Killer Assad has no future in Syria: Riyadh

You are full of crap. Syria had the largest population percentage wise in the Middle East of Christians next to Lebanon and Egypt. When Christians began facing persecution in Iraq they escaped to Syria for safe haven. You are one of the biggest liars on this forum.

"In the past, Syria had one of the most storied Christian communities in the world. St. Paul was even baptized there. Today, Christians suffer from the Syrian civil war like everyone else, but they are also persecuted simply for their baptism....Syria once had the third highest rate of Christianity in the Middle East; about 10 percent of its population identified as Christian. Now, the community lives in permanent exile."

S.O.S. Christians in Syria

This is trailer for an Italian documentary that proves that you are a lying maniac.

You are full of crap. Syria had the largest population percentage wise in the Middle East of Christians next to Lebanon and Egypt. When Christians began facing persecution in Iraq they escaped to Syria for safe haven. You are one of the biggest liars on this forum.

"In the past, Syria had one of the most storied Christian communities in the world. St. Paul was even baptized there. Today, Christians suffer from the Syrian civil war like everyone else, but they are also persecuted simply for their baptism....Syria once had the third highest rate of Christianity in the Middle East; about 10 percent of its population identified as Christian. Now, the community lives in permanent exile."

S.O.S. Christians in Syria

This is trailer for an Italian documentary that proves that you are a lying maniac.

You are hilarious MONTE--------the Baathist pig HAFEZ came to power in 1970 -------
-----long long after ST. PAUL was Baptized/ Syria ONCE had lots of Christians-----and it
ONCE had lots of jews-----------in fact there was a time when KABUL AFGHANISTAN was chock
full of jews too-----then islam happened----------re-read your post------it makes you seem psychotic.
As to chaldeans fleeing to SYRIA--------sheesh you are stupid------check the geography ---
--it's over land and walking distance
your point is simple------you support the retention of the bloody assad government on the MYTH that
baathism is good. Communist Russia always supported Baathist pigs------
My point is more simple than that.

Israel conducted a half dozen missile strikes inside Syria to exacerbate the problem. That is an historical fact.

I don't want my country involved in this conflict. Period.

Other than that, I couldn't give a shit about Syria.
You are full of crap. Syria had the largest population percentage wise in the Middle East of Christians next to Lebanon and Egypt. When Christians began facing persecution in Iraq they escaped to Syria for safe haven. You are one of the biggest liars on this forum.

"In the past, Syria had one of the most storied Christian communities in the world. St. Paul was even baptized there. Today, Christians suffer from the Syrian civil war like everyone else, but they are also persecuted simply for their baptism....Syria once had the third highest rate of Christianity in the Middle East; about 10 percent of its population identified as Christian. Now, the community lives in permanent exile."

S.O.S. Christians in Syria

This is trailer for an Italian documentary that proves that you are a lying maniac.

You are hilarious MONTE--------the Baathist pig HAFEZ came to power in 1970 -------
-----long long after ST. PAUL was Baptized/ Syria ONCE had lots of Christians-----and it
ONCE had lots of jews-----------in fact there was a time when KABUL AFGHANISTAN was chock
full of jews too-----then islam happened----------re-read your post------it makes you seem psychotic.
As to chaldeans fleeing to SYRIA--------sheesh you are stupid------check the geography ---
--it's over land and walking distance

You are truly an idiot. Iraqi Christians were escaping to Syria for safe haven prior to the Sunni Islamists initiating the rebellion. The documentary is talking about now, and is mentioning the fact that St. Paul was baptized in Syria in antiquity. You are such a moron.

From 2004, before your Islamists friends began their campaign against the secular Syrian Government,

"A quiet but steady hemorrhaging of Iraq's ancient Christian presence is underway and little is being done to stem the flow. Written threats, kidnappings, bombings and murder by Muslim extremists are driving thousands of Iraq's minority Christian population out of their ancestral homeland, fleeing for safety to neighboring Jordan and Syria."

