Kim Potter Found Guilty

That the racist right believes the killing of black suspects is justified because of who they are is abundantly documented and cannot be denied.
^ yet another lie. It isn’t “clear.” It isn’t even remotely true. And, of course, it can be and is denied. (Note: shithead Adam_Clayton conflates anyone on the right with “the racist right.”)
I know it’s their right, but they ARE rejecting better-scoring whites with higher grades in order to admit blacks who have worse grades and scores. It’s a racist policy that discriminates against whites.
I disagree. If the only criteria is race, you would have a point. There are schools that place a higher criteria on a religion for admittance… does that mean they discrimminate against atheists? Grades and test scores have never been the sole criteria. One state. School system (maybe California?) quit using test scores entirely, they automatically offer a spot to top 10 (or something) percent from every school. That means students from crappy schools have an equal chance as better schools. If test scores were the determining factor, many of those students would never get a chance. What they found was though many of those students struggled in the first year, if they offered good supportive services and courses they were able to catch, and were on par with their peers the second year and had similar graduation rates. At any rate, I’m off topic with this but it could make an interesting thread on it’s own.
Who said anything about a risk?

She's not a victim, she's a bad cop.
A “bad cop” is corrupt and would have meant to kill the perp and lied about the motive. There is zero evidence of anything close to that and she never lied. It was a lethal accident. I will continue to use the word accident but mistakes can have legal consequences. The verdict was overboard, but what’s new that’s our society for us currently.
The racism of higher ed admissions, in which two different standards are applied depending on whether you‘re black or white, has now bled over to the justice system. The punishment for a killing committed by a white, even in self-defense or by accident, will be harsh - and moreso if the victim is black. If a black commits a murder, and deliberately, there will be excuses, pressure to let him off, or very little will be heard about it.

Just look at the rash of trials covered on TV lately - all white defendants. Where’s the trial for the lowlife thug who murdered the retired cop?

Leftists say they’re opposed to racism. But they are actually promoting it - when it‘s against whites.
A simple look at who is incarcerated and who is not, or who ends up on death row or the juvenile detention system makes a lie out of that claim.
It was a pattern of escalation, which ended with him being shot
All because he thought he could ignore police and fight with them. It’s lefties like you that brainwash these young blacks into thinking that way. That they are being targeted because they are black, so they have a “right” to fight back and ignore cops and go back to doing whatever they want.
The only reason why Trump got nominated over the other 10 bags of bad ideas in 2016 was that he was open about his racism, from Birtherism to calling Mexicans rapists.

And your side voted for him anyway.
Trump voters voted for Trump because of Trump’s racism.

Finally, there was a presidential candidate who understood and pandered to the right’s unwarranted fear of nonwhites, diversity, and inclusion – someone who would fight for ‘white culture,’ someone who embraced white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.
A simple look at who is incarcerated and who is not, or who ends up on death row or the juvenile detention system makes a lie out of that claim.
Umm no it doesn’t. Looking at who is incarcerated just shows how much crime blacks commit. They still get second chances all the time, parole, early release. And yet they still fill the prisons. Failed liberal policies keep this cycle going.
Like elected leaders cops are given a lot power, therefor yes, the need to be held to a higher standard when comes to use of force.
LEOs should be held to the same standard as everyone else.

The problem is that at times that’s not the case, where LEOs are not subject to prosecution using their status as law enforcement as justification.
That’s not what’s happening, at least not in the admissions program I worked in. They had two separate admissions standards, an easy one for blacks and a much more demanding one for whites. As a result, whites with a 3.7 were routinely rejected while blacks with a 3.2 were welcomed in with open arms.

As far as parents donating money or legacies, how is that racist? Race doesn‘t enter into it, although I agree that the legacy policy is unfair.

What is most unfair is when a bright white kid from an underprivileged background, with excellent grades and scores, is rejected in favor of a black kid from a middle class background with lower grades and scores.
At the university where I work, the “bright white kid” from the under priveledged background is also given a higher consideration as they are also almost always the first generation in their family to go to college and that is it’s own priority, at least in my state.
LEOs should be held to the same standard as everyone else.

The problem is that at times that’s not the case, where LEOs are not subject to prosecution using their status as law enforcement as justification.
I disagree. The more power some is given, the higher the standard they should be held to.
No, you are a low life scumbag who always tries to make blacks who get killed by pplice into criminals. What violent behavior did he display? By all testimonies Wright was nothing you said. But you're racist garbage who will rot in hell unkess you change.
Hey dumb ass, he was a criminal, or did you not pay attention to the trial??? :auiqs.jpg: You fascists are quite literally impossibly fucking stupid, you cannot help selves you are so devoid of ability to critically think! "Daunte" is right where he belongs, the cop is not!
I disagree. If the only criteria is race, you would have a point. There are schools that place a higher criteria on a religion for admittance… does that mean they discrimminate against atheists? Grades and test scores have never been the sole criteria. One state. School system (maybe California?) quit using test scores entirely, they automatically offer a spot to top 10 (or something) percent from every school. That means students from crappy schools have an equal chance as better schools. If test scores were the determining factor, many of those students would never get a chance. What they found was though many of those students struggled in the first year, if they offered good supportive services and courses they were able to catch, and were on par with their peers the second year and had similar graduation rates. At any rate, I’m off topic with this but it could make an interesting thread on it’s own.
Yes, I know I’ve veered off topic, but it was an adjunct to the unfair bias NOW happening in the justice system. Basically, in order to correct historical inequity, liberals are forcing a swing too far in the opposite direction.

As far as admissions to the top 10% in each school - that’s Texas, by the way….interesting that it’s a red state, eh? - I’m for that at the state university level. NOT so for a highly demanding and complex program such as medical school, where the material is extremely difficult.

As you say, interesting topic for another thread. I’ll start it when I’m not worn out by it, as I am at the moment. I will say, though, from my work in admissions for a very competitive program, I have insights that few others do on this forum and am very well aware of the stats that show an extreme bias toward blacks and against whites.
If you want to think you know more than the jury did, I won't try to convince you otherwise. Don't be surprised if others laugh and point at you though.
Irony alert!!! Total cluelessness about self has no limits apparently. Back to back posts you’ve been telling us exactly what the jury knew and didn’t know. Projection 101: you earn an A+.
She should get a year in maximum security's general population.
I assume you also are pleased that a Colorado truck driver, who was involved in an accident completely beyond his control, deserves the 110-year prison term the democrat judge slapped him with, no??? How about your hero Alec Baldwin, I would imagine you and all other democratic party fascists are chomping at bit to see his ass packed off to "maximum security" for a cool 15-years too, no??? :fu:
Ok please detail what I was wrong about.

What I pointed out were the facts of the case. They can't be argued.

1. He was fighting with police to run away.
2. There was a cop hanging out the passenger side when he tried to flee
3. He did have an active warrant for a weapons violation
4. He was under a protective order against his gf who he was in the car with.

So please tell me, where am I wrong?

We know she didn't mean to kill this person. But Alec Baldwin did the same thing. aimed a gun at someone and pulled the trigger killing them, but no charges were filed. Why not? Because he killed a white woman?
That is kind of a false comparison. A veteran police officer should not have done what she did. Alec Baldwin had a gun that was not supposed to be loaded. He is an idiot, and charges could still be filed, but I’m not against whom.

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