Kim Davis...and the Judge's "mistake"

Religion SHOULD be attacked and every church should be burned to the ground and every " minister " should be deported.


Yeah getting close to a week how's that throwing her in jail working for you butt fuckers? She is STILL the elected clerk of court and ANY license given to "couples" without her signature is void....pretty funny stuffs....these faggots think its gonna stand in court....they are slowly but surely pushing the country back right on social issues because people are seeing it IS about attacking religious folks and religion.
You heard it here folks. ^ Cultural Marxist at least being open about their views. At least YOU are honest the rest like you hide and hem and haw about what they REALLY want. TBH the only religion I even respect is Creativity which is MY religion but christianity serves a slight purpose it gives the people something to hold on to and stand together against faggotry and abortion etc. Other than that I pretty much agree I would love to see a church burn....albeit for different reasons from you. I find christianity to be a jewish invented cult that was hoisted upon the white population by jews in a effort to destroy the white population. Christianity needs eradicated and a new racial religion installed in the hearts and minds of the people much like Judaism is. That's why jews can be spread all over the world and always be loyal to each other. That racial religion.
Religion SHOULD be attacked and every church should be burned to the ground and every " minister " should be deported.


Yeah getting close to a week how's that throwing her in jail working for you butt fuckers? She is STILL the elected clerk of court and ANY license given to "couples" without her signature is void....pretty funny stuffs....these faggots think its gonna stand in court....they are slowly but surely pushing the country back right on social issues because people are seeing it IS about attacking religious folks and religion.
You heard it here folks. ^ Cultural Marxist at least being open about their views. At least YOU are honest the rest like you hide and hem and haw about what they REALLY want. TBH the only religion I even respect is Creativity which is MY religion but christianity serves a slight purpose it gives the people something to hold on to and stand together against faggotry and abortion etc. Other than that I pretty much agree I would love to see a church burn....albeit for different reasons from you. I find christianity to be a jewish invented cult that was hoisted upon the white population by jews in a effort to destroy the white population. Christianity needs eradicated and a new racial religion installed in the hearts and minds of the people much like Judaism is. That's why jews can be spread all over the world and always be loyal to each other. That racial religion.
Jews are somewhat loyal, and that's because of Israel and a reaction to people who hate Jews. Very few Jews are as batfuck crazy as you are, thank God.
Totally irrelevant, to this point she has done nothing illegal.

Yes she has.

Name it.
Contempt of Court, plus --

She is currently facing a charge of official misconduct - which has been sent to the Kentucky Attorney General's Office, from the Rowan County Attorney General's Office.

"KRS 522.020 and KRS 522.030 deal with official misconduct in the first and second degree, respectively. “A public servant is guilty of official misconduct in the first degree when, with intent to obtain or confer a benefit or to injure another person or to deprive another person of a benefit, knowingly commits an act relating to his office which constitutes an unauthorized exercise of his official functions or refrains from performing a duty imposed upon him by law or clearly inherent in the nature of his office or violates any statute or lawfully adopted rule or regulation relating to his office,” according to KRS 522.020.

Official misconduct in the first degree is a Class A misdemeanor and is punishable with imprisonment not to exceed 12 months and fines of $500.

Official misconduct in the second degree is a Class B misdemeanor and carries a potential punishment of up to 90 days imprisonment and fines of $250."

Once again, the law says she MAY ISSUE marriage licenses, it does NOT say she SHALL ISSUE marriage licenses. How is she engaging in misconduct when the law gives her an option on issuing marriage licenses?

Regardless as to how the State choses to deal with an elected official the federal court has no authority in it.
Civil rights are a Federal issue. And your but you don't have to issue licenses dog won't hunt. Give it up.

Oh right, you're one of those folks that think only the laws you agree with should be followed.
The right to ADVOCATE is NOT the right to DENY or force others to submit to your religious views.

Advocating means trying to persuade the authorities to make changes that you want.

Other people advocate for their point of view.

That's why we have elections.

If the religious people who want to force Christaria Law on the U.S. can PERSUADE the majority of voters to change the Constitution or replace it with their Bible ( which is what they really want ), then it might happen.

But a minority of a relatively few religious nut jobs cannot just declare that their beliefs overrule the Constitution and the Supreme Court.

Well they < can > declare that, but it would be worth just as much as me declaring my poop is made of gold.

If they don't stop trying to force their religion down everyone's throat they may wind up eating some lead.


