Kim Davis...and the Judge's "mistake"

According to Taz, Christians in our country are "Taliban".

Then stop acting like it.
You obviously have no concept of what it means to "act like the Taliban". The Taliban would drag those fags into the street and chop them to bits.
They prefer to throw them off of tall buildings. You prefer to beat on them whenever you can. At least the real Taliban is honest about it...

Perhaps some right wingers would rather be referred to as the more "liberal" wing of the Taliban.
The real Taliban has, unlike the American version, actual faith...
According to Taz, Christians in our country are "Taliban".

Then stop acting like it.
You obviously have no concept of what it means to "act like the Taliban". The Taliban would drag those fags into the street and chop them to bits.
They prefer to throw them off of tall buildings. You prefer to beat on them whenever you can. At least the real Taliban is honest about it...

Perhaps some right wingers would rather be referred to as the more "liberal" wing of the Taliban.
The real Taliban has, unlike the American version, actual faith...
Again defending the killers and torturers of women and children, while criminalizing those who defend liberty.
Then stop acting like it.
You obviously have no concept of what it means to "act like the Taliban". The Taliban would drag those fags into the street and chop them to bits.
They prefer to throw them off of tall buildings. You prefer to beat on them whenever you can. At least the real Taliban is honest about it...

Perhaps some right wingers would rather be referred to as the more "liberal" wing of the Taliban.
The real Taliban has, unlike the American version, actual faith...
Again defending the killers and torturers of women and children, while criminalizing those who defend liberty.
That is not a defense. They are as fucked up as you are only their faith is real. They actually believe what their Holy Book says, hence the problem.
People better start waking up to what is going on. They came for Kim Davis and you said Nothing. well you know the rest of that saying

What a load of horse shit. Kim Davis was the one persecuting people by denying them their civil right to marriage. PERIOD.

If you want to live in a theocracy go join ISIS. The Christian Taliban has a lot in common with them.

that is a lie. she explains why she CANT issue them and she is the ONE following the law. that is now on the books for the state of Kentucky. you hysterical people are not only lying about all of this, but is cheering a citizen of our country be wrongly JAILED. she can't just GO AND CHANGE the laws only the state Governments can do that. Just because you people think the Supreme court can go and make up the laws that a state has to follow. doesn't work that way. they don't have the POWER to make laws.
Then stop acting like it.
You obviously have no concept of what it means to "act like the Taliban". The Taliban would drag those fags into the street and chop them to bits.
They prefer to throw them off of tall buildings. You prefer to beat on them whenever you can. At least the real Taliban is honest about it...

Perhaps some right wingers would rather be referred to as the more "liberal" wing of the Taliban.
The real Taliban has, unlike the American version, actual faith...
Again defending the killers and torturers of women and children, while criminalizing those who defend liberty.

We are defending people's liberty. It's the Christian Taliban who are doing the persecuting. It really is an odd lense you religious nut jobs see the world through.
People better start waking up to what is going on. They came for Kim Davis and you said Nothing. well you know the rest of that saying

What a load of horse shit. Kim Davis was the one persecuting people by denying them their civil right to marriage. PERIOD.

If you want to live in a theocracy go join ISIS. The Christian Taliban has a lot in common with them.

that is a lie. she explains why she CANT issue them and she is the ONE following the law that is now on the books for the state of Kentucky.


Federal law supercedes state.
I believe that Catholic judge would be surprised to be called anti-christian.
Yeah, well, the various different flavors of Christianity don't always see the others as Christian. Catholics are seen by some as idolators.
Now, if an idolator puts a good Christian woman in jail because she's unwilling to participate in what she deems to be against her Christian values, what is one to make of that? :dunno:
No you all failed this woman is you fellow countrywoman. and the supreme court lead you people astray.
from the article:
Numerous experts have pointed out that, under the U.S. Constitution, the Supreme Court cannot make law. The Supreme Court’s “power to offer opinion does not equal the power to make law,”
notes the Tenth Amendment Center. Generally speaking, experts say, the Supreme Court can overturn laws and executive actions but it cannot enforce its rulings. The power to make law is given to the representatives of the people in the national and state legislatures.
No you all failed this woman is you fellow countrywoman. and the supreme court lead you people astray.
from the article:
Numerous experts have pointed out that, under the U.S. Constitution, the Supreme Court cannot make law. The Supreme Court’s “power to offer opinion does not equal the power to make law,” notes
the Tenth Amendment Center. Generally speaking, experts say, the Supreme Court can overturn laws and executive actions but it cannot enforce its rulings. The power to make law is given to the representatives of the people in the national and state legislatures.
We have lots of people able to enforce Supreme Court rulings, like gay marriage bans are unconstitutional, and they do...
You obviously have no concept of what it means to "act like the Taliban". The Taliban would drag those fags into the street and chop them to bits.
They prefer to throw them off of tall buildings. You prefer to beat on them whenever you can. At least the real Taliban is honest about it...

