Kim Potter Found Guilty

A simple look at who is incarcerated and who is not, or who ends up on death row or the juvenile detention system makes a lie out of that claim.
That’s historical. In an effort to remove bias, liberals have swung too far in the opposite direction. Just look at how we have had ONLY whites made an example with TV trials, and we’ve heard virtually nothing about blacks who have killed in cold blood.

Why isn’t the black thug who killed the retired police captain on trial? And on TV? What about any of hundreds of other blacks who have killed, and killed whites?

And why was Kyle, who killed in self-defense, put on $2 million bond, but the black racist with a long criminal history released on $1000 bail after attempting to murder his girlfriend, only to kill six whites out of racist hatred? Will HIS trial be on TV?
Yes, I know I’ve veered off topic, but it was an adjunct to the unfair bias NOW happening in the justice system. Basically, in order to correct historical inequity, liberals are forcing a swing too far in the opposite direction.

As far as admissions to the top 10% in each school - that’s Texas, by the way….interesting that it’s a red state, eh? - I’m for that at the state university level. NOT so for a highly demanding and complex program such as medical school, where the material is extremely difficult.

As you say, interesting topic for another thread. I’ll start it when I’m not worn out by it, as I am at the moment. I will say, though, from my work in admissions for a very competitive program, I have insights that few others do on this forum and am very well aware of the stats that show an extreme bias toward blacks and against whites.
Would be interested in that thread and, I too work with admissions for the department I work for at a state university in a very red state :lol:
That’s historical. In an effort to remove bias, liberals have swung too far in the opposite direction. Just look at how we have had ONLY whites made an example with TV trials, and we’ve heard virtually nothing about blacks who have killed in cold blood.

Why isn’t the black thug who killed the retired police captain on trial? And on TV? What about any of hundreds of other blacks who have killed, and killed whites?

And why was Kyle, who killed in self-defense, put on $2 million bond, but the black racist with a long criminal history released on $1000 bail after attempting to murder his girlfriend, only to kill six whites out of racist hatred? Will HIS trial be on TV?

Dog bites man is not news. Finally holding police officers accountable for their actions is news.

To note though, the Jessie Smollett case was regularly on the news so.................................
At the university where I work, the “bright white kid” from the under priveledged background is also given a higher consideration as they are also almost always the first generation in their family to go to college and that is it’s own priority, at least in my state.
Which state? Some universities do indeed have “first in their family“ priorities - and that’s great. But these are race-blind, as they should be. The problem comes in when programs have different acceptance standards based on race. I am opposed to racist policies.
Would be interested in that thread and, I too work with admissions for the department I work for at a state university in a very red state :lol:
I’ll start the thread after the holiday weekend. I think it might become heated, and I’m starting to tire. It’s hard work fighting off the leftists! ;)

Also, do you mind telling me which state? I’m just curious.
I disagree. The more power some is given, the higher the standard they should be held to.
This comes off as sounding as if you advocate subjecting LEOs to criminal prosecution where a non-LEO wouldn’t be subject to criminal prosecution for the same offense, or subject to a more severe punishment than a non-LEO.

Which is likely not your intent – that would be both unfair and un-Constitutional.

‘Held to a higher standard’ in that a LEO will be subject to criminal prosecution the same as anyone else, and not given a pass because he is law enforcement.
^ THAT is the lie. She want committing any terrorism or an attempt to commit terrorism. And she clearly should not have been shot.
She was Murdered.It was caught on Video as she stumbled in a crowd to
the ground.Shot in the neck w/o as much a warning.Cops are instructed to
issue a Loud HALT before firing a gun.The Bad Capitol Cop who murdered her
had his Identity shielded for months.
If you want to know a better take listen to the 3 rd hour of Alex Jones
from Tuesday's broadcast.He interviewed a very key person under subpoena
before the January 6th committee.What the young man said will shock you.
He was placed in some back room with a fleet of like 6 professional attorneys.
Their attitude was like how Stalin's KGB operated.
He also detailed how those incarcerated in that DC Jail were treated.
About as Unamerican as it gets.Like what was shown in the jail scene of
- Raging Bull - { 1980 } I can't remember his name.He did say he was with
Jones on January 6th and they had a special permit to Protest in one section
around the Capitol Bldg.But when things went awry they tried to warn people
to stop and walk away.
So what? That doesn’t mean discrimination. That just means that blacks weren’t scoring as well as whites and not getting admitted.