Iraqi Christians Fleeing to Jordan, Syria
You haven't met anyone with a stake in Syria. You are a fraud and haven't a clue as to what is and has been going on. You need to do some research before spouting a bunch of lies and BS. Read the piece which I have excerpted below, and get educated before talking out of your behind.

"The rebels, using weapons made in America, paid for by Saudi Arabia and funneled through Turkey, imposed a vision of society that took no account of Syrian diversity and mutual respect among its peoples. Syria, as history records, welcomed the Armenian victims of Turkey’s genocide after the First World War and had long been home to heterodox forms of Islam. The goal of the self-proclaimed Islamic State and Jebhat an-Nusra was to make Syria something it never was: an extension of Saudi Arabia. No one heeded Nietzsche’s warning, quoted early in the revolution by Masalit Mati, writer of the satirical, anti-Assad Top Goon puppet show: “Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one.”

The United States, with its European and Arab allies, had its own purposes in Syria. It strains belief that the US, Saudi Arabia and Qatar opposed Bashar al-Assad because he was a dictator or because his cousins were taking the lion’s share of the country’s wealth. The countries that crushed popular dissent against the royal family in Bahrain could not claim to believe in democracy for any Arab country. The US opposed Assad, as did the Saudis and Qataris, because he would not relinquish the alliance with Iran that gave him a strategic asset against Israel. Israel had occupied part of Syria since 1967 and showed no sign of relinquishing its hold or permitting the exiled inhabitants and their descendants to return. The Arab monarchies, which had sought to dominate Syria since it achieved independence from France in 1946, saw in Iran an adversary for control of Syria and, through Hezballah, Lebanon. To remove Assad was to eliminate Iranian influence in the Arab world.

- See more at: Could Syria’s revolution have been different?

oh gee MONDOWEISS -----tha Nazi's fave. I do not know anyone who PRESENTLY has stakes
in Syria -----other than relatives left behind-------I just know lots and lots and lots people who PULLED
UP STAKES in Syria and fled the ASSADS--------overwhelmingly mostly christians and jews. For
some reason lots and lots of Christian Syrians bear the name KHOURY--------there are lots of
KHOURIES in Israel now-----too.. I doubt Israel will give up the GOLAN HEIGHTS------it is such
a convenient site for nice guys to pick off kids playing in Israel in the fields below------


Say,. issn't <pm
I think you've succumb to propaganda on the matter. Nazis were a big deal because they were in europe. In the middle east, this sort of racist/religious supremacy exists in all leadership circles from israel to iran. Perhaps we have to restore puppet monarchs with iron fists, however, if universal education doesn't come out of it, the idiots will pick up rocks and guns anyhow.

Nope------I am not a victim of propaganda -----YOU ARE. genocide is not the NORM FOR ALL
in the middle east just as it is not the NORM FOR ALL in Europe or in the USA. In fact there have been
genocides in the USA in the past------in fact stimulated by the INQUISITION (believe it or not)
and there have certainly been some genocides in Europe other than ADOLF -------genocide in
the middle east is not a "norm" any more than it is in the USA I do not know what your
background is--------have been "mixing" with persons from over there------and over here----
all my life----------my own husband was born in a shariah shit hole. I have relatives from just about
Middle-easterners have the most skewed propaganda on the matter, in my experience.

With everything at stake and all of the geopolitical hands in that region, I think accounts of human rights violations are indeed the propaganda icing added to make sympathetic people supportive. This doesn't make tales of death in a revolt untrue, but I don't believe that they are any reason that the United States would actually do something about it. In fact, we mostly haven't.

Regarding Syria------the many deaths caused by the ASSADS are fully documented by outside
agencies. The Cause of extensive murder by the very bloody HAFEZ ASSAD was not
overt revolt just as the genocide against the Shiites and Kurds committed by Baathist
assad was not a result of revolt -----for that matter the mass murder of the Armenians
by the turks was not either--------it was stuff done on IDEOLOGICAL grounds----something
like Cromwell going after catholics. (remember? ----its really dullsville English history)
The United States virtually never does anything about GENOCIDE OVER SEAS------
we did nothing for the Armenians or for the Cambodians under Pol pot----or for the Kulaks
under Stalin.-----------I am intrigued with your "experience" with Middle east propaganda----
you got "EXPERIENCE"?
I'm 37 as far as experience.

