Kim Potter Found Guilty

I did some admission in med school.

Overwhelmingly, the kids getting bumped are the rich white kids. Historically speaking they’re the ones making the most fuss. They can’t admit they’re being bumped by rich kids so they go after the minority kids.
The kids getting bumped (into a slot) are NOT the rich white kids. It’s the black kids, rich or poor. Take a look at who is getting accepted to med school with mediocre grades and scores. It’s the blacks.
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And as I said, if there were truly a problem with rich white kids getting in, we would see that reflected in the stats. We don’t.

I just think it’s a little absurd for a white kid to claim they can’t get into their school because there are too many black kids when the demographics will be 50% white and 8% black.
You can give your side of the argument but you can't deny people their opinions. Put the shoe on the other foot, what if someone told you your opinion was totally wrong. Opinions are neither right or wrong. They are not facts.
True, but sane people base their opinion on facts. What kind of idiot says "I don't care what the facts say. My opinion will never change" ?
You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.

Ok please detail what I was wrong about.

What I pointed out were the facts of the case. They can't be argued.

1. He was fighting with police to run away.
2. There was a cop hanging out the passenger side when he tried to flee
3. He did have an active warrant for a weapons violation
4. He was under a protective order against his gf who he was in the car with.

So please tell me, where am I wrong?

We know she didn't mean to kill this person. But Alec Baldwin did the same thing. aimed a gun at someone and pulled the trigger killing them, but no charges were filed. Why not? Because he killed a white woman?
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He was a trained officer and made a righteous shot. That one shot stopped an entire mob from breaching their barricade that was protecting the people the mob was chanting to the death of. Once he fired that one shot they all ran like the fucking cowards they are.

I personally hope he got a medal for his actions.
He murdered for intimidation purposes. His social media shows he was unbalanced and full of hate. You condone murder, you morally bankrupt SOB.
She wasn't even competent enough to quote the usual "get out of jail free" statement that all crooked cops memorize.
What do you derive from putting putting her down when you don’t know her?
That's better but I sure hope her sentences a lot less than they said it could be. I have no doubt whatsoever it was an honest mistake. Accidents happen especially in chaotic life and death situations.
I’m still wondering why the jury went with both charges, that first charge is overkill, no pun intended.
Kim Potter Found Guilty

For those playing along at home, she was the the cop who shot Daunte Wright because she couldn't tell the difference between her gun and her taser.

This is a good thing.
I like,to take an afternoon nap in mid afternoon.Around the time that the
verdict was announced.It was announced about an hour later than advertised
by the cable outlets.So I waited because I was fearful of a guilty verdict.
I was somewhat stunned by the verdict.The jury was having a problem
with reaching a verdict and went to the judge for advice.The Judge told them
to go back and give it another try.
When the verdict was read I watched the Police Woman.She seemed very
despondent.Like when one knows the end is near.Like an inevitable end.
Then when the judge rendered the decision to not allow bail,I was stunned
again.The Sentencing will be in Feburary.That means Police Woman will not see the
light of day again.It's over.She'll get quickly carted off to jail and by most estimates
Die in jail.All on account some Goddamned Colored kid thought it cute to ignore
a police order to explain an outstanding warrant.
The Skinny Prick colored boy had an outstanding warrant for attempted robbery
and choking his female victim while at gunpoint.
Isn't that about what George Floyd was guilty of in texas and was sentenced to
5 years in Prison.
It's one thing for these inner city colored to murder their own and then run off.
Blacks are taught to run off by other blacks.How many blacks are murdered in
Chicago and no arrests made.
I see where some black superintendent of schools was allowing teachers in her
charge to inform {teach }students that there really isn't any CRIME today.

I just think it’s a little absurd for a white kid to claim they can’t get into their school because there are too many black kids when the demographics will be 50% white and 8% black.
Are you just making numbers up? You didn’t work in admissions!

And so what if 50% of students are white? Given that 70% of the population is white, that shows they are being discriminated against.

