Kim Davis...and the Judge's "mistake"

You fucking retard, Romans isn't OT

ANOTHER example of a "good Christian"......

(yes, I know that Romans was not OT....but Jesus NEVER uttered those bigoted statements that your sick ilk cites.)

By the way the Romans passage refers to masturbation and not necessarily to gay sex.
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I'll ask yet ONCE AGAIN.......

Would right wingers be defending Davis if she refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples were she to do so because of her Muslim faith?

Of course they would. The difference is that YOU would be supporting her as well.

Actually, no one would have ever heard of her because the DNC controlled press would never have made an issue of it.
You fucking retard, Romans isn't OT

ANOTHER example of a "good Christian"......

(yes, I know that Romans was not OT....but Jesus NEVER uttered those bigoted statements that your sick ilk cites.)
Yeah, THAT'S what you meant...


Onto ignore you go. At this point it isn't decent sportsmanship to keep engaging you.
Then what did you mean when you said - Davis' brand of evangelical Christianity is younger than she is.

Davis' evangelical offshoot did not exist until the 1960s......Probably a brand of Christianity that better tolerates her 3 divorces and 4 marriages.

What offshoot?
None of Christianity has tolerated divorce. That is the left who is for divorce and single mothers.
She is forgiven by God when she accepted Jesus as her savior 4 1/2 years ago. Sorry if some here don't understand that he died for our sins.
Jesus told the adulter you are forgiven go and sin no more.
America has had sodomy laws from the beginning of the nation until 2003 when the activist courts got rid of all of them.

Actually Jesus said--------in sum and substance-----"don't kill her" I do not recall
the "I forgive you" part---------the "sin no more" ----that part I do remember -------
of course I did not memorize the book chapter and verse------but the parable is very
consistent with the times
He asked if any had condemned her after he chastised them...she said no one had condemned her, and he said "Neither do I condemn thee" .

Kgirl I have no idea what that means. It is a translation of a translation----
whatever jesus said -----he said it in Aramaic. Executing people for adultery in
the time period of Jesus------was never done according to the records that are available.
People out there in the STICKS could not execute anybody by JEWISH LAW (not roman law----jewish law) The story seems more like a parable to me than a "history". It is presented
as if a rabble just dragged a girl into a field and wanted to kill her-------things did not work
that way, at least not legally--------only the top Sanhedrin----(the thing in Jerusalem) could issue a death sentence
Then what did you mean when you said - Davis' brand of evangelical Christianity is younger than she is.

Davis' evangelical offshoot did not exist until the 1960s......Probably a brand of Christianity that better tolerates her 3 divorces and 4 marriages.

What offshoot?
None of Christianity has tolerated divorce. That is the left who is for divorce and single mothers.
She is forgiven by God when she accepted Jesus as her savior 4 1/2 years ago. Sorry if some here don't understand that he died for our sins.
Jesus told the adulter you are forgiven go and sin no more.
America has had sodomy laws from the beginning of the nation until 2003 when the activist courts got rid of all of them.

Actually Jesus said--------in sum and substance-----"don't kill her" I do not recall
the "I forgive you" part---------the "sin no more" ----that part I do remember -------
of course I did not memorize the book chapter and verse------but the parable is very
consistent with the times
He asked if any had condemned her after he chastised them...she said no one had condemned her, and he said "Neither do I condemn thee" .

Kgirl I have no idea what that means. It is a translation of a translation----
whatever jesus said -----he said it in Aramaic. Executing people for adultery in
the time period of Jesus------was never done according to the records that are available.
People out there in the STICKS could not execute anybody by JEWISH LAW (not roman law----jewish law) The story seems more like a parable to me than a "history". It is presented
as if a rabble just dragged a girl into a field and wanted to kill her-------things did not work
that way, at least not legally--------only the top Sanhedrin----(the thing in Jerusalem) could issue a death sentence

Whatever. I don't use the bible to concoct fairy tales to suit my own ignorance and bias. I trust that the Holy Spirit permeates it. Christians can get into a lot of trouble for taking license with the Word.
He's going to cry now because I called him a retard.

Actually no, I'm not going to cry.....I actually rejoice when I expose an idiot like you who claims to be a "Good Christian"'re so sick and bigoted that any semblance of religious piety is easily I have exposed you for what you are.

(You can thank me later) LOL
When the judge suggested that she let the clerks issue the licenses and she didn't have to touch them --- SHE REFUSED.

She ordered her clerks not to issue the licenses or she would FIRE them.

She not only violated the civil rights of the people she refused licenses to but she violated the rights of her own employees.


....despite the fact that they have requested reasonable accommodation.
This a beginning. Bakers and public officials then Disney and next church. Soon we will see the law suit. And with judges like this tyrant we can expect more of out liberty stolen. This is how rebellions start. Does no politician ever read history?

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The judge was doing his job. The clerk was not and she should remain in jail.
I am sure you will feel the same when the come for you

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You think you can get liberals to defend Muslims while attacking Christians on issues that are similar.

You can't, because you're stupid.

You're no liberal, you are a leftist.

The left attacks Christians every single day for acts they defend in Muslims. Treatment of other faiths, treatment of women, treatment of homosexuals, etc.

That we even have the debate of whether to publish the cartoons illustrates the point. Artistic exhibitions that offend Christians have been displayed in America and Europe without violent reprisal. Whether it’s “Piss Christ” or paintings of the Virgin Mary toting a gun, followers of the Virgin Mary’s religion don’t come running in with guns and bombs. There have been some exhibitions, such as Cosimo Cavallaro’s “Chocolate Jesus,” that have been canceled due to pressure from organized Christian groups, but the pressure in that case came through boycotts, not bloodshed.

A comparable depiction of Muhammad would never even get past the approval stage of a major museum. Jesus is depicted frequently in cartoons and comedic television shows, but Muhammad is almost always censored in depictions.

Let’s Blame Christianity For Everything, And Islam For Nothing
You think you can get liberals to defend Muslims while attacking Christians on issues that are similar.

You can't, because you're stupid.

You're no liberal, you are a leftist.

The left attacks Christians every single day for acts they defend in Muslims.

It should be easy for you then to produce a long list of examples where I've done that.
You think you can get liberals to defend Muslims while attacking Christians on issues that are similar.

You can't, because you're stupid.

You're no liberal, you are a leftist.

The left attacks Christians every single day for acts they defend in Muslims.

It should be easy for you then to produce a long list of examples where I've done that.
When haven't you?

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You think you can get liberals to defend Muslims while attacking Christians on issues that are similar.

You can't, because you're stupid.

You're no liberal, you are a leftist.

The left attacks Christians every single day for acts they defend in Muslims.

It should be easy for you then to produce a long list of examples where I've done that.
When haven't you?

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I don't think I've ever done it. But I'm sure you can produce all the times I have.

Just make sure the actions are comparable, and my opinions one vs. the other are contradictory.

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