When you know some of the history and you meet enough people with different stakes in an action or outcome, you can separate the heap from the reality. The reality is that the middle east wont find a better ruling solution for syria than the one they have. It's going to go the Lebanon route if the government fails... probably take lebanon down with it.

I am older than you are--------and probably met lots more people with stakes over there------like thousands.
Syria is already in the LEBANON DUNG HEAP-------it is infected with Hezbollah and the Christian
population is endangered ------"secular or not" Saddam Hussein was just as "secular" as are the
Regarding Syria------the many deaths caused by the ASSADS are fully documented by outside
agencies. The Cause of extensive murder by the very bloody HAFEZ ASSAD was not
overt revolt just as the genocide against the Shiites and Kurds committed by Baathist
assad was not a result of revolt -----for that matter the mass murder of the Armenians
by the turks was not either--------it was stuff done on IDEOLOGICAL grounds----something
like Cromwell going after catholics. (remember? ----its really dullsville English history)
The United States virtually never does anything about GENOCIDE OVER SEAS------
we did nothing for the Armenians or for the Cambodians under Pol pot----or for the Kulaks
under Stalin.-----------I am intrigued with your "experience" with Middle east propaganda----
you got "EXPERIENCE"?
I'm 37 as far as experience.

When you know some of the history and you meet enough people with different stakes in an action or outcome, you can separate the heap from the reality. The reality is that the middle east wont find a better ruling solution for syria than the one they have. It's going to go the Lebanon route if the government fails... probably take lebanon down with it.

I am older than you are--------and probably met lots more people with stakes over there------like thousands.
Syria is already in the LEBANON DUNG HEAP-------it is infected with Hezbollah and the Christian
population is endangered ------"secular or not" Saddam Hussein was just as "secular" as are the
Syria wasn't like this before this revolution. Was it deliberately destabilized by people digging up anti-Assad propaganda for that effect? - I say that's obvious. Does Saudi Arabia fan those flames: yes.

By taking one of those thousands of stakes as your own view, rather than seeing the matter objectively,... you've succumb to measuring the propaganda-driven perspective on the matter: limited to human rights violations and fearful christians. If not that it's that they have relations with Iran or Russia. It's mongering for American action.

Syria was not like what? what "revolution"? --------Syrian Christians were streaming out of Syria LONG
ago--------like more than 45 years ago-------there were so many Syrian chrisitans in the north east area of the USA in which I grew up that I thought SYRIA is a Christian country------jews left too/ Some Syrian
Christians escaped into Israel. I have never encountered Christians who clearly did not like what was
going on in Syria seek AMERICAN INTERVENTION-------never heard the idea. They were worried about
relatives back home and very careful of what they SAID about PAPA HAFEZ
Right. A special interest group. I grew up in LA. Have you been to the mideast?

Since you have grown up in Los Angeles (at least I hope the LA is that and not Louisiana), you have a a marvelous opportunity to meet so many different people from the Middle East. Perhaps one day you can meet with a couple of priests at Middle Eastern churches in Los Angeles and get a take on the situation. Meanwhile, it almost appears that you haven't heard of the Arab Spring, You have to feel sorry for the ordinary Arab who is caught between a rock and a hard place.

The Biggest Winners of the Arab Spring? Dictators
Yes, very similar to the European Jew invasion of Palestine. Eventually, like the Jews in Palestine, they will take over if the Europeans don't do something.

U.S. support of regime changes against secular dictators that threatened Israel is the main cause, and the Europeans are having to accept millions of Muslim refugees. Hungary, who were once under Ottoman rule, are against accepting non-Christian refugees.