And only 8% are black? You ARE a leftist, bigtime. Maybe blacks are scoring more poorly than whites, and that’s why. If standards were applied evenly, only about 1/3rd of the blacks who are in med school would have been acceded.

And where did you even get that 8% number? Where I worked, there was a goal to get the student body to 14% black, and they kept lowering the cut-off (for blacks) to make that happen. That meant that more and more whites, with much better grades and scores, were being rejected. The problem became of course, that if you lowered the grade requirement for blacks TOO much, in order to reach the goal, you run the risk of having students who just can’t master the material.

It became a balancing act: to what degree do we let in so-so black students, for diversity!!!, and risk them failing completely, making it look like (most) of the blacks shouldn’t be there in the first place, while of course having rejected white students who would have done quite well.

I know what I’m talking about. You don’t.
The legal definition of recklessness doesn’t appear to embrace or even consider the mistaking of a gun for a taser. In fact: The converse appears to be true.

There is literally no question that she made the tragic horrifying mistake. The question is whether that particular mistake comports with the legal definition of recklessness. I believe it does not.

If a dolt is playing with a loaded gun (especially knowing that it’s loaded and operable) and stupidly and carelessly fires off some rounds while being unconcerned with the prospect that some living people might be hurt in the process, that’s reckless.

By contrast, here, she had to have both a gun and a taser. She didn’t act recklessly. She made a simple mistake. A tragic one for sure. But just a mistake. By pulling the trigger on the gun (under the mistaken Assumption that she was holding her taser), she didn’t have any reason to believe that anyone was being put at risk of grave injury or death. It wasn’t, in that legal sense, “recklessness” as it is defined in Minnesota’s law.

Because we know that in such thorny legal analyses even judges can make mistakes, there are layers of appellate review. Here, I believe the definition of “recklessness” was either given incorrectly OR the jury failed to apply the actual evidence to the law in a legally acceptable fashion.

I don’t get a vote on their appellate bench. So, we will have to wait and see.
Jonathan Turley said the Judge was acting normal.By sticking to state law
regarding that state's mandate for that kind of Negligence.That the Judge was
going by the stricter applied standard for Reckless and Manslaughter.
Plus she was being her usual tough on crime.
But that doesn't explain the No Bail.The Judge could also have nullified the
jury due to not reaching a verdict.
Well, the last major lawsuit I could recall about this was the case against UT Austin from about 5 years ago.

UT Austin had 5% black enrollment.
So what? That doesn’t mean discrimination. That just means that blacks weren’t scoring as well as whites and not getting admitted.

Same with TJ in northern VA - a very prestigious and challenging public school, by which entrance was granted to the top scorers in their admissions test..

The liberals were upset because only about 3% were black. That was the percentage of blacks who scored well enough to compete against the whites and Asians and get a slot. So what did the racist liberals do? Screamed that there were too many whites and Asians in the school - AND ABOLISHED THE ENTRANCE EXAM. Then, they admitted lots more blacks, and declared it all a success.

I just think it’s a little absurd for a white kid to claim they can’t get into their school because there are too many black kids when the demographics will be 50% white and 8% black.
Also, no white kid said they can’t get it because “here are too many black kids.” They can’t get in because standards are lowered for black kids, thus diverting open slots from whites with better grades to blacks with worse grades. The admission stats show this to be true.
Jonathan Turley said the Judge was acting normal.By sticking to state law
regarding that state's mandate for that kind of Negligence.That the Judge was
going by the stricter applied standard for Reckless and Manslaughter.
Plus she was being her usual tough on crime.
But that doesn't explain the No Bail.The Judge could also have nullified the
jury due to not reaching a verdict.
My concern is less with the judge because I don’t know what she instructed the jury. My concern is that regardless of what she charged, the evidence in the case doesn’t support the “finding” by the jury that the elements were met.

Many judges would feel obligated not to allow a defendant “found” guilty of such serious crimes to be free on bail pending sentence. It appears to me that the judge actually agrees with the jury’s verdict. That’s a shame.

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