Kim Davis...and the Judge's "mistake"

Correct. The Romans were notorious record keepers and anyone who raised as much hell as Jesus supposedly caused would have been in their records.


Not one.

The Bible does NOT count as a historical record.

First, it was written by men.

Second it was actually compiled by priests who picked and chose what books would be put in it according to their own desires.

The people who compiled the Bible DIDN'T WRITE ANY OF IT.

Well except when they didn't like something and erased it or decided to leave a book out because they didn't like what it said.

And when the Protestant Reformation came they COMPLETELY REWROTE the King James version and that's why they call it the King James version because IT HAD BEEN ALTERED to allow the king to divorce his wife and marry his mistress.

The supposedly sacred unchangeable Bible has actually been changed / altered MANY times to suit kings and other powerful people.


The New Testament in its entirety is hearsay as it relates to claims about Jesus Christ. I am not aware that we have any verified direct testimony from the Apostles or any other of Christ's contemporaries.

There are no serious ancient historians that believe Jesus did not live. Theories that He did not live are fringe Atheistic goofball nonsense.

Why doesn't the witness accounts of the Gospels and the various letters written by Apostles and sanctioned by the church from the First century count as historical relevant records? Why doesn't Josephus' record about Jesus count? Why doesn't the various mentions of Jesus by Roman secular historians count?

You toss out all the evidence then try to build a case on the lack of such evidence; classic cherry picking!
Whoever wrote whatever in the Bible there is not a single sentence in there condemning the issuance of a same sex civil marriage license. Kim Davis is entitled to believe anything she wants, and she has the right to call any belief she has a 'Christian' belief,

but if she claims that her belief is supported by Scripture, she is making shit up.

Do you think that pretending to be as stupid as you just did is somehow supposed to be persuasive?
Actually Jesus didn't write any of the books of the Bible.

You fucking retard, Romans isn't OT

ANOTHER example of a "good Christian"......

(yes, I know that Romans was not OT....but Jesus NEVER uttered those bigoted statements that your sick ilk cites.)

By the way the Romans passage refers to masturbation and not necessarily to gay sex.

Paul wrote Romans who was picked by Jesus personally as the 13th apostle.
It is very clear that Romans is talking about sodomy.
Did you miss the part that says men with men?

1. What is the proof Paul wrote it?

2. What is the proof he was telling the truth?

3. What is the proof his opinions were Christ's opinions?

The church fathers were witnesses and St Paul is telling the Truth because he was a recognized Apostles and was considered to be led by the Holy Spirit, God Himself.

You really don't know anything about Christianity. Are you some backwoods atheist that never learned anything about religion at all?
This is a victory for Biblical Christianity as a federal judge was humiliated by the growing support for Kim Davis.
People better start waking up to what is going on. They came for Kim Davis and you said Nothing. well you know the rest of that saying

What a load of horse shit. Kim Davis was the one persecuting people by denying them their civil right to marriage. PERIOD.

If you want to live in a theocracy go join ISIS. The Christian Taliban has a lot in common with them.

that is a lie. she explains why she CANT issue them and she is the ONE following the law. that is now on the books for the state of Kentucky. you hysterical people are not only lying about all of this, but is cheering a citizen of our country be wrongly JAILED. she can't just GO AND CHANGE the laws only the state Governments can do that. Just because you people think the Supreme court can go and make up the laws that a state has to follow. doesn't work that way. they don't have the POWER to make laws.
I don't know why anyone is surprised. The same people who screech that she's "CHRISTIAN TALIBAN! THROW HER IN JAIL!" are the same ones who think cops deserve to be killed.
Actually it's more like, She's committing religious tyranny against her employees and committing fraud against her constituents by taking money but not doing her job. Either make her do her job or make her resign. It was up to the judge to find her in contempt.

How do you manage it, making up stuff about what other people believe and want all the time?
However she is also in a position to recuse herself, or refuse to issue. It's a sad state of affairs when elected officials and business owners must commit sacrilege to maintain their position....despite the fact that they have requested reasonable accommodation.

Just a few more brain cells in your empty head, kosher and you too would realize that there is a MAJOR difference between an "elected official" and a "business owner".

When Davis ran for the county clerk position, did she OPENLY STATE that she would NOT issue licenses to gay couples, as both her position description states and the law mandates???
She's a product of nepotism.
You're not asking the right question.

Would right wingers be defending Davis if she refused to issue Concealed Carry Permits because her " religion " is against guns?

Would they be defending her if she refused to issue vehicle licenses for vans because sex acts can take place in them and her " religion " doesn't believe in that?

Would they be defending her if she refused to issue Liquor Licenses because her " religion " doesn't believe in drinking?