How about the invasion of the Arabs from Egypt, Syria, etc. into the area when the Jews had jobs for them. I am sure the British officials stationed in the area soon picked up from the accents and idioms as well as the last names just which country these migrants came from. As one Egyptian official told the Gazans about a year or so ago "Come back to Egypt where you belong." I don't blame these Arabs for trying to have a better life than they did in their impoverished countries, but it is a shame that their poor countries couldn't have done better for them so that they didn't have to leave. It's the same situation we see today with so many impoverished people trying to get into countries where they can lead better lives economically.
ok----you really do not know------BAATHISM is actually INTENSE ARAB MUSLIM NATIONALISM-----along
with a bit of a accommodation to Christians which allows Christians to JOIN-----to be part of the IMPERIALIST
FORCE of the arab nationalist state. In fact----it is very similar in that respect to the original ISLAM---
Islam allows the participation of both Christians and jews-------as a people actually subservient to the
ARAB STATE-----and eventually to be obliterated because the muslim arab always has FIRST CLASS
status so that social mobility relates to conversion to islam. Now you know. Baathism recaps all the
glorious aspects of ADOLF STYLE NAZISM. Its orginators were avid fans of Adolf its followers continued
the tradition. The UP side is that it provides a sense of GREAT PRIDE and optimism for arabs-----
which is attractive to those Christians in arab lands who have not yet experienced the down side. The
movement that took off a few years ago ----the ARAB SPRING------was very aptly titled------if you
ever saw the play or movie "THE PRODUCERS"
I think you've succumb to propaganda on the matter. Nazis were a big deal because they were in europe. In the middle east, this sort of racist/religious supremacy exists in all leadership circles from israel to iran. Perhaps we have to restore puppet monarchs with iron fists, however, if universal education doesn't come out of it, the idiots will pick up rocks and guns anyhow.

Nope------I am not a victim of propaganda -----YOU ARE. genocide is not the NORM FOR ALL
in the middle east just as it is not the NORM FOR ALL in Europe or in the USA. In fact there have been
genocides in the USA in the past------in fact stimulated by the INQUISITION (believe it or not)
and there have certainly been some genocides in Europe other than ADOLF -------genocide in
the middle east is not a "norm" any more than it is in the USA I do not know what your
background is--------have been "mixing" with persons from over there------and over here----
all my life----------my own husband was born in a shariah shit hole. I have relatives from just about
Middle-easterners have the most skewed propaganda on the matter, in my experience.

With everything at stake and all of the geopolitical hands in that region, I think accounts of human rights violations are indeed the propaganda icing added to make sympathetic people supportive. This doesn't make tales of death in a revolt untrue, but I don't believe that they are any reason that the United States would actually do something about it. In fact, we mostly haven't.

Regarding Syria------the many deaths caused by the ASSADS are fully documented by outside
agencies. The Cause of extensive murder by the very bloody HAFEZ ASSAD was not
overt revolt just as the genocide against the Shiites and Kurds committed by Baathist
assad was not a result of revolt -----for that matter the mass murder of the Armenians
by the turks was not either--------it was stuff done on IDEOLOGICAL grounds----something
like Cromwell going after catholics. (remember? ----its really dullsville English history)
The United States virtually never does anything about GENOCIDE OVER SEAS------
we did nothing for the Armenians or for the Cambodians under Pol pot----or for the Kulaks
under Stalin.-----------I am intrigued with your "experience" with Middle east propaganda----
you got "EXPERIENCE"?

You are a propagandist, plain and simple. The Syrian government was far less brutal and oppressive than nearly any other Arab government with the possible exception of Lebanon and possibly the Maghreb (Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco).

Like most people that know the area and have lived there, this guy sets the record straight.

"March 9, 2015
Saudi Arabia (not Iran) ranks 2nd in religious persecution, after N. Korea

By Donald Hank

When discussing or analyzing reports from the Muslim world, we need to always keep in mind: The Saudis are SUNNI (the more fundamentalist and violent sect) while Iran (along with Syria) is predominantly SHIITE, a sect that is less radical and violent toward other religions and sects of Islam. The actual differences in behavior of these sects are less due to theology than to culture.

