Kim Davis...and the Judge's "mistake"

Then what did you mean when you said - Davis' brand of evangelical Christianity is younger than she is.

Davis' evangelical offshoot did not exist until the 1960s......Probably a brand of Christianity that better tolerates her 3 divorces and 4 marriages.

What offshoot?
None of Christianity has tolerated divorce. That is the left who is for divorce and single mothers.
She is forgiven by God when she accepted Jesus as her savior 4 1/2 years ago. Sorry if some here don't understand that he died for our sins.
Jesus told the adulter you are forgiven go and sin no more.
America has had sodomy laws from the beginning of the nation until 2003 when the activist courts got rid of all of them.

Actually Jesus said--------in sum and substance-----"don't kill her" I do not recall
the "I forgive you" part---------the "sin no more" ----that part I do remember -------
of course I did not memorize the book chapter and verse------but the parable is very
consistent with the times
Do you know why she isn't being impeached?

Because her CONSTITUENTS, who placed her in that office, AGREE WITH HER. The people who elected her believe she is doing the right thing.

NO, idiot, she is not currently being impeached because that would require the KY state legislature to be called into session....which will not happen until next January.

Did Davis campaign on NOT issuing marriage licenses to gays???
Yes or no? imbecile.
No, she's not being impeached because everybody knows that the voters won't vote her out of office.
And the point you're obsessing over is totally irrelevant. It means nothing. There is no code that requires that she have at some time declared she would not issue gay marriage licenses for her to decline at this time. There's no law that requires that she be denied reasonable accommodation in the situations that she wishes for personal reasons to abstain from acting on.

So do you think Tonya Parker, who refused to marry anybody for 3 years, until queers could legally jump a broom, should be put in prison too?

"During a Feb. 21 [2012] meeting, Parker told the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas that while she has the power to perform legal marriage ceremonies in her court, she will not."

This is the exact reasoning Kim Davis used initially, when attempting to opt out of issuing licenses. Like Parker, Davis didn't just deny licenses to homos, she denied them to heteros as well:

"“I use it as my opportunity to give them a lesson about marriage inequality in this state because I feel like I have to tell them why I’m turning them away,” Parker said. “So I usually will offer them something along the lines of, ‘I’m sorry. I don’t perform marriage ceremonies because we are in a state that does not have marriage equality, and until it does, I am not going to partially apply the law to one group of people that doesn’t apply to another group of people.’"

Where was the outcry then?

Gay Judge Won't Perform Marriages
America has had sodomy laws from the beginning of the nation until 2003 when the activist courts got rid of all of them.

Oh, I see, you seem to have no problems with gays (as Jesus didn't seem to have a problem with them) UNTIL they decide to have sex.....then its sodomy that offends your sick mind, correct?

I do not recall Jesus commenting on "gays" I missed it
Well, since all the closeted racists and bigots among the right wingers on this thread "swear" that they would defend Davis' [in]actions were she a Muslim, a Jew, an atheist.......I would conclude that these same folks will openly castigate all their fellow right wingers who claim that Obama is a Muslim....correct?
Then what did you mean when you said - Davis' brand of evangelical Christianity is younger than she is.

Davis' evangelical offshoot did not exist until the 1960s......Probably a brand of Christianity that better tolerates her 3 divorces and 4 marriages.

What offshoot?
None of Christianity has tolerated divorce. That is the left who is for divorce and single mothers.
She is forgiven by God when she accepted Jesus as her savior 4 1/2 years ago. Sorry if some here don't understand that he died for our sins.
Jesus told the adulter you are forgiven go and sin no more.
America has had sodomy laws from the beginning of the nation until 2003 when the activist courts got rid of all of them.

Actually Jesus said--------in sum and substance-----"don't kill her" I do not recall
the "I forgive you" part---------the "sin no more" ----that part I do remember -------
of course I did not memorize the book chapter and verse------but the parable is very
consistent with the times
He asked if any had condemned her after he chastised them...she said no one had condemned her, and he said "Neither do I condemn thee" .
Well, since all the closeted racists and bigots among the right wingers on this thread "swear" that they would defend Davis' [in]actions were she a Muslim, a Jew, an atheist.......I would conclude that these same folks will openly castigate all their fellow right wingers who claim that Obama is a Muslim....correct?
Do you really think that is even remotely akin to this?

The left is full of disorganized and shamefully ignorant losers.
No, she's not being impeached because everybody knows that the voters won't vote her out of office.

Yet ANOTHER extensive survey conducted by koshermoron, of the people in Davis' county.....Amazing how quickly and effectively you implement these surveys.
It's not even that. It's that the state does not have the right to force people to act in a depraved manner, against all their closely held personal convictions. The state can PREVENT people from acting in a depraved manner, but it has no authority to force people TO be depraved. And it doesn't ... or shouldn't....have the authority to punish them if they refuse.

You are the worst kind of call gays "depraved" shows what a scum bucket your soul consists of. If you want to define "depravity" find a mirror.
They are depraved. But not as depraved as the animals who want to throw people in jail for failing to endorse their depravity.

There's nothing bigoted about it. You can be as queer as you like and I don't give two shits. But you can't force me to approve of it or sanction it. It won't happen. Now go finish your hysterics, swish.
No, she's not being impeached because everybody knows that the voters won't vote her out of office.

Yet ANOTHER extensive survey conducted by koshermoron, of the people in Davis' county.....Amazing how quickly and effectively you implement these surveys.
No, it comes from reading. If you did a little more reading and a little less hyperventilating, you might have titillating factoids at your fingertips as well.

No. Go search my posts on the Muslim cab drivers who tried to claim they should be able to refuse fares carrying alcohol.

What about them?

First off, I already stated that if they own their own cab they have every right to refuse fares that have alcohol. I believe you ran and hid about that point.

Secondly, what does that have to do with shortbus and criticisms of Islam?
Well, since all the closeted racists and bigots among the right wingers on this thread "swear" that they would defend Davis' [in]actions were she a Muslim, a Jew, an atheist.......I would conclude that these same folks will openly castigate all their fellow right wingers who claim that Obama is a Muslim....correct?

I guess you missed my post this morning doing just that.
A video was put up that said Obama admitted to being a Muslim which was not true.
I put up a video where he actually said he is a Christian.
They are depraved. But not as depraved as the animals who want to throw people in jail for failing to endorse their depravity.

There's nothing bigoted about it. You can be as queer as you like and I don't give two shits. But you can't force me to approve of it or sanction it. It won't happen. Now go finish your hysterics, swish.

Now the above is an accurate synopses of a "good Christian," don't you think?
They are depraved. But not as depraved as the animals who want to throw people in jail for failing to endorse their depravity.

There's nothing bigoted about it. You can be as queer as you like and I don't give two shits. But you can't force me to approve of it or sanction it. It won't happen. Now go finish your hysterics, swish.

Now the above is an accurate synopses of a "good Christian," don't you think?
Please. Read.
And seriously, your understanding of what makes a good Christian is irrelevant after that flamboyant and shrieky declaration that you don't even have a passing acquaintance with what is in the Bible.

No. Go search my posts on the Muslim cab drivers who tried to claim they should be able to refuse fares carrying alcohol.

What about them?

First off, I already stated that if they own their own cab they have every right to refuse fares that have alcohol. I believe you ran and hid about that point.

Secondly, what does that have to do with shortbus and criticisms of Islam?

You think you can get liberals to defend Muslims while attacking Christians on issues that are similar.

You can't, because you're stupid.

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