Yet the court said this-
And it is ignored.
Finally, it must be emphasized that religions, and those who adhere to religious doctrines, may continue to advocate with utmost, sincere conviction that, by divine precepts, same-sex marriage should not be condoned. The First Amendment ensures that religious organizations and persons are given proper protection as they seek to teach the principles that are so fulfilling and so central to their lives and faiths, and to their own deep aspirations to continue the family structure they have long revered. The same is true of those who oppose same-sex marriage for other reasons. In turn, those who believe allowing same sex marriage is proper or indeed essential, whether as a matter of religious conviction or secular belief, may engage those who disagree with their view in an open and searching debate.

There needs to be a compromise where those who oppose have their rights also.

So in the same Supreme Court ruling they say Davis has the right to advocate as well as the Judge in Oregon.
Each time she denied a homo a license, she committed a HATE CRIME under Federal Law and each instance is a FELONY.

It is a hate crime because she originally denied gays / lesbos and only gays / lesbos. It wasn't until her lawyer told her she was going to be charged with discrimination that she began refusing everyone but that won't get her out of what she did originally.

She's lucky that so far ( as far as I know ) none of the homos have gotten a lawyer and filed hate crime charges against her because she would certainly lose.

And she could face the penalties listed below FOR EACH CASE, which would amount to YEARS in prison and she deserves every bit of it.


Contempt of Court, plus --

She is currently facing a charge of official misconduct - which has been sent to the Kentucky Attorney General's Office, from the Rowan County Attorney General's Office.

"KRS 522.020 and KRS 522.030 deal with official misconduct in the first and second degree, respectively. “A public servant is guilty of official misconduct in the first degree when, with intent to obtain or confer a benefit or to injure another person or to deprive another person of a benefit, knowingly commits an act relating to his office which constitutes an unauthorized exercise of his official functions or refrains from performing a duty imposed upon him by law or clearly inherent in the nature of his office or violates any statute or lawfully adopted rule or regulation relating to his office,” according to KRS 522.020.

Official misconduct in the first degree is a Class A misdemeanor and is punishable with imprisonment not to exceed 12 months and fines of $500.

Official misconduct in the second degree is a Class B misdemeanor and carries a potential punishment of up to 90 days imprisonment and fines of $250."
no she didn't, stop being a dick! (in the sweetest voice I have! :) )
Totally irrelevant, to this point she has done nothing illegal.

Yes she has.

Name it.

Contempt of court for starters.

Denying constitutional rights by using an unconstitutional law.

Not complying with an illegal order from a judge is not a violation of law. It's being appealed.

When was the KY law on who MAY ISSUE marriage licenses overturned?
There was nothing illegal about her order. Face it, she's sitting in jail because of her own actions.

Perfectly legal actions under KY law.
They came for someone who was clearly being anti-constitutional. .

What is anti-constitutional about Davis requesting her name be removed from the fagot marriage certificates?

Would seem to be a reasonable accommodation. I think I would rather go to jail too than sign that shit.

Works for me.

She takes $80K a year but refuses to do her job so yes, get someone who will and put the crazy ole bat on the unemployment line.

But yes, by definition, her action was and is unconstitutional. If you don't know that, I suggest you review your 6th grade civics class where the rest of us learned about the three branches of government.
Contempt of Court, plus --

She is currently facing a charge of official misconduct - which has been sent to the Kentucky Attorney General's Office, from the Rowan County Attorney General's Office.

"KRS 522.020 and KRS 522.030 deal with official misconduct in the first and second degree, respectively. “A public servant is guilty of official misconduct in the first degree when, with intent to obtain or confer a benefit or to injure another person or to deprive another person of a benefit, knowingly commits an act relating to his office which constitutes an unauthorized exercise of his official functions or refrains from performing a duty imposed upon him by law or clearly inherent in the nature of his office or violates any statute or lawfully adopted rule or regulation relating to his office,” according to KRS 522.020.

Official misconduct in the first degree is a Class A misdemeanor and is punishable with imprisonment not to exceed 12 months and fines of $500.

Official misconduct in the second degree is a Class B misdemeanor and carries a potential punishment of up to 90 days imprisonment and fines of $250."

Once again, the law says she MAY ISSUE marriage licenses, it does NOT say she SHALL ISSUE marriage licenses. How is she engaging in misconduct when the law gives her an option on issuing marriage licenses?

Regardless as to how the State choses to deal with an elected official the federal court has no authority in it.
Civil rights are a Federal issue. And your but you don't have to issue licenses dog won't hunt. Give it up.

Oh right, you're one of those folks that think only the laws you agree with should be followed.
Nope, that's you who think it's okay to ignore the rules here if you believe some magical being in the sky disagrees. I, unlike you apparently, obey the law.

Contempt of court for starters.

Denying constitutional rights by using an unconstitutional law.

Not complying with an illegal order from a judge is not a violation of law. It's being appealed.