These cultural differences are of inestimable importance but are almost completely ignored by our grotesquely biased press and political class. I had written before on cultural differences.................At variance with received wisdom, the predominantly Shiite Iranian government allows, as one would expect based on the above, more religious freedom than, say, Saudi Arabia and other Sunni countries. Religiously speaking, Iranians read the same Koran and Hadith as the Sunni world, but, despite their harsh enforcement of shariah law toward Muslims, their culture (including their interpretation of the scriptures) has for centuries encouraged more tolerance of non-Muslims and non-Shia. As a testimony to this tolerance, Bibles are allowed in Iran (though not in Saudi Arabia). Christians may practice their religion but may not proselytize. Iran also has a sizeable Jewish population (its hostility toward Israel can be attributed more to territorial politics than to religion. They see Israel as expanding into sacred Muslim territory). More importantly, the Iranian populace is more secular than that of other Muslim countries. For example, its young people tend to imitate Western behaviors and fashions. This major difference with Saudi Arabia is not reflected in the Western press, which spews venom 24-7 against Iran – even unfairly making it appear less tolerant of Christians, for example, here – but downplays the severe and glaring abuses of Saudi Arabia, including the latter's support for terror organizations like ISIS and al-Qaeda, as reported by the NYT, The Atlantic here and here, but also in the conservative press, such as here. You'd think Americans would wake up to this obvious bias and lack of objectivity, but they seem to be inured to it and even welcome it. Indeed a recent poll shows a majorityof Americans willing to use force against Iran. US 1 (we the people) seem to like being hoodwinked by politicians and media (US 2) in terms of foreign policy, which reflects a dismal lack of knowledge of the world around us. Thus we want to rule the world but not to know it – an untenable position in the long run. We need to wake up before this ignorance leads to another senseless war – particularly since a war with a nuclear Iran would quite likely pit us against two other nuclear powers, first Russia, and then a sympathetic China acting as a bodyguard.

Incidentally, Iran has the biggest Jewish population in any Muslim country. Where do we read that in today's Iranophobic press?"

Saudi Arabia (not Iran) ranks 2nd in religious persecution, after N. Korea

Oh gee, the dynamic duo of Mr. Saleem and Haniyah must be getting desperate if they feel that this crackpot is the real McCoy when telling us about anything. I'm not so crazy at the idea of gay marriages myself and feel it should be some kind of legal partnership instead, but I certainly don't think these marriages will turn us into Marxist slaves.

Renew America Pundit Warns Gay Marriage Will Turn Us Into Marxist Slaves
SUBMITTED BY Brian Tashman on Thursday, 6/26/2014 11:25 am

Donald Hank of Renew America responded to the decision of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to allow pastors to officiate same-sex weddings by accusing Presbyterians of “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” and supporting “social Marxism.”


Renew America Pundit Warns Gay Marriage Will Turn Us Into Marxist Slaves
your point is simple------you support the retention of the bloody assad government on the MYTH that
baathism is good. Communist Russia always supported Baathist pigs------
My point is more simple than that.

Israel conducted a half dozen missile strikes inside Syria to exacerbate the problem. That is an historical fact.

I don't want my country involved in this conflict. Period.

Other than that, I couldn't give a shit about Syria.

that's it???-------ok -----you have nothing to say
I think you've succumb to propaganda on the matter. Nazis were a big deal because they were in europe. In the middle east, this sort of racist/religious supremacy exists in all leadership circles from israel to iran. Perhaps we have to restore puppet monarchs with iron fists, however, if universal education doesn't come out of it, the idiots will pick up rocks and guns anyhow.

Nope------I am not a victim of propaganda -----YOU ARE. genocide is not the NORM FOR ALL
in the middle east just as it is not the NORM FOR ALL in Europe or in the USA. In fact there have been
genocides in the USA in the past------in fact stimulated by the INQUISITION (believe it or not)
and there have certainly been some genocides in Europe other than ADOLF -------genocide in
the middle east is not a "norm" any more than it is in the USA I do not know what your
background is--------have been "mixing" with persons from over there------and over here----
all my life----------my own husband was born in a shariah shit hole. I have relatives from just about
Middle-easterners have the most skewed propaganda on the matter, in my experience.

