Kim Potter Found Guilty

The racism of higher ed admissions, in which two different standards are applied depending on whether you‘re black or white, has now bled over to the justice system. The punishment for a killing committed by a white, even in self-defense or by accident, will be harsh - and moreso if the victim is black. If a black commits a murder, and deliberately, there will be excuses, pressure to let him off, or very little will be heard about it.

Just look at the rash of trials covered on TV lately - all white defendants. Where’s the trial for the lowlife thug who murdered the retired cop?

Leftists say they’re opposed to racism. But they are actually promoting it - when it‘s against whites.
This is complete horseshit.

As for your last sentence more whites kill cops and we don't see those trials either.
You exhaust me. You honestly don’t know that medical schools accept blacks with grades and scores that have whites laughed out of the place? Whites with 3.7 end up having to give up their med school dreams while blacks with 3.4 get in. If you truly did “some work” in med school admissions, you’d know this.

Here are the stats, produced by the Association of American Medical Colleges - the organization which produces the MCAT and collects all stats on admission.

3.4 is a high GPA. But you're lying. The nation is not 100 percent white. All the doctors should not be white. Since there are 5 times more whites than blacks, there will be more high scoring whites numerically. So then a school should reflection the general population. Whites are the majority of medical students, they are not being discriminated against. If a black person argued about being discriminated against when they are the majority of students or employees, that person would be laughed out of court. Your argument is weak and silly based on the facts.
You exhaust me. You honestly don’t know that medical schools accept blacks with grades and scores that have whites laughed out of the place? Whites with 3.7 end up having to give up their med school dreams while blacks with 3.4 get in. If you truly did “some work” in med school admissions, you’d know this.

Here are the stats, produced by the Association of American Medical Colleges - the organization which produces the MCAT and collects all stats on admission.

But this data doesn’t tell the story you’re purporting.

Specifically, that these so called “top scoring” students being left out have been out-scored by the vast majority of their class. If the vast majority of the class has better grades, they’re clearly not top scoring.

But as someone in medical school admissions must know, grades and MCAT is not sufficient for admission. They don’t just rank on grades alone. You must know that.
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But this data doesn’t tell the story you’re purporting.

Specifically, that these so called “top scoring” students being left out have been out-scored by the vast majority of their class. If the vast majority of the class has better grades, they’re clearly not top scoring.

But as someone in medical school admissions must know, grades and MCAT is not sufficient for admission. They don’t just rank on grades alone. You must know that.
It does tell the story: that whites with high grades and scores are being rejected while blacks with lower grades and scores are accepted. The Dem Denial is strong with you.

And of course I know that med schools, as part of the liberal world, have moved to “holistic“ scoring as a way to explain away why blacks with lower scores and grades get admitted instead of whites with much better academic ability. They‘ve even “dumbed down” the MCAT recently so as to flatten the difference between blacks and whites and their admissions rates.

I, unlike leftists who are fine with racism (when it hurts whites), am opposed to adjusting admissions requirements depending on race.

"The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, known simply as the American Enterprise Institute, is a right-leaning Washington, D.C.–based think tank that researches government, politics, economics, and social welfare. AEI is an independent nonprofit organization supported primarily by contributions from foundations, corporations, and individuals. Founded in 1938, AEI is commonly associated with conservatism and neoconservatism."

The link is a right wing opinion from a right wing white male. So let's deny 2 and one half centuries of white racism. Here we see a classic example of:

“ Laissez Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America's racist social conditions and institutions.”
It does tell the story: that whites with high grades and scores are being rejected while blacks with lower grades and scores are accepted. The Dem Denial is strong with you.

And of course I know that med schools, as part of the liberal world, have moved to “holistic“ scoring as a way to explain away why blacks with lower scores and grades get admitted instead of whites with much better academic ability. They‘ve even “dumbed down” the MCAT recently so as to flatten the difference between blacks and whites and their admissions rates.

I, unlike leftists who are fine with racism (when it hurts whites), am opposed to adjusting admissions requirements depending on race.
Whites are the majority of med students. Whites are not being hurt.
It does tell the story: that whites with high grades and scores are being rejected while blacks with lower grades and scores are accepted. The Dem Denial is strong with you.

And of course I know that med schools, as part of the liberal world, have moved to “holistic“ scoring as a way to explain away why blacks with lower scores and grades get admitted instead of whites with much better academic ability. They‘ve even “dumbed down” the MCAT recently so as to flatten the difference between blacks and whites and their admissions rates.

I, unlike leftists who are fine with racism (when it hurts whites), am opposed to adjusting admissions requirements depending on race.
Like I said, those white kids who get rejected are automatically in the bottom 95% of the class, possibly lower, given that medical schools accept about 5% black students.

You claim this isn’t true.

That’s why I don’t get too shook up about it. Medical schools accept 60% white kids. The idea that white kids aren’t getting a chance just doesn’t resonate with me.
He murdered for intimidation purposes. His social media shows he was unbalanced and full of hate. You condone murder, you morally bankrupt SOB.