When was the KY law on who MAY ISSUE marriage licenses overturned?
There was nothing illegal about her order. Face it, she's sitting in jail because of her own actions.

Perfectly legal actions under KY law.

And KY law trumps SCOTUS?


Contempt of court for starters.

Denying constitutional rights by using an unconstitutional law.

Not complying with an illegal order from a judge is not a violation of law. It's being appealed.

When was the KY law on who MAY ISSUE marriage licenses overturned?
There was nothing illegal about her order. Face it, she's sitting in jail because of her own actions.

Perfectly legal actions under KY law.
Not according to the judge, who she should have obeyed while she was making her case. The fix was easy, let others in her office do it. She's her own jailer, let it go. Soon enough she will...
Totally irrelevant, to this point she has done nothing illegal.

Yes she has.

Name it.
Contempt of Court, plus --

She is currently facing a charge of official misconduct - which has been sent to the Kentucky Attorney General's Office, from the Rowan County Attorney General's Office.

"KRS 522.020 and KRS 522.030 deal with official misconduct in the first and second degree, respectively. “A public servant is guilty of official misconduct in the first degree when, with intent to obtain or confer a benefit or to injure another person or to deprive another person of a benefit, knowingly commits an act relating to his office which constitutes an unauthorized exercise of his official functions or refrains from performing a duty imposed upon him by law or clearly inherent in the nature of his office or violates any statute or lawfully adopted rule or regulation relating to his office,” according to KRS 522.020.

Official misconduct in the first degree is a Class A misdemeanor and is punishable with imprisonment not to exceed 12 months and fines of $500.

Official misconduct in the second degree is a Class B misdemeanor and carries a potential punishment of up to 90 days imprisonment and fines of $250."

Once again, the law says she MAY ISSUE marriage licenses, it does NOT say she SHALL ISSUE marriage licenses. How is she engaging in misconduct when the law gives her an option on issuing marriage licenses?
It says she SHALL issue.
Regardless as to how the State choses to deal with an elected official the federal court has no authority in it.
Yes, he does. That's not in dispute.

It says she shall issue only in a case where a minor female is involved, otherwise the law say any clerk MAY ISSUE a marriage license. PMH has posted the law itself several times, do try to keep up.
Of course, the federal judge who ruled that Davis' was in breach of her position description duties did the right thing.....but in placing her in lock-up, rather than imposing a heavy daily fine was somewhat of a mistake.

I understand that the ruling was based on the fact that if simply a fine was imposed, that Davis would be out of jail and her supporters would be paying the fine.....although I understand that such would have happened, I disagree with what the ultimate impact would have been. For example:

Davis NOT being in jail would have prevented the charlatans like Huckabee in trying to garner some "support" by visiting Davis in jail.,,,,and, even more importantly,

had the fine been $10,000 per day, I am sure that a few days would have been picked up by Davis' supporters....but keep asking those supporters to constantly dig into their pockets for more and more funds to keep Davis "free", and the true LOYALTY and CONVICTION of evangelicals would have been better tested.

Ah liberals want to destroy the woman financially, shocker /sarcasm. There is nothing quite as low as a liberal in this world.

That moronic response points out your hypocrisy about wanting to follow the "law" when it comes to some progressive causes....but defying the "law" when it comes to right wing stupidities. Congrats !!!
Contempt of Court, plus --

She is currently facing a charge of official misconduct - which has been sent to the Kentucky Attorney General's Office, from the Rowan County Attorney General's Office.

"KRS 522.020 and KRS 522.030 deal with official misconduct in the first and second degree, respectively. “A public servant is guilty of official misconduct in the first degree when, with intent to obtain or confer a benefit or to injure another person or to deprive another person of a benefit, knowingly commits an act relating to his office which constitutes an unauthorized exercise of his official functions or refrains from performing a duty imposed upon him by law or clearly inherent in the nature of his office or violates any statute or lawfully adopted rule or regulation relating to his office,” according to KRS 522.020.

Official misconduct in the first degree is a Class A misdemeanor and is punishable with imprisonment not to exceed 12 months and fines of $500.

Official misconduct in the second degree is a Class B misdemeanor and carries a potential punishment of up to 90 days imprisonment and fines of $250."

Once again, the law says she MAY ISSUE marriage licenses, it does NOT say she SHALL ISSUE marriage licenses. How is she engaging in misconduct when the law gives her an option on issuing marriage licenses?

Regardless as to how the State choses to deal with an elected official the federal court has no authority in it.
Civil rights are a Federal issue. And your but you don't have to issue licenses dog won't hunt. Give it up.

Oh right, you're one of those folks that think only the laws you agree with should be followed.

Oh, so you're saying Davis should not have broken the law.