With everything at stake and all of the geopolitical hands in that region, I think accounts of human rights violations are indeed the propaganda icing added to make sympathetic people supportive. This doesn't make tales of death in a revolt untrue, but I don't believe that they are any reason that the United States would actually do something about it. In fact, we mostly haven't.

Regarding Syria------the many deaths caused by the ASSADS are fully documented by outside
agencies. The Cause of extensive murder by the very bloody HAFEZ ASSAD was not
overt revolt just as the genocide against the Shiites and Kurds committed by Baathist
assad was not a result of revolt -----for that matter the mass murder of the Armenians
by the turks was not either--------it was stuff done on IDEOLOGICAL grounds----something
like Cromwell going after catholics. (remember? ----its really dullsville English history)
The United States virtually never does anything about GENOCIDE OVER SEAS------
we did nothing for the Armenians or for the Cambodians under Pol pot----or for the Kulaks
under Stalin.-----------I am intrigued with your "experience" with Middle east propaganda----
you got "EXPERIENCE"?

You are a propagandist, plain and simple. The Syrian government was far less brutal and oppressive than nearly any other Arab government with the possible exception of Lebanon and possibly the Maghreb (Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco).

Like most people that know the area and have lived there, this guy sets the record straight.

"March 9, 2015
Saudi Arabia (not Iran) ranks 2nd in religious persecution, after N. Korea

By Donald Hank

When discussing or analyzing reports from the Muslim world, we need to always keep in mind: The Saudis are SUNNI (the more fundamentalist and violent sect) while Iran (along with Syria) is predominantly SHIITE, a sect that is less radical and violent toward other religions and sects of Islam. The actual differences in behavior of these sects are less due to theology than to culture.

These cultural differences are of inestimable importance but are almost completely ignored by our grotesquely biased press and political class. I had written before on cultural differences.................At variance with received wisdom, the predominantly Shiite Iranian government allows, as one would expect based on the above, more religious freedom than, say, Saudi Arabia and other Sunni countries. Religiously speaking, Iranians read the same Koran and Hadith as the Sunni world, but, despite their harsh enforcement of shariah law toward Muslims, their culture (including their interpretation of the scriptures) has for centuries encouraged more tolerance of non-Muslims and non-Shia. As a testimony to this tolerance, Bibles are allowed in Iran (though not in Saudi Arabia). Christians may practice their religion but may not proselytize. Iran also has a sizeable Jewish population (its hostility toward Israel can be attributed more to territorial politics than to religion. They see Israel as expanding into sacred Muslim territory). More importantly, the Iranian populace is more secular than that of other Muslim countries. For example, its young people tend to imitate Western behaviors and fashions. This major difference with Saudi Arabia is not reflected in the Western press, which spews venom 24-7 against Iran – even unfairly making it appear less tolerant of Christians, for example, here – but downplays the severe and glaring abuses of Saudi Arabia, including the latter's support for terror organizations like ISIS and al-Qaeda, as reported by the NYT, The Atlantic here and here, but also in the conservative press, such as here. You'd think Americans would wake up to this obvious bias and lack of objectivity, but they seem to be inured to it and even welcome it. Indeed a recent poll shows a majorityof Americans willing to use force against Iran. US 1 (we the people) seem to like being hoodwinked by politicians and media (US 2) in terms of foreign policy, which reflects a dismal lack of knowledge of the world around us. Thus we want to rule the world but not to know it – an untenable position in the long run. We need to wake up before this ignorance leads to another senseless war – particularly since a war with a nuclear Iran would quite likely pit us against two other nuclear powers, first Russia, and then a sympathetic China acting as a bodyguard.

Incidentally, Iran has the biggest Jewish population in any Muslim country. Where do we read that in today's Iranophobic press?"

Saudi Arabia (not Iran) ranks 2nd in religious persecution, after N. Korea

Oh gee, the dynamic duo of Mr. Saleem and Haniyah must be getting desperate if they feel that this crackpot is the real McCoy when telling us about anything. I'm not so crazy at the idea of gay marriages myself and feel it should be some kind of legal partnership instead, but I certainly don't think these marriages will turn us into Marxist slaves.