Agreed, MUCH better questions to mine. Let's separate the wheat from the chaff of conservative "causes".....LOL
Pretty cool, how you can make up stuff about what other posters believe and then argue against that made up position. You must be a lot of fun at parties going around and telling people what they believe then arguing with them while they look at you and roll their eyes.

No one need make up anything about you shortbus, you are one of the most virulent anti-Christian bigots on the board.

But to be fair, if you want to link to all these posts of yours condemning Islam, you can show me up...

Shall I hold my breath? :dunno:
And yet, you keep doing it. By all means....hold your breath....a few days should be sufficient.

Air Force Backs Down, Drops 'so Help Me God' Requirement In Oath | Page 5 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
An Alabama Pastor's Epic Speech against Gay Marriage (Please finish drinking your beverage first) | Page 28 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Christian Bigots shout down Muslim kids singing National Anthem at Texas rally | Page 31 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Worthless Muslims COWARDS in an Acid Attack!!! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And I could look up more....all I did was a search of my posts in Politics with the key work Islam.

Are you still holding your breath? How about another 23 + hours?
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People better start waking up to what is going on. They came for Kim Davis and you said Nothing. well you know the rest of that saying

What a load of horse shit. Kim Davis was the one persecuting people by denying them their civil right to marriage. PERIOD.

If you want to live in a theocracy go join ISIS. The Christian Taliban has a lot in common with them.

that is a lie. she explains why she CANT issue them and she is the ONE following the law. that is now on the books for the state of Kentucky. you hysterical people are not only lying about all of this, but is cheering a citizen of our country be wrongly JAILED. she can't just GO AND CHANGE the laws only the state Governments can do that. Just because you people think the Supreme court can go and make up the laws that a state has to follow. doesn't work that way. they don't have the POWER to make laws.
I don't know why anyone is surprised. The same people who screech that she's "CHRISTIAN TALIBAN! THROW HER IN JAIL!" are the same ones who think cops deserve to be killed.
Actually it's more like, She's committing religious tyranny against her employees and committing fraud against her constituents by taking money but not doing her job. Either make her do her job or make her resign. It was up to the judge to find her in contempt.

How do you manage it, making up stuff about what other people believe and want all the time?

No, the judge has let her out and is pretending that the licenses are valid even though she has not consented to their issuance with her name on the licenses.

Kim and Christianity won.

Get used to it, fruitcake.
No, the judge has let her out and is pretending that the licenses are valid even though she has not consented to their issuance with her name on the licenses.

Kim and Christianity won.

Get used to it, fruitcake.

It is hard to believe that you could be THAT stupid and still turn your computer on (unless someone turns it on for you.)

But, fear not for poor Kim......Davis is now FOX material.......LOL
However she is also in a position to recuse herself, or refuse to issue. It's a sad state of affairs when elected officials and business owners must commit sacrilege to maintain their position....despite the fact that they have requested reasonable accommodation.

Just a few more brain cells in your empty head, kosher and you too would realize that there is a MAJOR difference between an "elected official" and a "business owner".

When Davis ran for the county clerk position, did she OPENLY STATE that she would NOT issue licenses to gay couples, as both her position description states and the law mandates???

Do you know why she isn't being impeached?

Because her CONSTITUENTS, who placed her in that office, AGREE WITH HER. The people who elected her believe she is doing the right thing.

What the fuck business is it of anybody else, if they are happy and nobody is being hurt? The good judge in Texas, who refused for THREE FUCKING YEARS to issue marriage licenses to ANYBODY came under no such censure. And good Christians did not drag her to court and sue her worthless ass because THEY DIDN'T CARE. We understand what freedom is, and what a conscience is, and how it should be applied and how it should be allowed to be applied.

Every person in this country has the right to act their conscience, as long as they are not hurting anybody. That includes court administrators, judges and teachers. Reasonable accommodation should always be considered, and this woman requested REASONABLE accommodation. What is not reasonable is that fags are TARGETING people they know are Christian, and demanding that they be *served*. And when they are not, they get the backing of big money lobbyists and the ACLU to go after, sue, imprison, destroy those people.

That is not reasonable. That is unreasonable, and wars have been fought over less.
The reason she's not impeached? The KY legislative body isn't in session and won't be until January. You keep being wrong and wrong and wrong and wrong.

Have you found that "law" that the Supreme Court wrote yet?
However she is also in a position to recuse herself, or refuse to issue. It's a sad state of affairs when elected officials and business owners must commit sacrilege to maintain their position....despite the fact that they have requested reasonable accommodation.

Just a few more brain cells in your empty head, kosher and you too would realize that there is a MAJOR difference between an "elected official" and a "business owner".

When Davis ran for the county clerk position, did she OPENLY STATE that she would NOT issue licenses to gay couples, as both her position description states and the law mandates???

