Kim Potter Found Guilty

That the racist right believes the killing of black suspects is justified because of who they are is abundantly documented and cannot be denied.
No, that's bullshit. Duante was trying to kill a cop. Luckily, that cop's partner, Potter, stopped it from happening. Like a lot of black thugs he felt entitled to try to run from his crimes. he already shot one person in the head and made another lame, got popped on drug charges and held a gun to a woman's head. The little thug lived a life of crime and probably would have been rubbed out sooner or later anyway by another black thug. Potter is an unfortunate victim of racism against white cops.
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The entire point of ‘Trump’ was to defend white America from nonwhites changing American culture, replacing ‘real’ (white) Americans with ‘foreigners,’ and taking from white Americans their traditions and beliefs – which is fundamentally racist.
How? When did he ever say this? What policy actually enforced this?
I don't think they need me to tell them they are being targeted... they just need to look at the roll call of blacks who have been killed by police of white vigilantes to know they are.

Duante Wright. Ahmed Abery. George Floyd. Laquan McDonald. Michael Brown. Botham Jean, Sandra Bland. Tamir Rice. Trayvon Martin. Philandro Castile.

Didn't listen to the police isn't a good enough reason to kill someone.
A dozen famous ones, most of which were committing crimes, proves they are all being “targeted”? You really are dense.
That’s not what’s happening, at least not in the admissions program I worked in. They had two separate admissions standards, an easy one for blacks and a much more demanding one for whites. As a result, whites with a 3.7 were routinely rejected while blacks with a 3.2 were welcomed in with open arms.

As far as parents donating money or legacies, how is that racist? Race doesn‘t enter into it, although I agree that the legacy policy is unfair.

What is most unfair is when a bright white kid from an underprivileged background, with excellent grades and scores, is rejected in favor of a black kid from a middle class background with lower grades and scores.
It's been happening since this country was founded, there has been case after case.
Which state? Some universities do indeed have “first in their family“ priorities - and that’s great. But these are race-blind, as they should be. The problem comes in when programs have different acceptance standards based on race. I am opposed to racist policies.
WV. You still discriminating though and not excepting people on grades and test scores alone. Why should some discrimination be ok and others not?
I’ll start the thread after the holiday weekend. I think it might become heated, and I’m starting to tire. It’s hard work fighting off the leftists! ;)

Also, do you mind telling me which state? I’m just curious.
WV….and I agree, I’m hot and sweaty fighting off the rightists :lol:
WV. You still discriminating though and not excepting people on grades and test scores alone. Why should some discrimination be ok and others not?
My question exactly! Why are liberals OK with racism when it goes against whites, and object when it goes against blacks? Racist policies are racist policies, and they should be considered wrong no matter who is being treated unfairly.
No, that's bullshit. Duante was trying to kill a cop. Luckily, that cop's partner, Potter, stopped it from happening. Like a lot of black thugs he felt entitled to try to run from his crimes. he already shot one person in the head and made another lame, got popped on drug charges and held a gun to a woman's head. The little thug lived a life of crime and probably would have been rubbed out sooner or later anyway by another black thug. Potter is an unfortunate victim of racism against white cops.
He wasn’t trying to kill a cop, he was trying to get away.
My question exactly! Why are liberals OK with racism when it goes against whites, and object when it goes against blacks. Racist policies are racist policies, and they should be considered wrong no matter who is being treated unfairly.
I don’t see it as racist. The courts have agreed that colleges have right to select in such away as to promote a diverse student body as long as it isn’t a quota system. Schools have multiple criteria for admission, it is never based solely on gpa or test scores. Bringing in students from diverse backgrounds is generally beneficial to all. It is no different then selecting based on religion or first generation, it means some one else with better test scores, doesn’t get selected.

Isn‘t discrimination discrimination whether it is race or some other factor? Why does only race matter?
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My question exactly! Why are liberals OK with racism when it goes against whites, and object when it goes against blacks? Racist policies are racist policies, and they should be considered wrong no matter who is being treated unfairly.
Because pointing at racists like you and telling you to grow up and do better has not and is not working.
I don’t see it as racist. The courts have agreed that colleges have right to select in such away as to promote a diverse student body as long as it isn’t a quota system. Schools have multiple criteria for admission, it is never based solely on gpa or test scores. Bringing in students from diverse backgrounds is generally beneficial to all. It is no different then selecting based on religion or first generation, it means some one else with better test scores, doesn’t get selected.

Isn‘t discrimination discrimination whether it is race or some other factor? Why does only race matter?
Worthwhile topic for discussion, but I’m tired - and we are off topic. Watch for me to start a thread on this after the weekend, and we’ll take it up then.

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