Renew America Pundit Warns Gay Marriage Will Turn Us Into Marxist Slaves
SUBMITTED BY Brian Tashman on Thursday, 6/26/2014 11:25 am

Donald Hank of Renew America responded to the decision of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to allow pastors to officiate same-sex weddings by accusing Presbyterians of “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” and supporting “social Marxism.”


Renew America Pundit Warns Gay Marriage Will Turn Us Into Marxist Slaves

Presbyterians------in my perception -----seem to have become POLITICAL OPPOTUNISTS
Nope------I am not a victim of propaganda -----YOU ARE. genocide is not the NORM FOR ALL
in the middle east just as it is not the NORM FOR ALL in Europe or in the USA. In fact there have been
genocides in the USA in the past------in fact stimulated by the INQUISITION (believe it or not)
and there have certainly been some genocides in Europe other than ADOLF -------genocide in
the middle east is not a "norm" any more than it is in the USA I do not know what your
background is--------have been "mixing" with persons from over there------and over here----
all my life----------my own husband was born in a shariah shit hole. I have relatives from just about
Middle-easterners have the most skewed propaganda on the matter, in my experience.

With everything at stake and all of the geopolitical hands in that region, I think accounts of human rights violations are indeed the propaganda icing added to make sympathetic people supportive. This doesn't make tales of death in a revolt untrue, but I don't believe that they are any reason that the United States would actually do something about it. In fact, we mostly haven't.

Regarding Syria------the many deaths caused by the ASSADS are fully documented by outside
agencies. The Cause of extensive murder by the very bloody HAFEZ ASSAD was not
overt revolt just as the genocide against the Shiites and Kurds committed by Baathist
assad was not a result of revolt -----for that matter the mass murder of the Armenians
by the turks was not either--------it was stuff done on IDEOLOGICAL grounds----something
like Cromwell going after catholics. (remember? ----its really dullsville English history)
The United States virtually never does anything about GENOCIDE OVER SEAS------
we did nothing for the Armenians or for the Cambodians under Pol pot----or for the Kulaks
under Stalin.-----------I am intrigued with your "experience" with Middle east propaganda----
you got "EXPERIENCE"?

You are a propagandist, plain and simple. The Syrian government was far less brutal and oppressive than nearly any other Arab government with the possible exception of Lebanon and possibly the Maghreb (Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco).

Like most people that know the area and have lived there, this guy sets the record straight.

"March 9, 2015
Saudi Arabia (not Iran) ranks 2nd in religious persecution, after N. Korea

By Donald Hank

When discussing or analyzing reports from the Muslim world, we need to always keep in mind: The Saudis are SUNNI (the more fundamentalist and violent sect) while Iran (along with Syria) is predominantly SHIITE, a sect that is less radical and violent toward other religions and sects of Islam. The actual differences in behavior of these sects are less due to theology than to culture.

These cultural differences are of inestimable importance but are almost completely ignored by our grotesquely biased press and political class. I had written before on cultural differences.................At variance with received wisdom, the predominantly Shiite Iranian government allows, as one would expect based on the above, more religious freedom than, say, Saudi Arabia and other Sunni countries. Religiously speaking, Iranians read the same Koran and Hadith as the Sunni world, but, despite their harsh enforcement of shariah law toward Muslims, their culture (including their interpretation of the scriptures) has for centuries encouraged more tolerance of non-Muslims and non-Shia. As a testimony to this tolerance, Bibles are allowed in Iran (though not in Saudi Arabia). Christians may practice their religion but may not proselytize. Iran also has a sizeable Jewish population (its hostility toward Israel can be attributed more to territorial politics than to religion. They see Israel as expanding into sacred Muslim territory). More importantly, the Iranian populace is more secular than that of other Muslim countries. For example, its young people tend to imitate Western behaviors and fashions. This major difference with Saudi Arabia is not reflected in the Western press, which spews venom 24-7 against Iran – even unfairly making it appear less tolerant of Christians, for example, here – but downplays the severe and glaring abuses of Saudi Arabia, including the latter's support for terror organizations like ISIS and al-Qaeda, as reported by the NYT, The Atlantic here and here, but also in the conservative press, such as here. You'd think Americans would wake up to this obvious bias and lack of objectivity, but they seem to be inured to it and even welcome it. Indeed a recent poll shows a majorityof Americans willing to use force against Iran. US 1 (we the people) seem to like being hoodwinked by politicians and media (US 2) in terms of foreign policy, which reflects a dismal lack of knowledge of the world around us. Thus we want to rule the world but not to know it – an untenable position in the long run. We need to wake up before this ignorance leads to another senseless war – particularly since a war with a nuclear Iran would quite likely pit us against two other nuclear powers, first Russia, and then a sympathetic China acting as a bodyguard.

