Kim Potter Found Guilty

I did nothing of the sort. All I’ve done is say that if this is a problem, it is a small problem, that is massively overblown. People act like there are tons of these kids who just can’t get a break because of black kids being given a leg up. Statistics show that simply cannot be the case.

Statistics show they are. You are pretty arrogant to argue with someone who worked for years in med school admissions. You really are clueless as to what’s going on.
Yes and no….she truly thought she had the taker, so for that she did not intend to kill him, her recorded at time and subsequent actions, she immediately resigned, indicate to me at least a huge remorse. The fact she pulled him over for a minor offense based on profiling was reckless, and resulted in an unintended death. So yes, she does have pay because police are and should be held to a higher standard.

The reason it isn’t so clear to me is that this isn’t some rotten cop with a history of brutality, she was a good officer from everything I read. This wasn’t the calculated cruelty of Chauvin.

It was a tragic mistake and ultimately an unnecessary one that resulted in a loss of life, as the jury determined. So it is less clear cut to me because there isn’t really a villain, but that is Justice right?
It was an unfortunate mistake, but it was a crime. The stop was not necessary. This is justf a sad incident all the way around, but Kim Potter gets to live.
You’re just going with “what would make sense” - but isn’t true.

For the last time. statistics show that top-scoring white kids are getting turned away from med schools that are accepting blacks with much lower scores and grades.
What stats are showing is that low scoring white kids are getting in on legacy and that takes spots from higher scoring whites.
Except he wasn't pulled over for having a warrant. It was his mother's car. He was pulled over for expired tags.
Then he was cited for having a dreaded air freshener handing from his rear view mirror, which led to further harassment.
Then they found out he had warrants for petty offenses..

It was a pattern of escalation, which ended with him being shot.
he was nt being harassed. if he just followed the laws they never would have pulled him over,.
So let's shoot everyone who has an outstanding warrant for their arrest?
Please tell us why he tried to leave the scene with another Police 👮‍♀️ Officer in the car?!!!!
Did he “ deserve it “? No. Did he contribute to it? YES !!! That should have been considered
Statistics show they are. You are pretty arrogant to argue with someone who worked for years in med school admissions. You really are clueless as to what’s going on.
Stats don't show that. You ignore white legacy students, low scoring white children of large donors and things of that nature because you're a racist. You also ignore low scoring white women who are also admitted and white women are thhe largest beneficiary of Affirmative Action.

How Daunte Wright led a life of crime and violence before his death and shot his own friend in the head, broke into a neighbor's home, and robbed a woman at gunpoint​

  • Daunte Wright had led a life of crime and violence in the years before his death, can reveal
  • The 20-year-old was involved in the shooting of two of his school friends, a home burglary, and previously assaulted and robbed a woman at gunpoint
  • Jennifer LeMay said Wright shot her son, Caleb Livingston, 18, in the head and at a gas station and left him to die in an incident in Minneapolis in May 2019
  • Caleb now suffers from a traumatic brain injury and respiratory arrest, and is bound to a wheelchair. He cannot speak and requires 24/7 care
  • LeMay said: 'I have mixed emotions about [Wright's] death, part of me is content knowing he'll never be able to hurt someone again'
  • 'But then the other part is furious. When Kim Potter killed him, she took away any possibly for him to be held criminal accountable for what he did,' she added
  • Another woman, identified only as CV, told Wright assaulted her and pointed a gun at her in an attempted robbery in December 2019
  • And in 2017, Wright was arrested and charged with felony 1st degree burglary of an occupied dwelling after breaking into his friend's parent's home
What a great guy.. He was turning his life around by ignoring a warrant for his arrest, a career of lifelong felonies including attempted murder and home invasions.
If you comply with a police officer's instructions or you're not a criminal, chances are you'll survive every encounter you have with the police.
The conviction of Kim Potter in the accidental death of Duante Wright is a travesty of Justice.
He was resisting arrest and attempting to flee when he was shot. Had he complied with the orders of the police that day he would have been released before the arresting officer could complete filing the arrest report.
his estate was being sued for it all too.
he was nt being harassed. if he just followed the laws they never would have pulled him over,.
He was harrassed. And at the same time in Minnesota a white man beat police with a hammer, drove away and they eventually arrested him without using a taser or a gun and he still lives.

So this is nkot about somebody not following the law.
Ok please detail what I was wrong about.

What I pointed out were the facts of the case. They can't be argued.

1. He was fighting with police to run away.
2. There was a cop hanging out the passenger side when he tried to flee
3. He did have an active warrant for a weapons violation
4. He was under a protective order against his gf who he was in the car with.

So please tell me, where am I wrong?

We know she didn't mean to kill this person. But Alec Baldwin did the same thing. aimed a gun at someone and pulled the trigger killing them, but no charges were filed. Why not? Because he killed a white woman?
no because he is celebrity. celebs get passes not matter the color.
The entire point of ‘Trump’ was to defend white America from nonwhites changing American culture, replacing ‘real’ (white) Americans with ‘foreigners,’ and taking from white Americans their traditions and beliefs – which is fundamentally racist.
you are racist for posting those lies.
Please tell us why he tried to leave the scene with another Police 👮‍♀️ Officer in the car?!!!!
Did he “ deserve it “? No. Did he contribute to it? YES !!! That should have been considered
I posted a story about a white man who beat an officer with a hammer then drove offf. He lived. So stop asking dumb questions because he didn't contribute to anything. This was a stop that did not have to be made. That cop stopped him for a fucking air freshener hanging from a rear view mirror.
For the last time. statistics show that top-scoring white kids are getting turned away from med schools that are accepting blacks with much lower scores and grades.
As is your claim, but that cannot be possible. You keep repeating this thinking it will become true.

I’ve provided the logic thet shows it’s not true and you’ve yet to explain how I’m mistaken.
Joey believes that blacks are not smart enough to compete on a level playing field.
I know your white ass didn't say this. Are you on crack?

Whites have never competed on a level playing field and have been crying for the last 56 years because the government is trying to level it. So apparently you believe whites are not smart enough to compete on a level playing field.
So you say. We’ve yet to see these statistics.
You exhaust me. You honestly don’t know that medical schools accept blacks with grades and scores that have whites laughed out of the place? Whites with 3.7 end up having to give up their med school dreams while blacks with 3.4 get in. If you truly did “some work” in med school admissions, you’d know this.

Here are the stats, produced by the Association of American Medical Colleges - the organization which produces the MCAT and collects all stats on admission.


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