Kim Davis...and the Judge's "mistake"

She only has an OPTION to deny a marriage license if, for some legal reason such as already being married to someone else, they are not eligible for a license in that state.

She DOES NOT have an option to deny a license based on her personal religious beliefs.


Right, he's taken everything into account except the KY law that gives her an option.
Tell us, OKT, do agree with Jesus on this?

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." - Matthew 6:24

I'm not addressing the religious issue, legally it has no bearing on the case. KY law gives her the option to issue marriage licenses or not, her reasons are irrelevant. Until that is changed she has done nothing legally wrong.
The law needs to be updated, obviously, but the law that she broke is Contempt. You cannot ignore a court order and get away with it.

And answer the question, do you agree with Jesus or not?

The court can not order to do something she is not compelled to do under KY law.

And NO.
The hell it can't, obviously.

An no, you don't agree with Jesus on serving two masters? Well, that explains a great deal. You and Davis are loony birds of a feather...
This happened already after Loving. States still had miscegenation laws on the books. One official in one case denied a mixed race couple under the state law.

He lost in court. This is pretty much settled. Get over it.
In MOST states judges ARE elected.

Are you SURE they aren't in Kentucky?

Vomiting Fox crap all over the screen doesn't make it correct. They love to bitch about " unelected " whether true or not.

Fox hates any judge who rules against them and calls them " activists " but, of course, when the judges rule in their favor they are wiser than Solomon.


Right, she pissed off an unelected lawyer in a robe.
My dear right wingers......It would be "LIBERATING" for you to NOT try to defend the indefensible.

I may lean to the "left", but I, for one, cannot defend many of the decisions Obama has made, nor do I defend the arrogant stances that Hillary Clinton has taken.

Of course my advice is meaningless to staunch partisans.....but, try a bit of objectivity....
It is "liberating."
There are times in this life kiddos, when you have to choose a path, to make the difficult decision, to follow the higher purpose to do, what in your mind, is the nobler thing. When you are truly a person of faith, and faith demands that you serve God before all others, then that is what you do but you cannot serve two masters. You have to pick one. Jesus was in now way ambiguous about this (Matthew 6:24).

That same stance is how he ended up dying on the cross. If you want to show us real faith, when you believe that your faith and your job are no longer compatible, you have to choose one or the other and I very much doubt that God is impressed by people trying to have their cake, and eat it to? That is not the God of the Bible. If you cannot walk into the lion's den, or in this case the unknown of not having a paycheck, you have faith in name only and that is nothing like serving God...
Right wingers seem to "confuse" (either willingly or because they're downright dumb) that there IS a major difference between the a private vendor and where refusal to serve someone for religious bias, the plaintiff has other recourse, such as another less stupid baker......AND an elected official whose position description SPECIFICALLY compels the issuance of a marriage license under the law to that elected official.

By some right wingers' OWN admission, any license issued by someone else within that same county may be invalid....ergo, Davis is ENTRUSTED to issue the license and to not do so, makes her guilty.
Of course, the federal judge who ruled that Davis' was in breach of her position description duties did the right thing.....but in placing her in lock-up, rather than imposing a heavy daily fine was somewhat of a mistake.

I understand that the ruling was based on the fact that if simply a fine was imposed, that Davis would be out of jail and her supporters would be paying the fine.....although I understand that such would have happened, I disagree with what the ultimate impact would have been. For example:

Davis NOT being in jail would have prevented the charlatans like Huckabee in trying to garner some "support" by visiting Davis in jail.,,,,and, even more importantly,

had the fine been $10,000 per day, I am sure that a few days would have been picked up by Davis' supporters....but keep asking those supporters to constantly dig into their pockets for more and more funds to keep Davis "free", and the true LOYALTY and CONVICTION of evangelicals would have been better tested.

That gives them a "cause" and makes it about more than her just refusing to do her job.

Look to Davis' "lawyer" and the organization he belongs to. They are mining this "cause" for money as we speak.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the liberals, and I did not speak out--
Because I was rolling on the floor laughing my ass off.
People better start waking up to what is going on. They came for Kim Davis and you said Nothing. well you know the rest of that saying

What a load of horse shit. Kim Davis was the one persecuting people by denying them their civil right to marriage. PERIOD.

If you want to live in a theocracy go join ISIS. The Christian Taliban has a lot in common with them.
There is no right to a license.

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You might want to read up on Current Events.
A court opinion does not make law or constitutional rights jackass .

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You can repeat that a hundred times a day if you like, but it won't change anything for you. Gays have the right to marry. End of story. And there is nothing the Christian Taliban can do about it.
You think the Taliban actions are along the lines of failing to sign a marriage certificate?

The thing I look forward to most..when dumbass cowards like you find out what it's like to live in a state where oppression is actually taking place, perpetrated by the people you brought to power. You will learn what it's like to be oppressed, and there won't be any Christians, cops or military around to protect your cowardly ass because you facilitated killing and imprisoning them. It will just be you, against people who want you dead.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the liberals, and I did not speak out--
Because I was rolling on the floor laughing my ass off.
According to Taz, Christians in our country are "Taliban". Oh and cops are bad too.

What a fucking loser. He defends and assists scum, while pretending the people they're targeting are the *bad guys*.
Of course, the federal judge who ruled that Davis' was in breach of her position description duties did the right thing.....but in placing her in lock-up, rather than imposing a heavy daily fine was somewhat of a mistake.

I understand that the ruling was based on the fact that if simply a fine was imposed, that Davis would be out of jail and her supporters would be paying the fine.....although I understand that such would have happened, I disagree with what the ultimate impact would have been. For example:

Davis NOT being in jail would have prevented the charlatans like Huckabee in trying to garner some "support" by visiting Davis in jail.,,,,and, even more importantly,

had the fine been $10,000 per day, I am sure that a few days would have been picked up by Davis' supporters....but keep asking those supporters to constantly dig into their pockets for more and more funds to keep Davis "free", and the true LOYALTY and CONVICTION of evangelicals would have been better tested.
In about 2 months it will be "Kim Who?"

Indeed. That's what the Prog Thugs count on by picking obscure targets to send messages to the Ignorant American Hicks that they'd better Kow Tow to Authority and avoid Badthink.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the liberals, and I did not speak out--
Because I was rolling on the floor laughing my ass off.
According to Taz, Christians in our country are "Taliban". Oh and cops are bad too.

What a fucking loser.


She's had four marriage licenses. You would think she would let gays have one.

Totally irrelevant, to this point she has done nothing illegal.

Yes she has.

Name it.

Contempt of court for starters.

Denying constitutional rights by using an unconstitutional law.

Not complying with an illegal order from a judge is not a violation of law. It's being appealed.

When was the KY law on who MAY ISSUE marriage licenses overturned?

You're asking a stupid question.

I've already given you enough correct, intelligent answers.

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