‘Killing Jews Is Worship’ Ad Campaign Rolled Out On SF Muni Buses

Israel will be around until the earth ceases to exist. Deal with it.

Where did anyone bring Israel's existence up? You overreacted guy. It's simple. US Jews should start behaving like the rest of the Americans instead of trying to create divisions between them.

You'd be making quite a mistake if you think that Pamela Geller is representative of "US Jews" as a whole.

They don't represent the average US Jew, but pro Israel organizations seem to like to stir up controversy.
Israel will be around until the earth ceases to exist. Deal with it.

Where did anyone bring Israel's existence up? You overreacted guy. It's simple. US Jews should start behaving like the rest of the Americans instead of trying to create divisions between them.

You'd be making quite a mistake if you think that Pamela Geller is representative of "US Jews" as a whole.

No...she's kind of a one-woman Westboro Baptist style freakshow. With, unfortunately, a large enough following to be disturbing.
Israel will be around until the earth ceases to exist. Deal with it.

Where did anyone bring Israel's existence up? You overreacted guy. It's simple. US Jews should start behaving like the rest of the Americans instead of trying to create divisions between them.

Who are you to tell U.S. Jews what causes they can and cannot take up? It's obvious their support for Israel bothers you, but they're not going to stop because you don't like it.

They should find more productive ways. Which isn't this panicky situation where they stir up hatred and provocations. If they do continue I think the US Muslims should just respond with 10 ads for every 1 pro Israel ad by saying 'Jews killed Jesus'. I'm sure the Jews wouldn't like it nor would the government officials. This seems no different.
Where did anyone bring Israel's existence up? You overreacted guy. It's simple. US Jews should start behaving like the rest of the Americans instead of trying to create divisions between them.

You'd be making quite a mistake if you think that Pamela Geller is representative of "US Jews" as a whole.

They don't represent the average US Jew, but pro Israel organizations seem to like to stir up controversy.

Every organization with an agenda likes to "stir up trouble". This is different.

Pamela Geller belongs in a category along with David Duke, not AIPAC.
Where did anyone bring Israel's existence up? You overreacted guy. It's simple. US Jews should start behaving like the rest of the Americans instead of trying to create divisions between them.

You'd be making quite a mistake if you think that Pamela Geller is representative of "US Jews" as a whole.

They don't represent the average US Jew, but pro Israel organizations seem to like to stir up controversy.

Understand the difference then, BIK: Geller is not 'pro-Israel', she is 'anti-Musim'.
You'd be making quite a mistake if you think that Pamela Geller is representative of "US Jews" as a whole.

They don't represent the average US Jew, but pro Israel organizations seem to like to stir up controversy.

Every organization with an agenda likes to "stir up trouble". This is different.

Pamela Geller belongs in a category along with David Duke, not AIPAC.

You're correct. AIPAC is in a different category.
You'd be making quite a mistake if you think that Pamela Geller is representative of "US Jews" as a whole.

They don't represent the average US Jew, but pro Israel organizations seem to like to stir up controversy.

Every organization with an agenda likes to "stir up trouble". This is different.

Pamela Geller belongs in a category along with David Duke, not AIPAC.

Can you quote anything she has said to put her in that company?
Where did anyone bring Israel's existence up? You overreacted guy. It's simple. US Jews should start behaving like the rest of the Americans instead of trying to create divisions between them.

You'd be making quite a mistake if you think that Pamela Geller is representative of "US Jews" as a whole.

No...she's kind of a one-woman Westboro Baptist style freakshow. With, unfortunately, a large enough following to be disturbing.


I was going to compare her to Fred Phelps, but I thought David Duke was a better fit.
You'd be making quite a mistake if you think that Pamela Geller is representative of "US Jews" as a whole.

They don't represent the average US Jew, but pro Israel organizations seem to like to stir up controversy.

Understand the difference then, BIK: Geller is not 'pro-Israel', she is 'anti-Musim'.

She seems both to me. That's why she has support israel behind her ads. And it isn't just her. It's a group of people. So we can point fingers at her all we want but the problem lies with the people behind the scenes who fund this. Which I'm guessing includes jews. That being said, the ad doesn't make sense. Israel isn't facing a 'Jihad'. They are facing resistance from people they've occupied.
They don't represent the average US Jew, but pro Israel organizations seem to like to stir up controversy.

Every organization with an agenda likes to "stir up trouble". This is different.

Pamela Geller belongs in a category along with David Duke, not AIPAC.

Can you quote anything she has said to put her in that company?

Sure - a perfect example would be what you agreed with, earlier in this thread.

Which puts you in that category too.
Where did anyone bring Israel's existence up? You overreacted guy. It's simple. US Jews should start behaving like the rest of the Americans instead of trying to create divisions between them.

Who are you to tell U.S. Jews what causes they can and cannot take up? It's obvious their support for Israel bothers you, but they're not going to stop because you don't like it.

They should find more productive ways. Which isn't this panicky situation where they stir up hatred and provocations. If they do continue I think the US Muslims should just respond with 10 ads for every 1 pro Israel ad by saying 'Jews killed Jesus'. I'm sure the Jews wouldn't like it nor would the government officials. This seems no different.

That wouldn't make any sense, habibi - since the Qu'Ran specifically states that Jesus did not die. So according to the Qu'Ran, such a poster would be lying..... NOT the best way to do it.
They don't represent the average US Jew, but pro Israel organizations seem to like to stir up controversy.

Every organization with an agenda likes to "stir up trouble". This is different.

Pamela Geller belongs in a category along with David Duke, not AIPAC.

Can you quote anything she has said to put her in that company?

She is extremely anti-Islam.