I agree.
Contempt of Court, plus --

She is currently facing a charge of official misconduct - which has been sent to the Kentucky Attorney General's Office, from the Rowan County Attorney General's Office.

"KRS 522.020 and KRS 522.030 deal with official misconduct in the first and second degree, respectively. “A public servant is guilty of official misconduct in the first degree when, with intent to obtain or confer a benefit or to injure another person or to deprive another person of a benefit, knowingly commits an act relating to his office which constitutes an unauthorized exercise of his official functions or refrains from performing a duty imposed upon him by law or clearly inherent in the nature of his office or violates any statute or lawfully adopted rule or regulation relating to his office,” according to KRS 522.020.

Official misconduct in the first degree is a Class A misdemeanor and is punishable with imprisonment not to exceed 12 months and fines of $500.

Official misconduct in the second degree is a Class B misdemeanor and carries a potential punishment of up to 90 days imprisonment and fines of $250."

Once again, the law says she MAY ISSUE marriage licenses, it does NOT say she SHALL ISSUE marriage licenses. How is she engaging in misconduct when the law gives her an option on issuing marriage licenses?

Regardless as to how the State choses to deal with an elected official the federal court has no authority in it.
Civil rights are a Federal issue. And your but you don't have to issue licenses dog won't hunt. Give it up.

Oh right, you're one of those folks that think only the laws you agree with should be followed.
Nope, that's you who think it's okay to ignore the rules here if you believe some magical being in the sky disagrees. I, unlike you apparently, obey the law.


Contempt of court for starters.

Denying constitutional rights by using an unconstitutional law.

Not complying with an illegal order from a judge is not a violation of law. It's being appealed.

When was the KY law on who MAY ISSUE marriage licenses overturned?
There was nothing illegal about her order. Face it, she's sitting in jail because of her own actions.

Perfectly legal actions under KY law.

And KY law trumps SCOTUS?

His point is the law doesn't say that she has to issue marriage licenses since most, but not all women (it says that) can get a license from any clerk. Letter of the law versus the spirit of the law. The judge saw it the right way, do your damn job and keep your God at home where he belongs because you work for us, the taxpayers...

Contempt of court for starters.

Denying constitutional rights by using an unconstitutional law.

Not complying with an illegal order from a judge is not a violation of law. It's being appealed.

When was the KY law on who MAY ISSUE marriage licenses overturned?
There was nothing illegal about her order. Face it, she's sitting in jail because of her own actions.

Perfectly legal actions under KY law.

And KY law trumps SCOTUS?


Has SCOTUS addressed the KY law on who MAY ISSUE marriage licenses? NO, so until it does the law stands.
Contempt of Court, plus --

She is currently facing a charge of official misconduct - which has been sent to the Kentucky Attorney General's Office, from the Rowan County Attorney General's Office.

"KRS 522.020 and KRS 522.030 deal with official misconduct in the first and second degree, respectively. “A public servant is guilty of official misconduct in the first degree when, with intent to obtain or confer a benefit or to injure another person or to deprive another person of a benefit, knowingly commits an act relating to his office which constitutes an unauthorized exercise of his official functions or refrains from performing a duty imposed upon him by law or clearly inherent in the nature of his office or violates any statute or lawfully adopted rule or regulation relating to his office,” according to KRS 522.020.

Official misconduct in the first degree is a Class A misdemeanor and is punishable with imprisonment not to exceed 12 months and fines of $500.

Official misconduct in the second degree is a Class B misdemeanor and carries a potential punishment of up to 90 days imprisonment and fines of $250."

Once again, the law says she MAY ISSUE marriage licenses, it does NOT say she SHALL ISSUE marriage licenses. How is she engaging in misconduct when the law gives her an option on issuing marriage licenses?

Regardless as to how the State choses to deal with an elected official the federal court has no authority in it.
Civil rights are a Federal issue. And your but you don't have to issue licenses dog won't hunt. Give it up.

Oh right, you're one of those folks that think only the laws you agree with should be followed.

Oh, so you're saying Davis should not have broken the law.

I agree.

She didn't dumbass.
Tell us, OKT, do agree with Jesus on this?

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." - Matthew 6:24

Contempt of court for starters.

Denying constitutional rights by using an unconstitutional law.

Not complying with an illegal order from a judge is not a violation of law. It's being appealed.

When was the KY law on who MAY ISSUE marriage licenses overturned?
There was nothing illegal about her order. Face it, she's sitting in jail because of her own actions.

Perfectly legal actions under KY law.
Not according to the judge, who she should have obeyed while she was making her case. The fix was easy, let others in her office do it. She's her own jailer, let it go. Soon enough she will...

So what will you say if she wins her appeal?

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