Perhaps some right wingers would rather be referred to as the more "liberal" wing of the Taliban.
The real Taliban has, unlike the American version, actual faith...
Again defending the killers and torturers of women and children, while criminalizing those who defend liberty.

We are defending people's liberty. It's the Christian Taliban who are doing the persecuting. It really is an odd lense you religious nut jobs see the world through.
No you aren't. Killing cops and imprisoning ppl for their faith isn't defense of liberty. It's tyranny and fascism.
Here's a generic position description of the duties of a County Clerk......Ask yourself IF Davis took an oath to adhere to the stated duties, and whether she is in breach of those duties.
Job Description

Job Title: County Clerk
Department: County Clerk
FLSA Status: Exempt

SUMMARY Directs the County department responsible for issuing licenses, maintaining vital statistics, registration of voters and conducting elections.

PRIMARY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES include the following. Other duties may be assigned.

Responsible for the office that issues County licenses (marriage, motel, liquor, bingo), maintains records and issues certificates of Vital Statistics (birth death, marriage), computes tax extensions and Mobile Home Privilege Taxes and maintains accurate County maps.
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Judge orders jailed clerk released immediately

GRAYSON, Ky. — After five days behind bars, county clerk Kim Davis was ordered released from jail Tuesday by the judge who locked her up for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.

U.S. District Judge David Bunning lifted the contempt order against Davis, saying he was satisfied that her deputies are fulfilling their obligation to grant licenses to same-sex couples in her absence. But he warned Davis not to interfere with them.
Judge orders jailed clerk released immediately

GRAYSON, Ky. — After five days behind bars, county clerk Kim Davis was ordered released from jail Tuesday by the judge who locked her up for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.

U.S. District Judge David Bunning lifted the contempt order against Davis, saying he was satisfied that her deputies are fulfilling their obligation to grant licenses to same-sex couples in her absence. But he warned Davis not to interfere with them.
She's out, for now, but will be back in jail soon I expect. She's that dumb...
Yes but it is conditional upon her not interfering with the other clerks in the office giving out the marriage licenses.

Apparently she has agreed to that.

If she interferes again she will go back to jail.



That 80,000 dollar paycheck over ruled her beliefs.

Why hasn't the judge filed criminal charges against her?

Every time she refused a homo a license she violated their Civil Rights and that is a CRIME.

Every time she refused a homo a license she committed a Hate Crime which is a Felony under Federal Law.

She < should > be facing serious prison time.
There is a ton of Christians in the Government I would say the majority of people in the Government are Christians simply because that is the main Religion around here ... I am not a Christian by the grace of God...LOl
You obviously aren't...

But do you know who else persecutes Christians???

Does ISIS ring a bell??? want to compare a Bush appointed Republican judge to ISIS> This is getting better and better and better. :clap:
Actually, I don't give a rat's ass who appointed him...

I just know that the Christian community (including a lot of black churches) is revolting against the persecution...

The Democrats will pay dearly for that.
There is no persecution and they are not revolting, just in your imagination.
And what happens when a minister is faced with the option of performing a gay wedding or facing a lawsuit (or jail time)..

After all, the gays are already going after everybody from clerks to bakers...

And gays aren't that popular with blacks anyway.
What happens when????? Probably the SAME THING that happens to ministers who will not marry inter-racial couples. Or will not marry inter-faith couples. Or will not marry previously divorced couples. Probably the SAME THING.
And you are just a liar.
No....Jake is spot one. You are one of the small group of weirdoes trying to establish christian sharia in this country. Fortunately you are failing.

