Kim Davis...and the Judge's "mistake"

Of course, the federal judge who ruled that Davis' was in breach of her position description duties did the right thing.....but in placing her in lock-up, rather than imposing a heavy daily fine was somewhat of a mistake.

I understand that the ruling was based on the fact that if simply a fine was imposed, that Davis would be out of jail and her supporters would be paying the fine.....although I understand that such would have happened, I disagree with what the ultimate impact would have been. For example:

Davis NOT being in jail would have prevented the charlatans like Huckabee in trying to garner some "support" by visiting Davis in jail.,,,,and, even more importantly,

had the fine been $10,000 per day, I am sure that a few days would have been picked up by Davis' supporters....but keep asking those supporters to constantly dig into their pockets for more and more funds to keep Davis "free", and the true LOYALTY and CONVICTION of evangelicals would have been better tested.

Ah liberals want to destroy the woman financially, shocker /sarcasm. There is nothing quite as low as a liberal in this world.

What a stupid and unfounded statement.

SHE chose to break the law.

No one forced her to break the law.

SHE chose it.

You also CHOOSE to ignore what the bible says about adultery and bastard babies. She also CHOSE her sins. No one forced her to sin and sin and sin and sin.

You believe that rabid nutters should not have to abide by the same laws as liberals. Why do you believe that some people are above the law?

My personal opinion of liberals is that many are lowlife scum, this liberal wishing to destroy the woman financially is a prime example. There are multiple examples of gays pulling this same crap, winning ridiculous awards over $100k for someone not baking them a fucking wedding cake give me a break. Organizing smear campaigns to try to destroy peoples businesses. Yet when liberals willfully ignore a law they don't agree with you don't see conservatives trying to destroy them financially or profit from it. Yes many liberals are lowlife scum.

Conservatives are Nazzis!!!!!!!!!!! (that's how you write it when you're doing Brad Pitt from Inglorious Basterds)
Almost every President we have had was Christian including the one we have now.
There was three that believed in God but had no formal affiliation. Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Johnson and Abraham Lincoln. None of them were Caliphs, just like none are now.
Why would you call "BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA" a Christian, when he openly admits with his own mouth that his a MUSLIM?

No where in that video does he say he is a Muslim. He sides with the Muslim faith because he was raised around it.
He actually does say he is a Christian in this video.

In fact he was RAISED as a child -----in islam -----he attended muslim schools as a child-----not that I care he did not.

when he lived in Kenya-----even if it was a catholic school----it is very possible that
he had classes for muslim kids in ISLAM----- Catholic schools in third world
countries are VERY ACCOMODATING -------so I have been told by people of southeast asia who attended them

I'm familiar with SE Asian countries catholic schools accommodation of different religions. They are exempt from catholic religion class and prayers.
And they do not have other choice of sending their kids to other or better school.
However she is also in a position to recuse herself, or refuse to issue. It's a sad state of affairs when elected officials and business owners must commit sacrilege to maintain their position....despite the fact that they have requested reasonable accommodation.

Just a few more brain cells in your empty head, kosher and you too would realize that there is a MAJOR difference between an "elected official" and a "business owner".

When Davis ran for the county clerk position, did she OPENLY STATE that she would NOT issue licenses to gay couples, as both her position description states and the law mandates???

Do you know why she isn't being impeached?

Because her CONSTITUENTS, who placed her in that office, AGREE WITH HER. The people who elected her believe she is doing the right thing.

What the fuck business is it of anybody else, if they are happy and nobody is being hurt? The good judge in Texas, who refused for THREE FUCKING YEARS to issue marriage licenses to ANYBODY came under no such censure. And good Christians did not drag her to court and sue her worthless ass because THEY DIDN'T CARE. We understand what freedom is, and what a conscience is, and how it should be applied and how it should be allowed to be applied.

Every person in this country has the right to act their conscience, as long as they are not hurting anybody. That includes court administrators, judges and teachers. Reasonable accommodation should always be considered, and this woman requested REASONABLE accommodation. What is not reasonable is that fags are TARGETING people they know are Christian, and demanding that they be *served*. And when they are not, they get the backing of big money lobbyists and the ACLU to go after, sue, imprison, destroy those people.

That is not reasonable. That is unreasonable, and wars have been fought over less.
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Pretty cool, how you can make up stuff about what other posters believe and then argue against that made up position. You must be a lot of fun at parties going around and telling people what they believe then arguing with them while they look at you and roll their eyes.

No one need make up anything about you shortbus, you are one of the most virulent anti-Christian bigots on the board.

But to be fair, if you want to link to all these posts of yours condemning Islam, you can show me up...

Shall I hold my breath? :dunno:

No. Go search my posts on the Muslim cab drivers who tried to claim they should be able to refuse fares carrying alcohol.
Again, I ask.......

How would right wingers on here feel, if Davis were a Muslim and on the basis of her beliefs she had refused to issue marriage licenses to a gay couple???

