Kim Potter Found Guilty

"Poor kids are just as smart as white kids"--the Vegetable

This mindset is built into the left

Kids can be smarter or dumber than their parents, and their future should not be dictated by the wealth of their parents who can't afford to send them to a good school.
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It was a royal “you”, lord don’t be so sensitive.

5%. That’s what has you so angry.
One more response to that chart you just posted. It shows that black applicants are admitted at a lower rate than whites. That means nothing. It just shows how much lower the grades and scores of blwck applicants are - that even with the “Lower Black Standards,” they still aren’t getting in to the same degree. That is how much lower, on average, the black applicants are!

That’s because there’s a limit to how low a med school can go as far as base requirements. If they wanted the same percentage of blacks to be accepted as whites, they’d have to lower the cut-off to BELOW a B average. For blacks. All while rejecting the whites with a 3.7.

If you weren’t so deluded by your sense of liberal superiority, and your acceptance of racist policies that discriminate against whites, you could learn something from me.
I thought juries were racist and couldn't find cops guilty of killing a black person even with a flashlight. Or are those just juries that make decisions you don't like?

We’re not blocking blacks from going to prestigious schools IF they qualify based on uniform standards. But when you deny the superior student a slot because he’s white, and Instead admit the mediocre black kid in his place, that’s racist.

Again, you are just adjusting for the advantages the white kid had in a racist society.. How many unqualified kids get into prestigious schools because they are legacies or their parents make big contributions?

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Why did only one officer shoot? She was not alone. The others were no danger? Babbitt was murdered. And Wright has broken the law many times. According to you that is a good enough reason to kill someone.

What are you, racist?

If you watch the video, you can see that only Kim had free hands that could draw a weapon.
The other 2 cops were holding onto the suspect and trying to hold onto the car as it started moving.
There was some danger.
It happened very fast.

How Daunte Wright led a life of crime and violence before his death and shot his own friend in the head, broke into a neighbor's home, and robbed a woman at gunpoint​

  • Daunte Wright had led a life of crime and violence in the years before his death, can reveal
  • The 20-year-old was involved in the shooting of two of his school friends, a home burglary, and previously assaulted and robbed a woman at gunpoint
  • Jennifer LeMay said Wright shot her son, Caleb Livingston, 18, in the head and at a gas station and left him to die in an incident in Minneapolis in May 2019
  • Caleb now suffers from a traumatic brain injury and respiratory arrest, and is bound to a wheelchair. He cannot speak and requires 24/7 care
  • LeMay said: 'I have mixed emotions about [Wright's] death, part of me is content knowing he'll never be able to hurt someone again'
  • 'But then the other part is furious. When Kim Potter killed him, she took away any possibly for him to be held criminal accountable for what he did,' she added
  • Another woman, identified only as CV, told Wright assaulted her and pointed a gun at her in an attempted robbery in December 2019
  • And in 2017, Wright was arrested and charged with felony 1st degree burglary of an occupied dwelling after breaking into his friend's parent's home
What a great guy.. He was turning his life around by ignoring a warrant for his arrest, a career of lifelong felonies including attempted murder and home invasions.
If you comply with a police officer's instructions or you're not a criminal, chances are you'll survive every encounter you have with the police.
The conviction of Kim Potter in the accidental death of Duante Wright is a travesty of Justice.
He was resisting arrest and attempting to flee when he was shot. Had he complied with the orders of the police that day he would have been released before the arresting officer could complete filing the arrest report.
Joey believes that blacks are not smart enough to compete on a level playing field.
Except America isn't a level playing field and never was... When we get to a level playing field, then you can come back to me, Ditchweed.

Except there is nothing clear about it. And it’s not even true. No. It wasn’t.
What the eff are you talking about? You didn't even address the points I made.
If you watch the video, you can see that only Kim had free hands that could draw a weapon.
The other 2 cops were holding onto the suspect and trying to hold onto the car as it started moving.
There was some danger.
It happened very fast.
There was no danger.
Nope….I don’t want to go after minorities, although of course that’s how you’d phrase it. I just want kids to get admitted without racism against whites, which is what affirmative action is.

