"kill The Infidel, Whether He Is Civilian Or Military.”

the he'd be killing for your god too. (the god of abraham..

duhs, I realize that you're mentally retarded and that even simple concepts elude you.

I've explained before that I have no god. I used to, but the damned thing kept shitting on the carpets, so I took him to the pound.

Now the Dingo THINKS she is god, but I'm not convinced... (Though she does get whatever she wants, so maybe...)
I'm hilarious exactly in the way I mean to be.

That's one of the joys of being able to read, write and comprehend the language. And it's something that illiterate know-nothings can never grasp.
maybe its time to put rightwing christians into mental health camps

I thought you wanted to kill them, to please your god Allah, Batshit?
the he'd be killing for your god too. (the god of abraham..

Do you get this information from the same information site that gave you "The Bronze Age was in 1500"???
as always you wrong. Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God Christianity Today
the he'd be killing for your god too. (the god of abraham..

duhs, I realize that you're mentally retarded and that even simple concepts elude you.

I've explained before that I have no god. I used to, but the damned thing kept shitting on the carpets, so I took him to the pound.

Now the Dingo THINKS she is god, but I'm not convinced... (Though she does get whatever she wants, so maybe...)
I think you're a closet christian and have a virgin mary blow up doll!
Oh, ok. So a yale professor says so.

Got it, lol. I'm sure the yale professor has it right.
I'm hilarious exactly in the way I mean to be.

That's one of the joys of being able to read, write and comprehend the language. And it's something that illiterate know-nothings can never grasp.
again you just keep telling yourself that.
is'nt there something in the bible about lying and pretentiousness.?
the he'd be killing for your god too. (the god of abraham..

duhs, I realize that you're mentally retarded and that even simple concepts elude you.

I've explained before that I have no god. I used to, but the damned thing kept shitting on the carpets, so I took him to the pound.

Now the Dingo THINKS she is god, but I'm not convinced... (Though she does get whatever she wants, so maybe...)
I think you're a closet christian and have a virgin mary blow up doll!

duhs, nothing in this universe will ever convince me that you think.
"No, the God of Christianity and the God of Islam are not the same. First of all, the God of Christianity is a Trinity where the God of Islam is not. The Trinity is the monotheistic teaching that God exists eternally as three distinct persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In Islam, this is blatantly denied."

"Furthermore, in Christianity the doctrine of the Trinity allows for the incarnation of the Word. John 1:1, 14 says that the Word which was God was with God and became flesh and dwelt among us and was crucified (Matt. 26:2; 27:38). This is denied in Islam, which says that Jesus is only a prophet and was not crucified."

Is the God of Chrstianity and the God of Islam the same Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
Muslims do not speak of God as their heavenly Father. In the Islamic faith, Allah is not only a different name for god; the deity it designates is far more impersonal than the God of the Bible. Father—the very name that Jesus gave us as the designated name for use in prayer—is a name that simply does not fit Allah as depicted in the Quran.

Furthermore, Muslims claim that Allah has no son. This represents a head-on collision between the God of the Bible and Allah. For, as the Bible makes clear, the one and only true God is most perfectly revealed as the Father of the Son, Jesus Christ. In the Gospel of John, Jesus repeatedly teaches that no one has truly known the Father, except by the Son. In one of the most clarifying verses in the New Testament, Jesus declared Himself to be “the way, and the truth, and the life,” adding, “No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).

Because Muslims deny that God has a son, they explicitly reject any Trinitarian language. From the very starting point, Islam denies what Christianity takes as its central truth claim: the fact that Jesus Christ is the only begotten of the Father. If Allah has no son, then Allah is not the God who reveals Himself through the Son. How then can calling God “Allah” not lead to anything but confusion—and worse?

Islam teaches that the doctrine of the Trinity is blasphemous. But the Christian faith is essentially and irreducibly Trinitarian. The Bible reveals that the Father is God, that the Son is God, and that the Holy Spirit is God. Jesus is not merely a prophet, as acknowledged by Muslims, He is God in human flesh. This is precisely what Islam rejects.

The Trinitarian language is the language of the Bible, and it is essential to Christianity. Indeed, the Christian faith points to Christ and announces that we can only know the Father through the Son. Confusing the God of the Bible with Allah of the Quran is not only a mistake, it is a dangerous distortion of the Gospel of Christ."

Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God Decision Magazine BGEA
Oh, ok. So a yale professor says so.

Got it, lol. I'm sure the yale professor has it right.
facts fuck you up everytime...your not relevant argument is because you clam to worship god differently than the muslims than it must be a different god.
or more accurately your extreme self centeredness and immaturity keep you from admitting you are wrong.
"No, the God of Christianity and the God of Islam are not the same. First of all, the God of Christianity is a Trinity where the God of Islam is not. The Trinity is the monotheistic teaching that God exists eternally as three distinct persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In Islam, this is blatantly denied."

