Kim Davis...and the Judge's "mistake"

Supreme Court in June made gay marriage legal across the United States in violation of States rights.

Well, moron, in Brown v. Board of Ed, the SCOTUS ALSO told states that federal law supersedes the slavery mentality of bigots (like you.)

Racial rights were supported by the majority of the nation.
Equating race rights with marriage is not the same.
Gays go against natures laws.
2 roosters or 2 hens do not make new chickens.
Marriage is a human construct.....and if you seem to think it's all about procreation, show us a civil marriage law that requires proof of ability and desire to procreate.
Marriage is an institution established by God Himself.
Supreme Court in June made gay marriage legal across the United States in violation of States rights.

Well, moron, in Brown v. Board of Ed, the SCOTUS ALSO told states that federal law supersedes the slavery mentality of bigots (like you.)

Racial rights were supported by the majority of the nation.
Equating race rights with marriage is not the same.
Gays go against natures laws.
2 roosters or 2 hens do not make new chickens.

And newly married elderly couple does not make new chickens either, so what's your point?
However she is also in a position to recuse herself, or refuse to issue. It's a sad state of affairs when elected officials and business owners must commit sacrilege to maintain their position....despite the fact that they have requested reasonable accommodation.

Just a few more brain cells in your empty head, kosher and you too would realize that there is a MAJOR difference between an "elected official" and a "business owner".

When Davis ran for the county clerk position, did she OPENLY STATE that she would NOT issue licenses to gay couples, as both her position description states and the law mandates???

Do you know why she isn't being impeached?

Because her CONSTITUENTS, who placed her in that office, AGREE WITH HER. The people who elected her believe she is doing the right thing.

What the fuck business is it of anybody else, if they are happy and nobody is being hurt? The good judge in Texas, who refused for THREE FUCKING YEARS to issue marriage licenses to ANYBODY came under no such censure. And good Christians did not drag her to court and sue her worthless ass because THEY DIDN'T CARE. We understand what freedom is, and what a conscience is, and how it should be applied and how it should be allowed to be applied.

Every person in this country has the right to act their conscience, as long as they are not hurting anybody. That includes court administrators, judges and teachers. Reasonable accommodation should always be considered, and this woman requested REASONABLE accommodation. What is not reasonable is that fags are TARGETING people they know are Christian, and demanding that they be *served*. And when they are not, they get the backing of big money lobbyists and the ACLU to go after, sue, imprison, destroy those people.

That is not reasonable. That is unreasonable, and wars have been fought over less.
Oh, just caught this. Another gem from Allie......judges DON'T ISSUE marriage licenses. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
She is talking about the judge that refuses to officiate heterosexual marriages, duh.

I know you libtbards are too simpleminded to figure out what she is talking about, so here is something to help you, poor dears.

Lesbian judge refuses to officiate heterosexual marriage ceremonies
Officiate, not sign the paperwork license. me that it is a mandatory part of a judge's job description to perform wedding ceremonies.......I've asked Allie already and have yet to see anything but whining from her so far.
Note: It is part of the clerk's job description to issue marriage licenses...Kim Davis was refusing to do her job.
IS it part of a judge's job description to have to perform ceremonies for those getting married? If the answer is yes, you have a valid comparison. Well?
Same thing, dear, in Christian theology.

Gee, all these years that I've been muttering, "Jesus Christ, give me a break", I could have instead said, "Paul the Roman, give me a break"???
Supreme Court in June made gay marriage legal across the United States in violation of States rights.

Well, moron, in Brown v. Board of Ed, the SCOTUS ALSO told states that federal law supersedes the slavery mentality of bigots (like you.)

Racial rights were supported by the majority of the nation.
Equating race rights with marriage is not the same.
Gays go against natures laws.
2 roosters or 2 hens do not make new chickens.

And newly married elderly couple does not make new chickens either, so what's your point?

How do you know that they did not have children when they were young?
This a beginning. Bakers and public officials then Disney and next church. Soon we will see the law suit. And with judges like this tyrant we can expect more of out liberty stolen. This is how rebellions start. Does no politician ever read history?

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The judge was doing his job. The clerk was not and she should remain in jail.
I am sure you will feel the same when the come for you

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"the come for you".....tell us how smart you are.
You think you can get liberals to defend Muslims while attacking Christians on issues that are similar.

You can't, because you're stupid.

You're no liberal, you are a leftist.

The left attacks Christians every single day for acts they defend in Muslims. Treatment of other faiths, treatment of women, treatment of homosexuals, etc.

That we even have the debate of whether to publish the cartoons illustrates the point. Artistic exhibitions that offend Christians have been displayed in America and Europe without violent reprisal. Whether it’s “Piss Christ” or paintings of the Virgin Mary toting a gun, followers of the Virgin Mary’s religion don’t come running in with guns and bombs. There have been some exhibitions, such as Cosimo Cavallaro’s “Chocolate Jesus,” that have been canceled due to pressure from organized Christian groups, but the pressure in that case came through boycotts, not bloodshed.

A comparable depiction of Muhammad would never even get past the approval stage of a major museum. Jesus is depicted frequently in cartoons and comedic television shows, but Muhammad is almost always censored in depictions.

Let’s Blame Christianity For Everything, And Islam For Nothing
There's poor the party...trying to tell people what they are and what they think......again......and then can't figure out why they are all rolling their eyes at him and laughing. :rolleyes: :lol:
No. He/she is saying the discrimination is the same.

So discrimination against certain forms of behavior is wrong?

I admit it, I have discriminated against the behavior known as "rape" my entire life. Now you tell me that standing against race is the same as lynching black people.....
And now...Uncensored demonstrates that he has no concept of the difference between behavior that is legal and hurts no one, and behavior that is against the law and actually hurts other human beings.

I'd watch out for him, if I were you.
Too bad they found the key, the religious hypocrite-bigot needs to spend more time looking at the walls.

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