As an anti-white racist liberal, you are ignoring the unfair bias in favor of lower-performing blacks. And as I said, if there were truly a problem with rich white kids getting in, we would see that reflected in the stats. We don’t.

As far as your doing “some” work in med school admissions, I’m guessing your kid applied to med school, and that’s your work. I worked in a med school admissions program for four years, and I saw what went on.

Deserving white kids with a 3.7 or 3.8 got rejected, and blacks with a 3.2 got in. And what you ended up with was a class where the white students excelled, and 2/3rds of the black students, who were admitted ONLY because of skin color, had to have tutors for all four years.

You are wrong.
The reality is that a Black kid with a 3.2 likely is smarter and a harder worker than a white kid with a 3.7 GPA.
That is because the white kid likely has traveled, been tutored, had access to lots of books, computers, internet, etc.
And statistically Blacks are extremely disadvantaged in comparison.
And even if there was no inherent discrimination against the Blacks kid's educational preparation, it is still good to have affirmative action so that college students get enough exposure to other cultures and races.
One more response to that chart you just posted. It shows that black applicants are admitted at a lower rate than whites. That means nothing. It just shows how much lower the grades and scores of blwck applicants are - that even with the “Lower Black Standards,” they still aren’t getting in to the same degree. That is how much lower, on average, the black applicants are!

That’s because there’s a limit to how low a med school can go as far as base requirements. If they wanted the same percentage of blacks to be accepted as whites, they’d have to lower the cut-off to BELOW a B average. For blacks. All while rejecting the whites with a 3.7.

If you weren’t so deluded by your sense of liberal superiority, and your acceptance of racist policies that discriminate against whites, you could learn something from me.

The reality is that the same % of intelligent Blacks exist as intelligent whites.
In fact, whites really are just a type of Black with a melanin deficiency from too much inbreeding.
Since about 15% of the population is Black, then about 15% of the doctors should be Black.
If not, then there is evil racism going on.
right there….you’re assuming the black kids are poor and whites are rich. Otherwise, why are you only focused on poor kids who are black? What about the white kid from the poor background who loses his spot to a rich, or even middle class, black kid?

and I’m pointing out that y’all don’t seem to care that middle class blacks with mediocre grades and scores are getting in ahead of poor white kids with much better grades.

and here the unfortunate truth: the blacks admitted under the lower standards struggle to keep up with their white classmates who had to meet a much higher standard to get into the program. As would be expected.

You are right, I don't really care that poor white kids are getting rejected in favor of middle class black kids.

Simply put, because the poor white kid who ends up going to a state university is STILL going to have a much better time after graduation, due to the inherent racism of the job market.

So let's review what we are talking about. We have a hierarchy of education. It's better to be a graduate of Harvard than UIC. Why? Are there super secret books at Harvard they refused to show us at UIC? Nope. the only thing that is different is having a degree from Harvard or Yale opens you up to a whole network of affluence and power that those of us who went to UIC didn't have.

So, yeah, absolutely, we need to give black kids an advantage to access this to break up the power structure in this country...and if that means putting in a little more effort because he has a slightly lower GPA or SAT score, I'm good with that.
There was no danger.

Realistically there was very little danger, but once the car started to move, that likely scared all the people who were in the doorways, with their toes potentially under where the wheel was going to roll.
Doors could have slammed, clothing could have gotten caught, people could have been dragged, etc.
It would have been a startling emotional response.
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It does tell the story: that whites with high grades and scores are being rejected while blacks with lower grades and scores are accepted. The Dem Denial is strong with you.

And of course I know that med schools, as part of the liberal world, have moved to “holistic“ scoring as a way to explain away why blacks with lower scores and grades get admitted instead of whites with much better academic ability. They‘ve even “dumbed down” the MCAT recently so as to flatten the difference between blacks and whites and their admissions rates.

I, unlike leftists who are fine with racism (when it hurts whites), am opposed to adjusting admissions requirements depending on race.