Same with TJ in northern VA - a very prestigious and challenging public school, by which entrance was granted to the top scorers in their admissions test..

The liberals were upset because only about 3% were black. That was the percentage of blacks who scored well enough to compete against the whites and Asians and get a slot. So what did the racist liberals do? Screamed that there were too many whites and Asians in the school - AND ABOLISHED THE ENTRANCE EXAM. Then, they admitted lots more blacks, and declared it all a success.
It shows that if this is a problem, it’s a minuscule one. A kid who gets passed over because some black kid went before them also was at best in the bottom 5% and likely lower.
TWENTY 6 years, and she was justified in shooting him. Cops are not obligated to place their lives in danger. Wright created the situation that got him shot.

How was she justified in shooting an unarmed man? Don't give me that shit she didn't know she had a gun.
It's typical of you white supremeists. It happens every week but you still justify it with pathetic excuses covering your racism. Piss off with your meally mouth words.
It shows that if this is a problem, it’s a minuscule one. A kid who gets passed over because some black kid went before them also was at best in the bottom 5% and likely lower.
None of that is true. You just make up lies. The stats show that grades and scores that have whites kicked to the curb have blacks welcomed in with open arms. The whites getting passed over are getting top score and grades.

Just because you WANT TO DENY the racist policies against whites doesn’t mean they don’t exist,
That’s exactly what you’re complaining of.

You just don’t put it that way.
Nope. You’re doing the same shit that leftists do: accuse whites of being racist if they disagree with anti-white racist policies.

And to be more specific, it’s you LIBERALS who make the “too many” complaint. That was the specific complaint about TJ -that ”too many whites and Asians” were there.

You‘re so clueless about this topic that you don’t even know how clueless you are. That’s the sad thing.
None of that is true. You just make up lies. The stats show that grades and scores that have whites kicked to the curb have blacks welcomed in with open arms. The whites getting passed over are getting top score and grades.

Just because you WANT TO DENY the racist policies against whites doesn’t mean they don’t exist,
It’s logic. Since a lot of white kids get into the school, these kids who are being passed over are clearly getting lower scores than all those whites kids. So they can’t be getting “top scores”. The kids with top scores already get in.

Isn’t that right?
Kim Potter Found Guilty

For those playing along at home, she was the the cop who shot Daunte Wright because she couldn't tell the difference between her gun and her taser.

This is a good thing.
Wright was a piece of shit. She deserves a medal.
It’s logic. Since a lot of white kids get into the school, these kids who are being passed over are clearly getting lower scores than all those whites kids. So they can’t be getting “top scores”. The kids with top scores already get in.

Isn’t that right?
There is no systemic racism in this country in 2021-2022. Fuckers need to quit blaming failure on their race.
You’re doing the same shit that leftists do: accuse whites of being racist if they disagree with anti-white racist policies.
I did nothing of the sort. All I’ve done is say that if this is a problem, it is a small problem, that is massively overblown. People act like there are tons of these kids who just can’t get a break because of black kids being given a leg up. Statistics show that simply cannot be the case.
It’s logic. Since a lot of white kids get into the school, these kids who are being passed over are clearly getting lower scores than all those whites kids. So they can’t be getting “top scores”. The kids with top scores already get in.

Isn’t that right?
You’re just going with “what would make sense” - but isn’t true.

For the last time. statistics show that top-scoring white kids are getting turned away from med schools that are accepting blacks with much lower scores and grades.

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