that they are just as bad as Muslims is pretty much on topic, given the OP.
Your comment bears no resemblance to what he is doing.
Trump says kill and the RW masses say yes.

You have a problem with killing those that would separate your head from your body in a New York minute...after they raped you of course? You do realize you're just as much an infidel to them as we are, right?
I have a problem with killing, period.

It is the most grave act.
If someone was coming at you to kill you with a machete you might think again. If not, RIP.
Yes, but no one is coming after Trump with a machete.
They are coming after infidels globally. I guess Trump is more altruistic than some.
That's it Tilly. We have to part company if you think Trump is altruistic.
It's very telling that we have people here who get more bent out of shape over words than they do over Islamists slaughtering people the world over. It's pathetic beyond belief.

Dhara is naive and ill informed
You have a problem with killing those that would separate your head from your body in a New York minute...after they raped you of course? You do realize you're just as much an infidel to them as we are, right?
I have a problem with killing, period.

It is the most grave act.
If someone was coming at you to kill you with a machete you might think again. If not, RIP.
Yes, but no one is coming after Trump with a machete.
They are coming after infidels globally. I guess Trump is more altruistic than some.
That's it Tilly. We have to part company if you think Trump is altruistic.
He's more altruistic than the person who doesn't care unless they personally are at the end of the machete.
Trump is an American and what he is doing is criminal.
What is the crime?
Oh for petesake. Stop being so black and white. It's an expression.
You are accusing a candidate for the presidency of committing a crime. It's not being black and white to ask that you define the crime you accuse such a person of. Since you are so easily offended by words,maybe you should use them with more care.
Altruism is about motivation. What if someone were trully altruistic and they wanted to stop jihadi's because they not only harm others but themselves. What if someone could have that equal kind regard for all beings?

I'm not saying, I can, but those I admire can. I don't count Trump among them. I don't count someone who only cares for "their kind" as truly altruistic.
What these folks can't stand is anyone not falling lock step in with their hatred, not only of Musllms, but anyone who doesn't hate Muslims the way they do.

You're using a broad brush, we are talking about radical Muslims not all Muslims
Trump isn't.
Prove that.
He referred to an alleged incident during war time (ww1).
Prove it yourself. I offered links that show his story is a hoax. You'd rather not believe that. Nothing I can do about that.

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