Whites scoring higher does not mean they are smarter or will make better doctors.
The tests are not very good.
When I was a kid they taught us how to take these tests and do well.
I can do almost twice as well as those who have not had training in how to take test like this.
Nope, he shot her as she was attempting to break through a barricade to get to the people he was charged to protect. Had she made it through all the rest would have followed and they would have been overran. I would have taken the same shot....tell you what, come climb though a window in my house and see what happens to you

As it was that one bullet stopped the entire mob of cowards short and they all ran away like the pussies they are.

There was no murder, there was a lawful use of deadly force that was well executed.

Since a shot in the air or ground would have been sufficient, then it clearly was murder.
It was not your house, but a gov building the protestors had an equal right to be in.
Everything is relative. A 3.2 GPA is pretty mediocre when you consider that whites with 3.7 and 3.8 routinely get rejected.

No, it just shows you can't just use arbitrary numbers. A black kid who gets a 3.2 GPA despite going to a mediocre school compared to a white kid who got a 3.7 after going to good prep schools.... I would be more impressed with the black kid.
No. It’s not. It just feels real to you because you have delusions. You’re an asshole. When folks notice that about you, it isn’t because of your rave. It’s because you’re an asshole.
You're wrong. But that's expected because you're a right wing white person. Since institutional racism doesn't happen to you it can't exist. In your psychosis, it's normal for you to see discrimination against blacks every day because in your delusions we don't work as hard or have the education like every white person you know. You see the racism every day and there is little doubt that you participate in it. That's why you deny it.
Your Leftism has fried your brain. If you’re fine with racist policies that deny med school admission to top-scoring whites in order to grant admission to blacks with much, MUCH lower scores and grades, then I give up. All you’ve done is prove that liberals are fine with racism.

Your convoluted “reasoning” that since only 5% of blacks are in med school, which is FALSE by the way - it’s at least twice that - that means whites need to be in the top 5% scorers among whites is so nonsensical - and riddled with racism - that it’s impossible to engage with you.

No, it is scientific proven fact the tests are racially biased.
Smarter Blacks do not do as well on them as dumb whites.
Since a shot in the air or ground would have been sufficient, then it clearly was murder.

No it would not have, she would have still made it through the window had he done that.

It was not your house, but a gov building the protestors had an equal right to be in.

Not in that part of it they did not.

The White House is a Gov building, go try and walk into it without asking and let us know how it goes once you are out of jail.
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All because he thought he could ignore police and fight with them. It’s lefties like you that brainwash these young blacks into thinking that way. That they are being targeted because they are black, so they have a “right” to fight back and ignore cops and go back to doing whatever they want.

I don't think they need me to tell them they are being targeted... they just need to look at the roll call of blacks who have been killed by police of white vigilantes to know they are.

Duante Wright. Ahmed Abery. George Floyd. Laquan McDonald. Michael Brown. Botham Jean, Sandra Bland. Tamir Rice. Trayvon Martin. Philandro Castile.

Didn't listen to the police isn't a good enough reason to kill someone.
Maybe white are able to listen to authorities. They just don't tend to be stupid

theHawk said:
All because he thought he could ignore police and fight with them. It’s lefties like you that brainwash these young blacks into thinking that way. That they are being targeted because they are black, so they have a “right” to fight back and ignore cops and go back to doing whatever they want.


It is right wingers like this who allow white cops to murder blacks, claim they did so because they were scared while letting dangerous whites who have committed crimes live.
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I assume you also are pleased that a Colorado truck driver, who was involved in an accident completely beyond his control, deserves the 110-year prison term the democrat judge slapped him with, no??? How about your hero Alec Baldwin, I would imagine you and all other democratic party fascists are chomping at bit to see his ass packed off to "maximum security" for a cool 15-years too, no??? :fu:
Right wing "tough on crime" laws took the sentence out of the judges hands, dumb ass.

There is something wrong with the law in Colorado if it compels a judge, as in this case, to hand down a sentence that he acknowledges is inappropriate and would not impose if he had a choice. The bind is a result of mandatory minimums adopted in the 1990s as part of a “tough on crime” movement to show the public that lawmakers and district attorneys were taking rising violence seriously. Colorado’s version requires that each sentence for each crime be served consecutively
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