"Furthermore, in Christianity the doctrine of the Trinity allows for the incarnation of the Word. John 1:1, 14 says that the Word which was God was with God and became flesh and dwelt among us and was crucified (Matt. 26:2; 27:38). This is denied in Islam, which says that Jesus is only a prophet and was not crucified."

Is the God of Chrstianity and the God of Islam the same Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
how did I know you'd answer with a blog from a fringe site.

The author of God A Biography says Jews Christians and Muslims worship the same God. - Beliefnet.com
President Bush once scandalized some of his evangelical fans by innocently asserting, during a trip to England, that Muslims and Christians worship the same God.

Richard Land, speaking for the scandalized
, rebuked the President for what Land calls playing “theologian-in-chief.”

Land writes: “When President Bush concludes that Muslims and Christians worship the same God, he is simply mistaken.” In my view, Bush is, at least on this point, a better theologian than his evangelical critic.

Though Land neither confirms nor denies that Jews and Christians worship the same God, surely he would concede that the first Christians, Jews all, did not understand Christian discipleship to entail switching to a new God. But what of the first Muslims? If they, too, understood themselves to be worshipping the God of the Jews, then were they not necessarily worshipping the God of the Christians as well?

The Qur’an identifies Allah as none other than the God to whom Abraham offered “submission” (‘islam) in the episode Jews and Christians know so well from Genesis 22, the story of the binding of Isaac. As the paradigmatic Muslim or “submitter,” Abraham then made the original, paradigmatic pilgrimage to Mecca, Muslims believe, accompanied by the very son, Ishmael, whom Allah had rescued so dramatically.

Jews and Christians have always believed that Muhammad got this story wrong. It was Isaac, not Ishmael, who was bound, they believe, and Abraham made no such pilgrimage to Mecca. But have Jews and Christians also believed, historically, that Muhammad had the divine protagonist wrong as well—-to the point that he was referring to another deity altogether?

This, it seems, is Land’s assumption when he writes: “There is only one true God, and His name is Jehovah, not Allah.” As it happens, centuries of Jewish and Christian thinkers have assumed just the opposite. When Muhammad first preached to the Jews of Arabia, the Jews definitely thought he had got their God wrong, but they just as definitely did not think he had got the wrong God.

Continued on next page...

Read more at The author of God A Biography says Jews Christians and Muslims worship the same God. - Beliefnet.com
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Muslims do not speak of God as their heavenly Father. In the Islamic faith, Allah is not only a different name for god; the deity it designates is far more impersonal than the God of the Bible. Father—the very name that Jesus gave us as the designated name for use in prayer—is a name that simply does not fit Allah as depicted in the Quran.

Furthermore, Muslims claim that Allah has no son. This represents a head-on collision between the God of the Bible and Allah. For, as the Bible makes clear, the one and only true God is most perfectly revealed as the Father of the Son, Jesus Christ. In the Gospel of John, Jesus repeatedly teaches that no one has truly known the Father, except by the Son. In one of the most clarifying verses in the New Testament, Jesus declared Himself to be “the way, and the truth, and the life,” adding, “No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).

Because Muslims deny that God has a son, they explicitly reject any Trinitarian language. From the very starting point, Islam denies what Christianity takes as its central truth claim: the fact that Jesus Christ is the only begotten of the Father. If Allah has no son, then Allah is not the God who reveals Himself through the Son. How then can calling God “Allah” not lead to anything but confusion—and worse?

Islam teaches that the doctrine of the Trinity is blasphemous. But the Christian faith is essentially and irreducibly Trinitarian. The Bible reveals that the Father is God, that the Son is God, and that the Holy Spirit is God. Jesus is not merely a prophet, as acknowledged by Muslims, He is God in human flesh. This is precisely what Islam rejects.

The Trinitarian language is the language of the Bible, and it is essential to Christianity. Indeed, the Christian faith points to Christ and announces that we can only know the Father through the Son. Confusing the God of the Bible with Allah of the Quran is not only a mistake, it is a dangerous distortion of the Gospel of Christ."

Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God Decision Magazine BGEA
billy graham ok.....an evangelical nut job....that's not :poke:evidence of of any kind other a illiterate trailer trash misreading of scripture.
that explains a lot about your mental condition.
Riiight...the yale wacko is more likely to accurately represent Christians.

you betcha, skippy.

You do realize that there are more Southern Baptists in the US than any other religion except Catholic..right? We are the mainstream. You need to stop pretending you aren't an extremist loon.

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