Do you know why she isn't being impeached?

Because her CONSTITUENTS, who placed her in that office, AGREE WITH HER. The people who elected her believe she is doing the right thing.

What the fuck business is it of anybody else, if they are happy and nobody is being hurt? The good judge in Texas, who refused for THREE FUCKING YEARS to issue marriage licenses to ANYBODY came under no such censure. And good Christians did not drag her to court and sue her worthless ass because THEY DIDN'T CARE. We understand what freedom is, and what a conscience is, and how it should be applied and how it should be allowed to be applied.

Every person in this country has the right to act their conscience, as long as they are not hurting anybody. That includes court administrators, judges and teachers. Reasonable accommodation should always be considered, and this woman requested REASONABLE accommodation. What is not reasonable is that fags are TARGETING people they know are Christian, and demanding that they be *served*. And when they are not, they get the backing of big money lobbyists and the ACLU to go after, sue, imprison, destroy those people.

That is not reasonable. That is unreasonable, and wars have been fought over less.
Oh, just caught this. Another gem from Allie......judges DON'T ISSUE marriage licenses. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
No, the judge has let her out and is pretending that the licenses are valid even though she has not consented to their issuance with her name on the licenses.

Kim and Christianity won.

Get used to it, fruitcake.

It is hard to believe that you could be THAT stupid and still turn your computer on (unless someone turns it on for you.)

Unless you can point out my mistake, then you are just spewing more Fag Mafia bullshit.

This is a win for Kim, for Biblical Christianity and for all that is pure and right and Godly.
Supreme Court in June made gay marriage legal across the United States in violation of States rights.

Well, moron, in Brown v. Board of Ed, the SCOTUS ALSO told states that federal law supersedes the slavery mentality of bigots (like you.)

Racial rights were supported by the majority of the nation.
Equating race rights with marriage is not the same.
Gays go against natures laws.
2 roosters or 2 hens do not make new chickens.
Marriage is a human construct.....and if you seem to think it's all about procreation, show us a civil marriage law that requires proof of ability and desire to procreate.
Then what did you mean when you said - Davis' brand of evangelical Christianity is younger than she is.

Davis' evangelical offshoot did not exist until the 1960s......Probably a brand of Christianity that better tolerates her 3 divorces and 4 marriages.

What offshoot?
None of Christianity has tolerated divorce. That is the left who is for divorce and single mothers.
She is forgiven by God when she accepted Jesus as her savior 4 1/2 years ago. Sorry if some here don't understand that he died for our sins.
Jesus told the adulter you are forgiven go and sin no more.
America has had sodomy laws from the beginning of the nation until 2003 when the activist courts got rid of all of them.
What a pant-load.
Unless you can point out my mistake, then you are just spewing more Fag Mafia bullshit.

Hey, moron, are gay couples now DULY married in that county?
Yes or no???

If you can twist that around as a "victory" for bible-thumpers, than you're as stupid as the rest of your cadre of morons.
However she is also in a position to recuse herself, or refuse to issue. It's a sad state of affairs when elected officials and business owners must commit sacrilege to maintain their position....despite the fact that they have requested reasonable accommodation.

Just a few more brain cells in your empty head, kosher and you too would realize that there is a MAJOR difference between an "elected official" and a "business owner".

When Davis ran for the county clerk position, did she OPENLY STATE that she would NOT issue licenses to gay couples, as both her position description states and the law mandates???

Do you know why she isn't being impeached?

Because her CONSTITUENTS, who placed her in that office, AGREE WITH HER. The people who elected her believe she is doing the right thing.

What the fuck business is it of anybody else, if they are happy and nobody is being hurt? The good judge in Texas, who refused for THREE FUCKING YEARS to issue marriage licenses to ANYBODY came under no such censure. And good Christians did not drag her to court and sue her worthless ass because THEY DIDN'T CARE. We understand what freedom is, and what a conscience is, and how it should be applied and how it should be allowed to be applied.

Every person in this country has the right to act their conscience, as long as they are not hurting anybody. That includes court administrators, judges and teachers. Reasonable accommodation should always be considered, and this woman requested REASONABLE accommodation. What is not reasonable is that fags are TARGETING people they know are Christian, and demanding that they be *served*. And when they are not, they get the backing of big money lobbyists and the ACLU to go after, sue, imprison, destroy those people.

That is not reasonable. That is unreasonable, and wars have been fought over less.
Oh, just caught this. Another gem from Allie......judges DON'T ISSUE marriage licenses. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
She is talking about the judge that refuses to officiate heterosexual marriages, duh.

I know you libtbards are too simpleminded to figure out what she is talking about, so here is something to help you, poor dears.

Lesbian judge refuses to officiate heterosexual marriage ceremonies

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