"kill The Infidel, Whether He Is Civilian Or Military.”

Christians call Him " God" and Muslims call Him "Allah". One may thus presume that the attributes of God and Allah are the same. A careful examination of the matter, however, will prove that it is not exactly so.
Muslim activists in the West have been using the tactic of claiming that they worship the same god as the Christians in order to gain legitimacy and acceptance. They have been using the name "God" in place of "Allah" in many translations of the Quran."

When Mohammed started preaching his new religion in Mecca he was conciliatory and appeasing to Christians. He told them: "We believe in What has been sent down to us and sent down to you, our God is the same as your God." Surah 29:46. Compare this with what happened later, in Medina, after Mohammed gained strength. Allah then tells him to "Fight those who believe not in God nor the last day...Nor acknowledge the religion of truth (Islam), (even if they are) of the people of the Book, until they pay Jizya (tribute tax) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued". Surah 9:29
However, the attributes of "God of Christianity" and "Allah of Islam" are quite different. God of the Bible is loving and personal, Allah, on the other hands, is wrathful and non-personal."

Islam Review - Presented by The Pen vs. the Sword Featured Articles . . . Islam the Facade the Facts The rosy picture some Muslims are painting about their religion and the truth they try to hide.


What difference does it make?

It's all made up stories that are taken way too seriously by some.
Anti-Christian bigots want to equate them, in order to equate Christians with terrorists. The goal is to make Christian worship *illegal* and get the authorization to kill/imprison Christians.

Don't believe me? Do a search of guno's posts.
Riiight...the yale wacko is more likely to accurately represent Christians.

you betcha, skippy.

You do realize that there are more Southern Baptists in the US than any other religion except Catholic..right? We are the mainstream. You need to stop pretending you aren't an extremist loon.
false! just because there are a lot of you does not mean you are the mainstream.
all it means is that a small portion of of your cult is less extreme than the rest.
also calling yourselves mainstream is not the same as actually being mainstream..
the "wacko" at yale knows more about the faith you profess to believe than all of your leaders put together
your faith is a subset of a subset born out of one of the many schisms that plague christianity.
I understand how logic reason and objectivity would appear to be extreme from your zero grasp on reality pov.
Anti-Christian bigots want to equate them, in order to equate Christians with terrorists. The goal is to make Christian worship *illegal* and get the authorization to kill/imprison Christians.

Don't believe me? Do a search of guno's posts.
false! but then again you can't help but see it that way. besides christians locked up, killed, destroyed thousands of other cultures in the name of "the faith".
payback's a bitch...
Actually, if there are a lot of us it really DOES mean we're mainstream, bigot.
Christians call Him " God" and Muslims call Him "Allah". One may thus presume that the attributes of God and Allah are the same. A careful examination of the matter, however, will prove that it is not exactly so.
Muslim activists in the West have been using the tactic of claiming that they worship the same god as the Christians in order to gain legitimacy and acceptance. They have been using the name "God" in place of "Allah" in many translations of the Quran."

When Mohammed started preaching his new religion in Mecca he was conciliatory and appeasing to Christians. He told them: "We believe in What has been sent down to us and sent down to you, our God is the same as your God." Surah 29:46. Compare this with what happened later, in Medina, after Mohammed gained strength. Allah then tells him to "Fight those who believe not in God nor the last day...Nor acknowledge the religion of truth (Islam), (even if they are) of the people of the Book, until they pay Jizya (tribute tax) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued". Surah 9:29
However, the attributes of "God of Christianity" and "Allah of Islam" are quite different. God of the Bible is loving and personal, Allah, on the other hands, is wrathful and non-personal."

Islam Review - Presented by The Pen vs. the Sword Featured Articles . . . Islam the Facade the Facts The rosy picture some Muslims are painting about their religion and the truth they try to hide.
Our Theology
This ministry was established as a Christian organization. Our beliefs, methods and activities are based on and influenced by Christian ethics. Our members are Christians who belong to different Christian denominations. We do not interfere in each persons beliefs and practices. However, we all share the belief in a basic set of doctrines recognized and accepted by most mainstream Christian churches. These beliefs are incorporated in what is known as "the Nicene Creed."
Actually, if there are a lot of us it really DOES mean we're mainstream, bigot.
false! mainstream
Mainstream is the common current thought of the majority.[1] It includes all popular culture and media culture, typically disseminated by mass media. The opposite of the mainstream are subcultures, countercultures and cult followings. It is often used as a pejorative term by subcultures who view ostensibly mainstream culture as not only exclusive but artistically and aesthetically inferior.[attribution needed] In the United States, mainline churches are sometimes referred to synonymously as "mainstream."[2][3] Also known as "straight" and "straights" for individuals.[4]
You do understand that Baptists are the majority of Christians in this country, aside from Catholics, right?

If I have to explain everything to you repeatedly, we'll be here a loong time.
You do understand that Baptists are the majority of Christians in this country, aside from Catholics, right?

If I have to explain everything to you repeatedly, we'll be here a loong time.
16 million out of nearly 247 million Christians.in The United States does not a majority make.
even if you don't count the catholics...
you're far too busy buying your own bullshit.
false! but then again you can't help but see it that way. besides christians locked up, killed, destroyed thousands of other cultures in the name of "the faith".
payback's a bitch...

I'll bet you curse the heavens that Charles Martel was ever born.

You could have grown up a good Muslim if not for this king who defeated the Muslims at Tours. Of course you wouldn't be an Atheist, as that isn't allowed under Islam. And you would be an ignorant yocal spewing ignorant nonsense that no one would pay attention to - so no change on that front...
What's that from, duhs?
look it up yourself ...

I can't look it up, you didn't provide a link or even reference where you got it from.

That's called "plagarism" though in your case, I don't think you're smart enough to deliberately copy the work of someone who is smarter and pass it off as your own. In your case, it's just stupidity.
You do understand that Baptists are the majority of Christians in this country, aside from Catholics, right?

If I have to explain everything to you repeatedly, we'll be here a loong time.
16 million out of nearly 247 million Christians.in The United States does not a majority make.
even if you don't count the catholics...
you're far too busy buying your own bullshit.

"The Mainline Protestant churches (also called mainstream American Protestant[1] and "oldline Protestant"[2][3][4][5]) are a group of Protestant churches in the United States..."

"The term "mainstream Christian" in academic usage is not equivalent to "mainline Protestant" and is often used as an attempt to find non-loaded sociological vocabulary in distinguishing "orthodoxy" and "heresy."[20] Hence in christological and doctrinal reference "mainstream Christianity" is often equivalent to "Trinitarianism."

You see that, honey?


In other words, not allah.

You can look that up now, if you question it.
Let's review...

No. 1 denomination among protestants world wide.

List of Christian denominations by number of members - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
false! but then again you can't help but see it that way. besides christians locked up, killed, destroyed thousands of other cultures in the name of "the faith".
payback's a bitch...

I'll bet you curse the heavens that Charles Martel was ever born.

You could have grown up a good Muslim if not for this king who defeated the Muslims at Tours. Of course you wouldn't be an Atheist, as that isn't allowed under Islam. And you would be an ignorant yocal spewing ignorant nonsense that no one would pay attention to - so no change on that front...

You're just confusing him with all that history and logic....
Oh and looky here..there are even MORE evangelic protestants than there are "historical" protestants:

Modern Protestantism - 400-500 million

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