Incidentally, Iran has the biggest Jewish population in any Muslim country. Where do we read that in today's Iranophobic press?"

Saudi Arabia (not Iran) ranks 2nd in religious persecution, after N. Korea

Oh gee, the dynamic duo of Mr. Saleem and Haniyah must be getting desperate if they feel that this crackpot is the real McCoy when telling us about anything. I'm not so crazy at the idea of gay marriages myself and feel it should be some kind of legal partnership instead, but I certainly don't think these marriages will turn us into Marxist slaves.

Renew America Pundit Warns Gay Marriage Will Turn Us Into Marxist Slaves
SUBMITTED BY Brian Tashman on Thursday, 6/26/2014 11:25 am

Donald Hank of Renew America responded to the decision of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to allow pastors to officiate same-sex weddings by accusing Presbyterians of “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” and supporting “social Marxism.”


Renew America Pundit Warns Gay Marriage Will Turn Us Into Marxist Slaves

Presbyterians------in my perception -----seem to have become POLITICAL OPPOTUNISTS

But imagine using this Hank fellow as a source. He sounds like a crackpot. Imagine that --we all are going to turn into Marxist slaves because of Gay marriages!!!
You are full of crap. Syria had the largest population percentage wise in the Middle East of Christians next to Lebanon and Egypt. When Christians began facing persecution in Iraq they escaped to Syria for safe haven. You are one of the biggest liars on this forum.

"In the past, Syria had one of the most storied Christian communities in the world. St. Paul was even baptized there. Today, Christians suffer from the Syrian civil war like everyone else, but they are also persecuted simply for their baptism....Syria once had the third highest rate of Christianity in the Middle East; about 10 percent of its population identified as Christian. Now, the community lives in permanent exile."

S.O.S. Christians in Syria

This is trailer for an Italian documentary that proves that you are a lying maniac.

You are hilarious MONTE--------the Baathist pig HAFEZ came to power in 1970 -------
-----long long after ST. PAUL was Baptized/ Syria ONCE had lots of Christians-----and it
ONCE had lots of jews-----------in fact there was a time when KABUL AFGHANISTAN was chock
full of jews too-----then islam happened----------re-read your post------it makes you seem psychotic.
As to chaldeans fleeing to SYRIA--------sheesh you are stupid------check the geography ---
--it's over land and walking distance

You are truly an idiot. Iraqi Christians were escaping to Syria for safe haven prior to the Sunni Islamists initiating the rebellion. The documentary is talking about now, and is mentioning the fact that St. Paul was baptized in Syria in antiquity. You are such a moron.

From 2004, before your Islamists friends began their campaign against the secular Syrian Government,

"A quiet but steady hemorrhaging of Iraq's ancient Christian presence is underway and little is being done to stem the flow. Written threats, kidnappings, bombings and murder by Muslim extremists are driving thousands of Iraq's minority Christian population out of their ancestral homeland, fleeing for safety to neighboring Jordan and Syria."

Iraqi Christians Fleeing to Jordan, Syria

St Paul was "baptized" in Syria -------obviously an issue germane to the current situation------thanks so much,
MONTE Documentary. ??? where??????

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