Almost every President we have had was Christian including the one we have now.
There was three that believed in God but had no formal affiliation. Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Johnson and Abraham Lincoln. None of them were Caliphs, just like none are now.
Why would you call "BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA" a Christian, when he openly admits with his own mouth that his a MUSLIM?

No where in that video does he say he is a Muslim. He sides with the Muslim faith because he was raised around it.
He actually does say he is a Christian in this video.

In fact he was RAISED as a child -----in islam -----he attended muslim schools as a child-----not that I care he did not.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) will travel to Kentucky Tuesday to show his support for a clerk who was ordered to jail after refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Cruz will hold a news conference outside the Carter County Detention Center ... (Washington Post)
"Look at ME! Look at ME! Look at ME!"
Why hasn't the judge filed criminal charges against her?

Every time she refused a homo a license she violated their Civil Rights and that is a CRIME.

Every time she refused a homo a license she committed a Hate Crime which is a Felony under Federal Law.

She < should > be facing serious prison time.

wow, are you out of high school yet? you should understand what you are commenting on before making a fool out of yourself
Of course, the federal judge who ruled that Davis' was in breach of her position description duties did the right thing.....but in placing her in lock-up, rather than imposing a heavy daily fine was somewhat of a mistake.

I understand that the ruling was based on the fact that if simply a fine was imposed, that Davis would be out of jail and her supporters would be paying the fine.....although I understand that such would have happened, I disagree with what the ultimate impact would have been. For example:

Davis NOT being in jail would have prevented the charlatans like Huckabee in trying to garner some "support" by visiting Davis in jail.,,,,and, even more importantly,

had the fine been $10,000 per day, I am sure that a few days would have been picked up by Davis' supporters....but keep asking those supporters to constantly dig into their pockets for more and more funds to keep Davis "free", and the true LOYALTY and CONVICTION of evangelicals would have been better tested.

Ah liberals want to destroy the woman financially, shocker /sarcasm. There is nothing quite as low as a liberal in this world.

What a stupid and unfounded statement.

SHE chose to break the law.

No one forced her to break the law.

SHE chose it.

You also CHOOSE to ignore what the bible says about adultery and bastard babies. She also CHOSE her sins. No one forced her to sin and sin and sin and sin.

You believe that rabid nutters should not have to abide by the same laws as liberals. Why do you believe that some people are above the law?

My personal opinion of liberals is that many are lowlife scum, this liberal wishing to destroy the woman financially is a prime example. There are multiple examples of gays pulling this same crap, winning ridiculous awards over $100k for someone not baking them a fucking wedding cake give me a break. Organizing smear campaigns to try to destroy peoples businesses. Yet when liberals willfully ignore a law they don't agree with you don't see conservatives trying to destroy them financially or profit from it. Yes many liberals are lowlife scum.
Easy fix, don't break the law. No fines, no jail. no out of business signs...
Of course, the federal judge who ruled that Davis' was in breach of her position description duties did the right thing.....but in placing her in lock-up, rather than imposing a heavy daily fine was somewhat of a mistake.

I understand that the ruling was based on the fact that if simply a fine was imposed, that Davis would be out of jail and her supporters would be paying the fine.....although I understand that such would have happened, I disagree with what the ultimate impact would have been. For example:

Davis NOT being in jail would have prevented the charlatans like Huckabee in trying to garner some "support" by visiting Davis in jail.,,,,and, even more importantly,

had the fine been $10,000 per day, I am sure that a few days would have been picked up by Davis' supporters....but keep asking those supporters to constantly dig into their pockets for more and more funds to keep Davis "free", and the true LOYALTY and CONVICTION of evangelicals would have been better tested.

Ah liberals want to destroy the woman financially, shocker /sarcasm. There is nothing quite as low as a liberal in this world.

That moronic response points out your hypocrisy about wanting to follow the "law" when it comes to some progressive causes....but defying the "law" when it comes to right wing stupidities. Congrats !!!

You are just mad that I pointed out the left attack like an infestation of rabid vermin anyone who disagrees with them. Its not enough the woman was tossed in jail, you want the woman destroyed, she is not even a human being to the left.

Blues, you are truly an idiot......but you knew that already, didn't you?

I see I struck a nerve boo hoo lib.

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