I, in all honesty, would have fined her or thrown her in jail EXACTLY for the same reasons....

(BTW, Davis' brand of evangelical Christianity is younger than she is....)

What brand is that?
Sodomy laws have been around for thousands of years.
Supreme Court in June made gay marriage legal across the United States in violation of States rights.

Well, moron, in Brown v. Board of Ed, the SCOTUS ALSO told states that federal law supersedes the slavery mentality of bigots (like you.)
Supreme Court in June made gay marriage legal across the United States in violation of States rights.

Well, moron, in Brown v. Board of Ed, the SCOTUS ALSO told states that federal law supersedes the slavery mentality of bigots (like you.)

Racial rights were supported by the majority of the nation.
Equating race rights with marriage is not the same.
Gays go against natures laws.
2 roosters or 2 hens do not make new chickens.
Do you know why she isn't being impeached?

Because her CONSTITUENTS, who placed her in that office, AGREE WITH HER. The people who elected her believe she is doing the right thing.

NO, idiot, she is not currently being impeached because that would require the KY state legislature to be called into session....which will not happen until next January.

Did Davis campaign on NOT issuing marriage licenses to gays???
Yes or no? imbecile.
Why would you call "BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA" a Christian, when he openly admits with his own mouth that his a MUSLIM?

No where in that video does he say he is a Muslim. He sides with the Muslim faith because he was raised around it.
He actually does say he is a Christian in this video.

In fact he was RAISED as a child -----in islam -----he attended muslim schools as a child-----not that I care he did not.

when he lived in Kenya-----even if it was a catholic school----it is very possible that
he had classes for muslim kids in ISLAM----- Catholic schools in third world
countries are VERY ACCOMODATING -------so I have been told by people of southeast asia who attended them

I'm familiar with SE Asian countries catholic schools accommodation of different religions. They are exempt from catholic religion class and prayers.
And they do not have other choice of sending their kids to other or better school.

thanks----that is SE asia--------to my knowledge the hindu kids did not get some hindu instruction on the side-----they were simply exempt from catholic prayers as you have stated------but OBAMA went to school in Kenya for a period of time------
and he did do some Islamic stuff--------I do not know if it was a catholic school----
but accommodation of non catholics seems to be a kinda prevalent thing out there in the THIRD WORLD ----in catholic schools--- The issue at question here is
whether or not Obama ever was a "practicing muslim"-------apparently he was------
not that I care.
Then what did you mean when you said - Davis' brand of evangelical Christianity is younger than she is.

Davis' evangelical offshoot did not exist until the 1960s......Probably a brand of Christianity that better tolerates her 3 divorces and 4 marriages.
Supreme Court in June made gay marriage legal across the United States in violation of States rights.

Well, moron, in Brown v. Board of Ed, the SCOTUS ALSO told states that federal law supersedes the slavery mentality of bigots (like you.)

Racial rights were supported by the majority of the nation.
Equating race rights with marriage is not the same.
Gays go against natures laws.
2 roosters or 2 hens do not make new chickens.
It's not even that. It's that the state does not have the right to force people to act in a depraved manner, against all their closely held personal convictions. The state can PREVENT people from acting in a depraved manner, but it has no authority to force people TO be depraved. And it doesn't ... or shouldn't....have the authority to punish them if they refuse.
I'll ask yet ONCE AGAIN.......

Would right wingers be defending Davis if she refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples were she to do so because of her Muslim faith?
Then what did you mean when you said - Davis' brand of evangelical Christianity is younger than she is.

Davis' evangelical offshoot did not exist until the 1960s......Probably a brand of Christianity that better tolerates her 3 divorces and 4 marriages.

What offshoot?
None of Christianity has tolerated divorce. That is the left who is for divorce and single mothers.
She is forgiven by God when she accepted Jesus as her savior 4 1/2 years ago. Sorry if some here don't understand that he died for our sins.
Jesus told the adulter you are forgiven go and sin no more.
America has had sodomy laws from the beginning of the nation until 2003 when the activist courts got rid of all of them.
It's not even that. It's that the state does not have the right to force people to act in a depraved manner, against all their closely held personal convictions. The state can PREVENT people from acting in a depraved manner, but it has no authority to force people TO be depraved. And it doesn't ... or shouldn't....have the authority to punish them if they refuse.

You are the worst kind of call gays "depraved" shows what a scum bucket your soul consists of. If you want to define "depravity" find a mirror.
I'll ask yet ONCE AGAIN.......

Would right wingers be defending Davis if she refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples were she to do so because of her Muslim faith?

Yes-----people who defend Davis would also defend a muslim who refused based
on faith. It is a mystery to me why you seem to doubt it.
America has had sodomy laws from the beginning of the nation until 2003 when the activist courts got rid of all of them.

Oh, I see, you seem to have no problems with gays (as Jesus didn't seem to have a problem with them) UNTIL they decide to have sex.....then its sodomy that offends your sick mind, correct?

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