Is there anything negative she could say about Islam that you'd disagree with?
Who are you to tell U.S. Jews what causes they can and cannot take up? It's obvious their support for Israel bothers you, but they're not going to stop because you don't like it.

They should find more productive ways. Which isn't this panicky situation where they stir up hatred and provocations. If they do continue I think the US Muslims should just respond with 10 ads for every 1 pro Israel ad by saying 'Jews killed Jesus'. I'm sure the Jews wouldn't like it nor would the government officials. This seems no different.

That wouldn't make any sense, habibi - since the Qu'Ran specifically states that Jesus did not die. So according to the Qu'Ran, such a poster would be lying..... NOT the best way to do it.

Did you seriously just write that? .....:lmao:
Where did anyone bring Israel's existence up? You overreacted guy. It's simple. US Jews should start behaving like the rest of the Americans instead of trying to create divisions between them.

Who are you to tell U.S. Jews what causes they can and cannot take up? It's obvious their support for Israel bothers you, but they're not going to stop because you don't like it.

They should find more productive ways. Which isn't this panicky situation where they stir up hatred and provocations. If they do continue I think the US Muslims should just respond with 10 ads for every 1 pro Israel ad by saying 'Jews killed Jesus'. I'm sure the Jews wouldn't like it nor would the government officials. This seems no different.

What you're suggesting isn't a hypothetical. There's been a back-and-forth here in San Francisco for a few years.

Geller's first ad was "in response" to this ad:

It's noticeably less provocative and ridiculous, but it's not like there aren't advocacy groups on both sides.
Why is it saying Israel? It seems everytime these ad groups do something provocative it is tied to supporting Israel. When will US jews quit bringing this political bigotry to the US public? They always try in the dumbest ways to get support for Israel of course. Their whole demonization campaign is exactly for that. They don't care about Muslims, they care about Israel. I think they should stop whining.

Israel will be around until the earth ceases to exist. Deal with it.

I expect Israel will be around much longer than that.
I don't see anything wrong with those adds. They describe Muslim fanatics perfectly.

I'm sure the KuKluxKlan would find a melding of minds with you and Pam.

GOD forbid I should ever accidentally defend a bigot! But can we ask Rocko what he means by 'fanatics' *first*?

I stated my opposition to broad-brushing whole groups AND acknowledged that each group we humans can subdivide ourselves into will contain a few extremists.

Rocko, go back please and look at my comment and tell me if you agree or disagree with me? Can you distinguish between our fellow citizens who call the Deity 'Allah', and extremists who want to extinguish Israel?
Doc: I dunno 'bout that 'less provocative and ridiculous' myself - I find the 'peace justice and we-are-the-only-ones-here-with-a-conscience' smarminess every bit as revolting as Geller's ham-fisted 'US/THEM' labeling.

No, it's MORE revolting to me because of the smarmy pretensiousness of it. It's a 'supremacist ideology' all in itself.......
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Would you care to return to this thread and state your intent? Have you enough integrity to admit your mistake?
They don't represent the average US Jew, but pro Israel organizations seem to like to stir up controversy.

Every organization with an agenda likes to "stir up trouble". This is different.

Pamela Geller belongs in a category along with David Duke, not AIPAC.

Can you quote anything she has said to put her in that company?

There's so much to pick from....I think Loonwatch sums it best in many of their articles....here's just one bit: Pamela Geller Watch: Craziest Quotes of the Week | loonwatch.com

We continue our coverage of the looniest blogger in the world, Pamela Geller, with a collection of her paranoid delusions and distortions from this past week.

First up, the SIOE (Stop the Islamisation of Europe) protest against the building of a new mosque in London. The event garnered an impressive fifteen “freedom fighters”, but Pamela’s outrage was reserved for the local Jews who refused to take part in the divisive event.

KAPO Mentality Takes Hold In The Face Of Islamic Annihilationists’ Second Holocaust

Rabbis attacked the campaign. “The show of unity from the Jewish community is in defiance of a website appeal by SIOE for 1,000 Jews carrying the Israeli flag to turn up.” Even the Rabbis abandon Israel when the going gets rough.

Stop the Islamisation of Europe held a rally protest in what can only be described as an Islamic fortress in the heart of Harrow. I strongly urged Jews to attend. Islamic anti-semitism is more poisonous, more dangerous than even Nazism was to the Jews. This promise of Jewish genocide is made “sacred” by Islamic texts.
As loonwatch has documented before, Euro-supremacists often use the Israeli flag to conceal their anti-Semitic tendencies, believing it gives them a free pass for their anti-Muslim bigotry. Pamela assumes that support for Israel is the only issue concerning Jews. Obviously the rabbis did not appreciate the misuse of the flag of Israel for Islamophobic propaganda.

Next up, a bizarre “stealth jihad” delusion from Pamela, Sharia Coke:

This is Sharia going global. They are using local Muslims the world over to demand Sharia adherence by corporations and by the market place.

This is slowly leading to Nuremberg like Jewish laws as products are being branded as Jewish.

We all know that taking over the soda industry is one of the keys to the Mooslim domination of the world! Per her modus operandi, anything Muslim related can be assumed to be part of a global plot to impose Shari’ah law on unsuspecting dhimmis. And you can always throw in a Nazi reference for good measure.

Along the same lines, Pamela is upset that a Muslims group in Minnesota has put up an innocuous billboard inviting people to ask questions about Islam. Ignorance keeps Pamela in business, so I can understand her strong opposition. I say, why can’t Muslims be allowed to educate the public about their faith? Do these same people who rail against Muslims have a problem when Christian groups put up billboards calling people to find Jesus? I imagine not. But with Muslims, it must be a jihadi plot.


Sharia Coke - yeppo :lol:

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