Nope, he shot her as she was attempting to break through a barricade to get to the people he was charged to protect. Had she made it through all the rest would have followed and they would have been overran. I would have taken the same shot....tell you what, come climb though a window in my house and see what happens to you

As it was that one bullet stopped the entire mob of cowards short and they all ran away like the pussies they are.

There was no murder, there was a lawful use of deadly force that was well executed.
Like I said, those white kids who get rejected are automatically in the bottom 95% of the class, possibly lower, given that medical schools accept about 5% black students.

You claim this isn’t true.

That’s why I don’t get too shook up about it. Medical schools accept 60% white kids. The idea that white kids aren’t getting a chance just doesn’t resonate with me.
Your Leftism has fried your brain. If you’re fine with racist policies that deny med school admission to top-scoring whites in order to grant admission to blacks with much, MUCH lower scores and grades, then I give up. All you’ve done is prove that liberals are fine with racism.

Your convoluted “reasoning” that since only 5% of blacks are in med school, which is FALSE by the way - it’s at least twice that - that means whites need to be in the top 5% scorers among whites is so nonsensical - and riddled with racism - that it’s impossible to engage with you.
Your Leftism has fried your brain. If you’re fine with racist policies that deny med school admission to top-scoring whites in order to grant admission to blacks with much, MUCH lower scores and grades, then I give up. All you’ve done is prove that liberals are fine with racism.

Your convoluted “reasoning” that since only 5% of blacks are in med school, which is FALSE by the way - it’s at least twice that - that means whites need to be in the top 5% scorers among whites is so nonsensical - and riddled with racism - that it’s impossible to engage with you.
Medical schools are about 5% black. 60% white.

Saying you can’t get into medical school because your white rings hollow when most of the class is white.

It’s clear you don’t understand what I’ve said because your synopsis of it makes no sense.
I posted a story about a white man who beat an officer with a hammer then drove offf. He lived. So stop asking dumb questions because he didn't contribute to anything. This was a stop that did not have to be made. That cop stopped him for a fucking air freshener hanging from a rear view mirror.
Not true. He had expired tags. Ever been pulled over for that reason? I have
Like I said, those white kids who get rejected are automatically in the bottom 95% of the class, possibly lower, given that medical schools accept about 5% black students.

You claim this isn’t true.

That’s why I don’t get too shook up about it. Medical schools accept 60% white kids. The idea that white kids aren’t getting a chance just doesn’t resonate with me.
Also, you can’t even read a chart! it’s not true that 60% of white kids get accepted. Look again. among the very, very best scoring whites, we still have 60% are accepted - meaning that 40% are rejected! But blacks scoring in that range? Fully 93% are accepted, and only 7% rejected!
Also, you can’t even read a chart! it’s not true that 60% of white kids get accepted. Look again. among the very, very best scoring whites, we still have 60% are accepted - meaning that 40% are rejected! But blacks scoring in that range? Fully 93% are accepted, and only 7% rejected!
I know, and you are drawing way too many conclusions based on it. For starters, that mixes applications to EVERY school. For example, a white kid may only apply to the best schools and black kids may only apply to the most average schools. That’s just a hypothetical that pokes holes in your use of the data.

Medical school enrollment is 5% of the class. Let’s say a white loses admission because of a black kid and let’s say they scored better than every black kid in the class. They’re still worse than 95% of the class who isn’t black.

That’s not a top scoring kid.
Medical schools are about 5% black. 60% white.

Saying you can’t get into medical school because your white rings hollow when most of the class is white.

It’s clear you don’t understand what I’ve said because your synopsis of it makes no sense.
You’re a complete idiot. And did I ever say that I applied to med school? I worked in admissions. You keep making up ridiculous accusations.

What‘s clear is that you don’t know how to read a chart.

And med schools are not 5% Black. That’s what they WOULD be if the leftists didn’t make it so much easier for them to get in - and to the detriment of more qualified Whites who are denied admission. You just make up lies.

Your complaint is that most of the class is white!? Well, first, most of the country is white. AND the whites - even more so the Asians - score much higher than blacks.

You’re a racist. Completely fine with policies that unfairly favor blacks over better qualified whites. It’s bad enough that affirmative action denies admission to well-qualified whites so that blacks with lower scores and grades get their spots, but then you DENY the racism of it all.
You’re a complete idiot. And did I ever say that I applied to med school? I worked in admissions. You keep making up ridiculous accusations.

What‘s clear is that you don’t know how to read a chart.

And med schools are not 5% Black. That’s what they WOULD be in the leftists didn’t make it so much easier for them to get in - and to the detriment of more qualified Whites who are denied admission. You just make up lies.

Your complaint is that most of the class is white!? Well, first, most of the country is white. AND the whites - even more so the Asians - score much higher than blacks.

You’re a racist. Completely fine with policies that unfairly favor blacks over better qualified whites. It’s bad enough that affirmative action denies admission to well-qualified whites so that blacks with lower scores and grades get their spots, but then you DENY the racism of it all.
It was a royal “you”, lord don’t be so sensitive.

5%. That’s what has you so angry.
I’m no longer going to lower myself to debate with you. I am an expert in med school admissions and am wasting my time arguing with a liberal who knows nothing about the system. You are the epitome of the arrogant liberal - thinks she knows more than an expert in the field.

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